Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 150 Conversation with Phoenix

The first day of the official public beta of the dungeon "Wizard Community" was already very lively. Everyone was chatting and discussing, but now, extremely terrifying news has emerged.

A post title appeared:

【The big thing is bad! The phoenix of the wizarding world, appearing in our dimensional courtyard, is talking to the god of creation! 】

Post content:

"Today, Phoenix, the diplomatic ambassador of the wizarding world, visited the God of Creation in the Dimensional Courtyard, and the two sides had a friendly talk,

Live broadcast by our reporter "Chunzi Ai Learning\

,"This meeting was held in a cordial and friendly atmosphere. Phoenix stated that the evil god Cthulhu had seriously invaded the territory of our world and strongly condemned it! And asked to hand over the murderers of the evil god Cthulhu, and complained of the common people,

Regarding the invasion and atrocities of the evil god of Cthulhu, the god of creation expressed deep sympathy during the talks and agreed to hand over several red-named players of the evil god of Cthulhu in order to maintain the friendly peace between the two sides.

During this period, the God of Creation expressed deep apologies for the disaster people in the wizarding world, and said that the territory of the wizarding world is sacred and inviolable! "

Chunzi loves to study: "In short, you are cold! Phoenix came to complain, and complained to the parents! Several famous players of the evil god of Cthulhu, your numbers are gone! Who let you destroy the wizarding civilization of the world! (Drip blood!) knife)"

Everyone was immediately shocked. The wizard civilization was destroyed, and they were also very sad. Could it be that the masters have come to the door?

We didn't do it, we were allies!

Of course, everyone started to feel wrong.

"Why do I feel like you're talking nonsense?"

Originally, at this time, many people didn't log in to Sandbox World, but as a result, they all went online at once.

Let me open up a new world?

In the small sand table of 30 square meters, Phoenix fell into a sluggishness, and did not think that the creator would take it away from the original world. This is the reason, it is simply unimaginable.

"But. Let me open up a new world, is it possible?"

Phoenix trembled all over, and while his mind went blank, he couldn't help but start to inspect the surrounding environment.

This is a small space. Countless primitive beings, plants, and animals are all multiplying on the ground. On the ground, there are also a group of tiny strange-shaped beings, watching their arrival in twos and threes.

Phoenix had never seen such a strange looking life, eight tentacles of black mud, walking trees, and, judging from the voices of their discussions and whispers, they were wise.

"Brothers! Everyone line up, don't crowd!"

"Nima! I was eating so much, and I went online all of a sudden!"

"Say you don't say it, civilize you, me and him! Sit down and watch, don't lose our face! The two leaders are likely to hold talks on the Cthulhu Cthulhu incident!"

"It's not about this. I just listened to it. It seems that the God of Creation is going to create the world and wants the Phoenix to go to that new world."


One by one, they quickly turned serious faces, chopped wood on the spot, and built chairs. In an instant, it was like an open-air theater. Countless chairs were placed one by one, and strange creatures sat down on the small chairs.

"Everyone, don't make a fuss! For those who understand the native language of wizards, please translate the cutscenes for everyone, thank you!" They sat in a row, as orderly as watching a movie, and planned to use this more comfortable way to watch the main storyline. Cut-scenes CG animation.

Phoenix: ? ? ? ?

What a strange creature.

Phoenix felt incredible, and suddenly discovered an even more terrifying point. The life in this world is deducing and evolving at an extremely unimaginable speed.

It looked at the piece of sea water not far away, and each of the most curious marine life was slowly crawling out of the ocean, and in a short period of time, it realized the evolution from marine animals to terrestrial animals.

As they crawled towards the land, their mouths were full of incomprehensible language, "Brothers, stop dawdling, go ashore, I heard that the phoenix is ​​coming! The main storyline begins, grab your seat!"

"Come along! I want to watch in the front row!"

Phoenix naturally did not understand these words, but felt a little familiar, and was looking at a forest again.

It was a strange long-worm creature that slowly began to grow wings and flew into the sky with difficulty. "Fortunately, I finally caught up, how can it be cool to be condescending!"

Phoenix couldn't help but be startled, "What a terrifying world this is! All beings are evolving and advancing like the flower that was handed over to Medusa."

Xu Zhi looked at them.

These little sluts know how to sit in a row and watch the plot?

Do you think that if you pretend to be honest, I will not attack you?

Xu Zhi let them appear, just to let the Phoenix see the evolution here. After showing his face, of course, they don't need them. Xu Zhi waved his hand, and the wave of witchcraft came, and a wind quickly blew up.

Boom! !

The gust of wind swept through, and these little ants instantly flew out with their chairs.

Of course, Xu Zhi was not proficient in witchcraft, he just blew away their ants, and the real way to deal with them was still simple.

"The big drop technique."


Players will see a black screen in front of them.


"It was blown away, and the screen went black again!"

"All of you are told to watch the cutscenes of the main storyline, sit on the bench obediently, and all of them are messed up! Can't you be a quiet and beautiful man for a while?"

"It's not us! There's a bastard. I saw that he wanted to take the opportunity to sneak up on the phoenix's feathers!"

"It's definitely not me, it's definitely the one who sneaked around and climbed the thigh of the God of Creation! (Innocent little eyes)"

"Mummy, this game is too real! It angers the God of Creation, and the main storyline can be pigeon-off?"

"So, what exactly happened?"

Xu Zhi felt that his ears were a lot cleaner, he lowered his head and laughed softly, and said calmly: "This is the place where all things originate, and between dimensions and dimensions, all life is rapidly evolving here, and life in every world is here. It all starts here."

Phoenix is ​​incredible.

Is this the place where all things are supreme?

The origin of all worlds?

It feels in touch with the supreme rule, the cause of the world.

Phoenix couldn't help trembling: "Am I born here too?"

"Yes, no life can be an exception, and so are you." Xu Zhi laughed and took a sip of tea. You were born in the 280-degree oven here.

"I want you to guide the birth of a new world."

Xu Zhi sat on the chair calmly, looking at the motionless phoenix under his feet, "It's a space full of dirt, I need you to burn the whole world, melt it, and cast it into a vast and boundless world of dirt. , that is your world."

"My world?" The phoenix trembled, and the God of Creation saw that I was so pitiful, and gave me a world?

It suddenly felt wrapped in great happiness, like the warm ocean last night.

Yes, it's for you.

How to dig the ground of 100 acres of land?

It was impossible for Xu Zhi to use the excavator, of course, it could only be melted at high temperature to free up a space in the ground.

And to do all this, only the Phoenix.

It's just that the underground space for burning a hundred acres of land seems to be a bit large.

Xu Zhi added: "You will become the god of the sun in that world, giving all things sunshine."

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