Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 224 Kakashi and Mei Terumi.

After the battlefield in the Kingdom of Water is over, the Kingdom of Fire can then focus the war on the two countries of Wind and Earth.

Therefore, Orochimaru's troops need to be mobilized to the northwest border of the Land of Fire.

However, because of Hatake Akira's presence, there was no need for Orochimaru's troops to travel long distances this time.


With a soft sound, the silver flash disappeared, and Akira Hatake appeared next to Kakashi.

"elder brother!"

Kakashi exclaimed, immediately stood up and greeted him with a smile, "I thought it would take a long time to see each other again this time... I didn't expect that we had only been separated for a few days, and then..."

"Why, do you think we have been separated for a long time?"

"Yeah." Kakashi nodded vigorously, "If there was no war... we would be either on a mission or training in the village."


Just when Akira Hatake and Kakashi were reminiscing about old times, Metkai ran over and said, "Youth has indeed not forgotten anyone, and we finally meet again!"

"It's Kai..."

Hatake Akira is still a little afraid of Metkai, mainly because Metkai's stubborn temper is a bit annoying.

But after not seeing each other for a long time, Hatake Akira also missed Metkai a little bit.

"You've grown taller, and you've become a lot stronger." Akira Hatake patted Metkai on the shoulder, without mentioning Metkai, "It seems like your strength has also improved by leaps and bounds!"


Metkai gave a thumbs up and made his signature move, "My youth does not allow me to slack off at all. Progress follows me every day."

"Ming, in order to witness my efforts and progress during this period, please accept the third duel between us!"

have to!

Hatake Akira knew it would be like this...

Every sentence of Metkai is detrimental to youth, and five sentences are inseparable from the duel.

Kakashi was also a little helpless about this.

When the war in the Kingdom of Water came to an end, Metkai often came to Kakashi for a duel, which annoyed Kakashi very much.

Although Kakashi can use some weird means to avoid a head-on duel with Metkai, but with Metkai's stubborn temper, Kakashi still can't escape a fight with Metkai with a real sword and a real gun. ending.

"Next time, next time Kai."

Akira Hatake waved his hand quickly, "I have a mission here, and it's urgent."

"That's it..." Metkai scratched his head and stopped stalking, "Then I'll do it next time."

"Definitely next time!"

Hatake Akira nodded, then led Kakashi away as if running away.

After getting rid of Metkai, the two brothers Akira Hatake and Kakashi started walking and talking again.

However, the topic of conversation got a little off track. Kakashi's smile was a little unscrupulous and a little naughty that was unique to his age.

"Brother... let me tell you... Kai's one looks like an acorn!"


Hatake Akira didn't react for a moment, but then he was stunned for a moment, and then his face turned red instantly.

" won't..."

"Hahaha! It made me laugh so hard. I thought this matter could go away..."

"I didn't expect...hahaha, I still let you explode!"

Hatake Ming laughed so hard that tears welled up in the corners of his eyes.

After laughing for a while, Hatake Akira regained his composure, and then reached out and flicked Kakashi's forehead.

"Don't do this kind of thing in the future, otherwise it will easily be misunderstood by others."

"It's just a bet..." Kakashi didn't take it seriously, "And Gai's one really looks like an acorn... Hahaha!"


Hatake Akira shook his head, feeling a little helpless towards the late bloomer Kakashi, "If you could just spend more time on girls, you wouldn't be so boring..."


But what was rare was that in response to Hatake Akira's nagging, Kakashi did not refute this time, but suddenly fell into silence.


Kakashi's abnormal state of silence immediately attracted Hatake Akira's attention.

Kakashi has someone?

So fast?

Who are the future siblings?

In an instant, the blazing flames of gossip burned in Hatake Akira's heart, "Kakashi, there is something wrong with you."

"Ah...?" Kakashi raised his head. If you look carefully, there is still a trace of blush on his cheeks, "No... absolutely not!"


Kakashi's behavior of not having three hundred taels of silver here made Hatake Akira even more confident, "There is definitely something wrong!"



"Really not!"

"Are you going to say it or not?!"

The two argued for a while, and finally Hatake Akira came up with his trump card.

He stretched out his arms and wrapped his arms around Kakashi's neck. After tightening the grip, he suddenly pulled Kakashi into his arms, "If you don't say anything... I will..."

"elder brother……"

Kakashi's little face turned red due to the strength of Hatake Akira's arm. After struggling for a while to no avail, he gave up decisively, then raised his hands in surrender, "I said...I said!"

Seeing Kakashi's surrender, Hatake Akira released his restraint, "You have to tell the truth, otherwise... hum!"

Hatake Akira's threat was clear, and Kakashi rubbed his neck and nodded.

"It's a girl one year younger than me... I feel... pretty good."

"From Konoha?"

Seeing Kakashi shaking his head, Hatake Akira added, "From the Bear Country?"

"Probably." A trace of confusion flashed in Kakashi's eyes, a little uncertain, "I didn't ask, but her dress doesn't look like..."

"A ninja?"

"Yes." Kakashi nodded, "Although we haven't fought against each other, I feel that she is pretty good. She should be a relatively outstanding ninja at her age."

"Hey, the rating is very high..."

Hatake Ming smiled like an aunt, " you...have...?"

He raised his eyebrows at Kakashi, who blushed again when he saw this, "No, brother, I just said a few words."

"The relationship was confirmed in just a few words?" Akira Hatake teased, "This progress is too fast... Could it be that you have unrequited love?!"

"No way!" Kakashi shook his head frequently, "It's not what brother thinks... we are just... friends."

"Since we are friends, you didn't even ask her name, right?"

"I asked, and she said her name is Terumi Mei, a chuunin from the Bear Country."


Hatake Akira was struck by lightning, "Teimi Mei?!"

"What's wrong, brother?" Seeing Hatake Akira's reaction, Kakashi felt a little uneasy, "Is there a problem...?"

"No, it's fine...I can feel that the girl you mentioned is beautiful."

"She is very beautiful..." Suddenly realizing something, Kakashi took a step back and waved his hands, "Brother, I didn't realize that... I mean, although she is very beautiful... No! I mean..."

"Okay, stop making excuses."

Seeing Kakashi's description getting darker and darker, Hatake Akira chuckled twice, "Tell me, how did you meet?"

"This is a bit tortuous to say..."

Kakashi looked up at the sky, a smile hidden at the corner of his mouth hidden under the mask, his eyes full of memories.

Set the time back to one day ago.

"I do not go!"

Terumi Mei's delicate little face was full of dissatisfaction, "That fellow Hatake Kakashi bullied others too much, and the commander-in-chief's decision-making is really too cowardly!"

"Miss, please listen to my advice and let's go!"

The retainer next to Terumi Mei said earnestly, "Hatake Kakashi only gave us 30 minutes to evacuate. If we don't evacuate within the specified time... someone will really die!"


Mei Terumi was still stubborn, her little head shaking like a rattle, "If we just evacuate like this, the Kingdom of Water will always live in the shadow of the Kingdom of Fire!"

"And not only that, the younger generation of Kiri ninja will also lose their confidence and develop phobia of Kakashi Hatake!"

"But..." The retainer wanted to persuade him again.

"No buts!" Terumi Mei interrupted him abruptly, "I'm going to try my own method to see if I can assassinate Kakashi Hatake!"

"Miss!" the retainer said anxiously, "With Hatake Kakashi's strength...ten of you are not enough for him to kill alone!"

"Even so, I have to give it a try, otherwise... the future of Kirigakure Village will be completely over!"

"Then I'll go with the eldest lady!"

Seeing that Terumi Mei could not be persuaded, the retainer Gangya made a compromise and decided to die together with Terumi Mei.

"Stop causing trouble." Mei Terumi shook her head, "Go and find me a set of ninja clothes from the Bear Country, and then you do this again..."

Terumi Mei tiptoed close to the retainer's ear and whispered her plan.

Although her retainers still felt that this move was too dangerous, his master was so stubborn that he could only carry it out.

Soon, Terumi Mei finished her instructions, and her retainers also exited the tent and made some preparations according to Terumi Mei's orders.

"30 minutes have passed!"

Kakashi, who was wearing half armor and holding his arms without blood, suddenly opened his eyes, and the cold light in his eyes flashed away.

Blah, blah, blah...

As Hatake Akira moved, the half-armor on his body made a slight sound.

Walking straight into the Kirigakure Village ninja troop camp, Kakashi carefully inspected every tent, not sparing any corner.

"It's not bad, I still keep my promise."

After checking the last tent, Kakashi walked towards the war supplies storage point in Kirigakure Village.

War supplies such as kunai, shurikens, medicine, food, etc. were stacked together, as high as a small mountain peak.


A noise like a small mouse sounded from one side, making Kakashi instantly alert.


Kakashi suddenly pulled out the snow, and with the force of his feet, he rushed far away, and his figure instantly appeared at the source of the sound.


When Misuki was around Terumi Mei's neck, she screamed in horror. She thought she was going to die!

But the snow in Kakashi's hand suddenly stopped, and then he frowned, "Are you... a ninja from the Bear Country?"


"Why are you here?"

Kakashi's voice was cold, making Terumi Mei shiver.

She didn't expect that when she faced Kakashi, the God of Death, her perfect plan at the beginning was instantly stuck, and her mind went blank.


Seeing that Terumi Mei didn't speak, Kakashi's voice became colder, and the murderous aura in his body couldn't stop coming out.

"I...I...just came to perform a mission..."

"What mission?!"

"I...I..." Terumi Mei stammered, then closed her eyes, "Kill me, I won't reveal any information to you!"

"Are you really a ninja from the Bear Country?"


"But I doubt you..."

Before Kakashi could finish speaking, Terumi Mei pitifully took off her forehead protector from her neck and handed it over, "This can prove..."

"Not enough!" Kakashi shook his head coldly, "If you still can't prove your identity, then..."

"I will kill you!"

After saying that, the snow-free blade in Kakashi's hand directly touched Terumi Mei's delicate neck flesh, and the sharp blade instantly cut through Terumi Mei's skin.

"You're going to regret it, Hatake Kakashi!"

Terumi Mei gritted her teeth, took out a secret order from her arms and threw it to Kakashi, her face full of anger, "You are destroying the friendship between the Fire Country and the Bear Country!"

"There is no friendship between us!" Kakashi reached out to take it and replied coldly, "This is a time of war. Even if I kill you, it is completely legitimate."


Terumi Mei turned away, her delicate little face bulged into a bun, but her clenched fists were already soaked with sweat.

And her heart was beating very fast. If she hadn't been mentally strong, she would have been exposed by now.


Suddenly, Kakashi put away Yuki and handed the secret order in his hand back to Terumi Mei.

"you can go now."

The voice was still cold, Kakashi turned and left.

He still had a lot to do and couldn't waste too much time on a female ninja.


Terumi Mei called out to Kakashi, "I have something to ask you..."

"I'm very busy and have no time to talk to you!"

"I can wait until you finish your work, and I won't let your help go in vain. I will pay you."

Terumi Mei caught up with Kakashi, and timidly reached out and pulled Kakashi's cuffs.

Comparing Mi Mei's actions, Kakashi subconsciously pulled out Mitsuki in an instant, lifted it with his backhand, and put the blade on Terumi Mei's neck again.

Turning around, their eyes met.

Such beautiful eyes... Kakashi raised his eyebrows.

Such a fierce look... Terumi Mei swallowed subconsciously.

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