Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 19 Golden Chakra Chain.

Konoha Training Ground No. 9.

Although this place is known as a training ground, because it is located deep in the forest of Konoha Village, there are very few people here.

As for the reason for choosing this place, it was naturally that Akira Hatake didn't want to expose his special abilities in advance.

Who knows after being exposed, Orochimaru, who is now wearing the same pants as Shimura Danzo, will have a sudden idea and capture Hatake Akira to study it.

Although this possibility is very small, as long as there is that possibility, Hatake Akira needs to be careful to take precautions.

"Kakashi, as long as I defeat Akira, you must agree to fight with me for the 35th duel." Metkai muttered in a low voice, and added, "It is a passionate battle of youth with fists and fists, and It’s not a passive duel like guessing games or hide-and-seek.”

"Don't worry, as long as you can win, I will definitely have a good fight with you."

"Okay!" Metkai showed his big reflective white teeth, then turned to look at Kakashi, "Come on Ming, let's have our first duel with me!"

Hatake Kakashi was speechless. How strong must Metkai's nerves have been that he couldn't tell who was the two of them after so long?

You can really tell them apart by how they dress!

I have a headache...

Kakashi Hatake rolled his eyes and was pushed by Akira Hatake who was standing behind him, and then reluctantly walked to the center of the training ground.

The two stood in the center of the training ground. After making a seal of reconciliation, they started a duel with each other.

"Ming, be careful!"

Metkai reminded him, and then he started up at high speed, using his legs to run up, and then kicked Kakashi in the air with a side kick.


With a muffled sound, Kakashi Hatake flew four or five meters away under Akira Hatake's disbelieving gaze.

After landing, he rolled over on the ground in some pain, then lay on the ground and chose to admit defeat.


Akira Hatake finally understood at this time that Kakashi turned a deaf ear to his hint just now. This was playing off of him!

"Ming, are you okay?!"

Metkai thought he had restrained his strength just now, but he didn't expect "Aki Hatake" to be so inexperienced.

After trotting over in a panic and checking that Kakashi's injuries were not serious, Matkai felt relieved.

"Ming, the way you blocked just now is wrong. You should use the ulna, the strongest part of your arm, to block, not your palms."

Metkai pulled Hatake Kakashi up from the ground, and pointed out his mistake thoughtfully, "Although it is possible to block with the palm of your hand, your strength is not as good as mine, and it is easy to form an ineffective defense."


Kakashi Hatake replied calmly, and then patted the dust on his body, "I am indeed not as good as my brother Kakashi, there is nothing I can do about it..."

After saying this, Kakashi Hatake glanced at Akira Hatake secretly, and when he saw that his face turned completely black, he actually felt a little happy in his heart.

He had been bullied by Hatake Akira in the past. Although it was trivial things that were not worth mentioning, Kakashi was somewhat excited to be able to fight back this time.

Walking up to Hatake Akira, Hatake Kakashi patted his shoulder seriously, "Brother, I have done my best. I leave the rest to you."

"Kakashi, wait for me!" Hatake Akira gritted his teeth and muttered softly at him.

Kakashi Hatake, on the other hand, seemed not to hear, and made a cheering gesture to Akira Hatake, then pretended to cover the side of his face, found a big tree and sat down against it.

"Kakashi, come over here!"

Metkai became excited, took a stance and hooked his hand towards Hatake Akira from a distance, "Let me see if you have any new moves during this time!"

Akira Hatake was too lazy to respond. He looked back at Kakashi Hatake, who had been sitting next to a big tree for a long time and watched the battle. His eyes seemed to burst out with fire.

But it was useless to be angry anymore. After being tricked by Kakashi, Hatake Akira could only bite the bullet at this time.

“There’s nothing better than teaching Matkai a lesson as much as doing it myself!”

Hatake Ming comforted himself in his heart, and then waved his hand towards Metkai in the distance.

"So fast!"

Metkai only had time to make a defensive posture, but before the posture was completely formed, Hatake Akira's passive attack had already reached his chest.

Metkai, who hastily resisted Hatake Akira's attack, was directly thrown away by the powerful force of Hatake Akira's passive attack. After spinning twice on the ground and landing, his legs still plowed out two four-meter-long paths on the ground. Gully.

Although Metkay's physical fitness at this time can bear it, it is definitely not comfortable.

"You are worthy of being my lifelong opponent!" Metkai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes full of unyielding fighting spirit, "It seems that this is your newly developed powerful move, so I can't hide it anymore!"

Listening to Metkai's shouts and watching his fists approaching his cheeks, Hatake Akira had mixed feelings in his heart.

The time has come to test his achievements!


With a soft sound, Metkai's straight fist hit a wooden stake, which made Kakashi's eyes brighten when he was watching the fight from behind. Hatake Akira finally mastered the Substitution Technique, one of the three body techniques.

Unlike Hatake Kakashi's relief, Hatake Akira, who was temporarily freed at this time, broke out in a cold sweat.

If he had been slower just now, or if he had made a slight mistake during the operation, he would have lost his appearance!

"Replacement technique?" Mike Kay smiled confidently, "I already knew you would use this trick, then! You are definitely behind me!"

He suddenly twisted and kicked to the side, and then Metkay's smile froze and he missed the kick...

Then, a purple-red chakra chain was tied around Metkai's waist, and Hatake fled to a big tree tomorrow morning.

"What is this!"

Metkai, who was supposed to retreat and stand firm, suddenly felt his body go limp, feeling as if one-fifth of the power in his body had been taken away. Even his reaction speed and body control had dropped significantly.


The inertia caused by the twisting side kick made it impossible for Metkai, who was tied with an offensive purple chakra chain, to adapt. His body instantly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Kakashi... this is one of your trump cards!" Metkai stood up unsteadily, with the smile still on his face, "I didn't expect that one day I would be able to push you to this point. This is the beauty of youth. Power!!!”

With a passionate shout from Chuuni, Metkai quickly adapted to having his various attributes reduced by at least 20%. He was able to endure the damage that the purple chakra chain kept causing him and rushed forward again.

"Nah!" Hatake Akira cursed in his mind, "Why is the speed so much faster than before?!"

Metkai was just testing, and naturally he would not use his truest strength. If he used his full firepower, Kakashi would suffer a lot.

Even though various body values ​​were reduced by the purple chakra chain's attack form, Metkai's current speed is still a step ahead of Hatake Akira.

Seeing that there was no time to form a seal or dodge, Akira Hatake simply chose to use the second skill of the Ming Shi Yin hero template: "Shi Gua·Flying Wings".

The purple-red chakra chain instantly changed color, and the beautiful and rich golden yellow became the main color of the chakra chain.

"Huh? The physical weakness is gone!"

Metkai was overjoyed at first, and then he threw all his fists and kicks at Hatake Akira regardless of the situation.

Hatake Akira, on the other hand, defended hastily and clumsily. Although he was panicking at first, after enduring a few attacks, Hatake Akira smiled happily.

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