Shennong Daojun

Chapter 68 The treasure is in hand, the war ends at the hour of Xu

Zhao Xing used the wind to accelerate the six straw men and rushed into the cave.

At the same time, there were more than a dozen straw men squatting according to the established retreat route.

"Hurry, find it quickly."

Zhao Xing's heartbeat quickened and his breathing became rapid.

Even though he was just controlling the straw man, he felt excited, as if he was about to find a rare treasure.

However, reason still dominates: "The treasure is touching, but I must do it as soon as possible. The lynx moves very quickly. I must find it within a quarter of an hour."

"We must retreat within a quarter of an hour! No matter how many treasures there are, we will not miss them!"

Zhao Xing kept repeating this rule in his heart.

Because after the straw man went deep this time, he felt that there was more than one kind of treasure in the cave!

After going deep inside, four forks appeared in the cave, each of which had a strong attraction.


Zhao Xing immediately ordered the straw men to enter the four forks.

The vision in the cave was dim, and the straw man was stumbling forward, but fortunately, after the straw man fell, he simply ordered the straw man to get down on all fours and crawl on the ground, and the speed became faster.


The feeling that soon came from the first straw man made Zhao Xing's heart beat faster.

At the end of one of the forks, there was a complete skeleton. The skeleton was almost the same as the one Zhao Xing saw for the first time.

Between its ribs, there was a purple stone the size of a fist stuck.

The stone was emitting electric light, stuck to its two ribs, and was already charred black.


The straw man ran over to get the purple stone, and soon his hands began to smoke.

Fortunately, this is a powerful King Kong. If it were replaced by a straw man made by Ivy, it might not be possible to take it away.

"Return!" Zhao Xing immediately ordered the powerful King Kong.

Since he had traveled the previous route, the return of King Kong went smoothly.

After it exited the cave, there was immediately a second line of straw men waiting for it.

The Scarlet Man grabs the King Kong and speeds him up.

Too late to check.

Because the second straw man in the cave was discovered.

After reaching the end, there is skylight shining on a stone platform in the dry spherical cave.

There is a thin piece of yellow paper floating in it.

The second straw man immediately took away the yellow paper.


Zhao Xing was a little excited.

The second one!

Not long after the second straw man returned.

His luck broke out for the third time.

The other two branches were actually discovered together!

On the third branch, the straw man discovered a spring. The spring was gushing vitality, and the whole spring was filled with fairy energy, which was extremely extraordinary.

There are four blue lotus flowers on it, one of which is in full bloom and the other three are in bud.

The straw man stretched out his hand to pull it out, but soon his hands were covered with a layer of ice mist. Even if he was fast enough, when he pulled out the lotus pod, his right hand was frozen and he lost mobility, so he could only hold it in his arms with his left hand.

On the fourth branch, the straw man actually saw a sparkling cup in a nest full of furs!

"This cup?!"

Zhao Xing's heart skipped a beat. It was one of the visions he saw just before entering the mountain!

It was an explosion of luck, and treasures were found in all four forked paths!

However, at this time, Zhao Xing became more and more worried.

The passive triggering of luck follows the rule of declining after three times.

It's too early to be happy now, he may not be able to bring them all out!


At this moment, an angry roar came from the distance.

The lynx reappeared within three miles and was observed by Zhao Xing.

"It's back, it's time for me to run."

Zhao Xing immediately picked up the asparagus box and jumped on the back of the magic walking man.

"This lynx actually became a high-ranking cub when it was just a cub. It seems that it was raised by Lingshan. Otherwise, a normal lynx bloodline would not be so tyrannical."

Sensing the approaching lynx, Zhao Xing knew that he might not be able to bring out the lotus seeds and golden cup.

Because the lynx was about to return, but the straw man holding the lotus seeds and the golden cup had just run out of the cave.

"You have to give up one of them, otherwise you won't get both. Which one does it value more?"

Zhao Xing activated the Bright Eyes spell to observe the lynx's movement route.

It was found that it ran towards the straw man holding the gold cup first.

"Hold the golden cup and run in the opposite direction!"

Zhao Xing gave the order decisively and used great willpower to suppress the reluctance in his heart.

The straw man holding the golden cup suddenly threw the golden cup forward.

Where the golden cup landed, a straw man ambushed quickly jumped up. After catching it, he immediately threw it to the third landing point without hesitation.

If you run, the bobcat won't win, but if you use the powerful King Kong to throw, the speed will be much faster.

It was difficult for the bobcat to catch up.

The golden cup was passed to the last straw man, three miles away from Zhao Xing in a straight line, and the last straw man was already standing in front of a cliff.


The straw man violently threw the golden cup forward.

But at this time, the lynx roared and completely disappeared from sight.

The next second, a big hole appeared in the body of Powerful Vajra, as if pierced by a bolt of lightning.

The golden cup was thrown out anyway.

The lynx roared angrily and jumped off the cliff. Then, holding the golden cup in its mouth, it stepped on it in the air and returned to the top of the cliff.

"You're awesome, I don't want it anymore."

Zhao Xing observed this scene and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

This is a real Kung Fu meow.

The last trick he used was a secret body movement technique!

"But these three treasures belong to me."

Zhao Xing smiled slightly and pointed to the sky.

Thick clouds rolled and thunder roared.

Ice rain covered the cliff and the cold wind blew past.

Then Zhao Xing retreated calmly.

Where is the safest place to climb mountains?

Of course, it is the Temple of Heaven Square on the main peak of Donghu Mountain.

In order to avoid the pursuit of mountain cats.

The walking straw man ran all the way and brought Zhao Xing to the top of the mountain.

The Temple of Heaven Square was already in sight.

"Who is it?"

"Hey, why are there so many straw men coming up."

"Huh? What's going on? Why is my heart suddenly beating so fast?"

"Damn, it's Lingxiu, those straw men have Lingxiu hidden in them!"

"Oh my God, such a strong induction, middle-grade or upper-grade Lingxiu?!"

There were climbers resting around the square, but at this time they all stood up and stared in one direction.

When Zhao Xing rushed up the mountain, everyone sensed the existence of his spiritual beauty.

Countless eyes, both open and hidden, stared at him with ill intentions.

A stream of light shot out from a big tree outside the Temple of Heaven Square and went straight to Zhao Xing.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Three arrows shot into the body of King Kong Bamboo, and the arrowheads penetrated three inches into the chest, but failed to penetrate.

The arrow attack had just ended.

Another voice sounded in his ears: "My friend, the spiritual beauty in you is destined to be with me, please stay!"

Zhao Xing couldn't help but slow down his pace, but the next moment, he snorted coldly and got rid of the restraints.

"Little brother, put down the spiritual beauty quickly, otherwise you will be entangled in the fire of sin!"

A mellow voice came from the front, and the three walking straw men suddenly ignited flames.

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

Zhao Xing roared, and a gloomy wind blew violently from the ground. Along with the gloomy wind, this sound seemed to penetrate directly into the soul, making all the peepers shudder.

Taking advantage of the moment when everyone was affected, Zhao Xing was thrown by the powerful King Kong, and he jumped into the Temple of Heaven Square.

There was a sundial in the center of the square, and the pointer happened to point to the Xu time zone.

The words "Zhi Ge" were engraved on the sundial, which meant that from now on, fighting was prohibited within the square.

"Huh~ The time is just right." Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

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