Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1306 Raising All Humans

Marine organisms are evolving at an evolutionary speed that exceeds the normal state of life. They are evolving from the ocean to the land, and gradually become amphibians or terrestrial organisms.

"They're huge!"

"Incomparably huge, if you compare a huge multi-parallel universe to a continent, they are the surface of the continent, creatures of the same size!"

The saints started to panic and slaughtered it.

Along the coastline, all super-giant marine organisms that climbed ashore, even super-large conch, shells, and seaweed, were slaughtered one after another. At the same time, the sages began to study the corpses of these super-large marine organisms with a light-year calculation size.

These creatures are just creatures, not the universe of life in the "heaven and myriad worlds" outside.

They don't have no rules of enlightenment, even, they have no blood, but they have a strange sacred power, which can borrow the rules of heaven and earth.

Although very weak, these sea creatures that climbed ashore were constantly being killed by saints like them, and they couldn't resist at all.

But this change made them uneasy.

"How is it possible! How is it possible? All creatures have blood, how could these creatures not have blood?"

"Blood veins are the concretization of rules in essence. Even the stones everywhere contain rules, so after the stones are enlightened, they will also have blood veins, and there is the possibility of using the rules contained in the blood veins to prove the Tao, but these creatures, how come!!?"

Creatures without blood are simply frightening.

At this time, the Dao Palace of Longevity, which was born, was also completely shaken.

Zhiweng has been rotten. He looked at the nine geniuses around him who were still young, "You guys, how do you think about it?"

These nine geniuses are still in the prime of life. In their real sense, it is equivalent to a second ago. They are still at their peak in the bloody battle, and their energy and spirit have climbed to the highest level.

They began to deduce quickly.

And Xu Zhi, Nu Yi, and even Di Qi and others were also watching their deduction.


In a short period of time, no one present could deduce it.

The Tianjiao of these eras, the longevity saints of the Longevity Dao Palace, they are the strongest saints in the middle of the world, and their talents and abilities have reached the current peak.

No one else can match them.

Under the surveillance of everyone, the nine young saints started their deduction.

First, they summarize the special points,

"They don't have blood. How could they not have blood? Creatures born in the Chaos Sea have no blood? Then how do they cultivate? Do they have a special system?"

"If they are the new masters of the era of Chaos Sea, will we be eliminated?"

"At this time, the other party is still evolving, a low-level creature in the explosion of species! Although it is weak enough to kill at will, just clean up the coastline, but what about the future? If the other party has a cultivation system, we must be in danger!"

"This size, this energy level! It can only appear outside the chaotic sky! In the universe, it is absolutely impossible for a huge creature of this size to appear!"

They all clearly know that the other party is constantly being born in the chaotic sea, and they have no way to destroy the origin of life. The other party is a steady stream of new forces, constantly growing.

The saints of Changsheng Dao Palace began to study.

Another thousand years passed.

These coastal creatures are constantly climbing ashore, and they seem to have formed populations, and even amphibians have appeared.

They terrified the ordinary saints of the present age, because their continuous killings made the opponent continue to evolve, showing greater adaptability, and becoming stronger.

"They are adapting to us."

"Instead we became the thrust of their biological evolution."

Ordinary saints, constantly shrinking towards the coastline and migrating towards the inland of the continent, felt more and more fear.

The "marine garbage" they left behind one by one turned into living creatures, and gradually climbed ashore to attack these saints. Is there anything more bizarre in this world than this?

And after this period of time passed, the nine saints finally deduced some extremely terrifying corners of the future.

"They don't have bloodlines because the essence of bloodlines is the rules of the universe. When the universe is approaching the age of dharma, the rules of the universe are completely mature and complete, so there will be no rules. Naturally, there will be no bloodlines..."

"After all, the lack of rules is a feature of the Dharma-ending era!"

"And now, the universe is 80% complete, and there are almost no regular seats. The universe is completely perfect, so the evolution of these creatures may also have no blood!"

"How could there be no bloodline? Our universe is the bloodline universe!"

"No, when the rules of the universe are completely completed, the so-called rules no longer exist in people's eyes, because they are already perfect. When they are everywhere, when they are perfect and mature that cannot be pried or perceived, it is equivalent to It doesn't exist anymore."

"Then they"

"They are born holy, and when they are born, they are close to the strength of ninth-level enlightened people, or even tenth-level saints."

"They're special."

They continued to deduce and became more and more frightened.

The pattern of the universe is changing drastically, making them all terrified.

"So, they're using the rules, too?"

"That's because they were born holy, and they were close to the Tao when they were born, because the rules in the chaos gave birth to their lives."

"When the real Dharma-ending era comes, the gate of the tenth step is closed, and we fall into the realm, don't they fall too?"

"Yes, they will inevitably fall to the realm and become mortals like us, but unlike us, they are born creatures outside the chaotic sky. Even if they fall, they are giants living outside the chaotic sky."

"Then they will completely become... Huge creatures that live outside the chaotic sky? The natives of the chaotic sky?"

"I don't know, no one can see that far."

"Perhaps, in the future, they will find other cultivation systems in the chaotic sky. The universe is completely mature, and they are the real protagonists of the maturity of the universe! Their future will not only have ninth-level, tenth-level, and eleventh-level .These realms will become the norm?"

"I don't know."

The ancient beings of the Longevity Dao Palace are deducing, they can only see a corner, but they cannot see through the future of this race, they can only guess various possibilities.

However, the more they deduce, the more desperate they become.

"It turns out that we are not the protagonists!"

"We have worked so hard to smuggle, and finally came to the future era opened by the eleventh level, but found that the eleventh level is not for us prehistoric creatures, but the realm of existence, this realm is for other creatures! There is something more pathetic than this something?"

"Traveling through time and space and smuggling into the future, I thought it was detachment, but it was even more terrifying despair! Because when I opened my eyes, we were already ancient creatures that were going to be extinct in prehistoric times, and we were welcoming our final death."

As time flies, species explode completely and land on land.

And the Zhiweng of the Longevity Dao Palace began to be completely born, with an unimaginably powerful force to resist the creatures that kept climbing up the chaotic sea, but it became more and more powerless.

Because there are too many, the size is too large.

Even if the realm is low, the huge difference in energy level and size, as well as the continuous quantity, are really terrifying.

But on this day, a wet super-giant figure in the chaotic sea, who did not know that it was countless light-years in size, covered the sky and blocked the sun, slowly walked out of the sea, and found Zhiweng,

"Little ants, what do you think you are?" The figure was extremely wise, as if he was a master of creatures in the ocean, and Zhiweng actually felt Yimang's feeling in the opponent.

"What are we?"

Zhiweng fell silent, staring at him with fiery eyes, "We are creatures, and we call all bloodline creatures with spirits and wisdom human beings. We are the protagonists of the universe."


The figure was smiling, like a weird wet dolphin, half man, half fish, with sticky skin, "Do you know why we were born with wisdom so quickly, understand your language, and understand your civilization?"

The quality man is silent.

"Because you put too many ancient relics, civilization relics, and stone slabs in the sea of ​​​​chaos. I am learning, and I know a lot of history better than you, and I can see more clearly than you."

The figure whispered, as if asking himself, "And I was born with wisdom, so I wondered who I am? What is the meaning of living in this world? Why did we appear?"

"Later, I figured it out."

He suddenly felt emotional, turned his head, and looked at the blue and clear chaotic sea, "Because I saw the development history of the entire universe, which is a history of evolution."

Zhiweng still didn't speak, his eyes fixed on him.

"Yes, the history of the development of the universe is a history of continuous maturation and continuous improvement"

"Why do you have to be paranoid to think that you are a higher life? The self with blood is the protagonist of the universe?"

"Didn't you find it? Your bloodline is just a self-complementing stage mechanism of the universe. You are like microorganisms in the universe."

He continued, "You are like an ordinary planet. Bacteria and fungi appeared to perfect the natural environment. They produce oxygen and carbon dioxide to perfect the environment, complete the order of the universe, and make the universe mature. But, you These fungi, bacteria, think they are the protagonists of the universe?"

"You have already discovered that with the completion of the Dao, your bloodline has begun to lose its strength, and you can no longer use the rules because your role is only to complete the universe."

"That's all your mission as 'humans'."

The figure calmly looked at Zhiweng, the rotten overlord of the bloodline from the distant past, and chuckled, "But why do you think you are the real protagonist? You, this is an ancient creature from the backward era of the universe. The ones that were eliminated. Just like you who eliminated the backward species of ancient gods and demons."

"Oh, I almost forgot, you are also a primordial god and demon, you lived out your second life, you became an acquired human after occupying the magpie's nest."

The other party's voice fell.

Zhiweng's eyes were furious, and he looked at them coldly, "You want to hit me with words."

"This may be too difficult for you to accept. To us, you are like bugs under the soil of this planet."

The figure slowly returned to the sea, the vast and huge body stepped on the soft sand step by step, returned to the sea, gradually submerged in it, and walked to the depths,

His voice continues,

"The higher the life, the later the universe will appear. This is an eternal law."

"When the rules of the universe are perfected, the real biological protagonist will be bred to 80% perfect, and we will have the mild conditions suitable for appearance. This is also a law."

"It's like the so-called eleventh level, which only appeared with the perfection of the universe, because the incomplete and immature universe has an extremely low ceiling and cannot accommodate higher levels.

We creatures, too,

Only a healthy universe can we be born, because the upper limit of the universe was extremely low before, and we couldn’t accommodate us. Your existence is only to complement the universe and to let us be born.”

The voice of this holy sage who walked out of the ocean was extremely cold, as if he was stating a fact.

Zhi Weng closed his eyes with a bitter expression.

"Your mission of existence is only to give birth to us, you are just our cradle, nothing else."

The figure entered the deep sea step by step, "Of course, the Dharma-ending era you mentioned has come, you lose your power and can only breathe in the universe, we will also lose our power and live outside the universe.

But for us, this is not the final chapter. Your Dharma-ending age is an embryonic age for us. We are not a blood system. We will definitely adapt to the times and find a cultivation system that suits us. "

"We will live in a truly mature universe, with the ninth, tenth, and new eleventh-order realms that only appear in a complete universe,... and you will be completely decayed, unable to reach beyond the sky, and can only become the universe The mortals in the world lose their power and only have eighth-level gods at most, this is the necessity of the times."


"You will not perish completely. As I said, you will live in the universe, under the sand of the continent, and become insect-like existences. We may have nothing to do, dig up the sand, find some small soil balls, grab some small Insects eat."

"After all, what you call the universe is just nine continents on a planet as far as we are concerned."

His vast figure was finally submerged in the deep sea, forming a shadow and dissipating,

"You call yourself human."

"Then this future, as the little bugs living on the sand balls under the land of nine continents, will be put on the dining table by us, the next overlord, as food. Perhaps we can call this future, the final ending of human beings, as"

"Feeding all humanity."

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