Shennong Daojun

Chapter 27 Breeding

The plants Zhao Xing selected were very particular.

The quality of ivy, fragrant lotus, and diamond bamboo are respectively the second level of low, medium, and high.

If the grade is too low, it won't work, and the points will be too few; if it's too high, it won't work, because the three days are too short, and it will be difficult to score points.

There are also opinions on effectiveness. Three days is too short for plants, but too long for candidates.

During the assessment process, no food or drink is provided, and energy is consumed to cultivate plants, which is a great test of endurance.

The ivy chosen by Zhao Xing can produce ivy fruits after cultivation, which can satisfy his hunger and restore his vitality.

The fragrant lotus is an aquatic species, and both lotus seeds and lotus roots can be eaten. Moreover, it occupies a spring well, so it has great advantages in cultivating it.

The first two can ensure that Zhao Xing spends three days in good health and can also get a good ranking. It can be said that it is a guarantee. The second-level high-grade diamond bamboo is used to increase points.

If you can cultivate second-level high-quality plants, you can stand out and compete for the top spot.

In addition, Diamond Bamboo itself is an excellent material for the use of [Every Tree and Plant Are Weapons]. If there are still blind people who want to cause damage in the second half of the game, there can be more countermeasures.

The soil in the planting area has been cultivated, but it is quite dry. If you want to absorb the soil's strength, you have to dig deeper.

Zhao Xing once again cast the wind spell. Under his micro control, the wind connected with the clouds above his head, forming two small tornadoes as high as one person.

"Woo~" The tornado traveled close to the ground, plowing the ravine deeper with precision.

"Huh?" Wen Nanxing, who had just returned to his own territory, was stunned when he saw this scene. "This man has such exquisite control skills!"

For spells of the same level, some people can perform them more delicately, just like some people's clouds are like a pile of cotton wool, but if Wen Nanxing can [walk clouds into a sword], Xiao Ze can [walk clouds into a tiger]. Not only is it more powerful, it also has more magical uses.

The study of techniques all depends on personal understanding. At this stage, agricultural clerks are like children who have just gone to school. Some memorize by rote, some cannot memorize, but some have already understood it and can draw inferences from one example.

There is no doubt that Zhao Xing is the last one. Wen Nanxing looked at it and was actually a little fascinated!

It wasn't until Zhao Xing collected the tornado that he came back to his senses.

"Next year, this person will be my strongest competitor!"

Wen Nanxing calmed down and began to focus on the matter at hand.

Zhao Xing had no idea that Wen Nanxing had already regarded him as the number one competitor. What seemed to others to be very sophisticated control techniques was just a basic exercise for him, and he didn't think it was anything at all. No matter what, he still got Lao Si Nong's "Palm Movement" and " The level of "Three Feet Thunder" is worth mentioning.

"Is the spring well dug so deep in Gouri?"

Ivy seedlings and diamond bamboo seedlings are easy to plant, just bury them and you're done.

But the fragrant lotus is an aquatic species and must take root in the water.

Zhao Xing ran to the spring well and took a look, only to find that the well was drilled for at least 60 meters!

No tools nearby and want to get water? Then you have to figure it out yourself!

"Chen Shijie, you are really an old man, but you use magic to torture people." Seeing this, Zhao Xing could only give up the idea of ​​directly planting the seeds of the fragrant lotus in the spring well.

How to get water without tools?

Of course, it is absorbed by Xingyun.

Zhao Xingxing's clouds descended, bringing the clouds closer to the ground. At this point, the clouds could begin to absorb the water vapor under the spring well.

Chen Shijie asked the officials to turn around to get water.

Zhao Xing felt that it was too slow and used tornado again. This time, the tornado was much bigger.

It is connected to the clouds at the top and the spring well at the bottom.

Water vapor keeps rising and is quickly injected into the clouds.

"What a dragon sucking water!" Chen Shijie kept staring at the officials occupying the spring water, and found that Zhao Xing was the first to solve the water problem, and it was very efficient!

"What Mr. Xue said is not true. He is more than a good talent. He is simply a gem! You taught him well!"

"I've never taught him this move." Xue Wenzhong was quite surprised when he saw it, because he really had never taught Zhao Xing this move, at least not the skill of "Risking the Wind".

"Could it be that he just saw my 'Three-foot Thunder' and 'Clouds in the Palm' and then understood it by analogy?" At this moment, Xue Wenzhong strengthened an idea in his mind.

On the day of the Beginning of Autumn, the heat is getting worse than the Great Heat.

How difficult is it to make it rain when the sky is clear and clear?

Many officials found that after they moved the clouds, they continued to use [Rain], which had no effect at all. The spell was lower than the third level and was greatly affected by extreme weather!

Many officials sighed.

"Without water and such intense heat, cultivation spells will be greatly reduced."

"It seems we have to wait until dark before planting."

"Grow an egg, it will be the same tomorrow, you will die if you sow!"

"Hey, I'm not strong enough. If I could make rain three times..."

"Damn it, I won't take the exam anymore. Just go home and wait for the make-up exam."

Less than an hour after the exam started, many officials gave up. First, they couldn't win the land, and second, they found that even if they did, they couldn't survive.

Just these two factors alone screened out one-third of the people. One after another, some people quit early and gave up on the assessment. There was no punishment anyway, and they couldn't become regular workers anyway. Why bother being tortured here to be someone else's background?

"Pitter patter~"

Rain began to fall throughout the planting areas.

But everyone controls it very well and does not let the water flow elsewhere, only in the area where the seedlings are planted. The examiner would have been dead a long time ago. If you help others at this time, you will definitely be dragged down.

In addition, those who are capable do not need to help, and those who are incompetent will be useless this time.

Zhao Xing separated a small cloud, only five meters in radius and two meters in height.

When he walked to the spring, he dug a small pit to plant the fragrant lotus.

"Hua La La~"

The small dark cloud as thick as ink was not raining, but pouring water!

After a while, the small pit was filled up.

There was a layer of grass ash inside, and when it was washed by water, the soil and grass ash mixed, and it became turbid and formed silt.

"20 copies of fragrant lotus seeds are almost enough."

Zhao Xing took the seed bag and sowed them at intervals.

The lotus seeds are fragile and are not suitable for "wild growth" for the time being, so Zhao Xing first used the "thriving growth" spell.

The vitality was continuous for a moment. After half an hour, the fragrant lotus seeds took root and sprouted, breaking through the soil.

"The survival rate is 100%, huh~" Zhao Xing breathed a sigh of relief. The seedling and seed stage are the most fragile, and no carelessness is allowed.

But as long as we get through this period, things will get much better.

"Drink some water first." Zhao Xing summoned the dark clouds, stuck his head into the clouds, and drank in big gulps.

"After two more hours, when the three plants have almost taken root, we can start to grow wildly, but we can't rest at this time."

Zhao Xing looked around, and the planting area, which was originally gray and yellow, was now full of greenery.

"If you want to get an A score, you have to be prepared." Looking at his colleagues around him, Zhao Xing smiled sinisterly: "Sorry, the nutrients in your land are mine."

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