Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 141 Reactions from all parties.

The northeastern border of the Fire Country,

Jiraiya's department.

The three people, led by Namikaze Minato, have returned, and behind them are a group of Konoha ninjas who participated in the offensive mission.

As soon as they returned to the camp, the excited smiles on the faces of the Konoha ninjas who participated in this offensive mission could not be concealed no matter what.

"What's wrong, Zhengyi? You can still laugh after being so seriously injured?"

Itamura Seiichi, 22 years old this year, is an ordinary chuunin in Konoha, and his strength is average among all the chuunin in Konoha.

The Konoha ninja who asked Itamura Seiichi was his friend Hosaka Teppei who graduated at the same time as him. He was stronger than him and was Konoha's special jounin.

Hosaka Teppei did not participate in this offensive mission, so it was a bit strange that Itamura Seiichi could still laugh after being so seriously injured.

"Haha, Zheping, it's a pity that you didn't participate in this offensive mission!"

Itamura Sei smiled and showed off his two front teeth, but when he smiled, blood seeped out between his teeth, which looked quite scary.

"Seiichi, don't get excited, pay attention to your injury!" Hosaka Teppei glared at Imadura Seiichi reproachfully, and then carefully helped him walk to the field hospital, "Wait until your injury is stable, then share your experience with me. joy."

"No, I have to say it now! Ahem..."

After coughing a few times, although there were more blood stains on the corners of his mouth, Itamura Seiichi was still very excited.

"Do you know the AB combination of Yunyin Village who killed many of our companions? That A is dead!"

"What?! He's dead!" Hosaka Teppei was stunned at first, and then he was ecstatic, "Great, I finally avenged my companion who died tragically in his hands!"

"Isn't it? That's why I'm so happy! If it weren't for the injuries on my body and Master Jiraiya's express prohibition against drinking alcohol, otherwise I would definitely have a good celebration!"

"Don't be too busy talking about the celebrations. Please tell me first. Was the person who killed A the Minato Jonin or the two Hatake brothers?"

"The three of them should have done it together..." Seiichi Itamura scratched his head, "I was struggling with a Kumo ninja at the time, so I didn't see much clearly."

"But on the way back, I heard from some of my companions who were relatively close to the center of the battle circle at the time that the real person who led A was Hatake Akira."

"Really Hatake Akira?" Hosaka Teppei raised his eyebrows.

"Not sure...I was already injured..."

"Then what did you say to me?" Hosaka Teppei released his hands holding Seiichi Itamura's arms, "I'll go ask someone else."

After saying that, Hosaka Teppei left Itamura Seiichi behind, turned around, ran to a relatively large crowd, and inquired about the news from them.

"Hey...why don't you be so realistic...I am your friend or a wounded person!"

Itamura Seiichi complained, but he still limped into the field hospital.

And he hadn't rested long as he was lying on a free hospital bed when he pulled a medical ninja who came to treat his injuries and told him about his previous experiences on the battlefield.

In this way, the news that the AB group of Yun Ninja Village fell apart due to the death of A, spread throughout the camp as quickly as possible as the Konoha ninjas returned from their wartime missions.

This can be regarded as the first exciting news for the Fire Nation since it started war with the Thunder Nation.

Akira Hatake, Minato Namikaze, and Kakashi, who played key roles in it, have once again become the three names that are frequently mentioned by everyone nowadays.

"Very good. Once A dies, the top combat power of Yunyin Village will be completely out of balance with us!"

Jiraiya held the scroll with A's head sealed in his hand, his face filled with pride, "Organize the team, wait until tomorrow, I think we can launch a general attack on them!"

Jiraiya made this decision after careful consideration. The top combat power of one force played a huge role in the battlefield.

Before A was killed, the AB combination could barely contain Hatake Akira, Namikaze Minato, and Kakashi. If Kirabi transformed into a tailed beast, they would still have a slight upper hand in the battle with the three of them.

It is precisely because of this situation that the Konoha ninja troops, who are at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, cannot take much advantage at all in the hands of the large ninja troops in Kumogakure Village.

Although Jiraiya did not take action on Konoha's side, as the commander of the First Army, Jiraiya would not give up easily unless it was absolutely necessary.

He needs to be prepared for the sudden entry of the Sandaime Raikage, or other backup methods reserved by Kumogakure.

But now that A is killed, the Fire Nation will have a top fighter free.

No matter which one of the three top fighters is Akira Hatake, they can pose a great deterrent to the ninja troops of Kumogakure Village.

After all, whether it is the flying thunder god technique or Kakashi's blood-stained elimination sword technique, when facing Chuunin and Genin on the battlefield, it will be a one-sided situation.

Some people may say that there are still jonins in Kumogakure Village. If there are more people, they can also contain any one of the three Hatake Akira.

This is indeed the case, but the Jonin in Konoha Village are not vegetarians, and there is no reason to let their top combat power be besieged.

Therefore, once the top combat power is imbalanced, when the two parties confront each other, the balance will tilt towards the Kingdom of Fire.

There is no other reason than that the top combat forces are simply too powerful at mowing grass!


A communication toad from Mt. Myoboku was channeled by Jiraiya. It jumped twice and came to Jiraiya's feet and opened its big mouth.

Jiraiya was not polite. He bent down and stuffed the seal scroll in his hand. After thinking about it, he put the mission report of this offensive mission into the communication toad's big mouth.


After all the information that needed to be transmitted was stuffed into the mouth of the communication toad, the communication toad turned into a ball of smoke and dissipated in front of everyone.

"Okay, A's head and the report of this attack mission have been sent back to Konoha. You should go back and rest as soon as possible. Join me tomorrow to completely drive the Kingdom of Thunder out of the Kingdom of Yu!"


Hatake Akira and the other three nodded in response, and then left Jiraiya's handsome tent.

After the three of them left, Jiraiya also turned around and looked up at the field map hanging on the wall, carefully studying tomorrow's specific attack route and specific tactical configuration.

He wants to take advantage of this imbalance in top-level combat power to completely drive out the Kumo Hidden Village ninja troops from Yuno Country.

As for the crazy counterattack by Yunyin Village next, Jiraiya is confident that he can solve it!

The country of thunder, Yunyin Village.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

At this time, the Raikage's office had become a mess, and the Sandaime Raikage's originally rather ferocious face became extremely ferocious at this time.

A is dead!

A is his son!

The next Raikage successor of Kumogakure Village is dead!

And what is now in front of the Sandaime Raikage is a mutilated corpse with no head, broken legs, and a big hole in the chest!

More importantly, A's head is gone. Not only has he lost his last dignity as a ninja, but the remaining information in his mind will also be completely squeezed out by Konoha's torture ninjas!

There are many ways for ninjas to obtain information. There are at least 1,000 ways for torture ninjas to obtain information from living people.

And there are no less than 5 methods that allow them to knock out a lot of information from the mouths of dead people.

Take the Konoha ninja clan, the Yamanaka clan, for example. Their family's secret technique, the Heart Turning Technique, can not only read the memories in the brains of living people, but they can even do it on dead people.

Although the information recorded in the dead man's brain may be incomplete, A is the most important figure in Kumogakure Village after the Sandaime Raikage. Even if a little bit of information is revealed from his brain, it will be a serious loss to Kumogakure Village.

In addition to the reported losses, A's death also dealt a serious blow to the morale of the ninjas in Hidden Cloud Village.

Although there will be an emotion of "the soldiers must win" in a short period of time, this emotion will not last long, and the impact of top combat power on the frontline troops cannot be smoothed out by emotions alone. .

"Calling all the ninjas in the village! All of them!"

After venting his anger and smashing the office to pieces, the Sandaime Raikage's long hair floated excitedly, and then he shouted loudly towards the closed door.

"Yes! Lord Sandaime Raikage!"

The member of the Raikage Guards replied respectfully, and then ran as fast as he could in his life through the office door that had just been opened, and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, no one wants to get into trouble.

As for whether the Sandaime Raikage's decision to issue all the Kumo ninjas to attack the Land of Fire was right or wrong, no one was thinking about it at this time.

Yunyin Village is still the one voice of Raikage after all...

Even if he rises to the level of the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder, he can do nothing but embarrass the Sandaime Raikage financially.

Konoha, Hokage's office.

The transmission speed of the Myoboku Mountain communication toad was very fast, and the news of A's death and related mission reports were also placed on Sarutobi Hiruzen's desk at this time.

Different from Jiraiya's excitement, the Sandaime Raikage was so furious that he lost his mind, while the Sandaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen was so calm that it made people palpitate.

In the office, except for the sound of Sarutobi Hiruzen smoking, there was no other sound.


Finally, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed heavily, looked in the direction of the Kingdom of Thunder and shook his head.

"Now, we are at a dead end with Yunyin Village..."

"Let's take it one step at a time. Now I just hope that Jiraiya can withstand it."

"Someone is coming."

Taking two more puffs from his pipe, Sarutobi Hiruzen called for the Hokage Guards.


"Notify the whole village that it is now in a state of war for all. All genin who have graduated or are about to graduate will be on the warning list and let them wait for the next notification from the village at any time!"

"Yes! Hokage-sama!"

After the members of the Hokage Guards left, Sarutobi Hiruzen came to the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office and looked down at Konoha with mixed expressions on his face.

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