Shennong Daojun

Chapter 71: Remarks on the release (0:00 on the 1st, with a plan for more updates)

After midnight, this book will be on the shelves, so I'd like to talk to you about it.

First, the original intention of the creation:

I often feel that a fantasy world with exaggerated combat power should also have exaggerated environment and phenology.

One day can experience four seasons, and one month can change the world.

A rainstorm or a drought can last for dozens or hundreds of years.

There is the everlasting Flame Mountain and the frozen sea...

Based on this setting, I began to wonder how the human race in this world fights against natural disasters.

At that time, I thought of integrating the 24 solar terms into this worldview. Perhaps the 24 solar terms were created by a group of ancient great powers to fight against natural disasters? (dog head)

However, this idea was two years ago. At that time, I felt that my writing skills were not enough and my accumulation was not enough, so I didn't dare to write.

I just slowly accumulated inspiration, such as reading articles about the five elements and four seasons, Shennong's Herbal Classic, Daguanmu, Shixunjie...until the system conception was relatively complete, I dared to publish it.

In this process, the inspiration of "a unified fantasy dynasty where people from all walks of life can cast spells" was added.

Then it was continuously improved, and in the next chapters on the shelves, other professions will be gradually mentioned.

For example, this dynasty is relatively friendly to ordinary people, with double yellow treasures, warnings to ward off evil, and "no entry without permission".

There is also a document that can be upgraded to increase people's blessings and longevity.

There is also an imperial edict that knocks people down to dust.

Binding official positions to cultivation realms, passing on all methods, enfeoffing Yin gods, and establishing temples to monitor all officials... I think a centralized fantasy dynasty should have such strong control!

Back to the profession of the protagonist itself, this entry point has been considered for a long time.

I had thought of starting from the academy style before, holding a "green seedling competition", which is also farming, but similar to the imperial planting style, but it always felt a bit out of place. I also thought of calling the original title "Hundred Flowers Daojun", but I felt that it seemed too soft...

There are also some things such as the exiled prince, farming in the frontier, with a system rewarding various plants and skills, and making a prince farming style...

Or the beginning is a formal official, being framed, and raising a very valuable plant to death, etc.

I always feel that it is too routine and I am not satisfied with it.

In the end, I decided on a slower start, and it shook a lot of settings at the beginning, which is now.

Starting from the Minister of Agriculture, step by step through the solar term assessment.

The magic of the time, the magic of the location, the natural disaster of the grain-eating bird, the breeding confrontation, the theory of the five elements and four seasons, the magical phenology, climbing the sacred mountain...Well, this is a very hair-raising beginning.

In short, the author is very attentive and tried his best to write.

To be honest, when I asked others about this opening, including the editor, they were not optimistic.

Shennong Daojun? How dare you choose a four-character book title? Are you going to die? This is exclusive to great writers!

The beginning is so slow? No pretense? Are you going to die? It should be fast-paced!

The names of the supporting characters are so good, why is the name of the protagonist so ordinary, don't you want it...

Fortunately, there are still editors who are willing to accept it. Here I would like to especially thank the editor-in-charge of the first group, Yexiao, who thinks that my opening is OK and is a very professional editor!

Thanks to the editor-in-chief of the first group, Biscuit, for his encouragement!

The results were not ideal when it was put into the library, with only 20 to 30 collections a day. I almost thought that this book would be a big hit.

Fortunately, I gritted my teeth and persisted until it was put into the library and recommended for trial.

Unexpectedly, the follow-up was not bad. I actually passed the PK all the way and got all the new book recommendations, and the highest was the sixth on the new book list.

To be honest, it is rare for a new account at level 1 to achieve this level.

Often, similar content written by a level 1 account will be criticized to death, while that written by a great author must have a deep meaning.

One uses a magnifying glass to find shortcomings, and the other uses a magnifying glass to find advantages.

Fortunately, most readers still have a clear self-judgment ability and have followed the book all the way to now.

Sometimes there are typos, but I can't see them with my blind eyes. Please bear with me. I will definitely change them if I find them.

But the author has his own rhythm for the plot and settings. I will listen to what I think is reasonable, and in most cases I will still write according to the established ideas.

There are also many settings and stories that I think are interesting, which will slowly come out later.

I would like to thank all the brothers and sisters who voted and rewarded, especially Miss Vera, who also gave it to the leader. Thank you so much!

Next, let's talk about the update.

After it goes on sale at 0:00 tonight, the quantity is large and full!

Five thousand words per chapter, five chapters in one go! Twenty-five thousand words, let everyone enjoy it!

After that, eight to ten thousand words will be updated every day, and they will also be sent out in one go, scheduled to be sent at 12 noon every day. If there are unexpected situations such as writer's block or something, I will tell you in advance, but I will generally keep the manuscript in case of emergency.

As for rewards and extra chapters, since there is already a leader, I will set one more chapter for the leader (5,000 words).

So six chapters will be released at 0:00! Update every day at noon after that!

In terms of rewards, I don't expect more from a level 1 account. I am satisfied that my brothers can read the genuine version.

We can try to add more chapters for monthly tickets. Let's set 3,000 votes for one more chapter. During the guaranteed monthly tickets + double monthly tickets at the beginning of the month, everyone can vote.

If the setting is too low, it may affect the update time and quality. After all, the daily updates are not small.

We don't seek the momentary pleasure and don't do things beyond our ability.

If there are brothers from Qyue or other channels, please come to Qidian Reading to support the author.

“Bang bang bang”, the author kowtows to everyone!

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