Shennong Daojun

Chapter 87 Suppose I am a demon from Xuantian Sect, how would you deal with it, Lao Chen?

After listening to Chen Shijie, Zhao Xing couldn't help but admire him.

Gui Niang and he had no name or status, she was just a lover; the public security of Nanyang County was not his responsibility, and the job of Si Nong was just to persuade and promote agriculture.

He could have just left and been promoted back to the army to be his military Si Nong.

But he was willing to take risks and set up a scheme to attract Xuantian Sect to attack him.

Serving Gui Niang and the people is love and responsibility, and killing bandits is courage and confidence!

Old Chen, a real man!

After thinking about it, Zhao Xing knew what he should say. Old Chen told him so much, which was a manifestation of heart-to-heart talk.

"In fact, I came here this time, there is also a reason for Xuantian Sect."

"Oh?" Chen Shijie raised his eyebrows, "You mean..."

"Yes, since I got the Huangli for avoiding evil, there have been three major evils and several minor evils, all after the summer heat, when the county and the East Lake Army jointly searched." Zhao Xing said slowly.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

"The reason is the same as yours." Zhao Xing said, "I am just a small clerk. I have already taken precautions by issuing the Thousand Miles Transmission Token and the Lunar Calendar. Can a small Juyuan third-level clerk send a strong man to protect me?"

The Lunar Calendar is not omnipotent. It shows very little information. It can only tell you which time and direction you may have problems. Note that it is possible, not certain.

Just like ordinary people use it, it is suitable to start business and build houses today, and it is not suitable to cut wood, travel, and funerals. How is it suitable and to what extent? How is it not suitable and who will be involved? There are too many possibilities.

"I don't report it for a very simple reason."

"First, it's useless if I report it. The higher-ups will still deploy it as they should. It's impossible for them to go to great lengths just because of a small clerk like me."

"Second, the higher-ups pay attention to it and want to know more information, so they let me cooperate as bait. This is certainly beneficial to the government, but it is very dangerous for me."

Zhao Xing said it very frankly and straightforwardly.

He was afraid of being sacrificed.

Who can guarantee that the people above are all good? I don't mean that.

But what if someone is greedy for merit and reckless for the sake of merit?

Even if we take a step back, everyone has done nothing wrong in their positions, and they are all selfless positive characters.

Doing this thing itself is also dangerous.

Based on Zhao Xing's understanding of Xuantian Sect, he felt that he should not have said it at the time, so as not to cause trouble. Just be vigilant and avoid it.

Xuantian Sect is not a petty thief or a mountain bandit. It is an evil sect that has been passed down for thousands of years.

"Then why are you talking about it now?" Chen Shijie asked with interest, "Are you infected by my courage?"

"No." Zhao Xing said mercilessly, "After I opened the mountain, I gained too much. I got 42 spiritual benefits alone. If Xuantian Sect is not blind, they will definitely move my arrest sequence forward."

Zhao Xing's reason is exactly the same as Chen Shijie's. He also guessed that his weight on the list of Xuantian Sect has become heavier.

In addition, he also has family and friends that he values, such as Zhao Ruide, Zhao Zheng, and even Madam Cai, Zi Yu and Qian Dong. He does not want to be involved because of himself.

"Hit them hard once and destroy their den in Gucheng, which is also the result I want." Zhao Xing said, "Xuantian Sect is powerful, but it is more difficult for such a big fish to lurk than small fish and shrimp."

"It is estimated that it will be difficult to revive a den within ten or twenty years after destroying it."

Chen Shijie nodded slightly: "You said that you have little weight in the government. If you were me, what would you do?"

Zhao Xing said slowly: "That depends on how much weight you have."

Chen Shijie thought for a while and said: "You count me as a seventh-rank official. Since you even know that the Water Book of Bixia Yuanjun was originally on Zixiao Island, you should know the power of a seventh-rank official."

Zhao Xing said: "Don't look down on me, I just like to read the magazine. Books, old editions of county chronicles, county reports, and ancient clan rumors are not difficult to buy. "

Chen Shijie said: "Just chat casually. Now we are chatting privately. There is no need to be shy. Whether we are right or wrong, only you and I know. "

Zhao Xing pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Okay, if you insist on me talking, then I will chat for a while, but I want to see the latest reports and the approximate strength of the various armies and departments in Nanyang County first. In addition, as long as it is information related to Xuantian Sect, let me see it. "

"After reading it, let's have a sand table exercise. You have a sand table for Nanyang County here, right?"

Chen Shijie raised his eyebrows. He just wanted to chat casually, but he didn't expect Zhao Xing to be serious.

Seeing Zhao Xing's appearance, he also became interested: "Yes, yes, I am a military minister, come with me."

He took Zhao Xing through the parade ground and came to the back hall.

Chen Shijie was indeed a killer. He actually transformed the back hall into a small marching hall.

In the center is a diagram sand table, which is a fourth-level treasure. It can simulate many kinds of terrain and landforms, and it is scaled down.

Just put the map on the base of the sand table, and it can be restored.

There are even clouds floating on the sand table, and even the weather is recorded!

"It's still a fourth-level top-grade? Hmm? This map... is the six Pingman counties in the upper reaches of the Canglan River? No, where is Xi'er County City? How did it become a scorched earth?!"

Chen Shijie said in surprise: "You have a good eye, you can recognize it at a glance... Now I really believe that you have seen a lot of things."

"As for Xi'er County City, it has disappeared in my deduction, but of course it still exists in reality."

Chen Shijie waved his hand, and the scorched earth on the sand table immediately recovered.

"Can you use the sand table?"

"Not very good." Zhao Xing said against his will. He didn't dare to reveal too much. You read a lot and you know it's one thing, but it's too strange how to use Dumenqing, the most important weapon in the army.

"It's written in the military strategy, you can read it yourself." Chen Shijie pointed to the pile of messy documents, "I almost forgot, Gui Niang is still waiting for me in the side hall... You read it first, I'll be back as soon as I can."

After saying that, Chen Shijie turned into a gust of wind and left.

Zhao Xing looked at the marching hall to himself.

In addition to the illustrated sand table, there are also many straw figures in the hall, but the straw figures are very small and miniature, almost the size of a palm.

In addition, there are formation drums, emergency march orders, and various military flags.

These things all exude a faint shimmer and are of high quality.

"How many high-ranking officials did Old Chen have before? Isn't he really a seventh-rank official?" Zhao Xing walked to the table and started to read the documents.

The content is very complex and has everything.

"Detailed Explanation of Euphorbia Warrior Training", "Fire Battle Formation of the Five Elements Camp", "Hundred Explanations of Equipment Camp Organizations", "Sinong's Military Strategy", "Exotic Beasts - White Bones and Golden Toes", "Hundred Battles - Geographical Advantages", " Seventh Level Grain and Grass"...

The top and bottom of Lao Chen's big table are full of books.

As a qualified Army Sinong, Lao Chen's reading volume and spells he was good at were several times that of Wen Sinong.

"Old Chen is okay." Zhao Xing commented in his heart.

He didn't look for other information, but looked for information related to Xuantian Sect.

"In the winter of the 241st year of Chengkang, the Xuantian sect's demons caused chaos in Daoyuanzhou. The demon bandit 'Wanhua Zhenjun' used evil methods to corrupt and control a garrison in Qinglong Prefecture, leading a total of 47 people. , intending to cause massacres in the city and bring trouble to the fourteen counties. Fifteen days later, he was killed by Wu Hou 'Zhou Jue'..."

"In the spring of the 249th year of Chengkang, Xuantian sect demons went to Wanchuan Mountain in Dayuan Prefecture and robbed two Longshoulou ships transporting cave materials, trying to distribute them to the people of the seven counties of Dayuan Prefecture to spread the belief in evil gods... …Three days later, the demon bandit Master Fazhen and the two evil gods were destroyed by the leader of the Night God Guards, An Dinghe, and True Lord Dayuan.”

"In the summer of the 257th year of Chengkang, demons from the Xuantian Sect attacked Minghu Taoist Temple, causing 420 casualties..."

"The 261st year of Chengkang..."

Chengkang is the reign name before Jingxin.

It is now the fifteenth year of Jingxin, not far away.

Chen Shijie was searching for information on Xuantian Sect's activities in the past hundred years.

"They were exterminated every time, and the demon bandits were killed quickly, but they just jumped out from time to time to cause trouble." Zhao Xing looked at the information.

The Xuantian Sect is troubled here, and the people they send out to cause trouble are all strong men who are about to reach their end.

He was about to die, so nothing mattered, and it was crazy to do things.

Even if you are killed, it won't hurt.

In most cases, Xuantian Sect does not want to seize land or treasures. As long as it can disgust Dazhou and spread its existence, it has achieved its goal.

This is the purpose of leaving the seeds of fear in the hearts of the people and making them aware of the existence of the Xuantian Sect.

Belief is not necessary, fear is also the nourishment of the evil god.

"Starting from Jing New Year, we changed our strategies and robbed people everywhere. This is a new round of planning." Zhao Xing compared the intelligence with the memories of his previous life.

At the same time, I was also thinking about how to grasp this degree while reminding Chen Shijie.

Don't let yourself appear abnormal.

Chen Shijie went away for more than an hour before returning.

When he returned to the back hall, he seemed to be in a low mood. It was obvious that Gui Niang was the one he really cared about.

Zhao Xing had no intention of finding out about Chen Shijie's personal affairs, because he felt that love was really troublesome. Even a tough man like Lao Chen was influenced by women. It would be better for him to just focus on his kidneys and not his heart in the future.

"How do you see it?" Chen Shijie asked.

"It's okay." Zhao Xing put down the document in his hand.

"Then let's get started."

Zhao Xing came to the illustrated sand table and replaced the map of Nanyang County on it.


The sand table trembled slightly, and the sand table, which was about ten meters long and four meters wide, began to change.

New mountains and rivers were born on it, and after a while, even the weather in various places was generated.

Zhao Xing found the location of Gu County on the sand table, and then injected vitality into it.

Gu County suddenly enlarged and occupied the entire sand table.

"Suppose I am a member of the Xuantian Sect and am hiding anywhere in Gu County except Gucheng. Now if I want to capture you, a ninth-grade farmer in Gucheng, the first thing I have to consider is the timing."

Zhao Xing's opening remarks made Chen Shijie slightly stunned, because he said that Zhao Xing should think from his position, but he did not expect that the other party would directly think from the Xuantian Sect's perspective.

"What kind of timing?" Chen Shijie asked.

"Yang month, Yang sun, and Yang time are the best," Zhao Xing said.

Chen Shijie frowned: "To avoid the monitoring of the temple?"

"Yes." Zhao Xing pointed at the direction of the temple in Gucheng, "The first month, March, May, July, September, and November are the yang months. I checked the information. Whenever the Xuantian Sect takes action, it will be during these months."

"And it's still the sun, the moon and the sun."

"During these special times, the monitoring ability of the temple's Yin God will be weakened."

"Although the power of the ghosts hidden by the Xuantian Sect will also weaken, with the same decline, it is advantageous to act during such a time period."

Chen Shi nodded, this is indeed the truth.

While everyone has an advantage, it means nothing to the Xuantian Sect, because their ghosts cannot defeat those in the Great Zhou Temple anyway.

But if everyone has a disadvantage, for Xuantian Sect, it is an advantage, because the supervision of the Yin God in the temple will be weakened.

You can get some unnoticed free time.

Of course, they will eventually be discovered, and if they can’t be defeated, they still can’t be defeated. It’s just that the time between ‘action and discovery’ is greatly extended.

And this period of time is the time for Xuantian Sect to take action.

Zhao Xing said, "If I plan to arrest you, I will definitely wait until November."

"Why, isn't there a few days left in September?"

"It's too late." Zhao Xing shook his head and said, "I want to take you away, not kill you."

"The remaining few days are not enough for me to take you out of the Great Zhou Realm."

"Nanyang County is one hundred and eighty thousand miles away from the boundary line of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The Xuantian Sect is not my subject of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If you want to take people out, you have to keep a low profile and cannot use magic power, so it will take a certain amount of time."

"Indeed." Chen Shi nodded, "If I want to make a game, it should be in November, preferably at the beginning of the month. You continue to talk."

"The time has been determined, but it depends on the specific situation." Zhao Xing pointed at the map and said, "If you stay in the county all the time, with the strong protection of the temple, I will have no chance. Xuantian Sect cannot Take you from the city."

It was impossible to storm a temple in a county town, at least not in the Great Zhou Dynasty during this period.

"Then how can I give you a chance to catch me?" Chen Shijie asked.

"In November you will definitely have the opportunity to leave the city, at least twice." Zhao Xing said, "One is the beginning of winter, and the other is light snow."

"For the Beginning of Winter assessment, as the chief agricultural officer, you must be present. Although Xiaoxue's solar terms are not assessed, you will also go to the villages and towns to check whether the solar terms in various places in Gu County are normal."

"That's right." Chen Shi nodded, "Light snow is likely to cause a snow disaster. I have to make sure it's normal. It's very reasonable to dispatch at these two times."

"After considering the timing, I still have to consider the manpower issue." Zhao Xing said, "Gucheng is a superior county, and its various departments of the county government, including the Si Kou Wei, Wu Ban Fang, and Inspection Department. As well as the East Lake Army stationed next to East Lake, all must be considered. ”

"You are a true ninth-grade person. If I want to arrest you, I have to prepare seven eight-grade people."

Chen Shijie shook his head and said, "Did you make a mistake? I asked you to treat me as a seventh-grade person. The Xuantian Sect doesn't know my strength."

Zhao Xing calmly said: "Even if I don't know, I still have to prepare so much. And it's not difficult to find out that you are a military agriculture minister."

"It would be nice to be able to capture you quietly."

"If an accident occurs, a few people here will stay behind to distract attention."

"After I catch you, I will quickly use Disguise, Soul-Sealing and Elemental Locking to turn you and me into ordinary people."

"The next step is to rely on ordinary believers to support them, and rely on chariots, horses, and boats to get out of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Zhao Xing reduced the map of Gucheng and enlarged it to the entire Nanyang County.

He tapped his finger on the map: "There are many waterways in Nanyang County. As long as you can board a boat on the Canglan River and go down the river, you can reach the border towns thousands of miles away in less than a day, and then climb over the mountains. If you can use magic, then the sky is high and the birds can fly.”

Chen Shijie asked with a smile: "That's ideal. First tell me where you think the best place to set up an ambush would be in Gucheng."

Zhao Xing enlarged the map of Gucheng again, and then tapped on several places: "Gucheng is a Shang County and a major grain-producing county in Nanyang County. The grain-producing areas of Gucheng are concentrated in Shanggu Town and Laoliangcang Town. , Bashuiwan, Sanpochong, Pingtang Town and other places.”

"If you want to see it, you must go to these places, right?"

Chen Shijie looked at it and nodded and admitted: "Yes, ensuring people's harvest is the top priority of farmers. Since these eight places are important grain-producing towns, I may go, no, I will definitely go!"

Zhao Xingdao: "Here we have to choose one of the eight, because it is possible to launch the action anywhere, and the location is also very different."

Chen Shijie smiled and nodded: "Yes, your analysis makes sense."

Looking at him like this, Zhao Xing knew that Chen Shijie had thought of all these things, even more comprehensively.

But for the sake of Lao Chen's safety, he still said a few more words: "The people Xuantian Sect uses for operations have always not considered life or death, nor do they care about cost-effectiveness, because the dead soldiers they send out for operations are all about to reach the end of their lifespan. of."

"So when I say that seven or eight grades are prepared, it's still a small number. It may even be more."

Chen Shijie tilted his head and asked: "You didn't mention the officials and staff of other departments in the whole process, you only counted the strength to capture me. If we really want to take action, there will definitely be fewer people assigned to deal with me, and Xuantian Sect will not be able to There are so many people.”

When Zhao Xing saw Chen Shijie's appearance, he knew that he had made an empiricist error.

Because in the previous plunder by the Xuantian Sect, not only farmers were arrested, but other professions were also arrested, including petty officials and petty officials.

But Zhao Xing deduced from the results and knew that the Xuantian Sect's main goal was the profession of Sinong, because they took Sinong back to brainwash and train him, and then caused natural disasters in the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Assuming that I am the leader of the Xuantian Sect, I think it is enough to just capture you." Zhao Xing said in a seemingly arrogant tone, "Master Chen, who was born as a farmer in the army, you have enough face to even be a sixth-grade official. I’m here to support you, and arresting you alone is not as good as arresting ten or hundreds of officials and minor officials from other professions?”

"Wouldn't it cause a bigger sensation?"

"Or maybe Si Nong is their main target, and the others are just incidental and dispensable?"

Chen Shijie's face became serious. The previous analysis was within his expectations.

But now Zhao Xing's seemingly unintentional words reminded him that if this could really happen, then did he still underestimate Xuantian Sect?

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