Shennong Daojun

Chapter 34 Angel Investor Chen Shijie

There is no controversy in the rating of those who perform too well or too weak.

But when it comes to Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze, there are some disputes.

Both of them chose about 50 second-level plants.

Let’s look at the basic points first, that is, the second-level medium and low-quality plants. The survival rate is only 80%, and 30% have not reached maturity.

There are no dead plants, but this data is a bit weak for their performance.

Let’s look at the points of rushing points, that is, second-level top-quality plants.

Among them, Wen Nanxing chose two second-level top-quality plants, one is ‘Seven Star Flower’, and the other is ‘Little Tree with Fruit’.

Both have very high medicinal value.

Wen Nanxing planted four plants of each, but only one of each was fully mature, and the medicinal value reached the best.

Xiao Ze’s second-level middle and low-quality data is similar to Wen Nanxing.

The second-level top-quality ‘Ice Lotus’ and ‘Kudi Ginseng’ he planted only matured one more than Wen Nanxing.

The performance of the two will definitely be a problem for the top list.

The disagreement was whether to be rated as A-A.

There were 8 officials participating in the evaluation. Without Chen Shijie's opinion, three people felt that these two people should not be rated as A-A, but at most A-Middle.

Because they did not fully mature, their performance this time did not match their ability of Ju Yuan Level 4.

The other four people felt that the scoring standards should be unified and should not vary from person to person. Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze were not dead seedlings, and they were mature in the lower, middle and upper levels of the second level, so they should be rated as A-A.

When the disagreement arose, the main decision-making power was in the hands of Chen Shijie.

"Sir Chen, how should the level be determined?" The clerk of the county government asked softly.

Xiao Ze and Wen Nanxing were also a little nervous.

They really didn't expect that they would perform abnormally. Look at Li Chengfeng, the difficulty of choosing was also not small, how come he was all mature?

In their current situation, they can go up or down the A list. Since there is a disagreement, it depends on the thoughts of Chen Shijie, the chief officer.

Chen Shijie thought for a moment and looked at the two of them: "Let me ask you two, have you found anything wrong during the four days and three nights of the assessment?"

Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze looked at each other, then shook their heads: "No."

Pang Yuan and Tang Wanchun heard this and immediately sighed in their hearts, knowing that it was impossible to get the A-level this time.

But it's not their fault, Zhao Xing is too insidious.

He takes whatever he wants from others, but for these two masters, he is like a frog in warm water, stealing slowly.

It made Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze think that they were out of their normal performance now, and they didn't think about other things.

Chen Shijie nodded after hearing this: "What you two planted are both difficult off-season plants, which can be rated as A-level. But their vigilance is too poor, which makes it impossible to fully mature, so let's take the A-level."

"Yes." The clerk in the office registered immediately.

Huh? Poor vigilance? What kind of evaluation is this?

Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze were a little confused.

But when Chen Shijie walked away, Tang Wanchun and Pang Yuan, who were left behind, told their students the truth: "You two are so stupid that you didn't even know that you were tricked by someone using the Earth Vein Synthesis Yuan! Go back and reflect on it!"

Earth Vein Synthesis Yuan? Xiao Ze and Wen Nanxing looked at each other and their faces changed immediately.

Someone actually used the spell of the Earthly School, and stole their Earth Power and Yuan Qi without anyone noticing?

"Who would use it on us...ah, could it be him?!" Xiao Ze and Wen Nanxing looked at the golden color and suddenly realized and felt annoyed.

"Zhao Xing, with the second-level Ju Yuan, cultivate five second-level plants for a total of 100 plants, including 20 second-level top-grade diamond bamboos. You are brave and resourceful, and the rating is A-level!"

Chen Shijie didn't even ask the people next to him this time, and spoke directly to the people in the county government.

The admiration in his eyes was undisguised, and he even felt a little impatient.

Gao Linong was a little upset because Zhao Xing was evaluated as both brave and resourceful. The brave part obviously referred to his performance when competing with Zong Shichang, who happened to be his favorite student.

Tang Wanchun and Pang Yuan were also upset because Zhao Xing's "strategy" was with their favorite students, and the two of them didn't find out until the end. Isn't that infuriating?

However, apart from personal feelings, the three of them really felt that Zhao Xing deserved this evaluation, and even hoped that Zhao Xing was under their command.

"Thank you for your hard work, sirs." Zhao Xing bowed to the officials who came to inspect as usual.

It stands to reason that the inspection should continue, but Chen Shijie did not leave. He asked the other adjutants to determine the remaining B and C lists, and kept Zhao Xing with Xue Wenzhong.

Zhao Xing didn't know what it meant, but it was too embarrassing to let the leader speak up, so he had to ask himself: "Teacher, Master Chen, do you have any other instructions?"

Xue Wenzhong said: "The qualifications for the imperial temple examination are based on the number of applications submitted by each county, and only those who are approved by the county have the opportunity to participate."

"The number of places in each county is not fixed. In order to give the candidates a better chance of passing, the county government will work together to fund and dispatch some resources from the warehouse every year to provide them to the outstanding officials in each department. Not only our agricultural supervisor, but also the Tiangongfang, weaving workshop, Wubanfang, Sikoujian and other departments are treated equally."

Zhao Xing nodded, of course he knew this.

The Great Zhou Taizu's "all the talents in the world are caught in his trap" was not just a lip service, but was directly written into the law.

The "Tribute Law" mentioned: "All the students and officials in each department, law, classics and arts, are selected and set quotas, and monthly tuition and writings are given as rewards."

To put it bluntly, there are "scholarships" and "poverty subsidies".

Law, industry, classics, and arts refer to multiple aspects of the assessment. Students and officials refer to students in official academies and learning societies opened by the court, as well as officials like Zhao Xing.

The difference is that students can get both "poverty subsidies" and scholarships, while officials can only get "scholarships", because officials have jobs, so no matter how poor you are, you can still afford to eat, right?

The selection is relatively strict. It stands to reason that I have been ranked first twice, so I won't get such resources. But now looking at Xue Wenzhong's intention, I'm afraid that Master Chen is going to help me fight for it?

As expected, Chen Shijie immediately said: "Mr. Xue said that you gathered your Yuan late. If you want to take the winter assessment and temple examination, you must keep up with the resources. I heard that your family is not rich. If you can get a "tribute" quota, maybe you can practice faster."

Zhao Xing listened quietly.

"You have only been in the first class twice, so you are not qualified to receive tribute. But I think you are a promising talent. It would be a pity if you fail."

"So I decided to apply for a tribute quota for you. In addition, I will help you with your teacher to support your cultivation until you finish the temple examination."

Chen Shijie spoke directly and without any airs. He did not call himself "this official" to Zhao Xing, but "I", which shows how much he admired him.

When Zhao Xing heard that good things were coming, how could he not take it? Although he was calm in his heart, he did a lot of superficial work. After all, Chen Shijie was his angel investor!

He immediately paid a great tribute: "Thank you, teacher and Mr. Chen, for your kindness in re-creating me. Xing will never forget it and will repay you day and night!"

Hearing this, Chen Shijie smiled slightly and helped Zhao Xing up with both hands.

This investment is settled!

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