Shennong Daojun

Chapter 55: Lightning and Ice Rain

"Old Chen must have done it on purpose!"

"How could he, a military commander, not be able to control his methods?" Zhao Xing rubbed his sore shoulders, and there was a pool of frost melting into water stains.

"It must be that he was affected by my spell and had nightmares but didn't want to admit it, or did he hear me calling him Lao Chen?"

Zhao Xing also saw Chen Shijie looking ferocious and in pain just now. He didn't know what happened, so he called out Lao Chen out of desperation.

Dreams are not an ordinary thing in this world. He is worried that something will happen to Chen Shijie.

"Sooner or later, I will surpass Lao Chen. When the time comes, Xiao Chen..." A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Xing's mouth, he patted his shoulder and left slowly.

It was not suitable to practice the [Yin Wind] spell during the day, so Zhao Xing moved it to night.

It is very difficult to grasp the fluctuations of the earth's veins and capture the underground wind.

But even if it hasn't reached the first turn, the power is still impressive.

This spell is compulsory for Zhao Xing, and it must be mastered.

"Yinfeng method can not only hurt people, but is also a necessary condition for cultivating certain [rare treasures]."

"For example, the resurrection grass will be extremely difficult to grow without the shade of wind, but otherwise it can speed up its maturity."

As for the morning, the Tianli saplings are "cultivated" to make them "grow vigorously".

After going out to the agricultural supervisory department, Zhao Xing came to Xue Wenzhong's backyard to practice drawing thunder.

Old Sinong is still very strong in thunder skills. In terms of exquisite control, Chen Shijie may not be better than Xue Wenzhong.

"There is only one step between drawing thunder and making thunder. That is to control the direction in which the power of thunder escapes."

"Actually, the thunder spell has already produced a strong thunder power, but it cannot break away from the constraints of Xingyun. Even if it breaks away, it cannot act according to the caster's intention."

"If you want to draw thunder, you need to strengthen your control over the moving clouds so that the power of thunder pours out at an inherent angle." Xue Wenzhong taught patiently.

"It turns out that the key to triggering thunder is not thunder, but moving clouds?" Zhao Xing looked at the clouds in Xue Wenzhong's palm and couldn't help but nodded.

Old Sinong's teachings are indeed unique. After decades of immersion, he already has his own understanding of magic.

Three feet of thunder from the sky, moving clouds in the palm of your hand, this skill is enough for a person to learn for a lifetime.

Being able to shrink Xingyun to this extent, the power of thunder has not diminished but increased. It is already a bit like the 'Thunder in the Palm' that Zhao Xing saw in the recovery version!

This is the effect of studying a spell and constantly pushing the limits.

How many times have old Sinong's cloud-moving and thunder-drawing spells changed? I'm afraid even Old Sinong himself can't explain clearly.

The magic walking straw man is extremely fast and has strong agility.

The straw man made of Yuandao kept running in the courtyard, seeming to be avoiding something.

The clouds overhead cover the entire backyard, and lightning strikes from time to time.


The thunder struck the straw man, and after a flash of light, the straw man's body burst into flames and he collapsed to the ground.

There was more than one body lying on the ground burning, but there were more alive and hiding around.

The straw man was not made by Zhao Xing, but by Xue Wenzhong.

It's much more troublesome to hit.

The movement speed was too fast. By the time Zhao Xing controlled and aimed, the straw man had already moved to the next position.

"Unless it's a random bombardment and increased coverage, my hit rate is too low, only 30%." Zhao Xing secretly thought.

But Old Sinong wouldn't let him do this, because the straw man was also limited to the thunder clouds, just to train his proficiency.

Who wouldn't want to be bombarded? So what else is needed to practice?

"Before noon, you can destroy 70% of the straw men. Your method of attracting thunder is considered to be a step up." Xue Wenzhong said.

He already had a rough grasp of Zhao Xing's aptitude and understanding, so the straw men he released all ran extremely fast and were extremely slippery.

Zhao Xing was not discouraged, and slowly found a feeling. The control experience he had when he was a player in his previous life was very different from the current control spells, but as he gradually got used to it, he also regained some touch.

[You cast the method of attracting thunder, spell proficiency +20]

[You have used the method of attracting thunder, and your spell proficiency +30]

[You cast the method of attracting thunder, spell proficiency +45]

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Zhao Xing, who devoted himself wholeheartedly, gradually improved his hit rate.

When the time on the almanac showed noon, all the straw men in the backyard had been reduced to ashes.


Zhao Xing glanced at the panel.

[Drawing Thunder: Intermediate Spell]

[Proficiency: 1025/9999]

[Utility: Draw thunder into the ground and bombard enemies]

"I have reached the seventh level of Thunder and the ninth level of Xingyun. I have become so proficient in the prerequisite spells that I have only done one level in the morning. Although the upper limit of proficiency has not changed, the difficulty of improving is very different from the initial level." Zhao Xing secretly said.

He thought it was a bit slow, but Xue Wenzhong was quite satisfied. He gave Zhao Xing a day off in the afternoon and let him make his own arrangements.

The afternoon trip is to Chen Mansion.

At three quarters of noon, Shen Zhui waited punctually at the Chen Mansion's school grounds.

"Brother Zhao, please."

"Brother Shen, please."

The two sides stood 20 meters apart, and then started the pursuit and escape game again.

This is the third time the two have competed.

The start is no different from the previous two.

Zhao Xing is still moving clouds, thundering, raining, and blowing wind.

Shen Zhui was already familiar with his tactics, and he immediately chased him after ten breaths.

However, after it rained, Shen Zhui felt something unusual.

"Why is this rain so cold?"

Shen Zhui only ran a few steps in the rain when he felt something was wrong.

He looked up, and water drops dripped down his brown hat to his eyebrows.


Shen Zhui couldn't help but shudder.

It was cold, too cold.

It was as if this was not summer rain, but winter rain.

Shen Zhui actually felt like adding another layer of clothing.

"What kind of rain is this? It's completely different from the previous two times."

"I must use my vitality to fight against the cold erosion, otherwise it will greatly affect my mobility." Although the impact of each drop of rain was very slight, it was gradually accumulating.

Shen Zhui knew that he had to act as soon as possible.

Zhao Xing, who was hiding on the other side, was calculating while making a straw man.

"I can't use Yin Feng against Shen Zhui. After all, he is not Chen Shijie, who can easily resist it. Then I can only use Ice Rain and Lightning Induction."

"Reduce his mobility first, and then use thunder to strike him."

Yin Feng hurts the soul, and Ice Rain hurts the body.

"The ice rain spell also uses the power of Yin, but it is much easier than Yin wind. Water is Yin in nature. You only need to guide it with Yuan Qi and eliminate the Yang power in the moving clouds to make the ice rain take shape."

Old Si Nong taught the thunder induction and pointed out that the key to getting started is to control the moving clouds. Zhao Xing also followed this idea to perform the ice rain spell, and it was indeed easy to get started.

"Pah~" Raindrops fell on his hands, and Zhao Xing felt the degree of coldness.

Although he had just started, his proficiency was still far from the first turn, but as long as the time was delayed long enough, it would greatly consume Shen Zhui's vitality and reduce his mobility.

Chase and escape game? Zhao Xing didn't have any attacking spells!

He didn't have any attacking spells before, but now he has them, so of course he can't wait to be caught!

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