Shennong Daojun

Chapter 42 Fourth-level Donghu Pearl.

"Huh?" Zhao Xing raised his ears to listen to the direction of the wind.

"What's wrong, sir?" After Xu Laoba got on the boat, he shook the water from his ears, which had been pricked violently just now.

"Shh, don't make a sound."

Xu Laoba suddenly became motionless, his face a little stiff. Is there something dirty? Isn't it? I paid homage to Uncle Donghu during the day. I, Mr. Xu, am very sincere! I really didn't think about the Wang family's wife when I paid my respects.

"Paddle that way." Zhao Xing pointed in a direction. At the same time, Bright Eyes began to use magic power to expand the scanning range.

Although there is lake water blocking it, Zhao Xing can see clearly as long as the water is more than ten meters deep, as long as it is not too turbid.

"Oh!" Xu Laoba worked hard to hold the boat. He didn't dare to ask any more questions now. It was obvious that this was not the first time for this young master to do this. He felt that Zhao Xing was better at reading than the people who fished the river.

"What is it that the wandering soul subconsciously avoids? Cold and light. This is in line with the characteristics of the East Lake Pearl. But for the quality of the East Lake Pearl to be able to affect ghosts, it must be at least the third level, right?"

Zhao Xing concentrated on casting spells, his bright eyes not stopping for a moment. This happened to be the Dingmao moment, which is when ghosts have the strongest fortune.

If it cannot be found within a quarter of an hour, it will be difficult to find it later.

The so-called luck is strong and weak. When it is strong, you can pick up treasures while walking. When it is weak, you can't recognize the treasures if they fall out of your hands.

"If you haven't harvested the second Ding Mao moment, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch the third Ding Mao moment." Zhao Xing picked up a bamboo pole, worked hard with Xu Laoba, and rushed in the direction of the wind.

After paddling hard for half an hour, Zhao Xing's eyes suddenly lit up: "Stop!"

At this time, there was a reef deep in the lake bottom. Under the reef was a dead turtle with a light blue bead in its mouth.

Since the reefs grow staggered, the bead cannot be seen from the other three directions on the water surface. Only the direction where Zhao Xing is standing can see the bead.

"Turtle? So that's what you meant. I thought it was some nonsense...Xu Laoba, how deep can you dive?"

Xu Laoba patted his chest and said proudly: "Within thirty meters, everything within thirty meters is within my reach."

Zhao Xing nodded and said: "Okay, you can enter the water from here. After going fifteen meters deep, you will find a ten-meter-square reef group. To the south of the reef, there is an intersection. Just go down diagonally and enter three feet and seven inches. Touch the treasure!”

"Okay! Look at me, young master!" Seeing Zhao Xing be so determined, Xu Laobao jumped into the water eagerly.

Zhao Xing was observing quietly on the boat.

Xu Laoba really wasn't bragging. He dived down easily and found the blue bead in the turtle's mouth according to the direction indicated by Zhao Xing.

Then Xu Laoba slowly dived up, and a blue light slowly rippled in the water.

"Master, Master! What a treasure!" Xu Laoba was also excited.

"Come up quickly." Zhao Xing quickly pulled him into the boat.

"Hiss, hiss~" Xu Laoba threw the beads on the boat and kept breathing in after getting on. On a hot day, he actually felt a little cold, and it was all because of this bead.

"The fourth-order East Lake Pearl is an extremely rare ice bead. This appearance...should be considered a fourth-order mid-grade one?" Zhao Xing picked up the bead and held it in his hand to examine it.

A chill came from his hand, as if he was holding an ice cube.

Xu Laoba couldn't handle it, but Zhao Xing Juyuan 3rd level had no problem.

"Congratulations, sir! I got a third-order East Lake Pearl." Xu Laoba quickly congratulated. He couldn't recognize that it was a fourth-order pearl, and thought it was only a third-order one. After all, he had never seen a fourth-order pearl in his life.

"I have to thank you for this." Zhao Xing smiled slightly and put away the beads, "When I go back, I will definitely give you the reward."

"Thank you, sir." Xu Laoba looked happy. According to the agreement, he did not get any dividends, but the boss was happy to reward him. This was an unexpected gain.

As river fishermen, it is rare for them to receive reward money, because if they are sure to make a profit without losing money, the river fishermen will do it themselves, and there is still a great risk of losing money.

"This one alone is enough to make you suddenly rich." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

The fourth-level East Lake Pearl is a treasure produced by the ‘climate change’, and it can only appear after ten years of climatic change. As for the ice pearl, it is even rarer and can be sold for at least five hundred taels!

"The fourth-level ice beads have the greatest effect on warriors. They can minimize the damage to the body caused by practicing fire techniques or martial arts. They can also be used to assist water practice. If you find the right buyer, it is not surprising that the price will double. ”

After getting the treasure, Zhao Xing felt much better.

Originally, you could go back after touching the ice beads, but now that you are here, there is still a Ding Mao moment, so don’t miss it. Who would think too much money?

For most of the next hour, the ghost's wealth luck declined.

However, Zhao Xing found more than a dozen first-order East Lake beads with his bright eyes.

Xu Laoba simply admired Zhao Xing.

Every time you go into the water, you will gain something. Are you convinced that you have never been in the air force?

If I talk about it when I go back, I'm afraid even the boss won't believe it!


Time passed, and Zhao Xing failed to find anything good the next hour. He only found an earring inlaid with emeralds. He didn't know which lady dropped it while on a cruise.

"A single one without a pair is probably worth seven or eight taels."

"But you can go back." Zhao Xing looked at the almanac.

It is already the fourth quarter of the year, and there will be no harvest in the future. Especially if you try to make ghost money after the end of the year, you will be unlucky.

"Xu Laoba, let's go back." Zhao Xing decided to call it a day.

"Good!" Xu Lao Ba was also satisfied. Today's achievements were enough for him to brag to his companions for a long time.


"Someone fell into the water!"

"The big boat should go over quickly and save people!"

Suddenly, a voice came with the wind. Xu Lao Ba was stunned for a moment and turned to ask Zhao Xing: "Young Master, it seems that someone fell into the water over there."

"I saw it, but someone has already gone into the water to save people. We don't need to worry about it."

"That's right. Nine out of ten people in Donghu can swim." Xu Lao Ba began to row towards the shore.

After passing a grass bay, they happened to encounter a river lantern floating over, illuminating the grass bay.

There was a small boat parked at the grass bay, and a girl was standing on the boat. It was Lin Baiwei who had seen it before.

Seeing the big boat and the lotus lantern floating over, she couldn't help but look embarrassed.

Especially the appearance of Zhao Xing and Xu Lao Ba made her a little at a loss. Because she was soaked, her graceful figure was looming in the lotus lantern, and what made her more worried was that her aunt was still in the water.

If a large ship came over and was watched by people, it would be a public execution.

"This..." Xu Lao Ba lowered his head and prepared to take a detour.

"No need to be so troublesome." Zhao Xing stopped him, and then the cloud-walking magic enveloped the entire Caowan, hiding Lin Baiwei and Lin Sanniang together.

"Thank you." A mosquito-like voice came from the wind.

Zhao Xing and Xu Lao Ba went ashore.

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