Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1331 Appearing Cosmic Pattern

there is always a solution to a problem.

Although it is unrealistic to use mud to block the chaotic river, it is also the best idea to hang a beheading sword high above the river's head so that anyone who dares to swim over will be hacked to death.

"This decapitation of the heavens, the gate of hell, seems complicated, but it is actually extremely simple. It is enough to temporarily make a melee weapon bloodline universe, and even the existing melee bloodline can be used directly by changing it."

Pheasant Ji also learned a lot about evolution.

Opening up a new path, the new system can't do it, but her ability to evolve based on existing knowledge is also extremely amazing.

"This matter, I can take someone to do it."

Ji Ji stood up, no longer drinking tea with Emperor Zun, showing a resolute female emperor posture, and said in a cold voice: "It must be fast, the other party has already broken through one universe, and is already killing the second universe, I'm afraid There is no way to keep this universe, and we can only make things when the opponent is heading towards the third universe."

Soldiers are expensive and fast.

It seems that it is very fast to directly improve a melee bloodline universe that can be seen everywhere, but people move faster.

The essence of this battle for the "harbor" is to race against time. This side is buying time, speeding up stationing, and stabilizing the camp. The opponent seizes the time to attack you.

Once stabilized, it will be difficult to break through.

At the very least, in the current era of budding life in the universe, everyone is weak, without the kind of powerful mature combat power to break through the plants that have taken root in the "Dojo".


Pheasant Ji left directly and entered the period of full-scale preparations, leading the so-called camp of Plants vs. Zombies to start attacking and defending.

And Xu Zhi was sitting in a chair, listening to news from the front line:

"Di Qi led a part of the army to attack the First Universe."


"Three Pillars of God"

Xu Zhi heard the news indifferently.

And Bai Xiaojun next to him, the big octopus heard very badly, each of these is a huge treasure!

They couldn't help feeling that Emperor Zun was really calm, and they could drink tea so calmly after hearing the news.

But there is no way, the other party is too insidious.

There is no big octopus to stop them, and they are not vegetarians. After all, it is only one-ninth of the power, too scattered.

Soon, another news came.

Medusa and Shi Ji, together with Liu Qi, Mosquito Meng and others, captured one universe, and then rushed to the second universe without stopping.

The peashooters over there struggled and resisted preparedly, but they only delayed for a long time before being breached.

Adjust and open up a river, attack directly by water, it is too unsolvable!

And when they were heading towards the third universe and halfway through their attack, Pheasant Ji finally hurriedly appeared with the improved beheading universe, successfully suppressing the opponent's waterway attack.

"All of a sudden, the war on all fronts ceased."

Xu Zhi thought for a while and asked, "How is the battle going?"

"This is the current distribution of forces." Bai Xiaojun, as the leader of Asura Dao, handed over a piece of information.

Xu Zhi took a look.

Diqi, Caroline, and Sanzhushen each occupy a universe.

Medusa occupies two universes.

The best regions of the remaining four multiverses are still in their own hands.

"Leap to become the biggest cosmic landowner."

Bai Xiaojun beamed with joy, "Your Highness is calm, I'm afraid I've already expected this. We occupy four of the nine key seaports of the universe and the best spiritual node treasure lands, and we will surely fly to the sky in the future!"

What is it called?

This is called occupying half of the country!

He actually jumped up and beat Di Qi, Caroline, Qiu Mingshan and others, overtaking on a curve, it would be a lie to say he wasn't surprised!

"This is probably fate. Qiu Mingshan and others are several times faster than us, but they are still snatched by us. This is the importance of our internal intelligence!" Bai Xiaojun was ecstatic, looking at the indifferent Emperor Zun, secretly happy in his heart,

If it wasn't for Emperor Zun's astonishing means, willing to lag behind the previous progress, and spending a lot of time to conquer Jiji, would this day be possible?

At that time, it seemed that we didn't want to be the first to fight for the trend, but in fact, we already had a budget and could strike later.

"My vision is not wrong, following the forces of Emperor Zun, it really has the opportunity to surpass other Buddhist and Taoist civilization forces such as Di Qi!" Bai Xiaojun and other Asura warriors laughed, thinking that they could do it.

"The dust of this battle has settled, and the creatures in the chaotic sea have climbed ashore. I'm afraid that the real era of the heavens will be completely opened." Xu Zhi looked at the chaotic sea in the distance.

Just five years have passed.

Everything has been thoroughly rooted and stabilized, and each plant has completely formed a "dojo" plant, rooted in the chaotic world, sucking endless energy.

As said, plants are the bottom of the terrestrial ecological food chain.

With plants, terrestrial life will have food supplies and the possibility of real reproduction on land.

Of course, these plants are not for food, but for the animals and plants on land to eat and walk.

"Plants appeared, and the beast life on the earth also began to evolve."

The entire continent of the multiverse has completely entered the era of the Great Explosion. Species have exploded from the coast. Plants, animals, and beasts have appeared on the land one after another, creating a vibrant and prosperous world.

The magnificent and fantastic scenery is unimaginably beautiful.

Another hundred years.

There are also the cosmic and heavenly forces of the next level back then, which have finally caught up and have the ability to land on the earth.

"There is one of the five terrifying ancient powers of the heavens, the land of the underworld." A saint looked out from a distance, and was shocked to see that green and prosperous world.

"These five taboo forces have mastered the best treasure land in the universe, and we can only find the next-level coastal sites." A saint sighed, "As the second batch, we are the thirty-seventh ones to land The power is already very good."

The opponent occupied the most prosperous venue, but no one dared to provoke.

Everything that happened back then has been vividly experienced, and it has become a myth.

The overwhelming bloody battle, coastal defense battle, the shooting of the mysterious peas, potatoes, sunflowers and all kinds of mysterious plants, as well as the fighting methods to deal with them, they still find it strange and difficult to resist.

All the saints were shocked by that battle that year.

All kinds of hole cards emerge in endlessly, extremely tyrannical!

It also completely allowed them to understand the fighting methods of the "evolved" biological system.

"Even the most tyrannical Netherland heavens have been deprived of the best treasures of the five universes. It can be seen that other methods are also very profound." They sighed and directly stationed in a land along the coast.

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