Shennong Daojun

Chapter 47 Zhao Sanjia, Tianyuan Pear Tree

"I actually got a B grade? Finally, my hard work was not in vain." Chen Ziyu was very happy. Although he only got a B grade, it was also a B grade! It's a good thing if you make progress. Last time, I still got a C grade!

"Are you so excited after just one blow?" Qian Dong didn't understand why his good brother was so happy.

"If you get B steadily this year, you may not be able to get A next year. Take it step by step, step by step, and you will eventually succeed."

Qian Dong was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "That's right, not everyone can make progress as fast as my eldest brother."

Chen Ziyu clenched his fists: "Brother has accumulated a lot of experience. Before he was in the top three, he didn't do B a few times. We accumulate slowly. If it doesn't work this year, it will work next year, and if it doesn't work next year, there will always be a chance!"

The two chatted and walked away, laughing and talking.

Li Chengfeng couldn't help but frown as he listened to the discussion in his ears.

Others are very happy if they get a B grade, but they are not happy if they get an A grade.

Because there is someone better than him.

People like Ding Shan and Liang Bai were not on the same level as him at all. It didn't matter if they got a rank, but they couldn't get an official position anyway.

But Zhao Xing has a chance.

"Zhao Xing, Zhao Xing...everyone is talking about him now." Li Chengfeng felt agitated. This name kept appearing in his ears, and his ears became calluses.

Usually he is the focus of discussion among these people and the center of everyone's attention, but now it is slowly changing.

"Brother Li, have you seen it?" Zong Shichang ran to Li Chengfeng at this time.

"What did you see?" Li Chengfeng asked absently.

"Zhao Sanjia's answer sheet." Zong Shichang said, "Chen Shijie ordered people to copy and circulate his answer sheet for everyone to study. He said that his answers were concise and powerful, and to the point. He would not only be used in future temple exams, but also in future exams. Others can be used as well.”

"Don't tell me, I took a look and found out that there is nothing wrong with his armor."

Li Chengfeng looked at Zong Shichang, who was talking so eloquently, with mixed feelings in his heart. Why did his elder brother praise him so much?

"Brother Zong, I still have something to do, so I need to take a step forward..."

"Huh? Where are you going? Brother Li?"

Zong Shichang called out a few words and found that Li Chengfeng responded and didn't respond. He couldn't help but feel a little strange.

What happened to Brother Li?

In the county government hall, Li Wen was handling government affairs. At this time, a small official ran over and presented the assessment results of the agricultural supervisor.

"County Lord, the results of the Bailu assessment of the Agricultural Supervisor have come out."

"Oh? How many people are there on the armor? Are there any disciples of Nai Gong?" Li Wenzheng asked casually.

"There are three people on A, named Zhao Xing, Ding Shan, and Liang Bai. They are not under my father's command. The first two are under the command of Lord Xue Wenzhong, and the latter are under the command of Lord Tang Wanchun."

The clerk's name was Pang Fei, who had previously submitted an approval document to Zhao Xing. He also had an identity, and was the son of Pang Yuan, a ninth-grade agricultural official.

Li Wenzheng thought deeply: "Well, Zhao Xing... this name seems familiar. If I remember correctly, is this the third time he has been on top?"

"Yes." Pang Yuan nodded, "Last month, Mr. Chen Shijie, he also applied for a tribute quota for him, and you personally stamped it."

"Oh, that's it." Li Wenzheng suddenly realized, "The winter review is about ten days away. Are there any new talents in Tiangongfang and Weaving Supervisor?"

There is no need to ask about the temple and the county government's civil and military offices, because they are right under Li Wenzheng's nose.

"Yes, there is a weaver girl in the weaving supervisor who made Heluo robes. Last time, it was rated as top A. There is an official in Tiangongfang named Han Bi who unlocked the magic mechanism left by Master Gongsun Jin." "Luan Lian", both of them have been ranked first twice in a row, and they were both ranked first last time. "

"How old are you?" Li Wenzheng asked.

"Lin Baiwei is sixteen, and Han Bi is eighteen, both have local household registrations in Gucheng." Pang Fei paused and added, "Both of them are from quite poor families."

Li Wenzheng nodded with satisfaction. Pang Fei, a small official, was easy to use. He just asked him a little and automatically told him everything he wanted to know.

"Zhao Xing just got a tribute, but it's hard to support him anymore. Lin Baiwei and Han Bi, please go to their homes in person to verify. If they are really poor, then send twenty taels of silver from my wife." Li Wenzheng said. "It can be considered as making some contribution to Gucheng."

"The county is kind, and my subordinates will definitely send the county's thoughts to you."

To the east of Gu County, in Sanwan Town.

The two heads of Sanwan Hall also welcomed the arrival of the Falcon Guardian.

"I've seen the protector." Both a man and a woman saluted.

The old man patted the dirt on his body and looked dusty. He had indeed just been on his way.

He was not only eyeing Gucheng, but also the rest of Nanyang County.

"Is there any new news?" Falcon asked.

"In response to the Dharma protector, weaving supervisor Lin Baiwei made the Heluo robe, and got the top grade in the assessment just passed. Han Bi of Tiangongfang untied the clasps of the twelve locks, and got the top grade. Zhao Xing, the agricultural supervisor, He’s also top-notch, but his subordinates can’t understand his answer sheet and don’t know how to evaluate it.”

The two hall masters couldn't understand Zhao Xing's answer sheet, so they didn't know what made Zhao Xing so good.

"Include Lin Baiwei and Han Bi into the capture list." The old man thought, "As for Zhao Xing...did he copy his answer sheet?"


The old man took it and took a look. After reading it, the paper suddenly ignited and soon turned into a pile of ashes.

Falcon Guardian twisted the ashes with his two fingers, and then blew lightly: "Rank Zhao Xing to fifth place."

"In addition, you go and collect information about this person. You can mobilize a few believers to get in touch with him and find out his living habits and personality."

"Remember, don't act on your own, let alone in the city. Just make contact unintentionally."

"Donghu Mountain is about to open up in autumn. The government is on high alert. The slightest clue may be detected. Don't rush to make merit. Otherwise, if you ruin the big thing, you will die. "

The two hall masters looked stern and nodded heavily: "Yes, protector."

In the west of the city, Chen Mansion, a pear orchard.

"This Tianyuan pear tree is the sixth year of cultivation. I spent a lot of effort to move it into a pot. You have to be careful when you go back to plant it."

In front of Chen Shijie, there is a small tree as tall as a person. It is the Tianyuan pear tree he promised to give to Zhao Xing.

The Tianyuan pear tree matures in ten years, blooms in one year, and bears fruit in one year. Six years is still considered a sapling, and only after the seventh year can it be considered a growing stage.

Zhao Xing used the Five Elements to observe things and found that the sapling was six years and ten months old. Chen Shijie gave him great convenience within the scope of his promise, and he did not use two or three years to evade himself.

"People move and live, trees move and die. Old Chen must have spent a lot of thought to move this pear tree. His character is really great." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

"Then I won't be polite. Thank you."

The wind magic was activated, and Zhao Xing rolled up the Tianyuan pear tree and walked home.

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