Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 165: The birth of the ancient **** of heaven and earth

Now, Xu Zhi's seventh-level epics don't need to worry about the instability of the realm, and it is no longer just a witchcraft of the air hammer, even more knowledgeable than the fourth-level wizards in the same realm.

Secondly, the hidden danger in the wizarding world has now been resolved.

"The advancement of the wizarding world has temporarily come to an end and is on the right track. For a period of time, you can even ignore it. It is time to focus on and open up a new underground world."

Xu Zhi came to the chair, "Wisdom Vice Brain, what kind of potential species are there in the sand table now."

"Seven kinds of potential species, six of them reach the delivery standard, and one reaches the standard of strong potential." The wisdom of the brain answered.

With seven potential species, Xu Paper is not surprised.

After all, there has been a period of time. In addition to those who are more adversarial than the leading army "Autumn Mountain Speed", the brains of other people are not bad. These days, they have also gradually perfected their biological structures and appeared. "Big Bang" period.

And, there is a species with great potential?

This is already a very high evaluation.

You have to know that the Rubik's Cube and the Artificial God of that year can get this kind of evaluation.

However, what Xu did not expect was that the seeds sown during the period of the Wizarding World could not be harvested until the underground world, and could only be put in a large amount in this nurtured underground new world.

But at this time, a mechanical voice came from the wisdom of the brain: "Now it will be offline, do you want to extend the game time?"


Xu Zhiren froze for a moment, only to find out that it was almost ten o'clock, which is the time limit for the sandbox to close.

"Then read it tomorrow." Xu Zhi did not force it.

He is still a person in the Buddhist department. He thinks this is a very positive energy game, and they will never stay up late. After all, staying up late is inefficient and fast, and he has to use the hairline where he needs to.


Early the next morning.

Xu Zhi got up and brushed his teeth and washed his face, then picked up a piece of bread, opened the refrigerator, pulled out the Phoenix Spirit Tea, came to the yard for breakfast, and was ready to watch the evolutionary sand table.

"By the way, how is the Phoenix there?" Xu Zhi suddenly remembered that he had to have a suitable environment before putting in the species.

According to the truth, a suitable environment should be formed. After all, the last biological extinction, and after a few days, according to the progress of Phoenix caring for the ocean, now the creatures are afraid to climb ashore.

"At present, it has not reached the environment where it was dropped." A voice came from the mechanical wisdom brain.

Ok? ?

I am planning to release species, and there is no evolution of the ecosystem there. Is there any big accident?

Xu Zhi came to the cellar and went all the way to the underground space.

It turned out that the whole underground world in front of me was very different.

In the past few days, the Phoenix is ​​still smelting the depth of the earth. When it finds that it has melted to five meters, the ground becomes more solid and cannot be cast at all.

Therefore, it decided to smash a small pit without permission, straddled this solid ground, and came to a loose ground environment below, and continued to melt, so there were two levels of space.

In the middle of the mezzanine, there is a large hole, as a passage.

And it smelted nine huge smelting stone pillars, supporting the sky of two layers of heaven and earth.


The light is bright, the phoenix soars in the sky, the sound is clear and resounds throughout the sky,

"This world should be divided into upper and lower floors! The heaven is the heaven above, the earth is below, and the nine pillars in the middle support the world!"

Now, not only the top wall of the upper floor is covered with stars, but the lower sky is also covered with stars. It can be said that it is quite a girl's heart and dresses the whole world like its own boudoir.

It also introduces seawater into the lower world, where countless lives roam.

"Hurry up and be born! Lovely new life...right, I don't know what life will appear when these primitive lives that evolved in the ocean crazy melt into my blood."

On this day, the phoenix wandered in the sky, watching the ocean at a terrible speed, constantly madly breeding and evolving species, suddenly suddenly interested in trying.

During the period of creation, Xu Zhi merged creatures with Rubik's Cube and Insect Ape...and it even had this idea in the reproduction period of marine creation in this new world.

His own blood blended in, and another biological extinction began.

In the end, the entire land became extinct, and only nine creatures survived the blood of the phoenix to sustain this species extinction.

Nine of them, like a reduced version of the Phoenix, although not too powerful, but inherited the scorching Phoenix.

"Nine Suns!"

It was suddenly ecstatic.

A green lotus was planted on top of the Phoenix, still a little cute, flying in the sky, could not help but whisper,

"This way, I don't have to be so tired! As long as they grow up, they can patrol the world for me, bathe this land as nine suns, and protect all the souls of this land."

For the first time, Phoenix started to experiment completely,

"Blood can blend in, what about my feathers? My claws, bones, teeth, flesh?"

Phoenix is ​​so lonely.

Its race has a single biography, inheriting the memory of its ancestors from generation to generation. Without its own brothers and sisters, it can't help creating smart creatures that live with it.

Time and time again the biological extinction began.

Phoenix divides the entire ocean into several areas, separated by smelting magma, and puts its own bones, feathers, teeth...

It uses its own feathers to fuse and eventually survived only two species:

Two oviparous birds with red and purple feathers.

"The two of you will become clouds between heaven and earth! Wandering with the sun will add color to this beautiful world."

Another mass extinction.

The sea of ​​bones merged into a soft and bright exoskeleton yellow bird.

"Yellowish yellow, this is the first moon in this world!" Phoenix chuckled and lifted it high, "You are the head of the stars, inlaid on the sky wall, responsible for finishing and repairing the whole film The stars of the world!"

Another day, in the ocean of biological extinction, a huge life came out again. A giant feather creature, flapping its wings, can cause the air in the whole world to flow quickly.

" are the wind." Phoenix murmured.

One creature is creating...

Thousands of years later people recorded this scene in myths and legends. After the opening chapter, the creation of the "Ancient God" records:

[The world is beginning to open, the yin and yang are divided, and the yang **** is open to the earth. Because there are no souls in the world, it divides its own blood, bones, skin, and sprinkles the earth into day, moon, star, cloud, wind, and countless ancient gods.]



Xu Zhimu is not good, so now the biological extinction?

It's been a long time since I looked at it, and it turned upside down.

At this moment, various flying creatures that fuse the differentiation of Phoenix blood veins have begun to live in the sky, and spiritual wisdom is being born.

The ocean on the ground is still slowly evolving spores.

Phoenix once again resumed the life of the dead house, curled up and slept in the sky, and every day the clouds, the sun, and the moon under his patrol went to patrol.

However, with the devastation of the phoenix, this piece of seawater is nearly exhausted after several extinctions.

At this moment, Phoenix was lying on the wall of the sky, whispering every day, and gradually became pitiful, "Great Creator! I dare not! I will never dare! Please lower the vast sea again."

"I am willing to give everything I have! I am a godly servant!"

"The great creator, Phoenix is ​​your people, willing to serve by your side forever!"


Xu Zhi:? ? ? ?

There are so many dramas in this phoenix.

I’m afraid I’ve buried myself in the soil for hundreds of years.

He remembered a sentence: when God closes a door for you, he will catch your head by the way.

"No, no, maybe it's my problem... After I opened a new world gate for it, I also secretly boiled it's overnight bath water, which is the same thing." Xu Zhi thought it might be his own pot , I didn't immediately write down a small book for Phoenix, and then pulled up the water pipe again, adjusted the seawater, and then rushed down.

Wow la la la!

Large swaths of seawater are rushing down, and marine life is multiplying.

Even this time the light is softer, covering the whole ocean with warmth, it seems that the spores evolve faster.

"Under this trend, marine plankton can reappear in less than a day or two."

Xu Zhi coughed organized his thoughts, "It's just this piece of heaven and earth, not on the surface, it's the Phoenix that created the clouds, the sun, the moon, and the stars according to the environment of the stars and moon that they once lived on the surface. Working in this world."

What kind of vast world will be formed in the future?

He stood up, turned his head and left the ground, came to the ground, and began to screen creatures.

"Phoenix is ​​also so uneasy, wisdom brain, is there any potential creature?" Xu Zhi sat in a chair, drinking tea.

A mechanical voice came from the wisdom head:

"The strongest potential species is expected to be comparable to the Rubik's Cube, the artificial god, and it is a powerful and extraordinary species of the plant family, a fruit plant."

Xu Zhilen looked a bit, and after searching for a long time in the forum according to the tips of the wisdom of the brain, he finally found a very lively post:

[Come, come! ! Everything is ready, Mengmei will soon become a cute and sweet little sweetheart, eaten by my male **** (shy)]

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