Shennong Daojun

Chapter 89 Moon-Watching Tower Sending a Divine Song! (Three updates, please subscribe)

The Moon Festival after the autumnal equinox makes Gucheng particularly lively.

Lu Qian and Liu Muqing came by boat and planned to attend the banquet at Wangyue Tower tonight.

"You are so busy that you kept asking me to come to Gucheng to play for three days. Today you finally got your wish. Why are you still a little unhappy?" Liu Muqing looked at Lu Qian.

Lu Qian naturally refused to tell the real reason, and just said casually: "Then Jiang Jiuxian also chased me."

Liu Muqing said: "Jiang Jiuxian is considered outstanding in the music hall. His family background and taste are not bad. There are so many women who admire him. Why don't you like him?"

Lu Qian retorted: "Zong Shichang's family background is not bad, why doesn't Qing'er like him?"

Liu Muqing was speechless.

Lu Qian said to herself: "If you like it, you just like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. There are not so many reasons. And I don't like the way Jiang Jiuxian looks at me. He is no different from other men."

Liu Muqing shook her head: "I won't argue with you. Since we are all here, don't think about the things you have and don't have today. Just relax."

Wangyue Tower is the property of the Zong family. Today, the first five floors are overcrowded, but the three floors above have been reserved directly by Young Master Zong.

As the host, Zong Shichang had already arrived, and Zhao Xing naturally followed him as he carried the lynx in his arms.

"Brother Zhao, how do you think I look now?" Zong Shichang asked.

Zhao Xing glanced at Zong Shichang, who was tinkering in front of the mirror: "If you add more powder, you can compete with the girls downstairs."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's so exciting."


Zong Shichang rubbed his hair irritably, took off his clothes, and paced back and forth in front of a pile of gorgeous wardrobes.

Zhao Xing couldn't stand it anymore: "Are you in a hurry? As usual, just like today, how can you catch Miss Liu if you use too much force?"

"Be natural, don't be too demanding, treat her the same way you treat other women, just let nature take its course, be normal, and you will have defeated 90% of the competitors."

Zong Shichang turned around and asked, "Is it feasible?"

Zhao Xingdao: "Then think about it, didn't it work in the past? In that case, why should we do the same as before? If we change our appearance, maybe it will suit the taste of Miss Liu?"

Zong Shichang hesitated for a while, but finally listened to Zhao Xing's opinion and changed into a plainer set of clothes.

He has the advantage of being good at what he does.

As long as he approves and trusts people, he will be able to listen to their opinions.

After a while, a servant announced that guests had begun to arrive.

Zong Shichang stopped worrying and began to greet the guests.

There were nearly a hundred people at the small private banquet held during Zong Shichang's Moon Festival.

However, there is a difference between closeness and distance. Those with lower status and family background are all on the lower level.

Zong Shichang held up his wine glass and walked around downstairs, toasting a toast to each table. When he returned upstairs, his face was rosy and veins appeared.

After closing the door between the upper and lower floors and lowering the curtain, the small box on the top floor became quiet, isolated from the lively singing and dancing below, with only a bright moon hanging high in the sky for people to appreciate.

Seeing the lingering look in everyone's eyes, Zong Shichang immediately raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "The rouge, vulgar powder, and sultry music outside can't be found in an elegant hall. Today I have invited friends from the county music hall to come over and join in the fun. Everyone." Listen!"

Zhao Xing sat in the third seat from the lower left of the banquet, and there was a small stage below.

The stage is covered with silk curtains. After opening them, the bright moon in the night sky is the first thing to be seen.

Then there were two men and one woman, wearing curtains and hats, playing harp and music on both sides. However, two men used Hengqin and the woman used Liuqin.

As the smoke filled the air, the three musicians disappeared, leaving only the sound of singing and piano.

"The emperor comes to the four seas, and sees auspicious clouds every day. His victorious virtues are like clouds, and he brings blessings to all people..."

As the music sounded, Lu Qian and three dancers were already prepared to appear on the stage in a cloud of smoke and dance under the moonlight.

"In one of the 'Six Songs', 'Cloud Gate', I didn't expect that these dancers and musicians invited by Zong Shichang would actually perform a serious sacrificial dance." Zhao Xing stared at the stage.

Sacrifice dance is also a kind of war dance, performed by musicians and dancers to praise the ancient sages and worship their spirits.

"Cloud Gate" commemorates Emperor Xia, the founder of the ancient Qiyun Dynasty, praising him for creating all things, uniting all people, and being as virtuous as clouds.

The peak version of "Cloud Gate" requires twelve first-grade music officers, thirty-two first-grade dancers, and more than 500 second- to fourth-grade dancers and musicians in total!

The effect is to be able to summon Emperor Xia's 'True Spirit Body'.

However, Zhao Xing has never seen it before. It is said that this war dance could bring out Emperor Xia's dharma body a long time ago, but even if the number of people is gathered later, it will not work.

However, the simplified and low-level versions of "Cloud Gate" also have various functions, such as refreshing the mind, boosting morale, and increasing the endurance of soldiers.

A slightly higher level one can invite some sages and true spirits from the Xia Dynasty to slay demons.

All in all, since the development of this encouragement system, the effects have been varied.

For example, now that Zhao Xing heard it, he just felt that the soul of life had become more solid, and it was not of much use.

The dance is over.

Lu Qian took three dancers, Liu Muqing and two other musicians to give a 'thank you'.

The spectators present all took out the gifts they had prepared to give in return.

Gifts given to dancers and musicians will improve this war dance.

No gift, just a simple return gift will do.

Lu Qian walked to Zhao Xing's case and saluted Yingying.

Unexpectedly, the other party just bowed.

"Hmph, stingy." Lu Qian muttered in her heart and walked away.

The others also looked over.

In fact, everyone took out jade pendants as a return gift, but Zhao Xing's "spiritual gratitude" was very unique.

Zhao Sinong said, your dancing skills are average, spiritual gratitude is good enough, and you still want a reward?

When it was Zong Shichang's turn to return the gift.

He gave Jiang Jiuxian, Lu Qian and others jade pendants and other jewelry.

But what he gave to Liu Muqing was a piece of paper.

A piece of paper?

Everyone's eyes moved from Zhao Xing to Zong Shichang.

"Young Master Zong, Miss Liu and Miss Lu have come from afar today to sing and dance for your banquet. You can't be partial to one over the other."

"That's right, why did you give Miss Liu a piece of paper?"

"What's written on the paper?"

Zong Shichang bowed and said, "This is a poem. I got it by chance. I think it can be given to the musicians to compose music, which may help Miss Liu improve. As for the dancers, I haven't found a suitable one."

"Huh? That's biased. There are three musicians. Why don't you give it to Brother Jiang and Brother Fan?"

"Yes, hahaha, why is Miss Liu so special?"

There was a burst of laughter around. Obviously, they all knew that Zong Shichang admired Liu Muqing and deliberately made trouble at this time.

Zong Shichang smiled and said, "This poem is not suitable for men."

"Oh?" Jiang Jiuxian, who sat down, also teased, "What kind of magical poem is it, and it is divided into men and women? Brother Zong, why don't you read it?"

Zong Shichang smiled and didn't say anything, but looked at Liu Muqing.

Liu Muqing was stunned at this moment, and it seemed that the desired effect had been achieved.

The poem bought from Zhao Xing was worth it!

Lu Qian felt very strange. Liu Muqing had seen the world, so why didn't she speak for a long time?

She couldn't bear it, so she simply walked over and took the paper from Liu Muqing: "I'll read it."

"There is a beautiful woman, I will never forget her when I see her. I miss her like crazy when I don't see her for a day."

"The phoenix flies and soars, and the four seas seek the phoenix. But the beauty is not at the east wall."

"I will use the zither to express my feelings. When will I see Xu Xi and comfort my wandering."

"I wish to match my virtue and go hand in hand with you. If I can't fly, I will perish."

As soon as it was read out, there was constant laughter.

Everyone present had some appreciation ability, and this was obviously a love poem.

But as I listened, I felt something was wrong.

Why have I never heard of it before?

It seems that the level is still high?

As for the other two musicians and three dancers, they were also stunned.

Because when Lu Qian read it out, they clearly felt something touching.

There was an impulse to compose music for this poem. This kind of impulse only appears when encountering good poems or new poems that will greatly increase one's cultivation.

"You..." Lu Qian couldn't help looking at Zong Shichang, "Is this a new poem? Where did you get it from?"

She didn't believe that this was made by Zong Shichang, just based on Zong Shiba's level?

"I got it by chance, I wonder if it is qualified to give it to Miss Liu?" Zong Shichang smiled and seemed very low-key, which was very different from his usual ostentatious and proud appearance.

He was a little more normal, but Lu Qian actually felt that he was a little "abnormal".

Is this still the Zong Shichang I know?

Liu Muqing was also greatly shocked, not only because of the touch of cultivation, but also because this was a love poem, and the description of love was profound and moving.

Even if the atmosphere was open at the time, Liu Muqing couldn't stand it. After coming back to her senses, her face turned red.

"Thank you, Master Zong, for the poem." Liu Muqing's voice was a little trembling, and she lost her usual calm demeanor.

"Wait, what's the name of your poem?" Lu Qian asked.

"Phoenix Seeking Phoenix." Zong Shichang said.

"Phoenix Seeking Phoenix..." Liu Muqing muttered, her fingers plucked on the strings, subconsciously wanting to compose music for this poem.

The sound of the piano was melodious, and soon she began to sing along.

She was still stuttering the first time, but the second time, it had already begun to have a charm.

When she played it again for the third time, several people closed their eyes, sinking into the illusion, and experienced the pain of longing for love that could not be obtained.

There was even a young man who broke down on the spot, shouting the name of a woman, and bursting into tears.

Zong Shichang held back, because Zhao Xing had repeatedly told him to resist and not make a fool of himself.

"That's enough, Miss Liu!" Zhao Xing interrupted at this time.

Liu Muqing immediately realized that she had lost her composure and quickly withdrew her hand.

"Brother Zong, given the current situation, I think we should all go to the balcony to enjoy the moon." Zhao Xing said, "I think Miss Liu is very touched by this poem. Can you take Miss Liu to a private room to discuss it?"

"Miss Liu, please."

"Yes." Liu Muqing was fully focused on composing music at this time, and she just wanted to find a quiet place, so she let Zong Shichang lead the way.

Seeing that Miss Liu, who was always cold and arrogant, actually agreed to be alone with him, Zong Shichang couldn't help but turn around and cast a grateful look. You are worthy of being a good brother! No, godfather!

Lu Qian looked at Zong Shichang suspiciously, then looked at Zhao Xing, and her eyes turned.

Seeing Zhao Xing leave his seat to enjoy the moon outside, she followed him.

"That poem, you gave it to Zong Shichang, right?" Lu Qian stood next to Zhao Xing and asked suddenly.

"Why do you think so?"

"Intuitively, his feelings for Miss Liu are consistent with the meaning of the poem, but it is absolutely impossible to say that he wrote it." Lu Qian said. "Fortunately, he was quite smart and didn't say what he wrote. Otherwise, if Qing'er asked about it later, wouldn't it be self-defeating?"

Zhao Xing didn't turn his head or reply, he just looked at the moon quietly.

Lu Qian took another step next to him: "Did the dance just now look good?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "It's okay."

"Just okay?" Lu Qian pursed her lips.

"It's okay, which is a relatively high rating from me."

"So you know a lot about dancers."

"Understand a little bit."

"Please advise."

Zhao Xing said calmly: "What you dance is [Cloud Gate] in "Six Songs". Cloud Gate is extremely mysterious. It is not only a war dance, but also has the effect of inviting gods. You dance the fierce part very well and the feminine part." The part is still a bit lacking.”

"Dance your sleeves up to the sky, and soar up to the sky. Your skill in dancing sleeves should come from [Yunmen·Tianque] and [Yunmen·Jiuxiao], but as I just said, your feminine part is not enough."

"You should be better at dancing [Da Shao]. This is a problem caused by [Da Shao]. It is difficult to get rid of, right?"

Lu Qian raised her eyebrows: "You really know? Yes, I am indeed good at [Da Shao]. What you said is exactly the same as the teacher, but I don't know how to correct it."

Zhao Xing turned his head and said, "If you don't mind, you can dance again and show me."

"Okay!" Lu Qian didn't hesitate and jumped up immediately.

Although there is no assistance from Liu Muqing's piano, the dancer does not necessarily need the music to dance, and the melody has already been in her heart.

So I jumped again, but the power was a little less, but the degree of completion was not much different from before.

Zhao Xing used Five Elements Observation to check Lu Qian's movements.

After letting her dance twice, he stopped.

"That's it."

"What did you see?" Lu Qian asked expectantly.

Zhao Xing said: "Your Qi Hai Yuan Qi always rises too much at the critical moment of dancing to [Jiuxiao Department]. I just said that this is a habit formed by dancing to [Da Shao]. It is very simple for you to change it. As long as If you can suppress the vitality of the Qihai point, you can make a good transition to the next step."

Lu Qian lowered her head subconsciously, touched her belly, and said with a naive expression: "It's really like this. My teacher has said it many times, but I still can't change it."

"There's nothing you can do about it, you can only adjust slowly."

Lu Qian raised her head: "Now I am even more sure that the song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" was given to Zong Shichang by you. Do you know why I want to come to see you?"

"I know." Zhao Xing nodded. Since the other party mentioned it, he couldn't avoid it and fooled him. To solve the problem, in short, I have now found a way to make money. If it doesn't work, I can try to figure it out and return the Que Ling robe.

"I don't have any other intentions." Lu Qian said, "I'm not here to ask you to take back Que Ling's robe. Everything on the mountain is over. The purpose of the Wangyou Monument is to make people forget the troubles on the mountain. I, I'm just a little curious about who you are. Such a person, I hope this invitation does not bother you.”

Unexpectedly, Lu Qian said this, sounding sincere and calm.

Seeing that Zhao Xing didn't speak, Lu Qian found a topic to ease the embarrassment: "Do you have any other poems? It's a waste of time for you to give them to Zong Shiba. He doesn't know the goods at all... You can sell them to our people in the Music Hall."

"Huh?" Zhao Xing was stunned. He really had something suitable for Lu Qian. Who could he sell it to? He is now short of money to buy preaching paintings.

"Yes, what price can you give?"

This time it was Lu Qian's turn to be a little surprised.

She was just asking casually.

I didn’t expect that Zhao Xing actually had one.

"It depends on what level it is. If it's like that just now, it can trigger a trigger. It won't be a problem to change it to a fourth-level treasure."

"It is based on "Six Songs" and has both lyrics and music." Zhao Xing said: "It must be better than which one. It can be cultivated to the fifth level. How much do you think it is worth?"

"If this is the case, it can be exchanged for at least a fifth-level treasure, or even more."

Zhao Xing thought for a while, nodded and said: "I can give you the war words and war songs to feel first."

"Okay, come with me." Lu Qian was also looking forward to it.

Zhao Xing planned to sell "Li Hun" to Lu Qian. Different from the bargain song given to Zong Shichang, "Li Hun" was one of the "Nine Songs" created by later generations based on the "Six Songs".

It is a mature magic spell in the Eight Classics, and it is also the ‘send-off song’ among the nine songs.

As the saying goes, it is easier to invite gods than to send them away.

The power of "Rite Soul" is that it can drive away ghosts and send away gods invited by other professions. It can be said to be very practical.

Zhao Xing only remembers the battle words and battle songs of "The Spirit of Ceremony", which he could remember when he was a player in his previous life. As for the war dance involving the movement of vitality, that's not possible. Memorizing the movements is useless.

When he gave Zong Shichang the bargain, he tried the rest of the 'results', which had been 'certified' by the panel.

It's just a few levels behind the full version. After all, it's missing the key war dance part, but it's enough. You can still make some money by selling it.

As for what kind of war dance Lu Qian could find someone to choreograph, that was none of his business.

Seeing that the matter was resolved so smoothly, Zhao Xing was a little surprised.

Has the ‘bad luck moment’ passed?

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, a voice interrupted the conversation between Zhao Xing and Lu Qian.

Regarding war poems and war songs, I won’t write too much, it’s just a transition to make money. And it should be in line with the rituals and sacrifices of the Zhou Dynasty, as well as the professional settings in the text, such as inviting gods and exorcising souls. I won’t use conventional poems to write water.

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