Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 232: First divide and disintegrate, and then catch them all.

As we all know, the most important thing about the Uchiha clan is not the various ninjutsu they master, but their Sharingan.

As long as the Sharingan evolves to a certain level, copying ninjutsu is really easy.

Ninjutsu is really worthless to the Uchiha clan.

So Uchiha Fugaku's decision naturally became clear.

"Lord Yondaime Hokage, our Uchiha clan, except for our own secret arts, are willing to donate all the ninjutsu mastered by our clan to support the reform of ninja schools."

As soon as Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, the scene was filled with noises.


"Is the Uchiha clan crazy?!"

"A big deal, really a big deal!"

"Oh, you're just digging your own grave!"

"Humph, the Uchiha clan has the Sharingan, so naturally they are not afraid of the clan's ninjutsu being exposed!"

"Just wait and see what happens. Watch the building rise, watch the guests entertain, and then watch the building collapse!"

Facing the constant noise at the scene, Minato Namikaze frowned.

"Everyone, please be quiet." He raised his hand and made a soft gesture, "Here, on behalf of the future graduates of the ninja school and the glorious future of Konoha, I would like to thank the Uchiha clan for their contribution to this."

Namikaze Minato bowed slightly towards Uchiha Fugaku, and then continued with a serious expression.

"As one of the founders of Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan has undoubtedly fulfilled its due responsibilities. This is their responsibility and their awareness."

"Because of this, I cannot equate you with the Uchiha clan."

"So, this contribution is not mandatory. I won't blame everyone whether you want to contribute or whether you contribute more or less."

"But everything must be fair, so after the Ninja School is reformed, it will naturally follow these principles."

"First of all, I will build a ninjutsu library and divide the floors according to the five ninjutsu levels of A, B, C, D, and E, so that students in the ninja school or ninjas after graduation can check and study."

"But without rules, there is no circle, so the Ninjutsu Library must also establish corresponding rules and regulations."

"1. The E-level library level is open to everyone, and anyone can borrow it."

"Second, the D-level library level requires some door bars. It only provides borrowing services for students in the ninja school and those who become ninjas."

"Third, at the C-level library level, the borrowing barrier has been further improved. It only provides lending services to senior students of the ninja school and ninjas who have contributed to Konoha."

"Four. B-level library level. It only provides one-time borrowing service to students who have graduated from the ninja school in their lifetime. Those who have become ninjas, unless they have made major achievements, will only have one borrowing opportunity in their second life."

"Fifth, A-level library level. Because the level of ninjutsu is very high, the power, difficulty, and danger are also increased accordingly, so the opening conditions of this library level are more stringent."

"The A-level library level is only open to ninjas of special jounin level and above, and it is also only open once in a lifetime."

"If you want to continue borrowing Ninjutsu at the A-level library level, you need to meet two of the following three conditions before you will be allowed to borrow it."

"First, it must have made a great contribution to the village; second, an individual or family has donated A-level ninjutsu; third, it must be approved by the current Hokage."

"The above are the borrowing regulations for some Ninjutsu libraries that I have drafted. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me."

After Namikaze Minato finished speaking, someone immediately stood up and asked him a question.

"Master Yondaime Hokage, aren't the borrowing regulations at the A-level a little too harsh?"

"And after an individual or family donates A-level ninja, does the individual have the right to borrow it or does the whole family have the right to borrow it?"

"Answer your first question."

Namikaze Minato raised a finger, "I don't think the restrictions I set are very harsh."

"You must know that my special ninjutsu Rasengan and Flying Thunder God Jutsu will appear in the A-level level. If you want to learn and borrow such powerful ninjutsu, the conditions cannot be too harsh."

"Second question." Namikaze Minato raised another finger, "For individuals who have donated A-level ninjutsu, of course it is up to him to borrow it personally."

"Of course, the whole family has the right to borrow A-level ninjutsu donated by the family."

"After all, you have made a contribution to the village, so the village will naturally not forget you, and some privileges are still allowed to exist."

Namikaze Minato's words made everyone present's eyes flash with shock.

Everyone here is a human spirit among human beings. They can naturally understand the subtext of Namikaze Minato, and they can naturally know the benefits that their family can gain after their family donates A-level ninja.

Donating ninjutsu is like an investment. You can exchange an A-level ninjutsu for the opportunity to experience all A-level ninjutsu in Konoha, and it is an opportunity for each person in the entire family!

Isn't this what Xiao Bo Da is talking about? !

But even so, the people present were hesitant when faced with such easy-to-obtain benefits, and even hated Bo Fengshui to the point where his front teeth itched.

Namikaze said at the door that he was providing privileges to families who donated A-level ninjutsu, but this "privilege" was actually a real bait!

Two of the three conditions must be met in order to borrow A-level items from the Ninjutsu Library.

In other words, if a ninja family in Konoha has contributed A-level ninjutsu, and wants to let all the ninjas in Konoha use most of Konoha's A-level ninjutsu, it still needs the consent of Namikaze Minato, or it needs to be approved. Konoha will only be allowed to borrow it after making a great contribution.

If you think about it carefully, you will understand how many ninjas in the entire clan have made great contributions to Konoha?

In the end, if you want to use your small skills to achieve great things, you still have to give Minato Namikaze the nod.

But if a ninja clan only contributed one A-level ninjutsu, would Minato Namikaze agree that the entire clan would go to the A-level level to borrow A-level ninjutsu?

Needless to say, this is impossible!

Therefore, the tempting conditions offered by Minato Namikaze are just sugar-coated shells.

Everyone wants to refuse, but facing the temptation of A-level ninjutsu, how many can persist?

"Hokage-sama, my Moonlight clan is willing to donate all the A-level ninjutsu that our clan has mastered, including some secret arts that our clan has mastered!"

The first person to eat crabs stood up...

The Moonlight Clan is actually in a similar situation to the Hatake Clan.

Their ancestors had also been prosperous, but with the outbreak of the last two ninja wars, the Moonlight clan had suffered serious attrition, and the family's strength had also gone from bad to worse.

Although it is not said that he is on the edge of the various ninja clans in Konoha, his strength is still so embarrassing.

But if they contribute all their family's ninjutsu, the situation their family will face in the future will be different.

Needless to say, the Moonlight clan who took the lead in setting an example would definitely be favored by Namikaze Minato, and their clan would immediately meet the qualifications of all members to borrow A-level ninjutsu in the A-level hierarchy.

What is it called to trade one family's A-level ninjutsu for most of Konoha's A-level ninjutsu?

This is called using a small thing to make a big difference, turning a bicycle into a motorcycle!

"Thank you to the Moonlight Clan for their outstanding contributions to the village. Once the ninjutsu library is completed, I will allow you as a family to borrow all A-level ninjutsu recorded in the A-level hierarchy."

Namikaze Minato's words were like a depth bomb, making some of the weaker ninja clan leaders present unable to sit still!

Just covering up the ninjutsu of his own family, how could it be more enjoyable to contribute to the ninjutsu of Konoha and explore it all? !

Everything in the world is beneficial, and strength is naturally a type of benefit.

Soon, the heads of the ninja clans in Konoha, who were in the middle and lower in terms of strength, expressed their willingness to contribute various A-level ninjutsu and even secret techniques mastered by their families.

In response to this, Namikaze Minato's smile never stopped, and he also promised them that after the ninjutsu library is completed, they will be allowed to borrow A-level ninjutsu as a whole.

Slowly, the most powerful ninja clan leaders in Konoha could no longer sit still.

The reason why their family is strong is naturally due to the various powerful ninjutsu passed down in their family and the elite education given to the family's younger generations.

Let's not mention elite education. Now just talking about the inheritance of ninjutsu, a group of lower-strength ninja families who received the promise of Namikaze Minato have surpassed them in this aspect.

Under the circumstances of this ebb and flow, one can imagine the future situation of these powerful families.

Reluctance, anger, anxiety, all the emotions gathered together, and finally condensed into a lament.

Except for the Shimura, Tenden, Mitomon, and Sarutobi clans, everyone present compromised...

Namikaze Minato was very satisfied with this, but he was still a little disappointed with the choices of the Shimura, Tenden, Mitomon, and Sarutobi clans.

It's not that they don't understand current affairs, but one day in the future, Namikaze Minato will confront him with a real sword.

Although it will not lead to a war of genocide, it will more or less cause damage to Konoha's heritage, which is what Namikaze Minato does not want to see.

However, this situation had long been expected by Hatake Akira.

The Sarutobi clan is now the largest clan in Konoha!

The Uchiha clan can't compare, and the same goes for the Hyuga clan.

It's not that the Uchiha and Hyuga clans are inferior to the Sarutobi clan in terms of combat prowess, but that the background of the two clans pales in comparison to the current Sarutobi clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is called the "Doctor of Ninjutsu". Just from the title, it can be seen that he has dabbled in and mastered countless ninjutsu.

How did Hiruzen Sarutobi master these ninjutsu?

No need to ask, it naturally comes from the collection of books in the Sarutobi clan's home.

Judging from the scope of Sarutobi Hiruzen's involvement in ninjutsu, the Sarutobi clan's collection of books has reached a frightening level.

As for where these collections of books come from...

Hatake Akira could only say with a smile: The front is tight, the rear is tight.

Based on the strong background of the Sarutobi clan, they are naturally not afraid of the situation in Konoha after the establishment of the Ninjutsu Library.


Akira Hatake still gave Hiruzen Sarutobi a meaningful look. Many things and plans changed faster than others, and they were too fast for people to react.

He had already planned a combination of punches with Namikaze Minato, but he didn't finish them so quickly.

The fun is yet to come!

Nodding towards Minato Namikaze, Akira Hatake leaned on his chair and waited for the second depth bomb that Minato Namikaze was about to drop!

Namikaze Minato also understood immediately, stretched out his hand again, and after the conference room became quiet, he slowly spoke out his next proposal.

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