Xu Zhi told the ceramic mechanical girl butler to cook seriously, and then left the kitchen full of cooking fireworks, went to the sofa in the living room to sit down, and waited for the meal.

The process of quietly looking forward to the food is also a kind of enjoyment.

"Both of them, the deadline is approaching at this time, and there is no Taoist protector, so they are all dangerous. They are finally brought here, and it is safe to settle them temporarily."

Xu Zhi silently glanced at the hot water in the cauldron in the kitchen, then shifted his gaze, penetrated the door, and looked at the snake-haired girl leaning on the chair and curling her legs in the ice and snow.

The placement of Phoenix was naturally prepared from the beginning.

The cycle of her rebuilding this time will not be very short, because it is starting from scratch. Although Phoenix was born as a sixth-order life, it still has to be considered in the long-term, but there are actually benefits. Rebuilding the realm, all the flaws and weaknesses of the previous practice, It can be completed step by step to achieve perfection.

And Medusa, on a whim, brought it in.

"I do have a bold idea."

He looked at the door, as if he saw the Gorgon who was sleeping at a high speed and awakening at a high speed, "Her Cthulhu Evil God, her body is a little out of date, and her various organs and tissues have relatively large defects. After all, these Species were all evolved by the most primitive and first evolutionary players back then."

In other words, it's out of date!

Although the overall structure still has infinite potential, there are flaws everywhere in the body, just like a high-end car, with all kinds of small defects in the gears and chains inside.

There is no way, this is what was left when it was originally built.

At that time, the concept kept up, but the level of knowledge could not keep up.

The biggest difference between Cthulhu and other creatures is that it is an aggregated creature that gathers countless creatures, and it has extremely high requirements for the life of the basic combination.

Generally speaking, even if the phoenix, the mother of the earth, the green vine, and even the various creatures of the emperor are allowed to enter, ignoring the threshold of their immortality, returning to the flow of creation, and evolving for more than 100,000 years, there will be no huge terrifying improvement in qualitative change. .

"And Medusa has."

Xu Zhi's eyes flickered, sitting on the sofa with a serious face,

"Her body structure has exactly this characteristic. Her whole body is made up of hundreds of biological parts. She personally reshapes, evolves, and reshapes her entire body, and uses hundreds of thousands of years of long evolution to adjust her own body. Body."

"I'm looking forward to the new version of her self-integration, Cthulhu Evil God, no one knows better than herself how to evolve and rectify this body."

"She is the only practitioner in this system, unique, and no one else can move forward with her."

Looking at the scene outside, Xu Zhi was very calm after all.

After all, the Cthulhu Cthulhu, the strongest late-stage Cthulhu in history, is infinitely strong in a single realm, and he is still a fighter himself, so he is destined to be his number one fighter.

At this time, letting players evolve species in this indescribable coercive environment seems to kill two birds with one stone. I have to say that his adaptable strategy is perfect.

"Let her evolve for three days now, that is, three hundred years. As for how to deal with it in three hundred years, we have to look at these three days, and it depends on the level of her evolution. The combat power of a high-level god will be lost. It doesn't seem good anywhere"

And, three days is enough for a lot to happen.

There will be many drastic changes in the major sand tables and even the small universe world.

As for Phoenix

Xu Zhi was about to say something.

The ceramic girl in the kitchen came with a hot meal and a pot of phoenix eggs, and placed it on the table seriously, with a tempting smell.

Phoenix Spirit Tea.

Xu Zhi suddenly felt some emotion and nostalgia.

After all, a big pot was sorted out at the time, filled with the refrigerator, and finally finished drinking.

Xu Zhi was not in a hurry. After eating the food seriously, he slowly began to taste the tea. It was extremely delicious and had an endless aftertaste.

In the end, Xu Zhi looked at the ceramic girl who was packing the food, "It's a good job,"

"Many spiritual materials, spiritual liquids, heavenly materials and earthly treasures are brewed, and they are combined with medicinal properties." She was indeed implanted with the magic core of the chef's housekeeping robot, and she continued to analyze the delicious characteristics of it, and finally said, "However, it is about to hatch. After all, the incubation period of this statue seems to be very short."


Xu Zhi asked her to wash the dishes and tidy up the housework, and she also had arrangements for Phoenix, and even had arrangements already.

"It seems that she has indeed improved a lot. Back then, she hatched for a full night and could cook a whole pot. At this point, she was about to wake up. There was no chance at all, but it was a matter of course." Xu Zhi's eyes flashed a touch of tenderness,

"Get ready."

Xu Zhi stared at the phoenix egg and felt that he was quite busy. He dealt with Medusa outside the house, and now, he had to deal with the phoenix inside the house.

Following her own orders, she opened up the world, has a gentle and quiet temperament, and has been cultivating with peace of mind, without causing trouble for herself. She is simply the person Xu Zhi feels the most worry-free at the moment.

Look at people Caroline? Di Qi? Medusa?

Which one doesn't fuck you every three days? One by one, they are insidious and cunning, and they are crazy to calculate, and they do not worry at all.

"Medusa, has been baptized by the evolution of the place of origin, and obtained a great adventure. The Phoenix opened up a world for me. How can there be no adventure when I return at this time? It should also be baptized by the evolution of the place of origin."

After all, it is immortality, and the side effects of longevity are not a problem.

Xu Zhi frowned,

"However, it is not the special aggregation structure of Medusa. The four genes of the Phoenix have been finalized and will not benefit greatly from evolution, but it will still have a perfect effect. The adventure is still not small, and we should increase some external forces. , all kinds of heaven and earth treasures, let her be perfect in the baptism."

Medusa was baptizing outside, wild, Xu Zhi didn't want to pay attention to her.

But Xu Zhi was still very serious about the evolution of the Phoenix.

He stared at the almost broken phoenix egg and closed his eyes slightly, "Ermin said it well, the husband does not fight, so the world can't fight with him."

"You have never been like other people, vying for adventures, opportunities, and doing whatever you want. Then, in front of you, I will also fight for you."

The six reincarnation world.

The King of Hell opened his icy eyes and summoned the black and white impermanence, "Open the treasure house of the underworld, and bring all the treasures of the entire six worlds and the food world here!"


Black and white impermanence slowly bowed.

It didn't take long for the treasures treasured in the underworld, the entire six reincarnations, the various strange treasures, flashing colorful divine lights, piled up like mountains, and placed in front of them.

Small universe world.

"Caroline, what are you doing lately?"

Xu Zhi opened his eyes and walked over the universe of planets, frowning slightly.

Caroline has been missing recently. She came back from Shangguan Man and seemed to be curled up in the room, studying some strange things.

"It should be that Shangguanman checked those daily newspapers and analyzed the systems of other worlds. She has gained a lot. With her character, she is not afraid of being infected by those strange books. It is estimated that she turned her head when she saw the name." Zhi didn't think about it anymore, and stopped the first priest to collect the heavenly treasures and all kinds of magical things from the entire planet.

Six realms.

In order to compete for the authority of the demon world and the demon world, a terrifying war still broke out.

But the hard bones of the Martial Dao Palace are too hard to bite. They control the body of the Daojun, and the four gods sit in the town and the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

At this time, the demon world.

Church of Light.

The saint opened her eyes, wearing a white priest's robe, kneeling in the cathedral, worshipping the statue of Hermes, "There are disputes in the demon world, the goddess Ermin of the underworld, are dealing with disputes, should we also fight? "

"The Church of Light, you don't need to be too involved with the inheritance of the Demon God. You can teach with peace of mind and gather your beliefs." Hermes sent down the edict and opened the treasure house of the Church of Light.

After thousands of years of accumulation, how rich is the accumulation of the Church of Light?

Xu Zhi opened his eyes again.

He was dragging the entire phoenix egg with one hand, and at this moment, the phoenix egg also hatched slightly.


The colorful rays of light flickered, the strands of particles floated, and a sacred and vast distant breath rushed forward.

Finally, a young phoenix bird covered in golden flames slowly broke the eggshell. She made a crisp surprise sound and curled up on Xu Zhi's palm, "Great creator."

Finish writing ahead of time.

The weather is cold, everyone rest early (ω)

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