Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 110 The situation seems a bit bad. (Please subscribe for the big chapter!)

Battles between ninjas are always full of surprises.

Although the gap in strength can smooth out surprises to the greatest extent, surprises that can turn the tide of the battle still exist.

But there is one thing to say, after Hatake Akira and Kakashi teamed up, even if they faced the seven Jonin of Sunagakure Village, they could still make zero mistakes and zero surprises.

As for why, it is naturally because of the rogue attribute of the second stage of Flying Thunder God Technique.

The second stage of the Flying Thunder God has reduced the dependence on the Flying Thunder God Kunai to a certain extent, and its concealment and flexibility have been greatly increased.

Because your enemies don’t know when, by what means, and where you will leave an extremely secret Mark of the Flying Thunder God.

And because of the special nature of the Flying Thunder God's Mark, its existence time is theoretically unlimited.

The only way to destroy the Flying Thunder God's mark is to eliminate the strong Flying Thunder God's mark only if the object with the Flying Thunder God's mark is engraved on it or if the body disappears.

Moreover, there is another very buggy aspect of the Mark of the Flying Thunder God, that is, it is extremely concealable!

How strong is it?

He was so strong that even Obito of the Six Paths could not immediately discover the mark of the Flying Thunder God that Namikaze Minato had left on him.

It can be said to be exaggerated, but this is also the charm of the Flying Thunder God Technique.

"Back to back!"

"There are 7 of us!"

"The kid with the mask is seriously injured, we have a good chance of winning!"

"Don't worry about that brat Akira Hatake for now, deal with Kakashi first!"

"Prioritize blocking their sight!"

"I'm ready!"

"Do it!"

Still saying the same thing at the same time, in almost less than a second, the seven Jonin of Sunagakure Village had a new round of coping strategies.

This is a manifestation of Jonin's fighting qualities. Just one action or one sentence can clearly express one's intentions.

And it is not difficult to see from the conversations between the seven people that these seven jounin usually cooperate a lot. Even when performing tasks, there is only a very small possibility for the seven people to get together, but this also reflects their cooperation from the side. tacit understanding and response speed.

It can be said that the Jonin of this era has reached its peak within the framework of conventional combat power.

But does it work? !

It is useful for others, but for Hatake Akira, who has mastered the second level of Flying Thunder God and has Kakashi supporting him, it is just a little more troublesome than dealing with Chunin.

The degree of trouble is only the difference between multiple lives per second and one life per second.

Before Hatake Akira could make a move, the seven Sunagakure Murakunin who had finished talking to each other had already taken action.

Water Escape·Water Formation Pillar!

Fire Release·Big Flame Bullet!

At the same time, the two Sunagakure Murakunin used water escape and fire escape respectively, and the targets were not Hatake Akira and Kakashi.

The water column and high-temperature flames met in mid-air, and the water and fire reacted instantly. A large amount of water vapor evaporated, covering the seven jounin back to back at an extremely fast speed, successfully covering Hatake Akira's sight.

At the same time, another jounin among the seven jounin also made a move.

Wind Escape·Big Breakthrough!

A gust of wind came, and the large amount of water vapor that had just covered their figures surged towards Hatake Akira and Kakashi under the influence of the wind, surrounding them almost instantly.

In less than two seconds, Hatake Akira not only lost all sight of the seven Jonin opposite, but the visual distance between him and Kakashi in the water vapor also dropped to an outrageous level.

Visibility is less than two meters!

It has to be said that the strategy formulated by the seven Sunagakure Murakunin was very successful, and it was considered to be a temporary "abolition" of Hatake Akira's Flying Thunder God Technique.

But this is not without its drawbacks. When Akira Hatake lost the sight of the seven jounin, the seven jounin in Sunagakure Village also lost all sight of Akira Hatake and Kakashi.

But then again, the battle between ninjas is never a mere battle of strength on paper. They cannot remain motionless and turn into a ninjutsu fort to engage in silly ninjutsu battles with each other.

Combat wisdom, or battle plan, is the most important factor in determining the outcome of a ninja battle.

Sand waterfall funeral!

Sand bound coffin!

Immediately afterwards, the remaining Sunagakure Murjonin worked together to use these two large-scale attack ninjutsu, and the intention was already obvious.

In reality, the loss of vision caused Hatake Akira's Flying Thunder God Technique to "temporarily fail", and then used large-scale ninjutsu to bombard indiscriminately, hoping to use a carpet-like attack to block all escapes of Hatake Akira and Kakashi at the same time. route.

I have to say that this battle plan was perfect, so perfect that even Hatake Akira had to applaud. This is the charm of ninjas cooperating with each other to fight against the enemy.

The stronger the strength, the larger the number of people, the more solid the basic skills, coupled with the close cooperation, this fighting method is the strongest method for jounin to deal with the lonely shadow-level powerhouses!

Therefore, Thousand Hands Feijian died without any regrets.

Even though Senju Tobirama is extremely powerful and is known as a master of forbidden arts, he can only suffer under the siege of a group of hunting ninjas.

But the seven Jonin of Sunagakure Village ignored one of the most critical things. The Flying Thunder God Jutsu is a space-based ninjutsu!

The reason why such a mistake occurred was because of the inconsistency in intelligence.

The Flying Thunder God Jutsu is Konoha's S-level forbidden technique, and its level of secrecy is evident.

Moreover, the art of Flying Thunder God has not really become famous yet, and many people do not know its principles and characteristics. This makes the originally perfect tactics have fatal loopholes!

"Is it solved?"

"have no idea……"

"Losing vision, and being covered by two large-scale ninjutsu at the same time, even Hatake Akira is extremely fast, and he can't escape!"

"And don't forget, the kid with the mask is seriously injured."

"But don't take it lightly!"

"It's true. The two Hatake brothers of Konoha didn't survive any of the ninjas they encountered during their missions!"

"But I always feel... things are not that simple..."

It's really not that simple!

When Akira Hatake's vision was obscured by water vapor, he realized the plans of the seven Jonin of Sunagakure Village opposite.

If it were other ninjas, there would be no other way but to fight hard, but Akira Hatake, who possesses the Flying Thunder God Technique, has the second option.

Just activate the Flying Thunder God Technique and change positions with Kakashi. Is this difficult?

"This is the importance of ninjutsu information..." Hatake Akira sighed in his heart, "Classifying the flying thunder god jutsu as a simple speed ninjutsu similar to the teleportation jutsu is your biggest failure!"

Although he sighed in his heart, Hatake Akira's actions were not unpleasant.

First, he led Kakashi away from the coverage area of ​​two large-scale ninjutsu. While pulling away, he threw the only three flying thunder god kunai left in his body towards the seven Sunagakure village jounin who were still covered by water vapor!

Whoosh whoosh.

The sound of breaking through the air was heard, and the seven Sunagakure village jonins who had just completed a round of conversation reacted immediately!

There was no retreat, no panic, but a clear division of labor, some defending and others vigilant. There were even reserve personnel among them because of their numerical advantage.

But this kind of complete numerical advantage is really more ridiculous than playing tricks in the face of the Flying Thunder God.



The Sunagakure Murakami in charge of defense reacted quickly. After hearing the sound and identifying his position, he pulled out the afterimage of the kunai in his hand. When the flying thunder god kunai came, he knocked them down in an instant.

But the moment the Flying Thunder God Kunai fell to the ground, Akira Hatake suddenly appeared, and lightly patted the defensive ninja's calf with his right hand.


The Sunagakure Murakunin who was in charge of defense reacted very quickly. After feeling his calf being touched, he kicked out as fast as he could.

But no matter how fast he is, can he match Hatake Akira's reaction speed and the flying thunder god technique he masters?



"The information is wrong!"

"Hatake Akira's outstanding speed is not a pure speed ninjutsu!"

"Is it a unique teleportation technique?!"

"Although the instantaneous body technique is fast, it cannot allow the human body to pass through the coverage of the ninjutsu without any damage!"

"Everyone, do your best, and... do everything possible to pass on this key information, otherwise Hatake Akira will cause us considerable trouble!"

"Spread out! Now!"

It was exactly the same as the previous several exchanges. They seemed to be talking at random, but the communication was very fast. In just one second or so, seven Jonin from Sunagakure Village completed another attack on Hatake Akira Raijin. Analysis of the characteristics of the technique and subsequent countermeasures.

But their answer solution!

But just as the seven jounin of Sunagakure Village were preparing for a desperate fight, the jounin of Sunagakure Village who spoke last suddenly sensed the danger.

The moment the hoarse shouts came out, he immediately used the teleportation technique to stay away from the center of the danger.

But it's too late, it's too late to say anything!

The technique of using each other's detonating talismans!

When Akira Hatake used the Flying Thunder God Technique to return to Kakashi, he launched this fixed-point blast and a forbidden technique with almost full continuity, coverage, and destructiveness.

A large number of detonating talismans, through the unique technique that Hatake Akira left on the shins of the Sunagakure village jounin, were detonating instantly without interruption and without delay!


There was a loud explosion, and flames instantly shot into the sky, covering an area as large as half a football field!

And this happened in an instant. Even the Jonin of Sunagakure Village who warned in time could not escape the scope of the explosion by using the teleportation technique.

"Ha, the art of explosion is indeed beautiful sometimes..."

In the moments after the explosion, Hatake Akira realized the feeling in Deidara's heart. The charm of the firelight was indeed the pinnacle of the combination of violence and art.

After all, the fireworks show is indeed beautiful. If the enemy can be eliminated at the same time, it can definitely be called a violent aesthetic.

"Brother, this too exaggerated?"

Kakashi swallowed quietly, then opened his mouth slightly and breathed slightly.

"Exaggeration? This is all made of money. Do you know how many detonating charms I used this time!"

Although he felt Kakashi's shock and praise, Hatake Akira didn't feel the slightest bit complacent in his heart. Instead, his heart kept bleeding.

Activating a mutual multiplication detonating talisman technique consumes the amount of commission Akira Hatake earned from performing an A-level mission. Akira Hatake really doesn't want to use this powerful ninjutsu that costs money.

He did consider using Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken, or Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken, but considering the huge chakra consumption of these two techniques, Hatake Akira gave up in the end.

Because Hatake Akira didn't know how many ninjas from Hasagakure Village they would encounter on their way back to the village.

Preserving chakra is definitely a top priority.

"Huh? Is one of them alive?"

The reason why Akira Hatake was talking to Kakashi's mother-in-law standing here was not because Akira Hatake was careless, but because the sound of gold coins being credited after killing the ninja was too timely.

A series of "ding-ding-ding" sounds sounded after the explosion, letting Hatake Akira clearly know the outcome of this battle.

However, after counting for a while, Hatake Akira noticed a problem. From the seven jounin of Sunagakure Village, there were only six sounds of money jumping.

"I'll deal with him!" Kakashi ignored his own injuries and jumped far away with the knife in hand.

Want to steal someone's head? !

How could Akira Hatake allow Kakashi to do this, not even as a biological brother!


Akira Hatake was faster than Kakashi. He rushed ahead of Kakashi and came to the side of the remaining Jounin of Sunagakure Village.

No nonsense, he killed him with a knife.


"Everything must have a beginning and an end." Hatake Akira said lightly, and then his expression became nervous again, "You clean the battlefield as fast as you can, and I will collect the Flying Thunder God Kunai!"

"Okay!" Kakashi also returned to fighting status instantly. As soon as Hatake Akira finished speaking, he took action.

The Flying Thunder God Kunai was collected very quickly. Because of the Flying Thunder God Technique, Hatake Akira almost turned into a silver laser and circled around the entire battlefield.

In less than two seconds, Hatake Akira completed the recovery of the Flying Thunder God Kunai.

But due to time constraints, Hatake Akira did not intend to recycle some damaged Flying Thunder God Kunai.

Although it will bring some hidden dangers, I can't take care of it now...

The rapid changes in the battlefield represent the elusiveness of danger. A second's delay may cause Hatake Akira to be surrounded by a large number of Sunagakure Village ninjas.

This is no joke, and Akira Hatake is not arrogant enough to take Kakashi to fight a large army of ninjas.

The large force of ninjas is not the same as the ninja brigade that Hatake Akira destroyed just now. Not only are they more numerous, the division of labor is stricter, but they also have more top-notch combat power!

As for why Akira Hatake didn't take Kakashi to use the Flying Thunder God Technique and rush to Konoha as quickly as possible, it was because Akira Hatake wanted to collect more battlefield intelligence.

For example, the number of ninjas who invaded Sunagakure Village, tactics and strategies, attack direction, attack time, etc.

The importance of intelligence in war is undoubted!


With a crisp sound, the head of the Sunagakure who was killed by Akira Hatake was cut off by Kakashi. After some processing, it was sealed in the scroll by Kakashi.

Dead ninjas are also valuable for extracting intelligence!

"Brother, it's almost done, and I found this."

Kakashi put the seal scroll into his arms without changing his expression, and then handed Hatake Akira a detailed map of the Fire Country, with large and small annotations on it, making Hatake Akira couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"The current situation seems to be a bit... beyond our capabilities!"

There will be another chapter later. Readers, please wait patiently or read it tomorrow.

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