Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 129 Flying Thunder God Kunai·The art of multiple shadow clones!

That night,

The Sunagakure Village army led by Rasa collided with the Konoha ninja army led by Orochimaru again.

In the hazy night, firelight and thunderlight complement each other, and occasionally there is the firelight caused by the explosion of the detonating talisman.

Earthen walls, water flow, and strong winds are also like a symphony, playing a concerto of attack and defense on the battlefield.

The scene above is absolutely beautiful if you discount the river of blood that gradually merges into a stream.

But the fact is that this kind of beauty is based on worthless human life, and death has become the main theme that happens every moment on the battlefield.

When a large army of ninjas confront each other, being alone is undoubtedly the most dangerous thing.

If the strength is insufficient, the aftermath of the collision of various battlefield compound ninjutsu can bring a lot of trouble to a lone ninja.

But there are exceptions to everything, such as Orochimaru, Rasa, Hatake Akira, and Fenfuku.

In the past, Orochimaru could completely stop Rasa and Fenfuku with one person, but accordingly, Orochimaru had no energy left to take care of the Konoha ninja troops.

This puts the Konoha ninja troops, who are already at a numerical disadvantage, at a disadvantage.

Orochimaru's psychic beast simply assisted, otherwise the Konoha ninja troops would have been defeated long ago.

Although top-level combat power has little impact on the final outcome of the war, it is still very easy to influence a large-scale encounter or affect a war zone.

Obviously, Orochimaru's top combat force is only Orochimaru, which undoubtedly caused a lot of disadvantages to the Konoha ninja troops.

But now that Hatake Akira has joined, the balance of victory and defeat has begun to tilt towards the Land of Fire.

And in his attitude towards this war, Orochimaru once again refreshed Hatake Akira's world view.

Orochimaru no longer has the temperament of a scientific research madman, but only has cold and ruthless eyes, and a desperate move to win the war at all costs.

Leng Jun Orochimaru, this is how he came...

"Ming, it's up to you!"

Nodding towards Hatake Akira, Orochimaru channeled the Ten Thousand Snakes, then stepped on his head, rushed towards the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, and shared the blessing with the first jinchūriki.

"Then...are you ready?"

Hatake Akira glanced at the ninjas standing in a row behind him. These were ninjas who were regarded as abandoned by Orochimaru and went to the hinterland of the ninja army in Sunagakure Village to destroy strategic material storage points.

As for why he is called an abandoned son, it is naturally because this is a mission with no return, a mission that he must complete even if he knows that he will die.

However, Hatake Akira did not see any unwillingness or fear in the eyes of this group of ninjas. All they had was their fanatical belief in Orochimaru.

Akira Hatake cannot appreciate Orochimaru's personality charm, but this cannot negate Orochimaru's superb method of winning people's hearts just because of Akira Hatake's senses.

When a person or a group of people is willing to die for another person, this is the ultimate affirmation of his personality charm.

Orochimaru undoubtedly achieved this.

The complicated thoughts in his heart disappeared in a flash, and then Hatake Akira quickly formed seals with his hands.

Flying Thunder God Guides Thunder!

The moment the seal was completed, a group of ninjas standing on the Flying Thunder God's barrier disappeared. When they reappeared, they had arrived at the heavily guarded war material storage point in the hinterland of the ninja army in Sunagakure Village.


"For Lord Orochimaru!"


"For victory!"

The brief dizziness disappeared, and a team of Konoha ninjas who were teleported roared and rushed towards the garrison ninjas of Sunagakure Village who were somewhat confused about the situation.

"Damn it, are those people on the front line just losers!"

"How did they get around from the front line?!"

"Defense! Defense!"

"Protect supplies, protect supplies!"

Immediately, the ninjas of Sunagakure Village who were guarding strategic supplies panicked, but then they organized a relatively strong defense front and fought with this team of Konoha ninjas who were ready to die.

Hatake Akira did not follow, but took a deep breath, and then took out a Flying Thunder God Kunai from his ninja bag.

"Success or failure depends on this."

Hatake Akira threw out the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand, and while the Flying Thunder God Kunai was flying rapidly in the air, he quickly formed seals with his hands.

Flying Thunder God Kunai·Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

In an instant, the chakra stored in the simplified Flying Thunder Divine Technique Seal began to respond, copying, outlining, and spreading hundreds of identical simplified versions of the Flying Thunder Divine Technique imprint at extremely fast speeds.

Immediately afterwards, these differentiated simplified versions of the Flying Thunder God's magic imprints were finalized, and along with a large number of copies of the Flying Thunder God Kunai, they were imprinted on the physical clones of the Flying Thunder God Kunai in an extremely orderly manner.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes sixteen, sixteen becomes two hundred and fifty-six...

In just a moment, the dense flying thunder god kunai occupied a small part of the battlefield's sky, and the black mass gave the ninjas of Sunagakure Village a great sense of oppression.

"Look up, look up quickly!"

"Earth Escape! Use Earth Escape quickly!"

"Why are there so many kunai, are Konoha ninjas crazy?!"

"It's really ridiculous. Even if there are so many kunai, they are just kunai after all. Konoha's decline is fully demonstrated. Everyone rush!"

"Kill! New grudges and old grudges must be avenged today!"

After a brief panic, after seeing clearly that the dense black flying objects above their heads turned out to be kunai, the originally nervous ninjas of Sunagakure Village slowly relaxed.

A large earth escape ninjutsu can basically be defended, and there are no detonating talismans wrapped around the back of these kunai, which makes defense simpler and easier.

Even some ninjas from Sunagakure Village who were excellent in physical skills did not use ninjutsu to defend themselves, but prepared to use the ninja swords in their hands to block the falling kunai.

But is this really the case?

"The shape of these kunai is a bit strange..."

When the Flying Thunder God Kunai landed, some thoughtful ninjas of Sunagakure Village were already aware of some problems, but they still didn't take it to heart.

In their perception, kunai is kunai. Even if the shape is strange, it cannot change the essence of kunai itself.

The unexpected and reasonable use of kunai can indeed put genin and even chunin into huge trouble, but the above situation does not apply to now.

Because Hatake Ming was just there to show off, and had no intention of hiding anything.

"Haha, the show has begun."

Hatake Akira twisted his neck, and a white light suddenly lit up in his hand, accompanied by bursts of piercing chirps.


The unique noisy and harsh sound attracted the attention of many people, including Konoha ninjas and ninjas from Sunagakure Village.

But then, before anyone could see the specific appearance of the Chidori in Hatake Akira's hand, Hatake Akira's figure suddenly disappeared, as if it had never existed in this position.


Like a bright silver lightning, it drew a beautiful arc in the dark night sky. When the arc passed through the spray of blood, the harsh bird chirping could reach the ears of the shinobi of Sunagakure Village who only had a trace of consciousness left. middle.

When the speed exceeds the sound, the huge noise of Chidori is no longer a shortcoming of this technique. Anyway, even if the dead people hear the sound, thus exposing Hatake Akira's position, they can't do anything effective. reaction.

Endless darkness enveloped his eyes, and all the energy in his body was suddenly drained away. An extremely bright silver-white flash, and finally the noisy bird song that reached his ears, became the only feeling in the mind of the shinobi of Sunagakure Village when he died. .

There is no pain, no unwillingness, just confusion and relief.

It turns out that the speed of light is really faster than sound...

The Flying Thunder God Kunai and Multiple Shadow Clone Techniques cover a very wide area, and when a large army of ninjas confront each other, the positions are very dense.

With these two advantages, Hatake Akira almost doesn't have to think. In addition to moving his body in a flash, he only has to maintain the Chidori in his hand, and then mechanically stab his right arm.

The bright silver color, the sound of birdsong, and the graceful movement trajectory like the refraction of light constitute an elegant hunting moment unique to Akira Hatake.

Let’s be honest, elegance never goes out of style, even in war.

One breath passed, and Hatake Akira had frequently moved nearly a thousand times. Even if he missed the mark, the number of casualties caused to the ninjas of Sunagakure Village was definitely over 400!

Two breaths have passed, and Hatake Akira has moved twice in succession around a large number of flying thunder god kunai, and the souls of his men have filled in a large amount again.

Three breaths passed, and the pause button seemed to be suddenly pressed on the battlefield. Whether it was the ninjas of Konoha or the ninjas of Sand Hidden Village, they all stood there blankly, their eyes constantly following the movement of the silvery white flash. .

Wherever he looked, there were only splashes of blood, not even traces of Hatake Akira's existence or appearance.

The only thing that can be captured is the fleeting silvery white light.

"Is anyone still alive?!"

Within the area covered by the Flying Thunder God Kunai and the Multi-Shadow Clone Technique, a Sand Ninja looked blank and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Sorry, it's gone."

As Hatake Ming's flashing figure stopped behind him, his right hand carried the unparalleled destructive power of the Chidori, and stabbed the Sand Ninja in the chest from behind.


The sand ninja's eyes gradually became distracted, and the last question lingering in his mind diluted the severe pain his body caused him before death.

"Can a ninja really do this..."

No one could give him the answer. With the last questions in his heart, this sand ninja fell into the dark abyss after his consciousness disappeared.

After the piercing chirping of birds disappeared, Hatake Akira shook off the sticky blood on his right hand, and then looked up at the one-tailed Shukaku who had completed the transformation into a tailed beast, revealing his huge body.

When the tailed beast transformed, Fenfu could maintain his sanity, and his eyes naturally met those of Hatake Akira, followed by Fenfu's shrill roar.

It's just that because Bunfuku was in the tailed beast form at this time, his roar turned into the violent voice of Ichibi Shukaku, and even the eyes of Ichibi Shukaku became more ferocious.

"Blessing, it's not you yet..."

The fourth-generation Kazekage Rasa, who fought alongside Fenfu, blamed Fenfu when he transformed into a tailed beast, and wanted to keep Fenfu farther away from the ninja troops in Sunagakure Village to avoid unnecessary accidental injuries.

But as soon as he started talking, Luo Sha felt as if something was stuck in his throat, causing him to lose his voice instantly.

On the flank of Luo Sha, the ninja troops of Sunagakure Village who were in dense formation three seconds ago have now become a relatively vacuum zone.

The scattered bodies, as well as the blood that was still spewing out and gathering, forming a bloody stream, all showed that they had survived, but for some unknown reason...

Meet doom in three seconds!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Sha saw Akira Hatake standing in the center of the "open space", shaking the blood on his right hand.

"I'm going to kill you!!!" Luo Sha's eyes were about to burst.

As Luo Sha's words roared out, the tailed beast's Fenfu also took action. He opened his mouth and fired a huge blank missile towards the direction of Hatake Akira.

"Luo Sha, your opponent is me."

Orochimaru stopped in front of Luosha with an expressionless face, "I didn't have the opportunity to have one-on-one before, but now, it's finally our special time!"

"Then I will deal with you first, and then kill that brat!!!"

Orochimaru didn't pay attention to Rasa's clamor, but looked deeply at Hatake Akira, and the inexplicable light in his eyes became even more intense.

Afterwards, Orochimaru turned on all his firepower and fought against the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa again.

The third update may be later, but it will not be later than 10 pm. Please be patient and wait.

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