Shinobi: I'm Really a Supportive Ninja

Chapter 107 The beginning of the third war in the ninja world. (Please subscribe and get a monthly p

The sky was full of yellow sand, and the sand blown up by the hot wind hit people's faces like knives, causing pain on their faces.

This kind of environment that is relatively unfriendly to humans can be seen everywhere in the Kingdom of Wind.

A glimpse reveals the whole leopard, which shows the poverty within the Kingdom of Wind. Apart from relying on ninjas to perform tasks to earn money, the tax money the Kingdom of Wind can get from civilians is pitiful.

Unlike the Fire Country, which has a large area of ​​fertile land, the barren Wind Country relies on commissions from ninja missions for most of its financial income.

Then, the number of ninja missions performed will directly determine whether the financial revenue of the Kingdom of Wind is healthy.

The number of ninja tasks in a large hidden village depends on whether the country's overall strength is weak or strong.

Needless to say, he was too weak. The number of ninja tasks was pitiful. After all, no one would joke with their own lives and property.

If you lose your wealth, you can make another one, but you only have one life. Many wealthy businessmen would rather spend more money to hire more powerful ninjas with a higher price, rather than settling for a weaker ninja.

Sand Hidden Village in the Kingdom of Wind is also one of the five hidden villages. Its strength is undoubted, and the amount of ninja tasks is naturally maintained at a very objective number every day.

But I am afraid of comparison in everything.

Compared with Konoha Hidden Village in the Land of Fire, Sunagakure Village's daily ninja tasks are at most a little more than half of Konoha Hidden Village.

In addition, the Country of Fire and the Country of Wind are neighboring countries, so Sunagakure Village is having a very unsatisfactory life, and it is always thinking about unseating the competitor of Konoha Hidden Village.

But the strength of the ninjas in the village is just that. Although it is more than enough to bully some small countries and small and medium-sized ninja villages, it is still not enough to compete with the prosperous Konoha.

But there is one thing that the Kingdom of Wind has never forgotten, that is, besides them, the other three major countries also covet the rich land of the Kingdom of Fire.

Therefore, if a group attacks, the Kingdom of Wind will definitely be willing to get involved!

In the last two ninja wars, although the Kingdom of Wind lost, the Kingdom of Fire also did not win. At best, both sides suffered losses.

It's just that the Kingdom of Wind suffered greater losses than the Kingdom of Fire.

But after recuperating after the Second Ninja War, the country of Wind's national power has returned to its peak, even one step closer than before.

Moreover, as Sunagakure Village, a violent organization in the Kingdom of Wind, its head Kazekage is known as the strongest third generation Kazekage in history. This makes their confidence unprecedentedly expanded and they feel that they can do it again.

But before the Kingdom of Wind could take any action, a piece of bad news suddenly came.

The third Kazekage disappeared, and all the accompanying Kazekage guards were wiped out!

This incident undoubtedly stirred up a hornet's nest. The Country of Wind and its violent organization Sunagakure Village were the first to be suspected of being the Country of Fire's violent organization Konoha Hidden Village.

Although this is suspected of judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart, no matter whether it is, this is a good opportunity, an opportunity to provoke the four major countries to besiege the Fire Country again, and then carve up the Fire Country's rich land!

As a result, Sunagakure Village, representing the violent organization of the Kingdom of Wind, launched a series of military operations.

By searching for the reason behind the missing three generations of Kazekage, they sent troops to invade the small country of River Kingdom, which was caught between the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire.

As a small country, its strength is like that, and it won't be able to support it for a long time. The River Country turned to the Fire Country for help.

The fundamental reason why the River Country exists is that the Fire Country and the Wind Country deliberately left a strategic buffer to prevent the war between the two countries from directly affecting their own territory in the future.

Although it is a bit cruel to the River Country, in the world of Naruto, being weak is the original sin.

It's good to be alive. The big countries regard it as a strategic buffer, and the small countries caught in the middle can only agree with it with tears.

As the strategic buffer between the Fire Country and the Wind Country, the River Country was invaded. The Fire Country naturally could not sit idly by and ignore it. Otherwise, when the Wind Country completely occupied the River Country, the war would surely break out in the Fire Country.

Although this possibility is not 100%, it is still necessary to prevent the slightest change.

Even if they don't intervene directly, heavy troops should be stationed at the border between the Fire Country and the River Country.

However, at this critical juncture, the Sandaime Hokage, who was in power in Konoha, once again hesitated to move forward.

"I understand the daimyo's concerns, but the problem now is that the Kingdom of Wind is seeking the whereabouts of the Third Kazekage. It is not good for us to directly intervene, otherwise it will easily be true, which will lead to an all-out war between the two countries, and even involve With one move, the whole body is moved, becoming the trigger for the beginning of the Third Ninja War!"

"Hiruzhan, you are confused, you are confused!"

During a high-level meeting in Konoha, Danzo Shimura slammed the table, "The River Country has now been mostly occupied by the Wind Country. Although there are good reasons, if it is a little later, the Wind Country's troops looking for the whereabouts of the Third Kazekage will be Enter the Kingdom of Fire!"

"When the time comes, are you going to do the same as the River Kingdom and let the Wind Kingdom march in, and launch an invasion under the guise of looking for the Third Kazekage?!"

"Danzo!" Hiruzen Sarutobi also slapped the table, "I am the Hokage!"

Bah, bah, bah.

Taking two puffs of cigarette, Sarutobi Hiruzen made a compromise decision, "Send a small group of troops to station at the border, and at the same time recall all ninjas who have gone on missions back to the village to stand by, and prepare war supplies as soon as possible. Be prepared for emergencies.”

"If the Kingdom of Wind insists on sending a large force into our territory to search for the whereabouts of the Third Kazekage, if dissuasion fails, the ninjas stationed at the border can expel or even fight back."

"But if it's just a small group of ninjas, we'd better be patient and try our best to cooperate with the search for the ninjas from the Kingdom of Wind, try our best to eliminate the tension between the two countries and avoid further expansion of the situation."

It can be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen has thought of almost all situations, and his original intention is not to want a war to break out between the two countries. After all, the previous two sieges of the Fire Country are a lesson from the past.

Generally speaking, although the decision made by Sarutobi Hiruzen hurt the feelings of some passionate people, it was undoubtedly an act that took the overall situation into consideration.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen still ignored that the move of the Kingdom of Wind was simply a drunkard's intention. Therefore, although this resolution seemed like a foolproof strategy, it was actually a fatal act that delayed the fighter plane!

Danzo Shimura walked away with a sinister look in his eyes, and at the same time he kept scolding Hiruzen Sarutobi for being weak and lacking the domineering decisiveness that a shadow of a village should have.

How can you become a qualified leader without thinking about things before and after?

As the high-level meeting of Konoha ended, there was new action on the other side of the Country of Wind.

They also sent troops to invade the Bird Country, which was sandwiched between the Wind Country and the Earth Country, by looking for the reason for the whereabouts of the Third Kazekage, thus arousing the sensitive nerves of the Earth Country, which is adjacent to the Wind Country.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Earth decided not to have direct conflict with the Kingdom of Wind for the time being, and instead focused on the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Taki, which were sandwiched between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Earth.

This can be regarded as a tacit understanding between the two countries. They should temporarily avoid the more difficult Country of Rain and capture other smaller countries with weaker strength first.

Naturally, the Kingdom of Thunder, which has always had a feud with the Kingdom of Earth, cannot sit still and wait for death. If the Kingdom of Earth captures the Kingdom of Grass and the Kingdom of Taki, then the strategic buffer between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder will be infinitely close to nothing.

Some people may say that sandwiched between the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder are the Kingdom of Frost, Kingdom of Sound, Kingdom of Tang, and Kingdom of Moon?

But what do these four small countries mean to the big countries? Will it take a long time to break through their defense lines?

Immediately afterwards, the Kingdom of Thunder also started to move...

At this point, under the constant provocation of the Kingdom of Wind, the ninja world has turned into a mess in a very short period of time!

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