Shennong Daojun

Chapter 52: Ju Yuan Fourth Stage, receiving the Dharma again!

[Ju Yuan Level 3: 9999/10000]

Under the Tian Yuan Pear Tree, Zhao Xing sat cross-legged.

The Yuan Qi flowed around his body, and the cyclone in his Dantian was like a nebula, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

At this time, the Yuan Qi had reached the limit of Ju Yuan Level 3, and only the last bit of Yuan Qi was missing.

But this last bit was not just a matter of quantity, but the key to triggering a qualitative change.

Seeing this, Chen Shijie was about to turn around and go in, because it takes a lot of time to break through a level after Ju Yuan enters the body. This is to make every inch of flesh and blood in the body adapt to the new level of Yuan Qi.

Even for the last step, the change will take one or two hours.

He stepped into the study with his right foot, and before he could lift his left foot, Zhao Xing opened his eyes and stood up from under the Tian Yuan Pear Tree.

"Huh? Failed?" Chen Shijie noticed the movement, turned around, and frowned.

But seeing that Zhao Xing had sufficient blood and vigorous energy, he did not look like a failure.

So he activated the [Five Elements Observation] spell and looked at Zhao Xing.

"The five elements are balanced, yin and yang are in harmony, and it is a step up from before. This is a breakthrough. At this speed, this kid's aptitude is extraordinary." Chen Shijie was a little overjoyed.

He originally thought that Zhao Xing had a high level of comprehension in magic, and his aptitude was just average, but now it seems that this view is wrong.

"His aptitude is also above average in Nanyang County."

"As long as the luck is not too bad, it will be no problem to reach the eighth rank within five years."

"If the luck is too bad, like my previous 'bumpy luck', I don't know how much training I will have to go through. Not everyone can be as kind as the general to help me change my luck." Chen Shijie thought of the past and was quite emotional.

"What are you thinking about, sir?" Suddenly, a voice pulled Chen Shijie back to his thoughts.

"Now that you have broken through, I'm thinking about how to punish you." Chen Shijie snorted.

"Since we are going to punish you, why not punish you for multiple crimes at the same time? Brother Shen and I will pick a few more pears first." Zhao Xing said with a smile, and picked a few more pears with his backhand.

Shen Zhui was dumbfounded. Brother Zhao, you are really bold and daring!

But Chen Shijie was still fooled by this.

He was born in the army and was only in his thirties. He was not the old-fashioned type. If Zhao Xing was respectful and polite to him, he would not like it.

Now, Chen Shijie was like a naughty brother at home, acting like a spoiled child. He liked this feeling.

"You are so shameless. Take the pears and get out of here. I don't want to see you again today." Chen Shijie scolded with a smile.

"Then I will come again tomorrow. Goodbye."

"Get out!"

Shen Zhui, who was holding two pears in his arms, was still a little dazed until he walked out of the Chen Mansion for a long way.

"Brother Zhao, your last name is Zhao?"

"Brother Shen, are you talking nonsense?"

"Your last name is really not Chen?"

"Why do I look like Chen Shijie?"

Shen Zhui looked at him carefully and nodded: "A little bit."

Zhao Xing smiled, wiped the pear and took a bite: "You might as well say I look like this pear."

Shen Zhui thought about it and didn't think so. Chen Shijie's face was slightly square, his eyebrows were light, his nose and eyes were small, and his appearance was really not outstanding, but his skin was white, which was the common white skin color in Xishan County.

Zhao Xing had thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high nose, and clear facial lines. He was much taller than Chen Shijie. If his skin was not wheat-colored, he could be called a handsome gentleman, but a healthy wheat-colored skin would make him look much more sunny.

The temperament was also different. Chen Shijie had a kind of perseverance that had been tempered, while Zhao Xing had a sense of relaxation.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhui couldn't help but feel envious: "Are the relationships between superiors and subordinates in your Sinong Supervisor so harmonious?"

"Why, you don't have a harmonious relationship with Wang Longwusi?" Zhao Xing asked back.

"Not really." Shen Zhui shook his head and said, "Lord Wang is very good to me, but he is relatively strict and unsmiling."

Zhao Xing had no intention of explaining his relationship with Chen Shijie. After walking through Fumen Street, he said goodbye to Shen Zhui: "Brother Shen, I have broken through the fourth level of Juyuan and want to go to the temple to learn new methods. See you tomorrow at Chen's house."

Shen Zhui put the pear in his arms, took it out and bowed and said goodbye: "See you tomorrow, Brother Zhao."

The old rules are that Sinong Supervisor applies, the county government approves it, and then goes to the temple to receive the law.

Xue Wenzhong naturally approved it quickly, because he knew that although Zhao Xing made rapid progress, his foundation was solid.

The four methods of Tianshi, moving clouds, spreading rain, thundering, and raising wind, which Sinong relies on to make a living, Zhao Xing has reached the ninth, seventh, seventh, and eighth turns respectively.

Zhao Xing couldn't compare to an old Si Nong like Xue Wenzhong who could perform "Three-foot Sky Thunder" and "Palm Cloud".

But his control over these magics was no worse than some Si Nong who had just entered the rank.

Xue Wenzhong naturally had nothing to worry about.

When they arrived at the county government, there were quite a lot of people doing business.

The waiting room was crowded with people, and there was almost no place to stay.

"Strange, why are there so many people today?" Zhao Xing was a little puzzled, but he still lined up at the end of the line.

After waiting for a while, he suddenly saw someone walk to his side, but it was an old acquaintance Pang Fei.

"Brother Zhao, come here and talk."

"Okay." Zhao Xing didn't line up, and followed Pang Fei directly.

Pang Fei took him directly into the small living room next to the waiting room, and then asked: "Brother Zhao, if you have any documents to sign, just give them to me directly."

"Brother Pang, is this convenient?" Zhao Xing thought, isn't this just cutting in line?

Pang Fei chuckled and said, "Brother Zhao's matter should be handled specially. This is also what the county master told me."

Since Zhao Xing was ranked first for three times in a row, he has made a name for himself in the eyes of the county magistrate, and Pang Fei has become Zhao Xing's "exclusive customer service".

Others have to wait in line for approval, but Zhao Xing can jump the queue directly.

"Thank you, Brother Pang." Zhao Xing handed over the document and asked casually, "Brother Pang, why are there so many people coming to the county government today?"

"Not only today, but it has been very busy in recent days." Pang Fei said, "The autumn equinox of Donghu Mountain is about to start, and more people are coming to buy treasures and learn new laws."

"I see." Zhao Xing suddenly realized that the autumn equinox was a big deal in Gu County, and even people from Nanyang County would come to join in the fun. He has been studying hard recently and has forgotten that the autumn equinox is coming.

The county government took the approval document and went to the temple.

At this time, there were many more people in the temple than usual.

Especially in the Caoxi Zhenjun Temple, there was a long queue at this moment.

There were also tourists with accents that sounded like outsiders, worshiping from afar in the square outside the temple.

"When Caoxi Zhenjun built the thirteen canals of Pinghu, Budili sent the magic spell 'Di Zang Gui Yuan' and set up the Gui Yuan waterwheel, which made the Yuan Qi more and more concentrated, turning the flood into a blessing. The hill in Donghu became higher and higher, and finally became a famous sacred mountain."

"The mountain will be separated in the autumn soon. I wonder who can obtain the spiritual beauty of the mountain..."

Zhao Xing waited for a long time and found that there were too many people in Caoxi Zhenjun Hall, and the team did not seem to move at all.

"Anyway, it's just an elementary spell, it doesn't matter who you worship."

Zhao Xing changed the place and came to the All Saints Hall, which can accommodate more guests.

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