Shennong Daojun

Chapter 60 Childhood Friends Luck

Donghu Mountain is very dangerous. The cliff where Zhao Xing is standing is shrouded in mist and clouds. It is impossible to see the end clearly, but it is at least four or five hundred meters high.

Fell straight down from such a high place?

Zhao Xing looked carefully and found that the man was already bloody and even missing a few parts.

But he was not dead yet!

Mingmu observed that the man still had a trace of vitality.

"What is that? It scared me!" Zong Shichang jumped up from the chair.

"It's a person." Zhao Xing used Mingmu magic.

"Dead or alive?"

"Not dead yet, but dying soon."

"No! I know this person!" Zong Shichang looked carefully and his face changed.

Then he ran over immediately.

Zhao Xing observed the surroundings, held up the cloud, and then slowly walked over.

"Brother Wang, how did you fall from the mountain?" Zong Shichang ran over to the rubble and squatted down.

"Pig, pig..." The man surnamed Wang looked like a warrior. He was only half of his body left, but he was not dead yet. He even had the strength to speak.

"Pig? How can there be a pig?" Zong Shichang said. "Brother Wang, please explain it clearly."

"Horse, horse..."

"Horse? What do you want to say?" Zong Shichang was confused. What did he want to say when he mentioned pig and horse?

"Brother Wang, if you have any last words, please explain them clearly. No, I won't remember them after I pass the Forget Worry Monument."

"You, um~" The man surnamed Wang widened his eyes and died with his eyes wide open. I don't know if he was angry with Zong Shichang.

"Don't worry, although I don't know why, you died doing things for my Zong family. I will take good care of your family after I get out." Zong Shichang stretched out his hand with some sadness to close the other's eyes.

Strangely enough, after Zong Shichang said this, the man who died with his eyes wide open closed his eyes.


When the man was completely dead, a gust of cold wind suddenly came out, and the pile of rubble began to sink downward, sucking the man's body into the ground.

Zhao Xing and Zong Shichang saw this and hurriedly bowed and paid homage to the ground.

This was the Yin God of Donghu Mountain, sending the official's body out.

After leaving the rubble pile, before Zhao Xing asked, Zong Shichang took the initiative to say: "This man is called Wang Dong, a member of the Wusi of Mai County. One of the four people entrusted by my family is him."

"He reached the eighth level of Juyuan at the age of 45, and he has not been promoted. This year, he came to my house. My father promised to get him a place in the guard this year. I never thought that he would die here before he went up the mountain for an hour."

"Brother Zhao, you said that he was a pig and a horse before he died. Is he blaming me for not taking my job?"

Zhao Xing shook his head and said: "If he blamed you, how could he let you take care of his family?"

Zong Shichang seemed to be relieved: "Yes, but what did he want to tell me?"

Zhao Xing did not speak, thinking.

After a person died, Zong Shichang did not have the leisure to drink and enjoy the scenery. He sat there frowning and thinking.

Unexpectedly, before the silence lasted for long, a miserable and rapid cry came from the depths of the dense forest, mixed with the roar of unknown beasts.

Fortunately, the roar gradually faded away.

After a while, Zong Shichang stood up, took out a box from the box and walked over: "Brother Zhao, I plan to climb the mountain, so I won't stay here with you."

"Why did you change your mind?" Zhao Xing asked.

Zong Shichang sighed: "I originally planned to wait at the foot of the mountain. But now that we have entered the mountain, it is not safe whether it is on the mountain or below the mountain."

"I plan to contact the other three people. If we gather together, it will be safer with their protection."

"Here is a box of Juyuan Dan, you can take it and use it, and we will say goodbye now."

Zhao Xing looked at the medicine box that Zong Shichang put down: "Wait a minute, Brother Zong."

Zong Shichang turned around with a puzzled look on his face.

Zhao Xing said slowly: "I don't want to say more, and I don't know whether it is good or bad for you to say it, but I saw that the brother surnamed Wang you invited was seriously injured before falling off the cliff."

"His chest collapsed, which should be caused by a blunt impact, and according to his last words, it should be referring to the treasure of the Gong family, the one-horned bamboo horse."

Zong Shichang was stunned at first, and then suddenly realized.

Zhao Xing said again: "I will make a bolder guess. Your family's transaction with the brother surnamed Wang may not be unknown."

"The Zong family has a large business in Nanyang County, which is bound to arouse jealousy. If someone wants to take this opportunity to attack you, then this accident is probably because he blocked the disaster for you."

Zong Shichang's face changed, and his eyes became suspicious.

Zhao Xing said calmly: "Donghu Mountain is supervised by Yin Shen, although killing is prohibited. However, robbing and fighting are not prohibited. This boundary has always been vague, otherwise there would not be a monument of forgetfulness."

"Besides, killing does not necessarily require personal action. Suppose I compete with you for spiritual beauty, and I cast a spell to tie you up and throw you here. Afterwards, a beast eats you. This is not considered a violation of the rules. It can only be considered bad luck."

"You don't lack this spiritual beauty. I still suggest that you go down the mountain directly and don't take this risk."

Zong Shichang frowned, as if thinking about Zhao Xing's words.

It can be seen that this rich boy has not been beaten. After all, he is surrounded by flattery and flattery. Everyone gives his father three points of face. How can he think so much?

Now that Zhao Xing reminded him, he seemed to associate something with him. His face changed and he seemed to be entangled.

Zhao Xing continued, "If you must go up, you should be more careful. If you meet someone riding a bamboo horse, turn around and leave. Don't gamble your life. I guessed wrong."

Seeing Zong Shichang in deep thought, Zhao Xing said no more.

If he said anything more, it would be taboo.

As he said just now, he had an accident on the mountain, which was bad luck.

How can you be an official in the Dynasty of Fortune with bad luck?

If the luck of the country is to promote to the ninth rank, it will cost more if the luck of the country is to promote those who are born with bad luck.

The luck of the country must consider the balance of income and expenditure, so there is a rule that after the death of an official, the luck of the court will still be in the court.

There are also cases like Xue Wenzhong who have not been promoted for decades. In the final analysis, the old Minister of Agriculture's innate luck is too low, and he can only be a ninth-rank official unless he can make great contributions. But as a Minister of Agriculture in the rear, it is difficult to have any chance to make great contributions.

Cai Lingxiu is not only to screen out those with bad luck, but also to give people the opportunity to make up for their luck.

Of course, there are more methods than these, but he doesn't intend to go into detail.

His reminders are worthy of the information Zong Shichang provided earlier.

"Okay, I understand. Thank you, Brother Zhao." Zong Shichang bowed.

Zhao Xing nodded and watched him leave.

As for whether Zong Shichang believed it or not? What grudges did he have with anyone? Would he continue to go up the mountain? He was not interested in understanding, nor did he intend to pay attention.

His diamond bamboo and green vines were about to be ripe.

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