Shennong Daojun

Chapter 96 Beginning of Winter Assessment, ghosts enter dreams, very bad luck!

"The abandoned forging workshop in Anping Town was originally the site of Tiangong Workshop twelve years ago."

"Due to a big problem when the ground fire was used to start the furnace, the ground fire rioted, causing many people to be burned to death at that time."

"My family used to set up a factory here, but just after the new forging workshop was built and workers were recruited, something went wrong. Later, Nanyang County issued a ban and it was closed not long after. It was a loss-making business."

Zhao Xing sat in Zong Shichang's carriage, looking at the wasteland and dilapidated houses outside.

They walked around the land for a quarter of an hour, but there was not even a decent tree. They were basically small and short trees.

There were weeds, most of which were strange-shaped thorns. Only such plants with strong vitality could survive in the scorched earth.

"It's easy to destroy but hard to rebuild. Three years ago, there were no trees or even grass here." Zong Shichang said, "It's much better now. Chen Shijie has done a lot."

"Indeed." Zhao Xing nodded slightly.

Chen Shijie came to Gucheng to take office three years ago.

Before him, Anping Town, a scorched earth, had been left unattended for nine years.

The former head of the Sinongjian was afraid of getting involved and had never dared to repair the land.

Because the land was directly approved by Nanyang County, the destruction was done by Tiangongfang in Gucheng, and there were also county families like Zong Shichang who participated in the investment.

The issue of power and responsibility has not been clarified, so it has been shelved.

The higher-ups don't care, and Gucheng County Magistrate Li Wenzheng doesn't want to care.

The former head of the Sinongjian didn't dare to care.

So this piece of land in Anping Town and the factory building on it were left abandoned for nine years until Chen Shijie came.

After he knew about it, he prepared to repair it without saying a word.

Li Wenzheng didn't want to intervene, nor did he stop him, but it was impossible to help him.

Chen Shijie planned to start working with the assistants of Sinongjian.

He would come down every week to perform the Dili School magic to regulate the earth veins and repair the soil.

This was a thankless task, and Xue Wenzhong was the first to express his support. Tang Wanchun, Gao Linong, Pang Yuan and others all felt that it was difficult to do and opposed it.

Old Chen was also overbearing. Difficult? Then don't do anything!

He stopped all government affairs of Sinongjian. No matter what government affairs Tang Wanchun, Gao Linong, Pang Yuan and others reported, there were only two words: no approval.

Old Chen's attitude was that since you want to be rotten, then just be rotten to the end, and we will all be evaluated as "mediocre officials" in the next few years.

Anyway, I was punished and did not want to be this Wen Sinong, and I was not afraid of being demoted again.

There was no way, the assistants of Sinongjian could only work with their noses pinched.

Afterwards, Lao Chen went to the Sino-Agricultural Supervisory Office to find Gongsun Yang and borrow manpower and the magic weapons of the workshop. Gongsun Yang was unwilling to do it at first, fearing that he would be blamed.

As a result, Chen Shijie stared at Gongsun Yang every day, and hailstorms fell on his ancestral graves. Whatever Gongsun's family planted died, and it was either windy or rainy.

After Gongsun Yang learned about it, he ran to question Chen Shijie angrily.

What? Why is the weather so bad for your family's ancestral graves and land?

Didn't I tell you before that I wanted to borrow tools and manpower to carry out the work? You didn't agree.

Sorry, I have only this little ability and can't manage the weather in Gucheng. If you have the guts to sue me in the county city!

Gongsun Yang was so angry that his beard was pulled out.

There was no choice but to agree to his request.

It took a year for Chen Shijie to restore this scorched earth to the level of wasteland.

Next, Chen Shijie reported his achievements to the county government. The higher-ups knew that he was a stubborn person and could only give him a reward.

Although the abandoned factory building was still not demolished, this incident also allowed Chen Shijie to gain a firm foothold in Gucheng, win over the hearts of the people in Sinongjian, and convince Gongsun Yang and Li Wenzheng.

Therefore, in Sinongjian, Chen Shijie always said what he meant, and no one dared to oppose him.

"Old Chen's first political achievement is here. He is about to leave, and he set up this bureau to attract Xuantian Sect here, intending to gain military merit here... He is really a bit obsessive-compulsive." Zhao Xing looked outside.

November is the last Yang month, and it is no secret that Chen Shijie is going to be transferred.

There are many people in Anping Town for this assessment, and unlike the autumn season, there are Donghu Army to maintain order, and the county city inspector is present.

The defense force seems to be relatively weak.

Zhao Xing felt that if he were the leader of Xuantian Sect, he would also take this opportunity to take action.

Chen Shijie guessed that Xuantian Sect might take this opportunity to attack.

Xuantian Sect guessed that Chen Shijie would guess that they would attack.

"These possibilities are not difficult to guess... It depends on who dares to do it and who has done more preparation." Zhao Xing thought silently.

From the perspective of "historical experience", Xuantian Sect's planning during the Jingxin period has learned from past failures and its actions are more successful than ever before.

Did Xuantian Sect succeed or fail in Nanyang County? Zhao Xing didn't know, but with his own reminder, Lao Chen's plan was greatly changed from the original.

Zhao Xing was not sure what the result would be.

But his mentality was very good.

"There is no danger to life. If I am caught by Xuantian Sect, I will work hard on the pirate ship. It is not impossible to survive until the revival era in the sect camp." Zhao Xing is not so rigid. However, the road of Qiyun Dynasty is still safer, and he still hopes not to be caught.

The winter assessment of Sinongjian will start in the afternoon of November 7th.

The assessment time for the clerks of other departments is also unified.

It is called a joint assessment, but in fact, the clerks are thrown into one area, and the content is completely different.

There is no competition between different professions, and it is mainly a competition between the same profession.

The assessment content of the Agricultural Supervisor is to grow at least ten different types of plants on this piece of scorched earth.

The assessment content of the Tiangongfang requires the clerks to cast a new furnace here and re-activate the earth vein fire.

The assessment content of the Weaving Department is to weave robes for warriors, mechanical engineers, agricultural officials, and emcees. Only four types can be woven: the first is the Heluo robe, the second is the fire-proof robe, the third is the soul-protecting robe, and the fourth is the true essence robe.

The assessment content of the Military Department is the theme of "catching monsters". Outside this area of ​​​​abandoned factory buildings, some "sect monsters" played by officers and soldiers will appear, starting from the outer area to attack and destroy this place.

Rating is based on the number of "monsters" caught.

The content of the temple's assessment is similar to that of the warriors, except that the target has become the ghosts who were burned to death in this factory.

"The start and end times of the five professions are different."

"The assessment of the Weaver Girl starts the earliest, starting at the Mao hour on the seventh day to weave the robes. It ends at the Mao hour tomorrow, and there are only twelve hours. The materials for the robes are ready, and you have to leave the site after one day regardless of whether they are finished or not."

"The assessment of the Mechanical Master lasts for two days, starting at noon on the seventh day and ending at noon on the ninth day."

"The temple and the warrior start the latest, starting at the evening of the seventh day and ending at the Chen hour on the tenth day, and last for two and a half days."

"The Minister of Agriculture starts at the afternoon of the seventh day and ends at the Mao hour on the eleventh day. It lasts for three days and four nights."

Zhao Xing came out of the carriage and looked at the entrance of the ruined factory, thinking: "Old Chen believes my judgment, but not completely, so it's good."

Starting at the Wei hour, the Minister of Agriculture began to organize reference officials to enter the demarcation boundary.

Zhao Xing walked into the abandoned factory, carrying a much larger bamboo box than last time.

Not many clerks took the exam for the Sino-Agricultural Supervisor this time, because it was not a lucrative job. As long as they were not going to pay taxes, no matter how well they did, they would not get much money at the end of the year.

It was different for the other departments, and there were still quite a lot of people taking the exam.

"Zhao Xing, let's go together." Zong Shichang came over happily, "Which one are you going to do?"

"Do you believe in my vision?" Zhao Xing pointed to a piece of land not far from the entrance, "You can plant here, I think this is a good piece of land."

"Really?" Zong Shichang took a look, it was a piece of scorched earth.

"I have learned a lot of geomantic magic, don't you believe it?"

"I believe it, but where are you going?" Zong Shichang asked.

"Are you stupid?" Zhao Xing said, "Such a small piece of land can still support two people to plant?"

"Let's go together, I think it's boring to be alone..."

"Get out! Don't affect my grades." Zhao Xing said coldly. "Don't you understand what people are saying? I don't want to be with you."

"You..." Zong Shichang was stunned. He didn't understand why Zhao Xing's attitude changed so much. He stayed where he was for a while.

Zhao Xing ignored him and walked directly to a certain area of ​​the ruined factory.

As the saying goes, if you don't keep things secret, you will lose your life. Zhao Xing knew some of Chen Shijie's plan, but he didn't know the whole picture, and he was even less likely to reveal it to Zong Shichang.

In addition, if there is really a demon this time, it is not a good thing for Zong Shichang to follow him.

The abandoned factory covers a large area. After all, it was originally a project approved by the county city.

Zhao Xing carried the bamboo box and walked all the way, as if looking for something.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, he came to a relatively complete house, which used to be the accommodation area for workshop workers.

"This is it." Zhao Xing pushed the door open.

"Meow~" The mountain cat saw its owner coming and immediately jumped over briskly.

"Shh~" Zhao Xing signaled the mountain cat to be quiet, "Stay still and don't make any noise."

The mountain cat nodded.

Zhao Xing then looked into the room.

This room was prepared for him by Chen Shijie.

In addition to the mountain cat, there were many other things prepared inside. There were many dark red bamboo tubes piled up in the room, probably as thick as calves.

In the center of the room, there was a table, an oil lamp, a piece of paper and a set of pens and ink.

On the long table in front, there was a wooden sculpture of the East Lake Earl.

In the southeast corner, there was also a straw man wearing a straw raincoat and a straw hat, who was the law-abiding straw man who had followed Zhao Xing out of the city before.

"No difference." Zhao Xing counted them all, then took out the evil-avoiding almanac and hung it behind the door. He also tied the Qianli Chuan token to his wrist.

Then he sat at the table, picked up the paper and pen, and signed his name on the yellow paper.

This is a land deed.

From the moment he signed his name, Zhao Xing was the owner of this house.

Then he took out the sandalwood soul box from the bamboo box, and began to move the dark red bamboo tubes in the corner, burying them one by one around the fence outside the house.

After doing all this, Zhao Xing patted his hands and rested on the steps.

Now he is not only an ordinary candidate, but also one of the insiders of Chen Shijie's plan, and also an important talent that Xuantian Sect wants to catch. Of course, he has extra treatment.

After a rest, Zhao Xing planted in the fenced courtyard.

In addition to the ten kinds of seeds in the bamboo box, Zhao Xing also brought three more.

"The assessment task is to plant ten kinds of herbal seeds in this fenced courtyard."

"Grow the assessment task plants first."

Zhao Xing put down the asparagus box and cast the magic cloud, so that the clouds covered the entire courtyard.

Then the wind picked up and the fields were plowed.

"Hoo~" Small tornadoes plowed the soil into ravines.

"Huu~" A soft wind swept the grass seeds from the asparagus box and landed accurately in the ravine.

"Wow~" Raindrops began to fall from the clouds.


"The earth veins return to their origin!"

"The endless underground palace!"

Zhao Xing cast the spell quickly.

Explore the earth veins, use the earth veins in the courtyard area, and cast Ksitigarbha Guiyuan and the Infinite Underground Palace.

The first few spells are very smooth.

But when performing the underground palace method, I encountered a problem.

"What's going on? Why didn't it succeed?" Zhao Xing was stunned. His [Endless Underground Palace] is already at the intermediate level eight. Although the earth veins here are weaker than elsewhere, they still exist. Logically speaking, there is no possibility of failure.

"Try again." Zhao Xing took off his shoes and stepped on the earth. As the boundless underground palace cast spells, his mind seemed to go deep into the ground and began to explore the earth's veins.

Soon Zhao Xing discovered the fluctuation of the earth vein, which was a dark red earth vein. Based on his induction, Zhao Xing estimated that it had reached the intensity of the third-level fire vein.

This discovery surprised Zhao Xing.

"Level three earth veins? Did I sense it wrong?"

"How is it possible? This area was once burned by the fire of the earth veins. Even if it is repaired by Lao Chen, it stands to reason that it will reach the level of first-level earth veins."

"Why is my induction now at level three? No, it may even be close to level four!"

With doubts in his heart, Zhao Xing continued to cast the spell, and the golden light wrapped his mind and continued.

But at this moment, a weak but clear thought came from the earth veins: "Why is it you?"

"You...Old Chen?" The golden light representing Zhao Xing fluctuated next to the underground veins, obviously very surprised.

Chen Shijie didn't care about Zhao Xing's title, and asked rather unexpectedly: "Didn't you say that the underground palace method you mastered only had three levels? How could you find me?"

Zhao Xing controlled the golden light fluctuations and sent the message through the earth veins: "I used up the number of paintings at the end of the month and made some progress. You are too busy and I don't have time to tell you in detail."

Chen Shijie asked: "What time is it now?"

"Eight turns."


When Zhao Xing saw that Chen Shijie had not spoken for a long time, he couldn't help but take the initiative to ask: "What's going on with this earth vein? Didn't it mean that it was once burned by the earth vein fire, and the earth veins were not visible, only one level?"

"Once upon a time, half a month ago, I cast a spell to strengthen the leyline here. After a month, it will return to its original strength."

"Then why can't I use the underground palace method?"

"Look down carefully."

Zhao Xing increased his vitality output, added another burst of vitality, and finally saw clearly below.

I saw a dark red palace looming underneath the earth veins. The color of this palace was very similar to that of the fire veins, and it was obscured by a vague cloud-like force. You couldn't see it at all unless you looked carefully.

When the vague feeling dispersed a little, Zhao Xing suddenly caught a glimpse of it.


A huge fiery red palace, just one tile is three to four meters long and wide.

Based on the scale of the palace's top floor, Zhao Xing immediately judged that this fiery red underground palace could cover the entire abandoned factory area.

"This is the Hell Palace Method!" Zhao Xing was surprised. "Old Chen, what did you do?"

Does he even recognize this? Chen Shijie was also stunned, and then said calmly: "Yes, you don't have to waste extra energy on using the underground palace method."

"Awesome." Zhao Xing exclaimed in his heart that he was awesome.

However, when Bai Lu took the theoretical assessment, he knew that Chen Shijie was a farmer from Dili Pai.

It’s perfectly normal to learn the underground palace method.

Zhao Xing's boundless underground palace was characterized by its large size, but at a glance, he knew that his boundless underground palace was not as big as Chen Shijie's Hell Palace.

"I'll go up first."

"Be careful yourself." Chen Shijie warned again, "If anything happens, Long Xiao and I may not be able to pay attention to you."

"Understood." Zhao Xing would naturally shrink back and not cause trouble to Chen Shijie.

In the evening, the fenced courtyard was covered with grass and vines, and bamboo seedlings were gradually exposed.

At night, Zhao Xing lit the candle on the table and it was bright all night.

On November 7th, nothing happened.

At 9 o'clock on November 8, the officials of the Weaving Department completed their assessment.

After ranking, Weaver Girl can give the robes she made to the other four professions.

Zhao Xing also met a Weaver Girl knocking on the courtyard door.


"No, thank you." Zhao Xing waved his hand without even raising his head.

Lin Baiwei, who had just received her armor, looked at Zhao Xing, who was lowering his head to farm, and immediately suppressed what he wanted to say. She silently hung her cassock on the fence, turned and left.

After a while, Zhao Xing raised his head and found something on the fence. He was immediately confused: "Have you damaged your brain? Why did you forcefully give it away after you said you didn't want it?"

He made a move and ordered the straw man to get it, and found that the quality was actually pretty good. The third-level high-quality true essence robe can increase the speed of recovery of vitality after wearing it.

In the assessment of the Weaving Department, it is possible to judge one person by talking less, but in Zhao Xing's eyes, this is of no use.

"It's inexplicable. I don't know any Weaver Girl... Do you think I'm handsome?"

Zhao Xing threw the cassock aside and continued farming.

November 8th, shouts and cries of killing were heard during the day. Zhao Xing stood on the wall and looked far away. It was the military personnel fighting with the soldiers who played the role of demons.

November 9th, the eternal lamp began to shake at night, and the temple personnel began to catch souls with lanterns.

Zhao Xing scanned the surroundings with his bright eyes and found that these ghosts were all red, representing their death before they died.

November 10th, at Chenshi, the assessments of the military and the temple ended, and the surroundings became quiet. Only the assessment of the agricultural profession was still continuing.

November 10th, at night, at Zishi.

Zhao Xing, who had confirmed that his assessment results could get A, was taking a nap at the table with his eyes closed. The mountain cat was also lying in front of his master, yawning out of boredom.

Suddenly, the mountain cat shuddered! He suddenly arched his body, his eyes glowed green, and stared at the door.


The eternal lamp shook violently, and then suddenly went out, and the surroundings fell into silence.

It scratched Zhao Xing with its hands, but the latter did not wake up, as if he was already fast asleep.

"Hua La~"

The mountain cat heard the noise and turned its head to look over.

The almanac automatically turned a page and soon froze:

[Ghosts enter dreams, very bad luck! ]

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