Shennong Daojun

Chapter 243 Zhao Xing was shocked. Is a fourth-grade emperor crocodile equivalent to a larger fish?

There are five arenas in the Zixiao Islands.

The preliminaries in the big arena on Zixiao Island will not be open until the group stage at least.

The Gemini Island where Zhao Xing is located is west of the islands, so he was assigned to the Western Division and participated in the Western Division Winter Evaluation Preliminaries.

The Zixiao Arena in the Western Division is located on Tianjing Island.

When Zhao Xing arrived, Tianjing Island had become very lively. People and exotic beasts could be seen everywhere in the sky, on the ground, and in the sea, and there were even water people in costumes.

"My lord, 7,830 islands in the Western Division participated in this winter evaluation preliminaries."

"As of 1:00 p.m. today, the total number of exotic beasts participating in the battle is 357,954, and only one-tenth of them are driven, and 90% are sixth-grade exotic beasts." Tao Anchun reported the latest data when entering the island to dock the ship.

Zhao Xing looked at the ground mirror and couldn't help but smile: "What a grand event, there are so many war beasts."

"The participating islands have at least two quotas, but in fact there are far more than that. Some large islands have hundreds of quotas."

"For example, Yalong Island, Wanshou Island, and Zixiao Island. These three large islands have more than 50,000 quotas." Dong Yuanqiu sighed.

"In this year's winter preliminaries, these three large islands only sent a dozen people to participate. Most of the people who come now are small and medium-sized islands. Even so, some medium-sized islands have hundreds of quotas."

Zhao Xing nodded. The gap in strength between islands is too serious.

For example, Wanshou Island, Yalong Island, and Zixiao Island, there are a lot of fourth-grade war beasts, and there are also high-grade war beasts. People can pick and choose from the fourth-grade war beasts!

Such large islands have more quotas, and they don't have to participate in the preliminaries.

Even the group stage has guaranteed quotas, it's just a matter of how many, more if you participate, less if you don't participate.

Because Yalong Island, Wanshou Island, and Zixiao Island are all backed by the top dignitaries of the Great Zhou.

Zixiao Island is completely owned by Princess Youruo, and it is her mother's hometown.

Yalong Island and Wanshou Island have many members who have been crowned kings and military marquises.

For example, Ming Wuhou of the Tiger Dragon Army has some shares in Yalong Island, because during the Taizu period, his grandfather had made contributions in the expansion of Pinghaizhou.

350,000 participating war beasts in the West District sound a lot, but in fact, a driver has multiple pets.

Of course, 90% are sixth-grade, and they are just stepping stones.

Because the internal selection system is very cruel, the mortality rate of these sixth-grade exotic beasts during the preliminaries was as high as 50%.

But there are also many war beasts that break through, from sixth grade to fifth grade, and from fifth grade to fourth grade.

It depends on who is stepping on whose feet.

"It doesn't matter if Tiger Dragon and Qingluan die in the preliminaries, but Mountain Cat can't die here. If you encounter a strong enemy, you will withdraw from the competition." Zhao Xing said secretly.

Because there are still many opportunities.

In the next five years, if you qualify in any of the four seasons of the preliminaries, you can participate in the group stage held in the next five years.

This is the first year of the preliminaries. If you can't do it this year, there are still four years, a total of 16 opportunities to participate.

Aotian Miao is only in the early stage of the fifth rank now, and there is still a lot of room for growth. There is no need to fight to the death now.

As for the tiger dragon and blue phoenix sent by the Taoist temple, their growth space is limited, so Master Zhao doesn't care.

Let them fight for a chance of survival in the life-and-death battle. As a war beast, dying on the battlefield is better than being locked in a cage and ending their lives in depression.

Just as Zhao Xing was thinking, the building ship in front suddenly stopped moving, and the pilot flying boat also stagnated.

Faintly, there was also a quarrel.

"Is this a traffic jam?" Zhao Xing looked forward,

"Sir, I'll go and see." Tao Anchun volunteered.

But before he could go out to see clearly, a flame suddenly emerged from the left string of a Mingyue building ship in front, spraying towards the seven sails building ship in front of the left.

The Seven-Sailed Ship was not to be outdone. It turned around and accelerated violently, ramming the Mingyue Ship next to it.


The Seven-Sailed Ship's outer shell was covered with black iron, and there was a piston ram on the left side.

This collision immediately pierced more than a dozen holes in the Mingyue Ship.

"Fuck your ancestors, you dare to attack a military ship!"

"Asshole, I am a Ji family, how dare you make such slanderous remarks? Are you going to rebel? Come on, take them down!"

"Fuck, you are talking about everyone being a Ji family, Wolf God Guards, come on!"


The two ships quickly started the boarding battle. There were only dozens of people participating in the battle, but there were thousands of strange beasts!

The pilot flying boats sent by Tianjing Island were all affected and crushed to pieces. The piloting ceremonial officer quickly jumped off the boat to save his life.

This scene made the people around him stunned, and Zhao Xing was also a little speechless. Road rage is really everywhere.

"Turn the ship upside down and raise the altitude." Zhao Xing ordered.

This ship is the Yunyu Tower Ship sent by the Ministry of Agriculture, not a warship, and it can't withstand collisions at all. If it is affected, it will be too unfair.

However, what you fear will come true, because the Yunyu Tower Ship of the Twin Island is just a hundred meters behind these two ships, and the altitude is a little lower.

When the Seven Sail Warship overturned the Mingyue Tower Ship, this large ship with a length of more than 2,000 meters fell towards the direction of the tower ship where Zhao Xing was.

"Turn the ship upside down! Turn the ship upside down!"

"Open the barrier!"

"The pilot flying boat of Tianjing Island has not been unhooked yet!"

"Whatever it does, the pilot will jump down by himself."


There was a flurry of activity on the Twin Yunyulou ship. Tao Anchun, Dong Yuanqiu and others immediately ordered the mechanics below to quickly control the warship to retreat.

"I'm really convinced." Upon seeing this, Zhao Xing immediately flew out of the warship. After all, the officials of Shuangzi Island were not soldiers, and their on-the-spot reaction speed was too slow. Zhao Xing calculated that if he did not intervene, the Mingyuelou ship would definitely be on his ship.

There are boats above, below, left, right, and behind him, so he can't retreat very far.

"Nine Heavens Gangfeng Technique, rise!"

Zhao Xing flashed outside the ship, and nine green winds appeared out of thin air around the Mingyuelou ship.

While extinguishing the fire, lift the tilted hull upright to prevent it from falling.

"Good Fengfa! Who are you?!" someone shouted on board the Mingyue Tower.

If Zhao Xing didn't trust this ship, the sixth and seventh graders on the ship could fly away, but those eighth and ninth grade mechanics who controlled the mechanisms in the cabin would probably be destroyed along with the ship.

Before Zhao Xing could open his mouth, a young man in Chinese clothes on the seven-sail warship yelled and cursed: "Which bastard interfered, are you looking for death? My father is Jin Wuhou! My mother is Princess Yuanyao, and I am... "

He was speechless because Zhao Xing used the wind method again to lock the Qifanlou ship he was on.

The Nine Heavens Gang Wind is like two spherical barriers, separating the two ships.

The seven-sail boat sailed at full power, but it still couldn't break free of the Gangfeng barrier.

Zhao Xing's Jiutian Gangfeng Technique has been practiced to high-level perfection!

How could this fifth-level top-grade building ship be able to break away from the magic field formed by the Gangfeng?


Within the Gangfeng enchantment, there were nine Gangfeng green dragons swimming, and with the sound of thunder, thunder beads emerged one after another.

The attacker and the one being beaten suddenly became honest.

Another high-level spell is perfected, and the level of spell control is extremely high, forming the realm of thunder spells.

"Hey, we met a master." The son of Jin Wuhou's eyes suddenly became clear, and his rationality returned.

On the other ship, Wen Cebo Jian also secretly exclaimed: "Whose general is this, so brave? Huh? He is just a sixth-rank official, how could such a powerful person appear in the Zixiao Islands? "

It is very rare for a sixth-grade official to master high-level perfection methods and dual domains, at least outside the military.

Zhao Xing ignored them and just controlled the two ships, waiting for someone from the inspection department on Tianjing Island.

The Tianjing Island Inspection Department's response was not slow either. Zhao Xing cast a spell with his front foot and rushed over with his back foot.

A patrol team appeared above the two warships in a flying boat.

Liang Hongyu, the inspection director of the fifth grade, was quite surprised when he saw this scene.

"What's going on?" Liang Hongyu called the navigator to ask.

The three pilots who jumped off the ship belonged to the Seven Ships, the Moon Ship, and the Yunyu Ship respectively.

Liang Hongyu asked, and soon she knew the whole story.

Liang Hongyu activated her Mingguang Armor and flew in front of Zhao Xing. She cupped her hands and said in a clear voice: "Thank you for your help, sir, to maintain order. I don't know your name?"

She is a fifth-grade official, and Zhao Xing is a sixth-grade official, but Liang Hongyu is very polite, because Zhao Xing's strength may not be available to ordinary fifth-grade officials. How can this be an ordinary sixth-grade official?

"The Twin Dragon Horse Supervisor is Zheng Zhao Xing."

Sinong? Liang Hongyu was a little surprised: "Master Zhao, please remove the magic field from the Seven Sail Warship."

"Okay." Zhao Xing waved his hand, and the magic field on the seven sailboats suddenly disappeared.

"Everyone on this ship, except the mechanics who control the warship, will be locked up and taken back for questioning!"

Although Liang Hongyu was a female patrol officer, she acted very straightforwardly. After confirming the guilt, she immediately arrested the person.

"Asshole, my father is..."

"Shut up!" Liang Hongyu shouted, "How dare you change the seven sailboats into warships? Is your father a duke or a king? Lock him up!"

The son of Marquis Jinwu was handcuffed, and the warship was towed to the outer island to station.

Ji An on the Mingyuelou boat was also going to be taken away, but his boat was damaged and would not be able to move for a while. He had to wait for the Tiangong Department on Tianjing Island to come to repair it.

Zhao Xing saw that it was not a big deal for them to be stuck here all the time. Some people were scolding them in the back!

So he sent a message to Liang Hongyu and said: "Master Liang, why don't I take them to the island together with the people and the boat."

Liang Hongyu hesitated: "Mr. Zhao, there is still an hour and a half before we go... Why don't you let me guide you and put the ship down on the spot."

She doubted whether Zhao Xing could persist for so long.

Zhao Xingdao: "Don't go to such trouble. After you have channeled Yundao, you still have to adjust the island formation, which will waste time. Don't worry, I won't kill them."

A trace of surprise flashed in Liang Hongyu's eyes, and she immediately clasped her fists and said, "Then please help Mr. Zhao."

So, Zhao Xing controlled the dilapidated building ship and flew forward together.

This scene attracted a lot of attention from the surrounding people. Being able to fly a fifth-level ship using the Gangfeng magic field was not something that ordinary people could do.

After landing on the island, they flew at low altitude for an hour and a half before arriving at the shipbuilding company on Tianjing Island.

Originally Zhao Xing planned to leave, but at this time Ji An, who was shackled, insisted on coming over to say hello to Zhao Xing.

He was being escorted by Liang Hongyu, and he came over and said, "Ji An, named Mingzhi, is the magistrate of Kaiyang County, Qixing Island. I just thanked Mr. Zhao for his rescue."

Qixing Island is a medium-sized island, consisting of seven islands united together with seven counties on it.

As for why the county magistrate led the team and not the supervisor of Longma Prison, the main reason was that the situation on each island was different.

Some county magistrates are relatively powerful. Longma Supervisor must obey the county magistrate's command. Even Zuo Sizheng is concurrently held by the county magistrate.

"Zhao Xing, courtesy name Chen'an, Longma Supervisor Sizheng of Shuangzi County." Zhao Xing cupped his hand. "I just did it casually. Brother Ji should be less angry in the future."

Ji An smiled and said, "What Brother Zhao is saying is, I wonder where Brother Zhao will stay on the island? After I pay the fine, I will come and thank you."

Zhao Xing turned his head and looked at Tao Anchun. The latter looked embarrassed and whispered: "Sir, our Twin Islands haven't come to the arena for many years to compete. This time, we also have special quotas. Tianjing Island has not arranged the post in advance. Hotel, you have to find this place by yourself..."

Zhao Xing nodded and said to Ji An: "Brother Ji, please forgive me, we haven't found a place to stay yet."

Ji An was a little surprised. Shouldn't a powerful agriculture official like Zhao Xing be in charge of a medium-sized island? Tianjing Island didn't arrange accommodation?

Strangely enough, Ji An still didn't give up the idea of ​​saying thank you: "If Brother Zhao doesn't mind, I do have an exclusive venue on Seven Star Island that can be arranged for Brother Zhao."

Zhao Xing thought for a moment and said, "Okay, then you'll have some work."

"Hahaha, this is the first time I am wearing shackles to welcome guests. Brother Zhao, just don't be surprised." Ji An laughed heartily: "Brother Zhao, please wait here for a while. I will be back soon."

After Ji An finished speaking, he and Liang Hongyu got off the boat.

"Sir, this person is quite generous. Qixing Island is a medium-sized island, so we don't have to rent a place." Tao Anchun looked at Ji An's back and couldn't help but smile.

The government posthouses have long been full. If you want to find a place to live, you have to pay for it yourself, or buy a piece of land.

Every inch of land on Tianjing Island is precious, and buying or renting it at this time is a big expense.

Seven Star Island has not been selected for pre-selection in the past few decades. Naturally, you have your own residence on the island, so you don't have to crowd with others.

In fact, it was just as Tao Anchun had guessed. When Ji An returned after paying the fine, Zhao Xing chatted with him and learned that he had bought a manor in Tianjing City, and it was quite large, covering a thousand acres.

"A thousand acres? Brother Ji is really generous." Tao Anchun next to him couldn't help but admire.

"Haha, actually I was lucky enough to be the county magistrate." Ji An said with a smile, "Before I took office, Kaiyang County had already purchased public property here."

"Brother Ji is really lucky." Zhao Xing said with emotion, "It is still possible to encounter such a good thing. I was appointed as a supervisor, but nothing was left for us."

Ji An waved his hand and said, "It has nothing to do with luck. The person who is appointed magistrate of Kaiyang County is my brother."

Tao Anchun: "..."

Damn, there are really connections everywhere.

Zhao Xing was used to it, as he was also a related household.

In fact, in the Donghai Islands, this situation is not uncommon. After the grandfather becomes the county magistrate, his son will become the county magistrate. After the son becomes the county magistrate, his grandson will become the magistrate.

Because many islands in the East China Sea implement a system similar to the chieftain.

Long Xiao's target Bai Ling, her grandfather Bai Yunwu was one of the biggest chieftains in the East China Sea.

Of course, this is not the case for Ji An. He is not a mixed race or a water tribe. It is purely an official operation.

"It's been hard to hang out in recent years." While chatting, Ji An suddenly sighed.

"Brother Ji, how do you say this?" Zhao Xing asked.

"As soon as the Pingman War started, the policies in various parts of the East China Sea became tighter and tighter. In the past years, my brothers and I operated it without participating in the qualifiers. I could directly get a place in the group stage in the western part of Zixiao."

"Now we have to compete in the qualifiers." Ji An said, "Especially after King Liang came to power, he exploited the East China Sea too much. It used to be that my brother was on duty in Kaiyang County and only had to raise ten five-grade animals every three years. War beasts, it’s good now, we have to raise fifteen of them every year!”

"If we can't finish it in one year, we will have to reduce the scale. Not only the salary of the people, but also the rations of the beasts will be halved."

"If we fight for another ten years, I'm afraid I won't even be able to afford a charioteer and a breeder." Ji An sighed.

"Brother Ji is not a charioteer himself?"

Ji An was stunned and asked: "Brother Zhao, are you the charioteer yourself?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "I am."

Tao Anchun asked doubtfully: "Is it common to hire a charioteer?"

Ji An nodded and said: "Of course, Longma Prison only raises animals. The beast masters are hired from other experts. You can't rely on the agricultural workers in Chenghua Prison to go into battle. The agricultural workers in Chenghua Prison are all useless. It can only be used to cheer up the sacrifices."

Dong Yuanqiu was a little embarrassed because he was Sicheng of Chenghua Supervisor.

Ji An was also surprised because he found that although Zhao Xing was very capable, the people under him seemed unfamiliar with these rules and market conditions.

It doesn't look like a strong team at first glance.

Mr. Zhao certainly understands this: "Some of them not only hire charioteers, but also hire veterinarians, farmers, dancers, musicians, priests, and warriors with huge sums of money."

Tao Anchun said in surprise: "You want to invite so many people?"

"Of course." Ji An said. "For example, Yalong Island's medical department and agriculture department only recruit military doctors and military agriculture departments who have retired from the military, or doctors who have retired from Taoist academies."

"The war beast's competition is very intense and lasts a long time. If you are injured today, you will have to play tomorrow. The only person who can restore the war beast's combat effectiveness in a short period of time is the military doctor."

"The same goes for Army Sinong. War beasts must adapt to different weather conditions and geographical conditions to fight, because the ultimate goal of the competition among all beasts is to enter the ancient land of Longting."

"The environment there is more complex and survival is more difficult."

"So, the training intensity of war beasts is very high. Today, the training environment may be very cold, and tomorrow it will be very hot."

"How can ordinary Wen Sinong have such ability? Even if he can go against the solar terms, it won't last long at all."

"There are also foods. Meat-eating animals are fine, but vegetarian war beasts also need to be carefully selected for their nutritional combination."

"Herbivorous animals are usually very large, and they need a lot of fine food."

"To be self-sufficient, the planting speed and scale must be increased. There are also some precious plants that cannot be raised by ordinary farmers."

Dong Yuanqiu, Tao Anchun, Cao Jiang and others listened and couldn't help but sigh. They didn't expect there were so many details involved.

It seems that the failure of the previous supervisor was not luck.

Zhao Xing took over Ji An's words and said, "In addition to military doctors and military agriculture, large islands will also recruit musicians and dancers to play music to calm the emotions of war beasts, perform dances to stimulate the fighting spirit of war beasts, and use warriors and priests as sparring partners."

"The beastmasters are so glorious during the competition, but in fact, this is not the credit of one person. Behind every powerful beastmaster is a strong logistics team that silently makes great efforts."

Ji An said, "Yes, my Qixing Island poached a fifth-grade agriculture from the Shangluo Academy ten years ago. Thanks to him, the [Intermediate Island] specifications of Qixing Island were maintained."

"Brother Zhao, since you didn't hire a tamer in the Gemini Prison, are you also in charge of the position of the God Feeding Department?"

Zhao Xing shook his head and said, "No, Lord Tao is in charge."

Tao Anchun felt a little ashamed. He was indeed in charge of the God Feeding Department, but in fact, Zhao Xing was the one who cultivated many precious plants.

He never raised any mountain cats, tiger dragons, or blue phoenixes.

It can be said that Zhao Xing brought the Twin Dragon Horse Guard to the preliminaries on his own, and it will be up to Zhao Xing and his war beasts to fight in the arena.

In addition, the Twin Guard does not even have a decent veterinarian. The doctor Wen Mujin brought this time is a guest veterinarian!

After chatting for a while, the officials of the Twin Guard seemed a little bored.

The excitement of participating in the competition has faded before it even started.

Because compared with Ji An's configuration, there is nothing worth mentioning on his side except Zhao Xing.

It can even be said to be pitifully weak.

Ji An seemed to see the embarrassment of the Twin Dragon Horse Guard and stopped talking about it.

The building ship was quiet for a while, and Ji An pointed to the front and said: "Brother Zhao, the front is Tianjing City. Fly southwest to the foot of Jiannan Mountain, and you will see my Kaiyang Pavilion."



The building ship landed at Kaiyang Pavilion in Tianjing City.

Kaiyang Pavilion covers an area of ​​1,000 acres, surrounded by four manors next to each other, all of which belong to Qixing Island.

There is an artificial lake in the manor, which is convenient for water-based war beasts to move around.

The houses are all built tall. Zhao Xing locked up Hu Jiao and Qing Luan in the Tuquan Palace here, living with the strange beasts in Kaiyang County, and the mountain cat followed him to live in the wing room.

Arrived on December 2nd, and the competition started on December 4th.

There were still two days left, and Zhao Xing did not go out, so he stayed in Kaiyang Manor.

The theme of the preliminaries was "Winter", which lasted for a whole month.

The competition system has multiple parts, not just fighting.

"From December 4th to 11th, these seven days are the 'Capture the Flag Competition'."

"350,000 beasts left the venue area and went to the island to grab 10,000 flags."

"Capture a flag and you can pass the next level."

"The Capture the Flag Competition ends on the 11th, and the 'Survival Competition' will start the next day."

"A third-rank Si Nong will take action to mess up the weather and geographical conditions of Tianjing Island."

"It will last for another seven days. During this period, everything on the island is dead and silent. Except for the areas where humans are active, other places cannot get supplies at all. There are only a few places where food supplies are stored."

"In the harsh environment, the vitality is greatly consumed, and we have to face the attacks of competitors. It is difficult to hold out for seven days."

"However, if you feel that you can't bear it, the driver can recall the war beast and return to the venue."

"The survival competition will end on the 18th, and the 'Ice Training' will be started immediately on the 19th. The competition venue is on the seabed. It starts from the north of the sea outside Tianjing Island, and swims around the island to the east, south, and west, and returns to the starting point."

"It will last for ten days, and the air melee will be held immediately after ten days."

"The beasts cannot land and must continue to fight in the air. This is another competition item that tests endurance and combat effectiveness."

"In the end, only the top three thousand will pass the preliminaries."

"Alas." Zhao Xing looked at the competition system and couldn't help sighing.

The elimination rate is really high.

Of the 350,000 beasts, only 3,000 will pass the preliminaries.

In the preliminaries, only one in a hundred will be selected, and these beasts participating in the competition have been screened by the [Divine Selection Department] before.

"Aotian, can you handle it with your small body?" Zhao Xing looked at the mountain cat chewing fish and couldn't help but worry.

"Meow~" Feeling the owner's emotions, the mountain cat put down the fish, walked over, and rubbed Zhao Xing's shoulder.

"Okay, I believe you." Zhao Xing smiled, "But if you can't handle it, you must listen to my orders and run back, do you hear me?"



Tianjing City, Dragon and Lion Pavilion, this is the largest island in the western part of Zixiao Islands, the station of Dragon and Lion Island.

At this time, Longma Supervisor Zhengtong Wanyang was chatting with his adjutant Yu Pengcheng.

"The top ten islands last time were all hidden this time, and no powerful war beasts were sent out." Yu Pengcheng analyzed, "Although they are all fourth-grade, there are only four kinds of god-level bloodlines, all of which are god-level one to three levels."

"They are the fourth-grade early stage, god-level first-level bloodline, and emperor crocodile sent by Jiulong Bay."

"The fourth-grade middle stage, god-level first-level bloodline, and Lingxisui sent by Longquan Island."

"The fourth-grade mid-stage, god-level second-level bloodline, Frost Howl Giant Bear sent by Bear Island."

"The fourth-grade mid-stage, god-level third-level bloodline, Ghostly Soul Dragon sent by Heart Rock Island."

Tong Wanyang flipped through the list and threw it aside with a smile: "It seems that everyone wants to develop peacefully this time and dare not fight as hard as before."

Yu Pengcheng said: "Yes, it is said that the Pingman War will enter the mid-grade stage next year. I don't know how many war beasts will be drawn there by then. Everyone will have to tighten their belts to live."

At this time, the Ten Thousand Beasts Competition has to stand back, and everything is given priority to Pingman.

At least this is the case in Pinghaizhou and Donghai.

In this special period, each island is deliberately reducing internal consumption in the preliminaries and group matches.

In order to avoid failing to complete the task dispatched by the above and not being able to hand over so many war beasts to the army.

"Has Wang Xuanyi arrived in Tianjing City?" Tong Wanyang asked.

"Here we are." Yu Pengcheng nodded, "I was just planning to go and pay him a visit."

"By the way, I'll try to find out." Tong Wanyang thought, "Ask what will happen next year."

"Oh, right." Tong Wanyang suddenly remembered something, "I remember that the supplies for the Twin Dragon Horse Prison were approved by Wang Xuanyi. You can also go and ask around to see what the relationship between Wang Xuanyi and Zhao Xing is."

"I heard that this Marquis Yuan Rang was exiled because he offended King Liang. There's no reason why Wang Xuanyi would value him so much. Is there any other reason besides Princess Youruo?"

"I'll go and ask around."


Tianjing City, the Grand Minister of Agriculture of Chongming Prefecture, Wang Xuanyi, descended on the government office.

"Your subordinate Yu Hong, I pay my respects to Lord Wang."

"Yes." Wang Xuan nodded, "Are all the preliminary matters ready for this time?"

"Sir, the island has been blocked, and the four rounds of checkpoints are ready."

"The four armies of the East Sea Corps, a total of 120,000 people, are on standby inside and outside the island." Yu Hong said respectfully.

"How are the participants?"

"The actual number of people and war beasts is 1,246 less than the predicted list, and the war beasts are also 7,846 less."

Wang Xuan nodded and entered the main hall and took a seat.

"Buzz~" Above the hall, pieces of ground mirrors fell down, monitoring the internal and external movements of Tianjing Island.

At the same time, a ranking list appeared next to it, but it has not been opened yet.

Wang Xuan glanced and scanned all the names of the participants.

Then his eyes stopped at the column of Zhao Xing, the twin dragon horse supervisor.

"I'm here in the first year? Tiger Jiao, Qingluan, and a mountain cat... I wonder if they can pass the first level." Wang Xuanyi thought to himself, and quickly ignored it.


December 2nd, evening.

Zhao Xing sat by the lake, watching Qingluan and Tiger Jiao playing in the lake.

The mountain cat squatted quietly beside him. Seeing Zhao Xing sitting cross-legged, it actually meditated like a human.

It learned to breathe in and out like Zhao Xing, but after a while, the mountain cat's eyelids were spinning and it was drowsy.

"Hey, you cat..." Ji An came over and looked at the mountain cat in surprise, "You are so spiritual?"

"Get up, cats should be cats." Zhao Xing patted Aotian.

"Ah~" The mountain cat yawned and opened his eyes.

"Brother Ji, why are you still not asleep?"

"Come out for a walk if you have nothing to do." Ji An smiled, "Brother Zhao, you only brought two pets to participate in the battle?"


"It also participated in the competition?" Ji An pointed at the mountain cat.

"Well, let it see the world."

Ji An looked at the mountain cat curiously: "It can do it? Isn't it just a mountain cat with ordinary blood? Can it withstand the fourth level?"

"Meow!" Aotian stood up and waved his claws to give Ji An a lightning.

"Zizizi~" Ji An's hair stood up immediately.

"Aotian, what are you doing!" Zhao Xing was startled and ran over to help Ji An up, "Brother, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay... cough cough." Ji An was a fifth-grade, but he didn't expect to be electrocuted by a mountain cat.

He got up and looked at the mountain cat with sparkling eyes: "Brother Zhao, do you want to sell this cat?"

Zhao Xing smiled and shook his head.

"I'll pay a high price!" Ji An said.

"I won't sell it no matter how expensive it is."

"You didn't even ask me how much I'd pay?"

Zhao Xing smiled and said, "Even if I sell it, you won't dare to accept it, brother Ji. It still has a father. Are you afraid that a swordsman will chase you and kill you in the future?"

Ji An was puzzled, not knowing what Zhao Xing was talking about, and just thought he was unwilling to sell it.

December 4th, early morning.

In Kaiyang Pavilion, many people came, mainly from the other six counties on Qixing Island.

But no one noticed Zhao Xing, a sixth-rank minister of agriculture.

As soon as they arrived, they began to discuss strategies with Ji An.

After two hours of discussion.

Ji An started talking off topic and said, "Brothers, I had a conflict with someone on the way here. Fortunately, Zhao Xing, the supervisor of the Dragon Horse Prison of Gemini Island, helped me."

"He only has three pets, all of which are fifth-grade, but his team is still in its infancy and there are few decent logistics."

"I want to pull him into our team on Qixing Island to share intelligence and medical resources, and repay him a favor. What do you think?"


"No problem for me."

One of the young men frowned, "Brother Ji, if you want to repay a favor, why do you have to do it now? He is just a sixth-grade Si Nong, and he only has three pets. Even if your dragon pet helps him pass a level, can it still escort him through the levels?"

"You are not helping him by doing this, but harming him."

"Brother Gu." Ji An looked at Yaoguang County Magistrate Gu Yi next to him and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Brother Gu, do you disagree?"

Gu Yi said: "I don't agree with you doing this."

"I also think Brother Gu is right." Another fifth-grade man said, "We are not familiar with him, and it would be inconvenient for our pet beasts to move together with his pet beasts."

"Okay." Ji An said, "I didn't think it through well, so I won't share the information. I will only share my own doctors with him."

Ji An also knew that they were afraid that Zhao Xing would become a drag, so they acted together, and they were also afraid that the weaknesses of their pet beasts would be revealed. In fact, this was what they were most worried about.


On the fourth day of December, at the quarter of Mao hour.

Zhao Xing walked out of Kaiyang Pavilion.

At the same time, Ji An, Gu Yi and other Qixing Island County Magistrates and Sinong, a total of fourteen fifth-grade, forty-eight sixth-grade, and a total of 182 pet beasts, also gathered outside the venue.

As a medium-sized island, the strength of Ji An and others cannot be underestimated. Half of these 182 pet beasts are fifth-grade war beasts.

"Brother Zhao." Ji An walked over with a look of shame on his face, "Originally I wanted to invite Brother Zhao's battle pets to join us, but this time we are not operating in my own county. Forgive me for not being able to invite you to go with us."

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Xing smiled and said, "It's me who's causing the trouble. Brother Ji will make arrangements for himself."

"If your pet is injured and there is a shortage of doctors, remember to notify me." Ji An said.

"Okay." Zhao Xing nodded.


After the two met, Zhao Xing returned to his residence, closed his eyes, and called for Tiger Dragon and Qingluan.

"Ang~" "唳~"

Tiger Dragon and Qingluan immediately flew back from the lake and landed in front of Zhao Xing.

"Aotian, come up."

"Meow~" The lynx immediately jumped on Qingluan's back.

Zhao Xing ordered towards Tao Anchun: "Master Tao, Master Cao, please keep an eye on the ground mirror. If there is an emergency, notify me immediately."

"Yes, sir, don't worry."

"Master Wen, please go and brew the medicine. If you don't bring enough or if there is something missing, please tell me immediately."


Tao Anchun and others immediately began to do their own things.

Zhao Xing closed his eyes and began to perform the 'soul contract connection'.

When he opened his eyes again, three perspectives appeared in front of him.

One is a lynx, and the other two are Qingluan and Tiger Dragon.


Qingluan and Tiger Dragon, carrying the lynx on their backs, soared into the sky.

According to the rules, they must leave the city before three quarters and capture three flags within seven days to qualify for the next level.

December 4th, at three o'clock in the morning.

Countless strange beasts flew out of Tianjing City, which faced north and south.

After leaving the barrier, the alien beasts flew towards the east, west, and south directions of Tianjing Island.

Ten thousand flags are distributed throughout the island.

As long as you capture a flag, you can pass the level.


As soon as he flew out of the east gate, Zhao Xing saw a huge head exposed on the wall one thousand meters west of the east gate of Tianjing City.

"Emperor Crocodile, a god-level bloodline, with this power, must be a fourth-grade Emperor Crocodile."

Zhao Xing controlled Qingluan and looked back. He saw a huge emperor crocodile with a body that was a thousand meters long, with spikes on its back and dark golden secret patterns surrounding its body.

"A total of nine emperor crocodiles are lying outside the East City." Zhao Xing said secretly. "It seems that these emperor crocodiles are not going to look for the flag."

In seven days, if you find the flag, you still have to bring it back to the city for it to count.

Emperor Crocodile's strength is arrogant among all heroes, so why bother looking for it?

Just block the entrance to the city and wait for the rest of the shrimps to be found before grabbing them.

"hold head high!"

There were also roars coming from everywhere in the west, south and north.

Shadows shrouded the sky above the city gate.

Zhao Xing saw the shadow of a violent soul dragon, its huge body dancing in the sky.

There was also a frost howling giant bear, holding a huge mace and wearing armor, guarding the south gate.

"In this way, if you want to enter the city, you have to get an extra flag." Zhao Xing secretly said, "Otherwise, you won't be able to enter at all."

The fourth-grade beasts with god-level bloodline are transcendent and there is no need to snatch them.

They are all among the top ten forces in the Western Conference. You can get as many flags as you want.

Of course, not many people from the top ten forces came this time, and not many places were needed to feed the top ten forces.

I guess a thousand flags would be enough.

If you're lucky, these forces may be full and won't encounter the gatekeepers when they come back.

"Aotian, we... hmm?" Zhao Xing was about to tell Aotian Miao a few words, but suddenly through Qingluan's perspective, he saw a flag embroidered with a golden dragon going to the sea, planted on the rubble of a valley below.

"How lucky am find a flag just a dozen miles away from the city?"

Zhao Xing immediately ordered Qingluan to go below and come back with the flag in his mouth.

The charioteer will play a guiding role. Without the charioteer, it is impossible to carry out complex behaviors by relying solely on the beasts.

If Zhao Xing asked Shan Mao to find the flag, he would continue to guide him without using the soul contract method.

Maybe the lynx got confused after leaving the city.

Looking for a flag? What is a flag and can it be eaten?

The same goes for Qingluan and Hujiao. Maybe they understood it was a flag this time, but next time they have to find someone else, they are just as confused.


As Qingluan descended, a voice sounded from the left.

Zhao Xing saw a flash of gold flash through Qingluan's pupils, and it came first, surpassing Qingluan's descent speed.

"A fifth-grade golden falcon? This speed is too fast. Qingluan, come back and don't chase it."

Zhao Xing could only watch as the flag below was taken away by a touch of gold.

In terms of speed, the speed of the golden eagle is almost unrivaled among fifth-level players.

Of course, its physical strength is a big problem. It can fly for an hour at most before having to rest and eat.

Qingluan can continue to fly at full strength for more than six hours.

"Meow?" Bobcat was a little confused.

"You can't catch up." Zhao Xing's voice sounded in Shan Mao's mind.

"Meow!" Bobcat said unconvinced, that's because you didn't call me just now!

Zhao Xing ignored the lynx and ordered Qingluan and Tiger Dragon to avoid places with many beasts and patrol high in the sky.

The advantage of birds and beasts is that they can fly high and see far. The tiger dragon can also fly, but at this time it only acts as a guard because the tiger dragon cannot see well.

At the height of Qingluan's flight, the tiger dragon's perspective is blurred when looking below.

Three hundred and fifty thousand war beasts were very dense as they flew out of Tianjing City.

The moment they flew out, many places fell into battle.

Qingluan immediately pulled up, avoiding a chaotic battle.

But there are still many war beasts flying in the sky.

However, no one would dare to mess with the combination of three heads and five grades, especially Qingluan with a cat standing on his back.

No matter how weird it looked, since it was a weird thing, for the sake of caution, no one took the initiative to provoke him.

If you hit a flag, say something else.

"Flags were found again, one, two, three, four, four Golden Dragon Out of the Sea flags!" Zhao Xing's luck was really good. Two-quarters of an hour after flying out, he saw the flags again. This time, there were four flags, and one was inserted below. in the pond.

"Get down!" Zhao Xing immediately asked Qingluan and Tiger Dragon to land.


Qingluan and Tiger Dragon, carried by the strong wind, soared down into the sky, and all the sixth-grade beasts around them got out of the way.

"There's a flag, rush!" In a venue in Tianjing City, Huang Biao, a beast master who controlled four fifth-grade golden-winged lions, and Zhao Xing discovered the flag in the pond at the same time.

It immediately gave orders to the Golden-winged Lion, while also observing the surrounding competitors.

"Qingluan's secret skills include Frost Strike, Cold Feather Sting, Frozen Wall, Ice Cone Blast, and Frost Mist."

"The tiger dragon's secret skills include the Sea Realm Sky Sky, Tiger Roar and Dragon Roar, Dragon Bite, and the Reverse Scale Explosive Element Technique."

Beastmaster Huang Biao stared closely at Zhao Xing's team.

"Huh? Why is there still a cat?"

"What is the secret skill of the lynx?"

Huang Biao suddenly thought hard.

Whether on the playing field or on the battlefield, combat beasts like the Bobcat are rare.

Because most cats are stubborn, it is difficult to let them do this or that, let alone train them.

"There is something weird, so be careful."

Huang Biao immediately slowed down and let the four golden-winged lions assume a defensive posture in the air.

As a result, Qingluan didn't use his secret skill at all and just rushed down.

Then, he picked up the four flags and flew away.

"What?" Huang Biao stared at Qingluan's retreating back and couldn't help being stunned.

"This is a master. He didn't use any secret skills at all and deliberately exposed his back to me?"

"If you don't use any moves, it will make it difficult for me to deal with them. What a brilliant tactic. You can win without any moves! The secret skills are really good." Huang Biao muttered to himself.

But he didn't know that Mr. Zhao didn't know these things at all.

Qingluan and Tiger Jiao had only been in his hands for two or three days, and he hadn't even learned how to guide Qingluan's release skill yet. He came here just to practice.

Not to mention tactics, Mr. Zhao is just a part-time beast master, how can he think about these things?

He can be said to be a pure rookie now.

It was all Huang Biao's fault. He was fighting with the air.

"We got the four flags." Zhao Xing smiled in the stadium. "If it weren't for the protection of those god-level bloodlines, I would be able to let Tiger Dragon and Qingluan return to the city now."

"That's not possible now, we have to find two more sides."

"Huh? It seems like someone is following you?"

From Qingluan's perception, Zhao Xing discovered that someone seemed to be staring at his beast.

Looking back, I found the same four golden-winged lions.

"This man is so strange. I thought he was afraid of me when he didn't grab me just now. Why is he chasing me now?"

"That's not how the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows." Zhao Xing was a little confused. If you tried to grab it at the beginning, I would let you go.

After all, he was lucky, and he was just starting now, so there was no need to fight to the death.

"Roar!" The golden-winged lion roared, seeming a little angry.

But it was Huang Biao who observed Zhao Xing's three pet beasts for a while and reacted belatedly.

"With this flying posture, he is not an expert at all, but a complete rookie!"

"I was fooled by him!"

Huang Biao cursed angrily.

It's so embarrassing. If people knew that he, a top student from Wanhua Taoist Academy, was being teased like this, where would he put his face?

"Aotian, try these four big cats." Zhao Xingkai Shanmao ordered and then realized that his order was too complicated.

What does it mean to try your hand? Lynx was confused.

"They are coming to grab food, so beat them up." Zhao Xing issued the order again.

"Meow!!!" The lynx suddenly exploded.

Grab food? Is this okay? !


The lynx's eyes flashed blue and purple.

Purple and blue, circles of secret patterns quickly circling from the head to the tail.

When the light flashed past, the mountain cat entered the second form.

It was covered with a layer of purple-blue scales, its fangs and claws became longer, and thunder and strong wind flowed around it between breaths.

In an instant, a mountain cat with thick limbs, developed muscles, purple-blue armor, and full of metallic texture appeared on the back of Qingluan.

"Huh? What secret skill is this?" Huang Biao was stunned, "A mountain cat belonging to the element of gold? No."

In such a moment of daze, the mountain cat had disappeared on the back of Qingluan.


Huang Biao felt pain in his ribs, and a sense of weightlessness came from his mind.


Huang Biao was stunned, and the perspective in front of him became dizzy and quickly closed to the ground.

Its four golden-winged lions were actually paralyzed in an instant, and their wings were torn off!

"What on earth is going on? What kind of cat can be so powerful?" Huang Biao was in a bad mood.

He suspected that he was a master before, and then thought he was a rookie. Now he saw that he was a peerless master!

They were all fifth-grade, and the Golden Winged Lion was even in the middle of the fifth grade. The bloodline of the sixth grade was actually killed by a cat in seconds?

Let alone Huang Biao, Zhao Xing was a little surprised now.

"Is Aotian Meow strong? Or are those Golden Winged Lions weak?"

"How high is the combat power of a mountain cat that has consumed countless spiritual arts? This really touches my blind spot of knowledge..." Zhao Xing thought silently.

He had never seen such a cat in his previous life. Who would feed a cat with so many spiritual arts? That's too extravagant.

In the Twin Dragon Horse Prison, Zhao Xing rarely practiced with the mountain cat, because the clone couldn't beat it, and the original body had too many things to do.

"Aotian, I seem to have seriously underestimated your combat power." Zhao Xing discovered this.

"Meow~" The mountain cat lay on Qingluan's back and licked its paws.

Zhao Xing changed the question: "Aotian, when we were leaving the city just now, were you afraid of those big guys lying on the city wall?"

Aotian stood up and looked back at the city wall. At this time, he could only see the vague shadow of the emperor crocodile.

A light flashed in Aotian's eyes, reflecting the appearance of the emperor crocodile.

He became excited.

Are you talking about this big fish? Are we going to eat it?


Zhao Xing in Kaiyang Stadium was shocked.

Not only is the mountain cat not afraid, but it also wants to eat the emperor crocodile?

"You are so awesome, why do you still need a flag? Let's go, let's go back to the city and eat fish!"

It's late, sorry, I didn't return to the underworld after all. I'll write 12,000 today and more tomorrow.

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