Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 117: Misjudgment, trapped in tight siege. (Second update of 6,000 words, please subscribe an

There is no need to go into too much detail about the power and coverage of Wind Release Spiral Shuriken.

When Namikaze Minato used this move, it already foreshadowed the outcome of the ninjas of Kumogakure Village who left Dango behind.

The knife-like wind roared past, and with the power of the changing nature of wind chakra, an extreme chakra storm suddenly broke out!

The central explosion location, as bright as daylight, covered an astonishing 100-meter diameter range, while the subsequent shock wave and the area that escaped and continued to cause damage also reached a 200-meter diameter range.

Further back, there is the 200-meter range from the edge where the lethality is minimized.

Although this range is also within the range of influence of Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken, it is not a big problem for a Jonin-level combat power to resist the impact of this range.

But even so, the 100-meter-diameter sure-kill range at the center still cost the Kumogakure ninjas who were struggling with Namikaze Minato their lives.

A single Wind Release and Rasen Shuriken struck down, and most of the ninjas left behind in Hidden Cloud Village were killed or injured, including four jounin who died!


In order to avoid the impact of the explosion of the Wind Release Spiral Shuriken, Namikaze Minato used the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to come to Kakashi's side.

After waiting for two or three seconds, Namikaze Minato turned to look at Hinata Hizashi.

"Minato, at two o'clock, six o'clock, and nine o'clock, there are the remaining ninjas of Kumogakure Village!"

"Understood!" Namikaze Minato nodded, and then threw the Flying Thunder God Kunai in the direction of two o'clock and six o'clock. Before using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he assigned Kakashi a task.

"Kakashi, you are responsible for dealing with the remaining ninjas of Kumogakure Village at nine o'clock."


Kakashi nodded, and the moment Minato Namikaze disappeared, he pulled out the ninja sword from behind and rushed forward.

And Hinata Hizashi also kept his responsibilities in mind and continued to use his Byakugan to observe the movements around him.

However, without Hatake Akira's assistance, Hinata Hizashi's Byakugan returned to its previous state, which made him feel somewhat disappointed.

But soon, Hinata Hizashi put away the disappointment in his heart, adjusted the headset on his ears, and provided Hatake Akira, who was chasing the daimyo of Yuno Kuni, with the detailed retreat route of the ninjas of Kumogakure Village.

"Ming, the retreat direction of the ninjas of Yunyin Village is in the eleven o'clock direction in front of you, about 1 kilometer away from you."


"Ming, the situation has changed. The evacuated ninjas from Cloud Hidden Village have divided into two teams!"

"Which direction is the Daimyo of Yu no Kuni?"

"I don't know, but it should be at 1 o'clock, because I detected the presence of a person without chakra in this scattered team. There is a high probability that he is the Daimyo of Yunokuni!"

"I hope your judgment is correct."

After Hatake Akira replied the last sentence, he was speechless. Then he activated the Flying Thunder God Technique with all his strength and chased away at the fastest speed.

In the Kingdom of Tang, the Yunyin Village defense force.

"Brother, a small group of ninjas in Konoha have broken through our defenses."

In a large tent, Kirabi reported the latest information to the future fourth-generation Raikage Ai.


The moment he heard the information, the wooden table between the two people was shattered into rubbish. Although Kirabi was already very familiar with A's fiery temper, he was still shocked.

"B, are all our defense forces a bunch of losers!"

"I think it's not their fault. There should be ninjas from the Hyuga clan in this lone team that goes deep into Konoha."

"And this ninja from the Hyuga clan is probably a member of the Hyuga clan. Otherwise, with our stepped fan-shaped defense network, it is absolutely impossible for this Konoha ninja team to break through our defenses so quickly!"

Kirabi is calm and his analysis is well-founded, but his rapping tone makes him sound unreliable.

"So... Konoha has given us another big gift this time!"

The foreign fourth-generation Raikage Ai (because the Raikages are all named "Ai", all future fourth-generation Raikages will be called A before they ascend to the throne) has greed in his eyes.

The people of the Hyuga clan do not have caged birds on their foreheads, which means that this emergency situation is both a crisis and a cause.

If you capture the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, then...

Thinking of this, A immediately issued an order.

"B, you lead the team to the place where we escorted the Daimyo team of Yuno Country to be attacked. At the same time, we postpone the attack on Yuno Country and slow down the offensive on Fire Country."

"A, do you want to..."

"Since you speculate that there may be members of the Hyuga clan in the Konoha ninja team this time, we cannot give up this opportunity no matter what!"

"I understand, I will make sure this Konoha team never comes back!"

"I believe you, go down and make arrangements." A clenched his fists and made a crushing gesture, "I will trap them layer by layer, and arrange a bag that is so tight that no one can even look at it, and then... Hang them!"

The person who led the large army of ninjas in Kumoyin Village to attack the city was none other than the AB combination of Kumoyin Village, whose reputation was not well known at this time.

But the two future fourth-generation Raikage and Eight-Tails Perfect Jinchuuriki, who will become famous in the future, have already shown their fangs at this time.

They have both power and brains, and they are very strong.

As Kirabi walked out of the tent, Yunyin Village's large army suddenly began to move.

The fan-shaped defensive front began to shrink rapidly, and the encirclement of three layers inside and three layers outside gradually took shape, and it was still shrinking.

Even though the sentient ninjas in Kumoyin Village are not as powerful as the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, they can't stand up to their large numbers.

With full cooperation, the large troops of Kumogakure Village surrounded the team led by Namikaze Minato in an orderly manner with almost no loopholes.

Ninjas travel very fast. Although the movement of large troops will slow down the speed somewhat, under the premise of having an absolute advantage in numbers, this shortcoming, which is not a shortcoming, can still be ignored.

"Ming! What happened to you there!"

Hinata Hizashi, who continued to be alert to the surrounding disturbances, suddenly changed his expression. In Byakugan's sight, he discovered that a large number of Kumogakure ninjas were rapidly approaching them.

This is the disadvantage of being alone and unable to get any support. They are about to be surrounded!

"Brother Hizashi, your information is wrong!"

Hatake Akira's tone was somewhat irritable, and his voice was somewhat exasperated.

He somewhat underestimated the heroes of the world, and had a somewhat insufficient understanding of the strength of jounin in this era.

In the final analysis, Hatake Akira still suffered from the inherent impression!

In the later stages of the Naruto world, jonins were just larger bean sprouts, and they could be killed or injured even if they were slightly affected by the aftermath of the battle. This left the impression on Akira Hatake that he was nothing more than a jounin.

But the reality is that although the strength of Jonin is uneven, people can't help but be amazed by their combat intelligence and tactical versatility.

The person who did not have any chakra in his body under the observation of Hyuga Hizashi's white eyes was not the daimyo of Yu no Kuni at all, but an ordinary civilian caught randomly by the Jonin of Kumogakure Village!

Moreover, Hatake Akira did not expect that the Daimyo of Yuno Kuni was actually a ninja...

Although he may not be very strong, there is no doubt that the Daimyo of Yu no Kuni has chakra in his body.

This information that Hatake Akira and the others didn't know still misled his and Hinata Hizashi's judgments, which led to this own incident.

"My fault, my fault..." Hinata Hizashi's head was sweating with sweat, "The Kumogakure village escorting the Daimyo of Yuno Country has entered the Kingdom of Thunder, and is about to leave the observation range of my Byakugan!"

"But this is not the worst news..." Hinata Hizashi's voice was a little undulating, "The Yunyin Village garrison responded very quickly. The movement caused just now has aroused their vigilance. Now they have completed the attack on us. The preliminary encirclement!"

"What? So fast?!"

Akira Hatake was somewhat uneasy. The reaction of the ninja troops of Hidden Cloud Village was beyond his expectation.

But then, Hatake Akira gritted his teeth and made a bold decision in his heart.

"Brother Hizashi, contact Mr. Minato and ask him to come closer to me immediately after cleaning up the remaining Kumogakure Village escort ninjas!"

"But your direction... is within the Kingdom of Thunder..." Hinata Hizashi swallowed, already guessing what Hatake Akira was thinking.

"This is the only way to complete the mission and ensure everyone's safety at the same time!" Hatake Ming spoke very quickly, "Please believe me, I can definitely use the flying thunder god's technique to bring you back safely!"

"hope so……"

Hinata Hizashi hung up the communication with Akira Hatake and contacted Namikaze Minato instead.

After repeating the information he had detected and Hatake Akira's words, Namikaze Minato on the other end of the headset fell silent.

He had long known that this mission would not be that easy, because from where he sneaked in, Namikaze Minato realized that the leader of the Kumogakure ninja force had anticipated this situation.

The importance of the name of the Kingdom of Tang is undoubted to the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire. Both sides want to take the name of the Kingdom of Tang into their own hands one step ahead.

And there is no airtight wall in the world, especially when facing a profession like ninja, it is only a matter of time before the information is leaked.

Therefore, what happened next has become inevitable. Anyone would arrange it like this, and no matter how strict the arrangement is, it is not redundant at all compared with the importance of the Daimyo of Yuno Country.

"I understand, Hizashi, you go in the direction of Akira first, Kakashi and I will arrive soon!"

Namikaze Minato thought for about a second, and then chose to believe Hatake Akira.

Now that the encirclement of the ninja troops in Yunyin Village has begun, they definitely have a lot of contingency plans to prepare in advance.

Breaking out is obviously the last resort. Namikaze Minato will never choose to take this path unless it is absolutely necessary. Now Namikaze Minato can only pin his hopes on Hatake Akira.

"Ming, I hope you can recreate the miracle of rushing back to Konoha Village from the border in 10 minutes!"

While muttering to himself, Namikaze Minato killed the last remaining Kumogakure ninja, and then took Kakashi and ran in the direction of Hatake Akira.

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