Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 113 Yuhi Kurenai’s gift.

The large-scale personnel transfer within Konoha Village naturally cannot be hidden from the eyes of spies from various hidden villages.

The collected information was passed on in different ways, but because of this, many hidden spies were caught by Konoha Anbu and Konoha Roots ninjas.

Naturally, one cannot be gentle when dealing with spies from other villages, but these are matters of the interrogation team and have nothing to do with Hatake Akira.

Akira Hatake and Kakashi were not sent to the front line.

The same is true for Namikaze Minato.

One day had passed since the departure of the ninja army from Konoha Village. Akira Hatake and Kakashi were summoned by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Opening the door and entering the Hokage's office, Hatake Akira saw many familiar people.

Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato, Tsunade, Hinata Hizashi, Uchiha Fugaku...

These are the people Hatake Akira can name. The rest who are not very familiar are all the heads of the Konoha ninja clan, or ninjas who hold important positions.

After waiting for a while, after Konoha's three advisors Shimura Danzo, Kaden Koharu, and Mito Kadeni arrived, Sarutobi Hiruzen cleared his throat and prepared to start.

"According to the news from the intelligence personnel, Iwagakure Village in the Land of Earth, Kumogakure Village in the Land of Thunder, and Kirigakure Village in the Land of Water have all taken action one after another."

With a solemn expression and a low voice, Hiruzen Sarutobi sucked his pipe fiercely, "This is a more dangerous situation than the last ninja war. We are very likely to be attacked by the four major powers at the same time!"

"And this time I have called you here to allocate specific arrangements for the other three strategic defense lines."

As he spoke, Sarutobi Hiruzen pulled down a large map hanging on the wall, which had already marked the attack routes of the hidden villages belonging to the four major countries.

"According to the news from the intelligence personnel, the Kingdom of Earth has completed the occupation of the Kingdom of Grass, and the ninja troops who attacked the Kingdom of Taki in two groups should be able to occupy the Kingdom of Taki soon."

"The Kingdom of Thunder, which has also made moves like the Kingdom of Earth, has already broken into the territory of the Kingdom of Tang. It is very likely that it will continue to move forward and invade our territory."

"So I decided to send 1,300 ninja troops to defend on the spot near the border of Yuno Country to prevent the troops of Thunder Country from invading Konoha."

"Then, Jiraiya, you will be in charge of the ninja garrison on the border in the northeastern part of the Land of Fire. Is that okay?"

"No problem!" Jiraiya nodded.

"In that case, Namikaze Minato, Hatake Akira, and Hatake Kakashi are at your disposal." Seeing Jiraiya nodded, Sarutobi Hiruzen directly sent Jiraiya's three generals.

After a day and night of fermentation, the story of the two brothers Akira Hatake and Kakashi working together to destroy a ninja brigade has spread throughout the Konoha Village.

Everyone present understood the strength of Jiraiya's three generals, and immediately felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen's arrangement was somewhat inappropriate.

"Hiruzen, if you follow your arrangement, won't the top-level combat capabilities of the Northeastern Border Defense Force be too much?" Koharu frowned and raised an objection when he went to bed.

"Not many." Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, "The Kingdom of Thunder is not weaker than us, and according to the intelligence of the intelligence personnel, the Kingdom of Thunder sent the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki from the village!"

"What!" Xiaochun took a breath of cold air when he went to bed, "You were so playful from the beginning?!"

"I agree with Hiruzen's arrangement." Shimura Danzo stood up, but did not oppose Sarutobi Hiruzen as usual, "The martial arts of the Cloud Hidden Village in the Land of Thunder have very clear ideas. They just want to Use absolute force to achieve success in one fell swoop!"

"Danzo is right." Sarutobi Hiruzen took over, "The Kingdom of Thunder indeed has such an idea, so the northeastern front will be the most intense confrontation."

He turned to look at Jiraiya, "You had rich experience in commanding large armies in World War II, and I sent you the best of the two generations of Konoha youths to assist you. Are you confident that you can hold on?! "

"No problem!" Jiraiya replied decisively.

"Okay, then let's take a look at the northwest front that I marked, which is the border between our country and the Country of Grass and the Country of Taki."

Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed at the map, "The intentions of the Earth Country are not clear yet, and I can't figure out whether they will attack our country first, or settle the old accounts between the two countries with the Kingdom of Thunder first."

"But one thing is certain. The Kingdom of Earth will definitely participate in the war that besieges our country in the end. The difference is sooner or later."

He turned to look at Shimura Danzo, "Danzo, you will be responsible for the defense of the northwest front. Do you have any questions?"

"No!" Shimura Danzo's eyes flickered, then he nodded heavily.

"But Danzo, I need to remind you that you need to pay attention to the difficult bone of the Rain Country. Hanzo is an ambitious and powerful person, which has been proven in the last war."

"Don't worry, Hiruzen. As long as I'm here, they won't be able to make too big a splash." The sinister look disappeared in a flash. In foreign wars, Danzo Shimura had never let go.

Nodding, Sarutobi Hiruzen then looked at Tsunade, "The final southeastern front will be left to you, Tsunade. I will let Fugaku and Hizu assist you."

He reached out and clicked on the map, "The Kingdom of Water is separated from our country by the sea, so if they want to invade our country, there are only two routes."

"The first is to capture the country of waves and use it as a springboard to threaten our country's homeland security in the southeast; the second is to capture the country of bears and use it as a springboard to threaten our country's homeland security."

"But there is another most dangerous situation, which is that the two fronts of the Kingdom of Water advance at the same time, causing the southeastern front to be stretched very long, which will cause a series of problems. You need to be careful about this!"

"I'll pay attention." Tsunade nodded, a trace of boredom and fear flashing deep in her eyes.

The symptoms of Tsunade's anemia are getting worse...

"Hyuga, I have to give more thanks to you, the Hyuga clan, this time." Then, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Hinata Hiashi, "Although the ninjas of the Hyuga clan focus on the southeastern front, other fronts cannot be left behind. Thank you for your hard work. .”

"This is what our clan should do." Hinata Hizashi said, while looking at Uchiha Fugaku secretly.

Uchiha Fugaku said nothing with a cold face. He felt that Hinata and Hinata were provoking him.

In a large-scale war, the Byakugan is like a radar. Its reconnaissance function is directly maxed out and has a great impact on the battle situation.

On the other hand, the Uchiha clan, apart from having full attack attributes, is indeed not as effective as the Hyuga clan in large-scale wars.

It can be said that if a ninja in a ninja team is asked to choose between Hinata and Uchiha ninjas, they will definitely choose Hinata's Byakugan instead of Uchiha's Sharingan.

The reason is simple. On the ever-changing battlefield, the detection of enemy movements is far more important than personal strength.

No matter how strong they are, once they are surrounded, the only result waiting for them is to be surrounded and killed.

But then, Uchiha Fugaku snorted disdainfully.

The Sharingan is indeed not as supportive as the Byakugan, but in the ninja world, strength is everything. The ninjas of the Uchiha clan can definitely surround a ninja army by one person!

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned with a headache as if he had seen the secret confrontation between Hinata Hinata and Uchiha Fugaku.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen did not intervene in the dispute between the two clans, but looked around the audience again.

"The layout of the four defense lines is like this. Although each defense line will have insufficient troops due to dispersion, I believe you can keep the invaders out of the country!"

"But there is another hidden danger that I have to emphasize, and that is the internal defense of the village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, "In the two previous wars, various countries have sent elite ninja troops to sneak attacks on Konoha, and they almost succeeded twice, so we had to guard against it, but there was nothing we could do... …”

"After all, we have to face the collective siege of the four major powers, and it is inevitable that the internal defense will be empty. Therefore, without the border combat mission, the burden on your shoulders is definitely no less than theirs, and it will even be more dangerous!"

After saying this, everyone present fell silent. Konoha's military strength was nearly exhausted at this time. Even if the arrangements were detailed and all the situations had been anticipated, there was still a deep sense of powerlessness.

"But I have to say, if we survived the first two times, there must be no reason to fail this time!" Hiruzen Sarutobi clenched his fists, "Everyone, the will of fire is with us, and we practice the will of fire. The time for will has come!”

With a roar, most of the people present were beaten to death, and their fighting spirit instantly became high.

Seeing that people's hearts can be used, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, and then waved his hand to signal everyone to carry out the tasks he arranged.

At Hatake's house, Hatake Akira and Kakashi were making final preparations before going to the battlefield.

And at this moment, there was a knock on the door.


Hatake Akira, who went to open the door, was stunned for a moment, and then his mood suddenly turned bad. "You were also sent to the battlefield?"

"Our recently graduated genin haven't been sent to the battlefield yet."

Yuhi Hong shook her head, then took out a small cloth bag from her ninja tool bag and stuffed it into Hatake Akira's arms without any explanation.

"This is……"

"This is the medical bag I prepared for you. I hope it can help you." Kurenai Yuhi explained the function of the small cloth bag, then walked around Akira Hatake and walked to Kakashi, "Kakashi, you have a share, too." .”

After taking a deep look at Yuhi Kurenai, Kakashi made no move to pick it up.

"Kakashi, take it."

"Thank you, Red."

Hearing Hatake Akira's reminder, Kakashi reached out to take the medical bag handed over by Yuhi Kurenai and thanked him in a complicated tone.

"Then I'm leaving." Yuhi Kurenai turned around and left, "Be sure to pay attention to safety, Akira Kakashi!"

When she walked to the door, Yuhi Hong still couldn't hold back the tears and flew into Hatake Akira's arms and hugged him hard.

"Don't show off, don't stray too far from the team, don't work too hard... Anyway, you have to remember, I... will be waiting for you to come back in the village!"

Akira Hatake stretched out his hand and patted Yuhi Kurenai's trembling back, "Don't worry, Kurenai. It's not like you don't know my strength. I will be safe and sound."

"Well, just be careful."

Farewells similar to those between Akira Hatake and Kurenai Yuhi were staged throughout Konoha Village, with parents giving instructions to their children, wives giving instructions to their husbands, and even couples of ninjas encouraging each other.

But every one of them knows that no matter how good the instructions are, they cannot withstand the butcher knife of war...

Death will accompany them every moment from now on.

The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday is over, and I need to work from Monday to Saturday. The number of words updated every day will be less during these days, but the minimum limit can still be 6,000 words.

Therefore, all book friends, please understand, and the author also asks for a wave of follow-up subscriptions and monthly tickets.

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