Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 247 Creating the Giant Reincarnation Eye The Giant Reincarnation Eye.

The reason why Tsukuyomi's Mangekyō Sharingan pupil technique is called an unsolvable offensive genjutsu is because of its timeliness and persistence.

The timeliness of Tsukuyomi is easy to understand. As long as you make eye contact with the caster, Tsukuyomi will take effect immediately. There is no delay in taking effect.

As for continuity, that's better understood.

From the time the enemy was hit by the genjutsu Tsukuyomi to the time he came into contact with the genjutsu Tsukuyomi in the real world, less than a second may have passed.

But within this second, the flow of time in Tsukuyomi space will be greatly slowed down, and the enemy may have to stay in Tsukuyomi space for 72 hours.

In other words, the actual duration of the illusion Tsukuyomi is less than one second. Before the person who has been hit by the illusion can react to cancel the illusion, his consciousness has been tortured by the caster in the Tsukuyomi space for three days. various tortures.

As long as you are hit by such an illusion, there is rarely a way to undo it other than resisting.

It is precisely because of this that Akira Hatake, who comes from the future, chose to use the illusion of Tsukuyomi to convey news from the future.

In the future, Akira Hatake wants to use the characteristics of the Tsukuyomi technique to avoid as much as possible a parallel world derived from the Naruto world due to drastic changes in the timeline.

Obviously, the future Akira Hatake succeeded.

The disappearance of the future Akira Hatake, the future Uchiha Sasuke, and the future Uzumaki Naruto at the same time is the best evidence.

If the three of them don't disappear...

Then it should be Hatake Akira who should have a headache.


When Hatake Akira's consciousness returned to his own, Uchiha Fugaku beside him couldn't help but say, "The two boys just now..."

"Forget about them."

Less than a second passed in the real world, and the disappearance of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto naturally seemed very abrupt.

It was normal for Uchiha Fugaku to ask such a question.


Hatake Akira's words made Uchiha Fugaku stunned, "But..."

"Clan Chief Fugaku, there's nothing wrong with that."

Hatake Akira's voice became much heavier, "If you don't want big changes in the future to cause unnecessary trouble, I hope you can forget about them two, and..."

He looked deeply at Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hizashi who were meditating, "You must let me seal your current memories. This matter is non-negotiable."


Uchiha Fugaku groaned, "At the age of ten, the three magatama's Sharingan...can't really cause big changes in the future."

After just thinking for a moment, Uchiha Fugaku made the most correct choice.

"Ming, let's start."

Hatake Akira did not hesitate. The moment Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, Hatake Akira raised his hand and used a sealing technique to quickly seal the memories of Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto in Uchiha Fugaku's mind.

"Ming, Hinata Hizu, what happened just do I feel..."

"Nothing special happened."

Hatake Akira shook his head, "Just because of your own choice, I sealed some important memories for you."

"This..." Uchiha Fugaku frowned, "I remember this, but it still feels a little weird..."

Ignoring the frowning and thoughtful Uchiha Fugaku, Hatake Akira turned to look at Hinata Hinashi who was standing aside.

"Chief of the Rizu Clan, it's your turn."


Hinata Hizashi did not resist, not because he trusted Hatake Akira, but because Uchiha Fugaku had learned from the past, and he knew that Hatake Akira was not playing tricks.

Following the same pattern, Hatake Akira also sealed Hinata Hizatsu's memory of this period.

"Okay, let's continue the mission."

"Dragon veins, dragon veins that are not sealed!"

An Lushan's strength is not very strong, but in a small country like Loulan, it can be said to be invincible.

And everyone should not forget that An Lushan still has the seal of time on his body. With the two added together, An Lushan rushed all the way with absolute advantage, captured the Queen of Loulan Kingdom as quickly as possible, and brought her to Next to the dragon vein in Loulan underground.

"Who are you……"

The Queen of Loulan Kingdom was filled with anger, "Don't you know how important dragon vein is to our Loulan Kingdom?!"


An Lushan sneered, "I don't know the importance of dragon veins, it is even more important to me!"

"After all... the power of dragon vein is so tempting. Mastering it is equivalent to mastering the world!"

"I will use the power of dragon veins to create a world dominated by me. Let that loser Akira Hatake see that not choosing me was the stupidest decision he has ever made in his life!"


A sneer sounded from An Lushan's side, "I want to see how confident you are to say such incompetent words!"

An Lushan was stunned for a moment, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, but then it immediately disappeared, replaced by a look of pride.

"Seal of Time!"

An Lushan slammed one hand to the ground, and a series of complex and changeable sealing runes spread rapidly around.

"Hatake Akira, you didn't expect that?!"

An Lushan was very proud, "Do you feel that you can't use the Flying Thunder God technique?"

"Do you feel that the flow of time around you is wrong?!"

"Hatake Akira!"

An Lushan suddenly roared and his facial expression became ferocious, "Do you think you are invincible in the world?"


"Although many things are done by you in the future, no matter the past or the future, it is you!"

"Then I, who comes from the future, will use your favorite forbidden technique to make you feel my helplessness and pain at that time!"

"Suffer death, Akira Hatake!"

As soon as he finished speaking, An Lushan controlled the seal of time to increase the speed of time around him, making him seem to have transcended time, and increasing his own speed to a terrifying level.

Almost instantly, An Lushan came to Hatake Akira's side, and the kunai in his hand stabbed Hatake Akira's neck.


The sound of the blade entering flesh was heard.

It's just that the one who was injured was not Hatake Akira, but An Lushan!

"How is it can you...not be affected by the seal of time...this...this! No! It's not possible!"

"So much nonsense!"

Hatake Akira didn't explain too much, but turned the flying thunder god kunai in his hand, and then added a fatal blow.

"You'd better go to the Pure Land and think about the whole thing slowly."

Hatake Ming pushed An Lushan's dead body, and then focused his attention on Queen Loulan.

"Queen, you are frightened..."

"You, who are you?!"

A series of events turned Queen Loulan's mind into a complete mess.

She was kidnapped first, and then Hatake Akira suddenly appeared, and seemed to have some conflicts with the person who kidnapped him...

In the end, the kidnapper named An Lushan was easily killed by Hatake Akira.

The most important thing is that all this happened so fast that the Queen of Loulan Kingdom had no time to react.

"Me? Konoha ninja Akira Hatake."

"But I remember that we didn't ask Konoha for help regarding the Dragon Vein Uprising..."

"We just came uninvited."

Hatake Ming said softly, and then walked into the Queen of Loulan Kingdom, "I'm sorry, Queen!"

Before Queen Loulan could react, Hatake Ming's palm slapped her abdomen.

Sealing Technique·Contract Seal!

"You and I……"

The Queen of Loulan Kingdom's eyes widened, and then she looked horrified, "What did you do to me!"

"It just terminates the contractual relationship between you and Dragon Vein."

Hatake Ming said lightly, then put away his palms and focused his eyes on the dragon veins of Loulan Kingdom that were constantly surging and rioting.

Contract sealing is essentially a sealing technique that dissolves the contract between humans and psychic beasts.

Although the application of this technique seems to be limited to this aspect, its essence is not limited to the relationship between humans and psychic beasts.

Contracts between people and other creatures or objects can also be lifted by contract seals.

It can be said that as long as there is a contractual relationship, then the sealing technique of contract seal can take effect and unilaterally terminate all contractual relationships that exist on someone.

It's very domineering and unreasonable, but this is the charm of the sealing technique.

"How could you do this...Don't you know what Dragon Vein means to Loulan Kingdom?"

The Queen of Loulan looked downcast, and her words were full of anger and blame, "Thankfully you are still a ninja of Konoha. You are destroying my country, do you know!"

"I know."

There was no apology in Akira Hatake's words. "Although I'm sorry, there is no absolute justice between countries, there are only absolute interests."

"The dragon veins of Loulan Kingdom are useful to us, so... there is nothing we can do."

Hatake Ming no longer paid attention to the Queen of Loulan Kingdom next to her, and took a step forward to the edge of the underground cave where Dragon Vein was hiding, and stuck his head to look down.

"What a majestic chakra!"

A sigh, "And I can feel the special power contained in this huge chakra, and I can feel this power..."

"I'll fight you!"

Before Hatake Ming could finish his emotion, the Queen of Loulan Kingdom suddenly exploded behind him.

She took out a gorgeous and sharp dagger from her waist. The Queen of Loulan held it in both hands and roared towards Hatake Ming.

"You are really troublesome..."

Hatake Akira didn't look back or make any unnecessary movements. He raised his leg high and kicked the Queen of Loulan Kingdom in the chin.


The soft chin suffered a heavy blow, and the Queen of Loulan rolled her eyes and fainted. At the same time, her whole body flew into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Hatake Ming was very confident in his control of power and knew that he had not hurt the Queen of Loulan Kingdom, so he focused his attention on Dragon Vein again.


"Retreat... outsiders..."

"'t bear it..."

Just when Hatake Akira's eyes were concentrating on the dragon veins, several ethereal voices sounded intermittently in his mind.

"Oh, you are an outsider, right?" Hatake Ming was a little disdainful, and immediately confirmed that the dragon veins of Loulan Kingdom were aliens from the sky.

It's just that due to some influences, the previous consciousness was wiped out.

"Can't remember...I don't know..."

"you left!"

"I...don't hurt..."

"If you don't want to be hurt, then...let yourself be in the hands of someone who can control you!"

Hatake Akira gave an ultimatum, and then suddenly shouted behind him, "Chief Fugaku, Chief Hizu! Throw what you have in your hands over!"

After hearing Hatake Akira's words, Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Hinashi looked at each other, nodded to each other, and threw out the petri dish box containing the Sharingan and Byakugan in their hands.

"Wait for my good news!"

Hatake Akira caught the box thrown by the two, held it in his arms, and jumped into the dragon's veins.

"I hope the future me will give me the right method..."

Thinking like this, Hatake Akira fell into the dragon's veins, and his whole body was tightly wrapped in majestic chakra.

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