Shennong Daojun

Chapter 32: No moral ethics, sneak attack!

"You..." Zong Shichang was about to trigger a thunder attack, but he lost his target in an instant.

It wasn't that Zhao Xing ran too fast, but that many straw men suddenly stood up on the ground beside him.

The yellow grass is almost the same color as the earth, and Zhao Xing is also covered with some sand, making it impossible to find it!

This guy actually buried a straw man in the ground as Voldemort!

"What's the use of weaving so many straw men? Humph, the straw men can't do anything but trivial tricks!"

"I could easily destroy it!"

Zong Shichang led the thunder attack.


Lightning descended from the clouds and hit the straw man accurately.

But the effect surprised Zong Shichang!

He found that the golden straw man only had a burnt area on his chest, and did not appear to be smoking or burning as expected.

"What's going on? Can a straw man carry thunder?"

Zong Shichang felt a little ridiculous.

He is not good at the straw man method, and he has always looked down on this kind of magic. He thinks the weaving method is troublesome and complicated, and Young Master Zong cannot do such delicate work as a woman.

Who would have thought that the straw men compiled by Zhao Xing were completely different from those he had seen before!

"Boom! Boom!"

Several more bolts of lightning struck, and Zong Shichang spent a lot of effort to get rid of one of them.

"How many thunders can you trigger?" Zhao Xing stayed under the cover of the straw man and looked at Zong Shichang with a half-smile.

This was just a straw man he placed on the edge of his territory as a warning. It was crude and shoddy, not even strong enough.

The 20 powerful Vajras emerging from the bamboo forest are the real guards.

"Give Young Master Zong more strength."

Twenty powerful Vajras swarmed forward.

"What? There are so many more?!"

Zong Shichang was immediately startled.

The 20 straw men who appeared later were obviously not the same as the previous ones.

All of them are golden, not withered, and at the same time they are strong and charming in appearance.

Zong Shichang took a look and saw that King Kong could jump three or four meters in one step. Is this the kind of mobility a straw man should have? !

"The wind is coming!"

Zong Shichang didn't care about attacking anymore. He had to block these powerful Jin Gang first.

Although he was already at the fourth level of Juyuan, with strong energy and blood, and considerable strength, he did not dare to be surrounded by these straw men.

Sinong's melee combat ability is relatively weak. Besides, who is a magician who can engage in hand-to-hand combat like a warrior?


A strong west wind blew towards King Kong.

Zong Shichang's wind control skills were pretty good. He blew up the sand and gravel on the ground without letting the wind force downwards excessively and cause waste.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

The sand and gravel hit the straw man's body, making a sound of gold and iron interlacing.

It was indeed blocked, but the effect was far from what Zong Shichang expected.

Instead, the sand blurred his vision, and he didn't notice the two straw men quietly touching behind him.

"So, so, so, so, so..."

There was a different kind of movement in the wind.

"What the hell?!" Zong Shichang turned his head and saw that there were two vines swimming on the ground, like spiritual snakes!

The grass and trees are all surrounded by soldiers, and the grass people are entangled!

The entangled straw man made of ivy can extend the vines to trap enemies.

"Pa!" A cane whip struck Zong Shichang's right arm. Although he avoided it, a red mark appeared on his right hand.

"What kind of straw man is this?!" Zong Shichang jumped away. Before he could think about it, a second and third cane came out.

After dodging once or twice, I couldn't dodge any more canes.

Zong Shichang's hands were tied tightly, one on the left and the other on the right.

He was unable to cast the spell, so the wind dissipated and the thunder dispersed.

I tried to break free, but found it was useless. The ivy vine has amazing toughness and is blessed with triple toughness! The entangled straw man is very difficult to get rid of.

The next moment, both feet were also entangled, and they were pulled apart one to the left and the other to the right.


Young Master Zong was immediately forced to do the splits, and he made a one-shot jump in the air, and then he was slammed to the ground again.


Everyone understands the pain of men, but Zong Shichang was in so much pain that he couldn't even speak.

At this time, the powerful King Kong rushed over.

Without saying anything, he punched Zong Shichang.

"I admit..."

Before he had time to admit defeat, he was directly fucked to the ground.

"I give up!"

Zong Shichang yelled loudly, fearing that Zhao Xing didn't hear him. He knew that the straw man was executing the caster's instructions and would not stop until the goal was completed.

Fortunately, after he lay down, King Kong stopped moving.

The dust dispersed and the straw men separated, revealing Zhao Xing's leisurely figure.

"Brother, how are you?"

"You don't follow martial ethics, and you actually attacked me sneakily." Zong Shichang looked calm and calm: "I still have many secret techniques that I haven't used yet, but I accidentally fell into the trap. Besides, what's your ability to use a straw man? How can Sinong fight hand-to-hand?”

The person was lying on his stomach and his mouth was still hard. He was lying on the ground in a posture of being quartered by five horses. Zong Shichang actually refused to accept it. Zhao Xing immediately asked: "You said no restrictions, why did you say a sneak attack? Besides, isn't the straw man's magic considered a peasant magic?"

"I..." Zong Shichang was speechless. Even if he despised the drafting law, he had to admit it. That would be too tasteless.

Snap! Zhao Xing snapped his fingers and told the straw man to let go of Zong Shichang, then turned and walked towards his own territory: "Brother Zong, if you haven't fought enough, you can fight again tomorrow, and I'll wait for you to break my straw man's magic. "

Zong Shichang watched Zhao Xing turn around and immediately lost his calm and calm look. He grinned and looked at his crotch, then reached out and took it out.

"Huh, fortunately, it's just a little skin broken, no impact, no impact..."

The battle between Zong Shichang and Zhao Xing came and went quickly.

In addition, there were flying sand and stones, and dust was everywhere during the process, so only a few people could see clearly.

"Is his straw man so powerful?" Wen Nanxing watched the battle from a well, "Zong Shichang didn't last more than two rounds, and only used lightning and strong wind, and he was defeated. It seems that I have to re-examine the straw man method."

Wen Nanxing also ignored the straw man method. Over the years, the number of straw man methods passed down by the court has become less and less. At the beginning, there were dozens of straw man methods, but later there were only a few.

But seeing Zhao Xing using straw men, Wen Nanxing's view of straw men changed greatly.

"Interesting, he is also good at using straw men." Xiao Ze's eyes flashed a strange color, and he became more curious about Zhao Xing. "The powerful Vajra was mentioned in Liu Chuan's 81 methods. I didn't expect that he could actually use it... Should I ask him for advice?"

Xiao Ze was eager to learn. He also liked to use the straw man magic, but his teacher didn't know many, only a few. Xiao Ze learned three after a long time. Now that he saw it, he couldn't help but want Zhao Xing to teach him.

"Forget it, let's wait until the test is over." Xiao Ze held back. Not everyone is as jumpy as Zong Shichang. The most important thing now is to get a good ranking in the Beginning of Autumn test.

On the invigilation platform, Gao Linong looked at Zong Shichang's limping appearance, and he felt bad. He was gloating the previous second, thinking that Wen Nanxing and Xiao Ze had their vitality stolen by Zhao Xing, but he didn't expect that the next second it would be his disciple's turn to be defeated.

And it was in full view of the public. The proud student couldn't even beat a straw man. It was really embarrassing. Tang Wanchun and Pang Yuan, the two old guys, were so happy in their hearts!

Gao Linong took a furtive glance and found that the corners of his two colleagues' mouths were harder to suppress than a waterwheel.

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