Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 139 Combination Skill: Flying Thunder God's Technique·Trinity. (Three updates, 10,000 w


Waves of killing cries rang out in the Kingdom of Yu. The Konoha ninja troops led by Namikaze Minato were attacking the defense line of the ninja troops in Kumogakure Village in the Kingdom of Thunder.

Flying Thunder God Kunai·Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

The overwhelming flying thunder god kunai appeared in mid-air, and then like raindrops, they fell into the center of the ninja troops of Kumogakure Village.

When all the Flying Thunder God Kunai were in place, Namikaze Minato moved!

The yellow flash flashed frequently, and the kunai in his hand was like the scythe in the hand of the god of death. With a slight swing and stab, it could ruthlessly harvest the life of a chunin or genin of Kumogakure Village.

The frequency of Namikaze Minato's flashing was also frighteningly fast. It was obvious that he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to disappear after an enemy appeared, but when these three steps were connected together, they formed a high-frequency flashing like light. Dazzling scene.

In one breath, the Kumogakure ninja who died in the hands of Namikaze Minato had already exceeded the number of ten!

"Namikaze Minato, your opponent is me!"

Just as Minato Namikaze was mowing the grass like crazy, Kirabi from Kumogakure's AB group roared and joined the battle.

It's just that Kirabi's first reaction after joining the battle was not to find Namikaze Minato to fight with him. Instead, after wearing the tailed beast chakra coat, he used his extreme body speed to rush towards Konoha like a tiger among wolves. Ninja troops.

Namikaze Minato can use the Flying Thunder God Technique to massacre the ninjas of Kumogakure Village, so naturally the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki Kirabi can do the same.

Although Kirabi was a little more efficient than Namikaze Minato, but even at a high level, he could still cause huge casualties to Konoha's ninjas.

Konoha, which is already at a numerical disadvantage, cannot afford to trade with Kumogakure.

Even if the number of casualties between the two sides was 1:3, Konoha would not be able to accept it.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato could only give up his unparalleled mowing behavior, use the Flying Thunder God Technique to rush to Kirabi, rub a Rasengan in his hand, and stop him abruptly.

The two people who touched each other did not speak. When their eyes met and collided, the two people rushed towards each other again.

Thunder plow hot blade!

Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken!

The whole body is covered with the Thunder Chakra Mode and the Tailed Beast Chakra Coat, which makes Kirabi's speed reach the extreme. At the same time, his attack power and defense power are also greatly improved.

In less than the blink of an eye, Kirabi's hard elbow collided with the Wind Release Spiral Shuriken, and then a dazzling white light suddenly erupted!


The loud noise and shock wave that followed blew the surrounding trees around, and Kirabi and Namikaze Minato were also submerged in it.


There was a crisp sound of metal colliding, and Kirabi reacted and blocked Namikaze Minato's sneak attack with the ninja sword tucked under his arm.

The wild heron slashing sword is Kirabi's signature physical skill.

There were eight knives in eight parts, including his hands, mouth, armpits, crooks of the legs, and left foot. At this time, Kirabi's posture looked very strange, like an octopus wielding a knife and a gun.

If this situation were applied to other people, they might accidentally hurt themselves before attacking others.

But Kirabi is different, he is the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

The body of the eight-tailed ox-ghost is like an octopus, and its tentacles are flexible and powerful, and can move independently without affecting each other.

It is precisely because of this that Kirabi, as the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, can wield eight swords at the same time while maintaining body balance and being very organized.


The sound of gold and iron clashing could be heard endlessly. Namikaze Minato used the flying thunder god's speed, but he could only draw a tie with Kirabi in this state.

This is not to say that Namikaze Minato is weak, but that with the dual blessing of the Thunder Chakra Mode and the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode, Kirabi's nerve reaction speed and body response speed have reached an incredible level. .

And operating eight swords at the same time also provides Kirabi with a more comprehensive defense.

Even if Namikaze Minato can sometimes break through Kirabi's defense and press the Rasengan on him, it won't do much harm to Kirabi.


There was a sudden explosion, and Kirabi flew backwards, breaking more than a dozen big trees one after another, and rolling on the ground more than a dozen times before he finally stopped.

Before he could check the injury on his chest, a yellow flash of light flashed before his eyes, and Namikaze Minato's attacks followed.

It turned out that Namikaze Minato had just spotted the gap in Kirabi's defense and replaced the Rasengan in his hand with a Rasenshuriken. This sudden change of move made Kirabi unable to react.

But even so, Kirabi's double-layer defense is considered abnormal in the current ninja world.

The Wind Release and Rasen Shuriken temporarily broke up Kirabi's outermost tailed beast coat, but the second layer of Thunder Release's armor resisted the remaining power of the Rasen Shuriken.

Kirabi's defense is really abnormal!

However, Namikaze Minato's attack was not completely in vain. After all, Wind Release restrained Thunder Release, and no one could violate this law.

The thunder escape armor on Kirabi's chest was broken.

Just when the Rasengan in Namikaze Minato's hand was about to penetrate Kirabi's broken Thunder Armor on his chest and attack the flesh and blood on his chest, a lightning-like figure suddenly broke into Namikaze Minato's sight.

It is the Thunder Plow Heat Blade, the Thunder Plow Heat Blade from A.

Seeing the opponent's hard elbow getting closer and closer to his head, Namikaze Minato could only helplessly dodge the attack from A, and at the same time gave up the best opportunity to seriously injure or even kill Kirabi. .

But then, a smile appeared on Namikaze Minato's lips.

He also has helpers, and they will be there within ten seconds!


The sound of jumping money kept ringing in his mind, Hatake clearly knew that Minato Namikaze had already started to take action, and he and Kakashi had to hurry up.

However, after Akira Hatake and Kakashi killed all the Kumo ninjas like chopping melons and vegetables, they discovered that one of the war material storage locations they were guarding was simply an empty shell!

"Brother, there's not even a mouse in here!"

Kakashi's voice was furious, and he kicked a wooden box away, "Brother, what should we do next?"

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Let's meet up with Minato-sensei first and then figure out what to do next."

"Yes." Kakashi nodded, "By the way, brother, do you want to use our newly developed attack method?"

"Use it, you must use it, otherwise others will think there is no cooperation between us!"

After that, Hatake Akira took out four Flying Thunder God Kunai from his ninja bag, then threw them out and nailed them to the ground.

The four Flying Thunder God Kunai were arranged neatly, forming a square shape on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the four flying thunder god kunai's flying thunder god mark spells quickly copied and spread. In less than a breath, they spread from the flying thunder god kunai to the ground, and were quickly connected end to end, forming a circle with a radius of one meter. Flying Thunder Magic Mark.

After about a second of preparation, Hatake Akira formed a seal with his hands, and the large flying thunder magic mark on the ground shone slightly.

After dodging twice, Hatake Akira raised his eyebrows. He received a reply from Namikaze Minato.

"Teacher is ready, now it's time to look at us."

After speaking, Hatake Akira raised his hand and shot out a purple-red chakra chain, tied it around Kakashi's waist, and waved to Kakashi.

Kakashi did not hesitate and raised his ninja sword, Kakashi. The aura of destruction coming from the blood-stained elimination continued to escape from Kakashi's blade.

After three seconds of accumulating power, Kakashi suddenly swung his sword towards Hatake Akira!

Two against one, although Namikaze Minato could use the Flying Thunder God Technique to deal with the AB combination of Kumogakure Village, it was still impossible to hurt the two of them.

The two Rasengans failed again, which made Minato Namikaze frown slightly, but then he raised the corners of his mouth.

Flying Thunder God Kunai·Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

Following the same pattern, Namikaze Minato threw out a very special flying thunder god kunai in his ninja bag. After the hand seal was completed, the overwhelming flying thunder god kunai covered the place where he fought with the AB combination.

Immediately afterwards, Namikaze Minato flashed onto A's head, and the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand suddenly slashed towards his eyes.

In this regard, A felt that Namikaze Minato looked down on him. How could a mere kunai break through the defense of the Thunder Release Armor?

Just when A reacted and wanted to punch Namikaze Minato, Namikaze Minato's body suddenly disappeared again, leaving only the Flying Thunder God Kunai still in front of A's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling light suddenly came on, and before A could react, it struck A hard on the body.

At the same time, Namikaze Minato's attacks followed one after another, and the Wind Release Spiral Shuriken in his hand was thrown towards A fiercely.

Of course, after A was attacked, Kirabi couldn't just sit idly by. While his body started to move at high speed, he rushed towards A's location.

But just as he was sprinting, a bright silver flash suddenly appeared beside him.

It's Akira Hatake!

Kirabi naturally recognized Hatake Akira, and naturally raised his fist in his hand, wanting to give Hatake Akira a hard blow when he blocked the way.

But what Kirabi was waiting for was not Akira Hatake's dodge and counterattack, but Akira Hatake's wave with a smile on his face.



When Kirabi was confused, he suddenly felt the world spinning. Before he could react, he suddenly fell to the ground, and the scene in front of him had changed.

What he saw was that the surroundings were in a mess, with Kumogakure ninjas lying on the ground in a mess, and the storage base that once held war supplies had been destroyed.

"Hatake Akira!!!"

Kirabi roared one after another, and he suddenly realized what Hatake Akira meant by what he just said.

Suddenly, Kirabi panicked.

Without B in the AB combination, A will be besieged by Akira Hatake, Kakashi, and Minato Namikaze!

The fact was just as Kirabi guessed, when Namikaze Minato added a Wind Release Spiral Shuriken, Kakashi's attack followed.

The sharp sword light was mixed with the power of blood-stained elimination. The condensed sword energy caused ripples in the air, just like a stone was thrown into the calm lake, and an arc-shaped ripple flew towards A at an extremely fast speed. direction.


Within 0.3 seconds, A suffered three high-intensity attacks in succession. No matter how exaggerated the defense of the Thunder Escape Armor was, he would still be seriously injured if he did not die!

This combo method that uses the Flying Thunder God Technique as a link is a new move developed by Hatake Akira, Kakashi, and Namikaze Minato in the past two days.

The name was not wasted by Namikaze Minato, but was handed over to Kakashi to name it.

Kakashi's naming art did not disappoint Hatake Akira, the name was concise, clear and powerful.

Flying Thunder God's Art·Trinity, that's its name!

The monthly ticket is over 200, and I will add another chapter tomorrow.

However, the average booking is still hovering around 400, with no upward trend, so I would like to ask all my book friends.

After the average order is over 500, I will definitely add more! More updates! More updates!

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