Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 115 Hinata Hizashi’s eagerness.

"A large enemy force was found 8 kilometers ahead!"

The four people who went deep into the hinterland of Yuno Country ran all the way, and Hinata Hizashi, who was vaguely protected by Namikaze Minato, Hatake Akira, and Kakashi, suddenly gave a warning.

"Can we go around it?"

Namikaze Minato, who was leading the charge, looked back at Hinata Hizashi and asked him in a deep voice.

"You can go around it, but the defense line of the ninja troops in Kumogakure Village is very long. If you go around it, it will inevitably delay some time." Hinata Hizashi expressed his opinion, "I used my Byakugan to observe that the enemy's defense line eight kilometers away in front. There are several defense holes that we can exploit.”

"Let's go around in a circle..." Namikaze Minato said calmly, "It does take longer in terms of time, but it is undoubtedly safer to do this. After all, we cannot have any reinforcements."

"Okay." Hinata almost nodded, and then pointed out a detour route, "Go forward 5 kilometers in the three o'clock direction, and then change to 3 kilometers in the 12 o'clock direction. We can pass by the edge of their defense line. "

"Everyone, follow me!"

After having the forward route provided by Hinata Hizashi, Namikaze Minato made a gesture, and then led the three people to change the direction of travel.

But after running for about five minutes, Hinata Hizashi's expression suddenly changed.

"No, there's a new situation ahead!"

"What's wrong Hizashi?!"

"Eight kilometers directly ahead, there is a fan-shaped defense line of Kumogakure Village." Hinata Hizashi looked very sad, sweat dripping from his forehead, "Minato, the defense line of Kumogakure Village's ninja troops is arranged in a ladder shape. fan-shaped defensive circle."

"It's difficult..." Namikaze Minato murmured to himself. He naturally understood what the stepped fan-shaped defense circle meant.

Moreover, Hinata Hizashi immediately told Namikaze Minato a piece of bad news.

"Minato, the defense arrangement of the ninja troops of Kumogakure Village is obviously aimed at the Byakugan of our Hyuga clan."

"How to say?"

"Each fan-shaped defense front is 5 kilometers apart and 8 kilometers in length. Although the staffing is sparse, it is within the fastest support speed of the ninjas."

"That is to say, once there is any trouble, the fan-shaped defensive front will form an encirclement as quickly as possible, and it will be three layers inside and three layers outside!"

"The observation range of Byakugan is between 5 kilometers and 10 kilometers. When the first defense line is discovered by Byakugan, those of us who want to infiltrate will definitely change the direction of infiltration. Then, we will not do it until we have traveled two to three kilometers. Discover the location of the second defensive line."

"Their distance is very tight. In addition to making it difficult for us to infiltrate, it also greatly slows down our infiltration speed."

"According to my estimation, when we broke through the stepped fan-shaped defense of the ninja troops in Yunyin Village, the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Yu was already escorted to the Kingdom of Thunder by them!"

"This..." Namikaze Minato's heart kept sinking, "In that case, if we want to rescue or kill the Yuno Kuni Daimyo, other than forcing our way into Kumogakure Village and setting up a defensive line with the ninjas, there is no other way There are other better ways…”

"Indeed, we..."


Akira Hatake interrupted the conversation between the two, "I remember Hizashi Jōnin just said that the observation distance of the Byakugan is 5-10 kilometers, so if the observation distance is increased to 10 kilometers, then we can detect it earlier. The fan-shaped defensive front at the back can change direction earlier, thus saving a lot of time for our safe infiltration."

"Ming Ming is right, but I am a branch of the Hyuga clan... The ultimate observation distance of the Byakugan is only 8 kilometers."

Hinata Hizashi looked depressed, but he still explained to Hatake Akira bitterly.

Does the caged bird have any restrictions on the viewing distance of Byakugan?

In the past, Hatake Akira only knew that the caged bird would create a fatal blind spot for Byakugan's 360° viewing angle, but he did not know that Byakugan's visual distance would also be affected.

But when he turned around and thought about it, Hatake Akira was relieved. The caged bird was not only a means of controlling the branch family, but also affected the purity and potential of the Byakugan. It was not unexpected to have such an impact.

"Okay Ming, get ready, let's start an armed invasion!"

Namikaze Minato immediately made a decision. Every second that passed, the Daimyo of Yuno Kuni became further away from them.

They can't afford it!

"Teacher, I still have a way!"

Hatake Akira raised his hand and threw out a purple-red chakra chain, and under Hinata Hizashi's puzzled eyes, it was wrapped around his waist.

"Ming, you..."

As soon as these two words came out, Hinata Hizashi's eyes widened and his mouth opened so wide that he could almost fit a fist into it!

"This... this... this... how is this possible!"

Hinata Hizashi felt that all the attributes of his body had been increased by nearly 40%, and the Byakugan, which was affected by the caged bird, seemed to be reborn, and its abilities had also been improved to a certain extent.

"The visual angle has disappeared..." Hinata Hizashi looked around and thought to himself, "And the detectable distance of the Byakugan has not only reached the 10-kilometer limit of the Byakugan of the clan, but even has an extra kilometer range!"

"Ming, tell me, what is your ability? Is it permanent? Are there any side effects? Does it have any impact on you?"

Hinata Hizashi forgot about the mission he was shouldering, and turned to look at Hatake Akira excitedly. He took two steps forward and grabbed his hand, speaking with extremely excited words.

"Um... this..." Facing the sudden enthusiasm of Hinata Hizashi, Hatake Akira seemed a little unnatural, "It's just a special auxiliary ability of mine. It won't harm my body."

"Then the lasting effect of your ability...?"

"If the chakra chain keeps you tied, the effect will last forever."

Suddenly, after Hatake Akira said these words, Hinata Hizashi's eyes were frighteningly bright, and he subconsciously tightened his grip on Hatake Akira's hand.

He saw hope in Hatake Akira, and saw the dawn of the separation of Byakugan from the caged bird!

It's not that Hyuga Hizashi wants to completely get rid of the caged bird in the branch family, but he hopes to keep the caged bird to protect the Byakugan from being stolen, and at the same time reduce the restrictions and damage caused by the caged bird to the Byakugan's purity and ability.

As the head of the branch family, Hyuga Hiashi naturally knows the importance of the caged bird to the entire Hyuga family.

It can be said that if the caged bird did not exist, it is still an unknown question whether the Hyuga clan would still exist.

After all, the white eyes that have been open since birth are so tempting!

If the caged bird did not exist, the Hyuga clan would have existed in name only during the Warring States Period.

Even if there are surviving Hyuga clan members, they will be reduced to humanoid fertility machines that produce Byakugan!

"Then what can I ask of you..."

"Stop!" Akira Hatake intervened urgently, "Let's finish the current task first and discuss these things."

"Yes, yes, complete the task first." Hinata Hizashi came back to his senses, his face a little hot.

After gathering his mind, Hinata Hizashi, with the help of Hatake Akira, once again used his Byakugan to observe the disturbance 11 kilometers away.

"Go two kilometers toward 1 o'clock, then turn to 11 o'clock, and go forward three kilometers!"

Hinata Hizashi re-reported a new route of action, and the four of them set off again, embarking on the road to chase the captured Yunokuni Daimyo.

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