Shennong Daojun

Chapter 73: Xingyun Duel, is there another expert?

The Yinfeng spell turned nine times, Zhao Xing's confidence doubled.

Originally, he did not expect to grab the first few incense sticks, but now, he has a certain degree of confidence.

"The temple gate is about to open, hurry up to recover your vitality."

Zhao Xing hurriedly took out three Juyuan pills from the Wenzhu box and swallowed them, and then bit a Tianyuan pear, and his face suddenly became ruddy.

When his vitality was more than half recovered, he glanced at the sundial.

"It's already six quarters of the hour of Hai, and there are only two quarters of an hour left before the temple gate will open."

Zhao Xing glanced at the Tiantan Square and found that Shen Zhui had not arrived yet.

"I don't know what he went through, and the second night's competition for incense was delayed."

"I hope it's a good thing."

He didn't come to compete for the first incense on the first night, but hid in the cave to take Zhuguo to break through.

After thinking about it, Zhao Xing walked to the other side of the square.

"Young Master Zong."

Zong Shichang was discussing with the people next to him, and was annoyed at someone interrupting him. When he saw Zhao Xing, his brows relaxed and he said with a smile: "What's wrong with you? Why do you look a little weak after just a while?"

The Wanfa Lingxiu made Zhao Xing's Yinfeng directly upgrade from the entry level to the ninth level, but it also consumed a lot of vitality, mainly strength and spirit. After this violent training, the fluctuations were huge, making Zhao Xing look a little sluggish at this time.

Zhao Xing ignored Zong Shichang's ridicule and went straight to the point: "How about you and I go to the temple to compete for the first incense later?"

Zong Shichang was embarrassed when he heard this, and whispered: "To be honest, I am willing, but the people I pulled in can only protect me, not you. Let me ask."

Zhao Xing nodded. Zong Shichang was only at the fourth level of Juyuan. It was too ridiculous to let him, a playboy, make the decision during the battle.

If Zong Shichang could make the decision directly, Zhao Xing would turn around and leave. This is playing with his life.

Zong Shichang turned around and whispered in the crowd.

There were about 17 or 18 people gathered around him.

The first echelon, of course, was the three Juyuan 8th level, who were invited by his father.

Since they were invited, Zong Shichang could not order them. For most actions, Zong Shichang had to listen to the opinions of the masters.

Zong Shichang also knew clearly that he would never let an outsider guide an insider.

The second echelon, there were five people, who were Juyuan 7th level. They were relatively young and were young talents in Nanyang County. They were considered Zong Shichang's own connections. They agreed to act together, but there was no master-servant relationship, just cooperation.

The third echelon was Juyuan 5th and 6th level, which was recruited by Zong Shichang with silver bills. This group of people could listen to Zong Shichang.

Zong Shichang himself was a fun person, and he had no objection to Zhao Xing joining.

The more people, the better. He wished that all the people in the Temple of Heaven Square would come to his place to make a fuss!

But he knew the importance of the matter and felt that it was unlikely that Zhao Xing would join. After all, Sinong himself had little combat power, and in his impression, Zhao Xing's rank was not high, at least Zong Shichang could not see it.

However, when he spoke, a tall and thin middle-aged man with four swords on his back spoke up: "Mr. Zong, I think he can join."

"Huh?" Zong Shichang was stunned and looked at the master "Uncle Cang" invited by his father.

"Indeed, Old Cang is right." Another middle-aged swordsman with a mole on the corner of his mouth also spoke up: "Master, you can also learn."

Zong Shichang was a little confused: "Uncle Cang, Uncle Hu, are you kidding? When I borrowed money just now, you two were not happy."

He was a little unsure and thought that these two were playing tricks on him. Not only did they give him money, but they also asked him to bring people. Are you, Zong Shichang, not sure?

"It's a different time now." Uncle Cang smiled, "Before he absorbed the third portion of spiritual beauty, it can only be barely considered useful."

"But after absorbing the third portion of spiritual beauty..." The swordsman 'Uncle Tiger' had a glimmer in his eyes, "I actually felt a strong threat from this kid, the kind of threat between life and death."

Two of the three masters agreed, and the remaining one did not speak.

Not speaking meant that he did not object. Zong Shichang was surprised and immediately turned his head around and said with a smile: "In fact, I have already seen it a long time ago. You see, the two hundred silver notes I gave before are still reasonable!"

The three masters smiled but said nothing.

You saw it?

You saw it! You are just wasting money, okay!

"Ahem, I'll go and tell him now." Seeing that no one was supporting him, Zong Shichang stopped boasting and turned to Zhao Xing.

"Brother Zhao, I've got it all done. You'll join us in a fight for incense."

Zhao Xing actually heard everything, but he still gave a thumbs up: "Great, it's still Young Master Zong."

"Hey, it's nothing." Zong Shichang felt comfortable all over, and the smile on his face became brighter.

"There's still some time, I'll tell you about it?"

"Okay." Zhao Xing listened attentively, he really didn't know much about these masters.

Zong Shichang stood beside Zhao Xing and pointed to a corner of the Temple of Heaven Square: "Did you see the chrysanthemum-faced man holding a feather fan? That man is Wen Zhao, ninth level of Ju Yuan, thirty-six years old this year, and an official in the Nanyang County Li Hall."

"He is a ritual practitioner, especially good at 'harmony ritual' and 'fire ritual'."

"He won the fifth incense stick last night."

Zhao Xing nodded slightly, he also saw that this was a ritual practitioner, it was this man who burned several of his straw men when he entered the Temple of Heaven Square.

"The swordsman next to him is called Zhang Boran, and he is at the eighth level of Ju Yuan. He is his cousin, and he uses the third-level top-grade 'Tiger Ring Sword'. He is good at a mid-level secret technique called 'Tiger Evil Sword'."

"The two of them are both civil and military, and they work together very well."

Zong Shichang moved his fingers laterally and pointed in another direction: "The man wearing a raincoat with a gray head on his head is called Cao Qiushui, Juyuan Ninth Level."

"He is also a clerk in agriculture, a younger member of the direct line of the Cao family. He ranks third and is also third in strength. He is not as good as his eldest brother Cao Chunfang, and not as good as his seventh brother Cao Wangdong."

Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows: "Are the Cao family descendants of Zhenjun?"

Zong Shichang curled his lips and said: "It is true that he is a descendant of True Monarch Caoxi, but this bloodline has been around for thousands of years, so it is nothing special. As the saying goes, the weasel descends from Dou Chuzi."

Seeing that he didn't say anything further, Zhao Xing helplessly said, "What do you mean?"

Zong Shichang smiled and said: "One generation is not as good as the other. In the past three hundred years, the Cao family has only had a fifth-grade or loose-ranked person."

Zhao Xingdao: "You can't blame them for not working hard. It's really difficult for aristocratic families to get along during this period."

Zong Shichang nodded and said: "Indeed, that one is too cruel and has been sucking the blood of the aristocratic family..."

Zhao Xing waved his hand: "Don't go too far, it's a taboo."

Zong Shichang shut up and looked around. Then his eyes lit up and he pointed to the east of the square and said, "She's here."


"Du Jiaojiao, did you see the man with the gun? Yes, he was blocked by the woman with the liuqin."

Zhao Xingshun looked over and saw Lu Qian and the woman holding Liuqin standing and chatting, and behind them there was a cute girl who was a head shorter.

But her gun is quite tall, probably almost four meters long.

"I see, as the name suggests, she is indeed quite petite... Why are you laughing?"

Before Zhao Xing finished speaking, he saw Zong Shichang holding his stomach and enjoying himself.

"Is something wrong?"

Zong Shichang patted his thigh and said, "Her name is Du Jiaojiao, but she is not petite. She is sitting down!"

"Huh?" Zhao Xing was stunned.

"Don't believe it? I'll show you." Zong Shichang picked up a stone on the ground and threw it over there. "Hey! Brother Du!"

The stone hit the three girls. Lu Qian, who was talking, frowned. When she saw it was Zong Shichang, she immediately scolded: "Zong Shiba, what are you doing, you unlearned bastard!"

Zong Shichang waved his hand: "Qianqian, your scolding is so nice~ Come on, call me twice more~"

Lu Qian was furious and wanted to rush over: "You want to die, don't you?!"

At this time, Du Jiaojiao stood up and grabbed her: "Qianqian, don't be as knowledgeable as him."

"Huh." Lu Qian glared fiercely and sat down angrily.

Zong Shichang turned back: "Did you see it?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "I saw it, it's really amazing."

Du Jiaojiao stood up and was eight feet tall!

A rough estimate, at least 2.45 meters!

Moreover, she is extremely majestic and has a cute and delicate face. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a 'King Kong Barbie'.

"No wonder he used such a long gun."

Zong Shichang said: "The Du family's guns are very famous in Nanyang County. Her father can be regarded as the best gun master in Nanyang County. This woman also knows at least three intermediate secret skills. Last night she got the second pillar." "Xiang, if it hadn't been a little late, I'm afraid Yang Junxiong might not have been able to defeat her."

When Yang Junxiong was mentioned, Zong Shichang's tone became colder: "Yang Junxiong is the man riding the bamboo horse. He is the culprit that caused Brother Wang's death."

"Originally, there were three people in the ninth level of Juyuan, Hong Sihai, Dong Chuan, and Xiang Chenglin, who were quite powerful. However, these three people were severely injured by Yang Junxiong yesterday and had to go down the mountain early, ending the mountain climbing. Journey.”

Severely injuring three Juyuan ninth-level masters? Zhao Xing was slightly surprised: "Is this Yang Junxiong already a high-grade person? What is his background?"

During the three days of going up the mountain, only officials are allowed to go up the mountain. Officials are generally not in the highest level.

However, if there is an opportunity after going up the mountain, it is possible to break through.

"I don't know." Zong Shichang shook his head, "I haven't found out the origin of this person. There are hundreds of counties in Nanyang County, and I don't know where this person came from."

"Damn, he defeated so many people, he must have gained a lot of talent. He is too strong, I can't take revenge on the mountain."

Zong Shichang was very angry, but once he went down the mountain, no one remembered anything.

Zhao Xing reminded: "Brother Zong, if he is originally at the ninth level of Juyuan and has obtained Lingxiu, then you should stop thinking about revenge. It is important to save your life."

"You still have to pray that they didn't come for you. Brother Wang's death was just a matter of his doing it smoothly."

"Forget it, let's not mention him."

Zong Shichang opened the asparagus box depressedly. He didn't know whether he was talking about Yang Junxiong getting angry or because his mouth was dry. He took out the iced plum soup and took two sips.

Seeing that Zong Shichang lost interest in talking, Zhao Xing stopped asking questions and silently gathered strength to wait for the temple door to open.

At the last moment when the temple gates opened, there were fewer and fewer people in the Temple of Heaven Square.

Because it was completely dark, the officials who did not have the ability of ‘bright eyes and night vision’ had already exited the Temple of Heaven Square and stayed far away.

Although there were a lot fewer people, the atmosphere became more and more solemn, and the voices of discussion became muffled. By the time it was getting close to midnight, no one was talking.

I just stared silently at the sundial pointer on the square, because it was about to leave the 'Zhi Ge' area.

Some people couldn't stand the solemn atmosphere and chose to quit at the last moment.

The number of people in the square was once again reduced by one-third.

Zhao Xing's eyes glowed green in the dark night, and he stared at the pointer.


Suddenly a thick bell sounded from the temple in front.

And the sundial's pointer also pointed to the midnight!

In the midnight area, two words were engraved: Only martial arts!

The gate of the temple opened, and ten golden light balls floated out from the gate.

That was the 'incense' needed to enter the temple for offerings!

The incense floated in the sky above the Temple of Heaven Square, hanging but not falling, like a bright lamp.

"Action!" Uncle Cang beside Zong Shichang shouted immediately.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Another eighth-level Juyuan 'Uncle Tiger' also jumped into the air quickly, trying to grab the incense.

For the first wave of incense, only the masters with enough confidence dared to fight for it.

Although most of the others were tempted, they held back and did not act.

Because only martial arts, life and death are at your own risk!

In the huge Temple of Heaven Square, only twenty-one people dared to jump into the air to grab the first incense.

But this does not mean that the people on the ground did not move.

Just after these twenty-one warriors jumped.

A voice came from the southeast of the square.

"The purpose of etiquette is harmony!"

The voice was mellow and sounded directly in people's ears, and everyone was briefly absent-minded.

It was as if there was an old man with a crown on his head, giving advice in his ears.

At this moment, the twenty-one warriors who had just taken off had no fighting spirit in their hearts, and twenty of them fell to the ground, and some even staggered and couldn't stand steadily after landing.

"Wen Zhao!" Uncle Cang roared unwillingly, and he and another person couldn't help but fall down.

Only one silver spear broke through the air, not only was it not affected, but it soared straight up and grabbed one of the incense sticks, which was Du Jiaojiao.

At the same time, there was also the sound of horse hooves coming from outside the square. A black shadow, riding a bamboo horse, flew through the air, was not affected, and arrived first, grabbing a stick of incense before Du Jiaojiao.

Then the remaining momentum continued and fell in front of the stone steps leading to the temple.

"Yang Junxiong!" Du Jiaojiao's voice was gentle, but full of fighting spirit. When she landed, her position was almost the same as Yang Junxiong's.

The stone steps did not allow many people to pass through. Whether the first person to be the first to be incense or not depended on who went up first.

"Get out of the way!" Yang Junxiong shouted angrily. He also used a gun, but his whole body was red. His momentum was amazing, as if even his childhood sweetheart was covered with a layer of rosy clouds.

From such a distance, the roar still made the ears of the people in the square hurt, but Du Jiaojiao was completely unaware.

"Intermediate secret technique, lion roar?" Du Jiaojiao blocked Yang Junxiong with a gun, her eyes shining. "Let me get out of the way, that depends on whether you have the strength to do it!"

These two people were the first to grab the incense, and the third person was Zhang Boran next to Wen Zhao, because he jumped back and was not affected.

But after he landed, he did not dare to move forward.

Because Yang Junxiong and Du Jiaojiao blocked the way ahead, he was only at the eighth level of Ju Yuan, and he did not dare to get close at all.

The three incense sticks were snatched away, and the fight in the square broke out in an instant.

Wen Zhao's suppression was released in just a moment, because he wanted Zhang Boran to snatch it.


Zhao Xing stretched out his hand and pointed, and at the moment when the midnight just arrived, he immediately tried to prop up the cloud layer and cover the entire Temple of Heaven Square.

But before Xingyun, he actually took the lead in using [Yinfeng].

He made Yinfeng surround himself, forming a barrier, and outside Yinfeng, he used the wind-raising spell to form a second barrier.

After being tempered by the Yinfeng of the earth veins, the spiritual beauty of all methods made his soul tough and difficult to be shaken. Therefore, he was little affected by Wen Zhao, but it was Yang Junxiong's lion roar that penetrated the wind wall.

The reason why he was half a beat slower was mainly due to the characteristics of the spell. It takes time for Xingyun to condense.

Almost when the first batch of warriors landed and Du Jiaojiao and Yang Junxiong grabbed the incense, Zhao Xing's Xingyun was propped up in the square.

He must take the initiative, otherwise, he will not be able to use the lightning and ice rain, and may not be able to win the incense.

"Moving clouds!"

Zhao Xing was not the only one who had the same idea. Eight people in the Tiantan Square also used it one after another, trying to take advantage of the weather.

Those who dared to act in the first time period were all absolutely confident in their magic.

The square was so big that it could not accommodate so many clouds.

So the collision happened at the first time.



The clouds collided, thunder sounded, and the Tiantan Square was illuminated for a while.

Even Wen Zhao was secretly shocked: "The ritual of the time is so chaotic. It seems that there is more than one powerful character in the position of Si Nong this time."


On the west side of the square, Cao Qiu Shui, wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, rolled the clouds, like a surging river, and forcibly squeezed the surrounding clouds away.

Soon, three people in the half of the square where he was were defeated.

"Brother Cao's Flowing Clouds has reached the fifth level. I admit defeat."

"Thank you, Brother Cao, for showing mercy."

"Hmph, I'm not as skilled as you. I have nothing to say."

"Thank you for letting me go!" Cao Qiushui smiled and bowed in the direction of the three people.

Just when he wanted to continue to expand the range of the Flowing Clouds to cover the entire square, he found that there was only one flower left in the other half of the square.

But Zhao Xing had already dealt with the other competitors. He did not suppress the other four people with the Flowing Clouds.

He simply secretly drove a gust of Yin Feng to attack the four people.

The soul fire was so shaky that it could not control the Flowing Clouds spell.

It was immediately cut and swallowed by Zhao Xing's cloud layer and turned into nutrients.

Therefore, Zhao Xing's primary cloud method is as powerful as Cao Qiushui's intermediate cloud method.

"What's going on? Why did my Flowing Clouds go out of control?"

"Who is it, who is plotting against him?!"

"Damn it!"

There were curses from all over the square.

"Zhao Sanjia, how could you..." Zong Shichang looked at the clouds above his head in disbelief.

He didn't know Zhao Xing was so powerful that he could hold up the clouds in the first place, in front of so many masters, and defeated the other four Si Nong.

"What an amazing control ability, how can his cloud-moving technique devour other people's clouds?" After landing, Uncle Cang and Uncle Hu did not jump again, but waited for an opportunity to move again. After seeing Zhao Xing's actions, they were very surprised.

Because they did not expect Zhao Xing to be of much use, at least in the first wave of competition for incense, they did not expect him to do anything.

"It's this trick again. In the previous assessment, his clouds could devour Huang Tao's clouds and turn them into his own..." Zong Shichang was a little excited.

Ignoring the surprise of others, Zhao Xing quickly controlled the clouds to absorb the defeated's clouds, ready to go, and took advantage of Cao Qiushui's pretense to crash into him.


The thunder roared again, and one-fifth of the clouds above Zhao Xing's head were smashed.

But they were quickly absorbed, showing amazing control.

Although Cao Qiushui had an advantage in the collision, the rolling momentum of the clouds was blocked.

Although it was a passive collision, it was completely unexpected by everyone, because Cao Qiushui cast a mid-level cloud spell, and Zhao Xing was only a beginner cloud spell.

"Huh? There are still masters?" Cao Qiushui looked in a certain direction in surprise.

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