Even a slight hint of surprise or admiration in Kakuki’s eyes was enough to make Nakajima Tamura happy for a long time.

It’s a pity that so far, he has successfully installed B in class countless times, but he has never caused a wave in the heart of the goddess Qiu Che Zhenji.

Nakajima Tamura’s answer is indeed very good, but it is a pity that Xue Che Zhenji is still looking out the window with calm eyes like water, as if Xueba cannot affect her state of mind……

Seeing that the goddess still did not look at herself, Nakajima Tamura regretfully withdrew his gaze.

He began to look at the lecturer Richard.

The teacher’s compliment can also make him happy!


Richard did not disappoint Nakajima Tamura, he opened his mouth to admire:

“I didn’t expect you to know so much extracurricular knowledge!”

“This classmate is really good!”

“But I also want to ask, do the other students in the class have any other answers?”

After waiting for tens of seconds, no one stood up to answer.

Richard was somewhat disappointed.

Is there a top student in this class?

Richard, who was standing on the podium, flipped through the student roster in his hand, which had the usual comprehensive grades of all members of the class.

At this time, he noticed that there was another classmate in the class, and the overall score of theory was above Nakashima Tamura.

“Huh? Is it Miss Takekiri? ”

Richard raised his head and quickly found the seat by the window in the last row, as if he had been wandering the world.

Richard smiled and said

“I didn’t expect that Shinkai-san was also in this class!”

“I didn’t even notice the roll call too quickly just now!”

Shinki turned his face slightly and looked at Richard.

“Teacher, is there something going on?”

Richard looked at Xue Che and said with a smile

“The comprehensive results of all subjects have always ranked first in the whole class, which is really powerful!”

“So, I want to ask if you have any other views on the question I just asked?”

“Is the teacher asking, the evolution and development history of French cuisine?”

“Yes! Does Shinkiri have a different opinion than Nakashima Tamura-san? ”

Kakushi shook her head, and she said

“Nakashima Tamura-san’s answer is already very detailed, so I don’t have anything to add, and I have no other dissenting opinions…. French cuisine did take shape in the 15th and 16th centuries…. And then the concept was formally formed in the seventeenth century …”

Hearing Xue Che’s sincere answer, Richard smiled and said

“It seems that everyone is on the same page…. However, I think that if your answers are written in the test questions, they should not get full marks…”

“There is a point that everyone ignores, can anyone guess what the point is?”

Seeing Richard’s expectant eyes, the students fell into deep thought.

Blowing Snow actually realized the gist of Mr. Richard’s problem at the first time.

Last night, the training instructor provided by the system happened to talk about this topic, so Chuixue has a deeper understanding of this issue than anyone.

It’s just that Chuixue is not a person who likes to brush his sense of existence in front of others, there are so many students in the class, there is no need to stand out himself….

Blowing snow didn’t want to be in the limelight in front of a group of little fart children, but unfortunately things backfired.

Teacher Richard saw that no one in the class took the initiative to stand up and answer the question, so he called out by name:

“Then I’ll randomly select a classmate!”

“Well, let me see….. Is Fuyuki-san there? ”

Chuixue looked at Richard with a confused expression

There were so many people in the class, I was drawn at a glance….

Hearing Richard’s words, the class’s attention suddenly shifted to Blowing Snow.

Fuyuki got up from his seat.

Richard looked at Blowing Snow and asked

“Chuixue, just now I said that the students have ignored a key part of my question, can you find out where it is?”

Blowing Snow was too lazy to answer the question, just when he was about to answer Richard saying he didn’t know.

The class resounded with the sneer of a classmate.

Nakajima Tamura held up his glasses and mocked

“Mr. Richard, if I want to say, you better answer this question with another person!”

“A crane tail like Blowing Snow can’t even understand your question….. Don’t be embarrassed for him…”

Hearing Nakajima Tamura’s words, many students in the class showed mocking smiles…


“Crane tail?”

Richard was slightly stunned, and soon he thought that the crane tail seemed to refer to poor students here.

Richard looked at the combined scores of each subject in the column behind Blowing Snow’s name.

I’ll go… Sure enough, one is worse than the other.

Practical class E, theory class E, business management class E, hygiene E, etc

Is this kid really bad to this point?

Richard raised his head and looked at the blowing snow.

At this time, he discovered that there was a very different place in Blowing Snow.

That’s the look in the eyes of the blowing snow.

Generally speaking, after a poor student is ridiculed by his classmates, he will more or less show some unwilling or angry looks, but how can Blowing Snow’s eyes be so calm?

Richard had worked in the kitchen for a long time and taught in Yuanyue for several years, so he had met many different types of people.

He now has a feeling that the eyes of Blowing Snow are very similar to the calm eyes that a confident adult can have when facing something…

Of course, there is another explanation that Blowing Snow himself has already beaten himself up, so he doesn’t care about anything….

Compared to the latter, Richard prefers to believe that blowing snow is the former type.

Thinking of this, Richard looked at the blowing snow with encouraging eyes:

“Chuixue-san, tell me your opinion!”

“I think every student has the right to express their own ideas, whether your answer is right or wrong, at least we should be brave to express what we think.”

“Sometimes the courage to act is more important than the final result.”

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