Shennong Daojun

Chapter 219: An opportunity to seize the opportunity! A shocking secret! (Thanks to the Silver Allia

The teacher asked him to teach Ji Zixuan and Murong Xue, so Zhao Xing also inquired about their origins.

Ji Zixuan is a daughter of the clan, so it is easy to find out. Just look up the royal family tree.

In reality, it was very difficult, because Ji Zixuan had no title, not even a princess, and there were so many clans in the Zhou Dynasty? Zhao Xing searched in the ground mirror for half an hour before finding the origin of her lineage.

Ji Zixuan is the granddaughter of the ‘King Chenglan’ of Cuixian County in Pinghai Prefecture, and she is not the direct granddaughter. King Chenglan is the cousin of Emperor Jing, but their relationship is not so close. The two of them are just the same grandfather.

Counting only King Chenglan's lineage, Ji Zixuan has more than 2,000 living brothers and sisters!

Ji Zixuan lived for eighteen years and only saw her grandfather three times before she was sixteen.

The first time was the full moon, and he didn't come specifically to see her. There were seven brothers and sisters who were born at the same time. They were celebrating the full moon together, so the old man came here.

The second time was for hair extensions. This was not just for her, but also for many sisters.

The third time I came specifically for Ji Zixuan because she performed outstandingly and stood out from the rest of her brothers and sisters with her own efforts. She was admitted to Bishui Taoist Academy before her sixteenth birthday.

She also received a cup of royal luck.

After entering the Bishui Taoist Temple, Ji Zixuan met Princess Youruo again, yes, they knew her. She had never seen this aunt before.

At that time, Princess Youruo happened to be bored and came to the Taoist Academy to teach students. When she discovered that Ji Zixuan was a good young talent and was related to her by blood, she became interested in her and even brought her to Shiyang Cave.

Ji Zixuan did not declare her family status, but reported to Bishui Taoist Academy because she was just a little transparent in the royal family, but she was the most outstanding Taoist priest in Bishui Taoist Academy.

Just looking at Ji Zixuan's family situation and her performance in the Taoist temple, Zhao Xing knew that she was not simple.

"It takes a lot of hard work and thought to come out of the royal palace and become the best graduate in the Bishui Taoist Academy, no matter how simple it is as an official." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

Ji Zixuan looks innocent and well-behaved, and after meeting Zhao Xingren, she calls her "senior brother" and is very enthusiastic.

"Senior brother, I heard that the Fire Dragon Pass is the number one pass in the Fire Demon Clan's territory?"


"You can't defeat so many armies. Senior brother is really powerful."

"It's not my fault alone."

"The teacher said that the Earth Fire Lotus is only a fourth-level species, but senior brother can develop it into a fifth-level one. To break the shackles of life, senior brother's skills are so perfect that my little sister admires them."


She seemed to be asking questions, but in fact she was praising Zhao Xing in a different way.

Mr. Zhao couldn't stand it, so he had to pretend to be offline: "Oh, junior sister, what did you just say? I, the straw man method, am not very is easy to cause problems if I am distracted."

"It's okay." Ji Zixuan smiled brightly, "Senior brother is busy, I won't bother him anymore."

The lively and enthusiastic Ji Zixuan made Murong Xue frown.

I made up my mind, and when I got to the place, I found an excuse to leave and not stay with this person.

However, Murong Xue was very surprised when she heard that Zhao Xing was able to grow a fifth-level fire lotus and also told him how to do it.

Because she is also a farmer and fully understands the value of this.

"The Earth Fire Lotus is a fifth-level rare thing, and the Ten Thousand Dharma Cultivation Man needs to combine the five Cure Man Dharma into one to understand it."

"No wonder Mom asked me to follow him..."

"It's not impossible."

Murong Xue changed her mind again.

Although Ji Zixuan makes people look disgusting, Zhao Xing is capable.

Murong Xue couldn't help but take a few more glances at Zhao Xing who was starting the swordfish flying boat.

"Murong Xue always looks at what I am doing... Her thoughts are really strange. She wants to leave for a while and not leave for a while."

Although Zhao Xing turned his back to Busy, he could still sense Murong Xue's gaze.

In addition, his Bright Eye Technique is now at an advanced level.

The high-level bright eye method can see through the thoughts of people whose realm is lower than your own, and grasp the other party's psychological fluctuations.

At present, the premise is that the opponent is less vigilant and cannot be blocked by magic or magic weapons.

"Murong Qing is from Yuanhe County, but Murong Xue calls himself from Taihe County." Zhao Xing thought.

"Lao Liu is from Taihe County, so is she Lao Liu's daughter?"

"But she takes her maiden name?"

"Her mother Murong Qing married Dr. Fengchang Jiang Minghe."

"Ordinarily her name should be Jiang Xue. Is there any hidden secret in it?"

Zhao Xing's thoughts were flying, and he couldn't figure it out, but he always felt that the top of Dr. Fengchang's head was green.

However, he was only interested in gossip and had no idea about the two women themselves.

In the eyes of Mr. Zhao, who just wants to live forever, women are a burden.

Because he used the Qi-gazing technique to see the luck of these two people.

Its Qi is reddish with grayish white, which is from the second to the third level.

It is true that Ji Zixuan is the princess, but the fortune of the royal family is spread thin, and not much of it can go to her.

Unless she is as favored as Princess Youruo, her luck pillar is purple in color and surrounded by dragons, and her fortune is like a flying dragon flying in the sky!

Princess Youruo's luck level is at least Yanqi.

Because she is not only the beloved daughter of Emperor Jing, but also the core descendant of Bishui Taoist Academy and a direct descendant of Bixia Yuanjun.

If she marries someone like Princess Youruo, after getting married, her status will not take away the luck of getting promoted, but will actually make her husband more prosperous.

But this is Lao Liu's lover. Although Zhao Xing wants to prove immortality, he is not a twisted pervert.

"The old witch is paired with Liu Banfeng, it's really a two-way disease."

"If there is a chance in this life, I can help them both." Zhao Xing smiled.

"Brother, why are you laughing?" Ji Zixuan took every opportunity to strike up a conversation.

"I think of happy things."

"What happy thing?"

"What did I just say?"

"You think of happy things."

"Oh, I remembered something happy."

Ji Zixuan watched eagerly, but didn't hear what was going on. She knew that Zhao Xing was 'offline' again.

It's really a case of obsessive-compulsive disorder... Ji Zixuan doesn't have much energy to strike up a conversation.

Because chatting with Zhao Xing is difficult.

Lingxiu Hot Spring, Zhao Xing's true self is dressed.

"The nine hot springs have been drained, and the fire luck has been absorbed to the limit. It's almost done."

"Collect the five lucks and my luck level will be improved again!"

Zhao Xing showed a satisfied smile.

It didn't take long for his luck to reach the fourth level. Normally, he would not break through again until he reached the fourth level.

However, now that he is only at the sixth level, he sees hope of upgrading.

"Having the Qi training method, gathering all the five lucks, and rising to the fifth level, the benefits are endless." Zhao Xing said, "Where else can you find good luck?"

Zhao Xing closed his eyes and thought, recalling the situation about Shiyang Cave.

"The Jiye Sea in the north, the Huafeng Mountains in the east, Penglize in the west, and Crimson Lake in the south. These four places are full of good luck and good luck."

"I remember the Daofeng Mountains and several beautiful places." Zhao Xing came to the Yunpan map on the Qilin Flying Boat.

The cloud disk map needs to be debugged, and the ground veins and weather time must be entered as parameters.

Although the military sand table is made by craftsmen, it usually requires military farmers to debug it to achieve accuracy.

In complex terrain, only military commanders and farmers know how to use it.

Now that the cave has been upgraded and the terrain has changed drastically, the original map doesn't work at all.

One of Zhao Xing's four straw man clones was left in the Shiba Sophora Willow Courtyard and is now wandering around with Murong Xue and Ji Zixuan on the way to the Daofeng Mountain Range.

It's not all a wandering. One is to delay time, and the other is to draw maps in different directions with the other three straw man clones to check the situation.

"The reference has changed too much. The place I just wrote down yesterday has been moved again today."

Zhao Xing changed his drawing on the cloud map.

As the parameter input became more and more detailed, a scene in the southern part of the Daofeng Mountains on the Yunpan map attracted Zhao Xing's attention.

"Huh? This place..."

Thirty-six miniature peaks appeared on the sand table. The peaks appeared and disappeared in the sea of ​​clouds floating in the sky, and their tracks seemed to contain the mystery of heaven and earth.

"Okay, Yunhai Qimen Peak, I discovered this place first, haha." Zhao Xing couldn't help laughing.

In the previous life, this treasure land was originally discovered by a Sinong named "Liang Ruohai".

The Qimen Peak in the sea of ​​clouds contains all kinds of spiritual beauty!

And the specifications are very high!

How high is it?

The ordinary Wanfa Lingxiu is said to be able to improve Wanfa, but in fact it has limitations.

For example, the spells of fate-based professions cannot be broken through using the 'Wanfa Lingxiu'.

Secondly, cross-class spells don’t work either.

For example, Sinong cannot use Wanfa Lingxiu to break through some of the priest's spells.

However, Yunhai Qimen Peak does not have this restriction!

"The promotion of the cave heaven brings blessings to all living beings. If you seek the Tao, you will find the Tao. If you seek longevity, you will gain longevity."

"This kind of opportunity may not come once in a thousand years. Liang Ruohai, in this life, I will take it for you first." Zhao Xing secretly said.

Liang Ruohai is not an unknown person.

Zhao Xing clearly remembered that this person was a fifth-rank agricultural officer, and his official rank was up to the fifth rank. It was easy to check it in the ground mirror.

This person now works in Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion and is a member of the Liang Wang faction.

His status is quite extraordinary and he has taught several princes and young masters. Among the guests in the palace, Liang Ruohai had a very high status.

Liang Ruohai was also a physiognomist, and it was rumored that this person was responsible for selecting the black dragon guards and pets of King Liang.

"You have to hurry up, Liang Ruohai has arrived in Yangcheng." When Zhao Xing checked in the ground mirror, he also discovered that Liang Ruohai's name was among a top exploration team.

Zhao Xing has completely memorized the operation route of Yunhai Qimen Peak in his mind.

He scattered the cloud disk, walked outside and shouted: "Long Xiao, are you okay? Hurry up!"

Now, the only one who is still absorbing fire luck is Long Xiao.

Ji Zijun, Xia Jing, and Lao Chen have long been unable to absorb it.

"I feel like I can continue to endure, why are you in such a hurry?" Long Xiao asked.

"Then you can continue here, and we will take a step forward." Zhao Xing said, "My straw man clone will come over in a moment, so you can protect us by the way."

"Old Chen, Xia Jing, Brother Ji, let's go."

Yangcheng, in a house.

"Sir, the exploration team has been established and we can set off." A middle-aged man wearing a raincoat and holding a jade bamboo staff said.

"Teacher, can you figure out where my opportunity lies?" Next to him, a young man wearing black dragon armor asked in a deep voice.

Liang Ruohai thought deeply: "Young Master is a member of the royal family, and the purple energy comes from the east, so the opportunity is naturally in the east."

Ji Dan nodded: "Then ask the teacher to lead the way."

Gongzi Dan is the youngest son of King Liang.

He is said to be a young son, but he is also seventy or eighty years old.

Young sons generally have to be pampered, and Ji Dan is no exception.

When he came to Shiyang Cave this time, King Liang arranged for him to join a top exploration team, and sent him a fifth-grade Sinong like Liang Ruohai who was proficient in deduction.

Ji Dan was followed by four people, all of whom were fifth-grade masters.

There are other princes from the royal family in this top exploration team, and Ji Dan's power is relatively large.

As soon as Gongzi Dan set off, Zhao Xing drove the unicorn flying boat to a sea of ​​clouds.

"Cousin, what is he looking for? We have been wandering in this cloud for almost an hour." Xia Jing asked in confusion.

Now the only person here who understands Feng Shui and luck is Ji Ziyun.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either." Ji Ziyun shook his head, "I don't see any reason for it."

"Cousin, my uncle is a life officer. Didn't he teach you how to do it?" Xia Jing asked. His uncle was from the clan and served in the Tianji Palace. His uncle was not a big official, but he was the most mysterious [life officer]. .

"Qilin'er, what are you talking about?" Ji Ziyun asked, "Can you teach me the secret method of Tianji Palace? My father still wants to live for two more years."

"I only know a little bit about it, just some small spells I got from the Taoist Academy."

"Oh, I thought you understood." Xia Jing said. "Zhao Xing also learned some superficial techniques."

"..." Ji Ziyun was speechless.

"Maybe he is a military farmer, so he is more sensitive to the changes in the world, and with the deduction method, the accuracy will be higher." Chen Shijie paid tribute to the prince in a timely manner.

I have spent the past few days with Zhao Xing, picking up treasures everywhere.

Ji Zijun and Zhao Xing both used deduction and divination methods to hunt for treasure.

But Zhao Xing's accuracy and treasure land quality are much higher.

That is to say, none of them have panels and cannot see the increase in lifespan or luck.

Otherwise you will be surprised.

Without these two things, Zhao Xing's behavior would not be shocking. After all, Shiyang Cave Heaven was promoted and there were treasures everywhere.

"Old Chen, stop the boat!"

While chatting, a voice suddenly came from Zhao Xing at the front of the deck.

"What did you find?" Xia Jing and Ji Ziyun immediately ran to the bow.

"Look twenty miles to the east, a hundred meters high." Zhao Xing pointed.

"Huh?" Xia Jing and Ji Ziyun looked over, only to find that it was empty, with only some rolling clouds and mist.

"There's nothing."

"There is a door there." Zhao Xing was a little excited: "Brother Ji, what time is it now?"

Ji Ziyun took out the almanac. The almanac does not need to be calibrated now because there is only one sun left.

"What happened at three o'clock in the morning?"

Zhao Xingdao: "We will be able to see the door at the seventh quarter of Mao hour."

"I have just been observing for a long time. The thirty-six peaks are moving in this sea of ​​clouds. They are pulling each other and will form a heavenly gate in the direction I just pointed out."

"I calculated that if we jump through that door at a specific moment, we will get great benefits!"

"How old is it?" Xia Jing asked eagerly.

"So big!" Zhao Xing opened his hands.

"Okay, okay." Xia Jing's eyes narrowed with laughter, "I knew I would get meat if I followed you."

Xia Jing rarely saw Zhao Xing in high spirits.

Like the previous sixth-level Giant Spirit Tree and Lingxiu Hot Spring, Zhao Xing's expression was very dull.

Now they are a little excited. Apparently, they have really found a good place!

"Zhao Xing, how did you do it?" Ji Ziyun couldn't help but ask, "Your deduction method is so strong?"

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "Brother Ji, it's not all the result of deduction."

"Xia Jing, Lao Chen, and I, including Long Xiao, have all just been promoted and have been blessed with the fortune of the country. Today's fortune is at its peak."

"Brother Ji, your luck is not bad. Together, we have good luck. Even if we walk around, we can encounter treasures."

Ji Ziyun suddenly realized: "Yes, my father said that the strength of a person's fortune is not necessarily the strength of his family background. It also depends on the time and specific circumstances. You have just been promoted to an official, and you have been granted a title. No's me. I’ve benefited from you.”

"That's right." Zhao Xing nodded.

The fact that he was able to find a place so quickly was not entirely due to his past life experience.

No matter how low a person's luck is, he will have one or two peaks of luck in his life.

Xia Jing, Zhao Xing, Chen Shijie, and Long Xiao have all just been promoted to noble positions and have been baptized by the fortune of the country.

According to the theory of luck, these people are all at the peak of their luck.

Even if the luck of Yan Wu Yan Liu is at a low point, in this incident, if it is not the right period, there may not be as much gain as those with lower luck levels.

Of course, it also depends on whether you can seize this window period when luck breaks out.

Time is short. If Zhao Xing, a prophet, is not here, even if Xia Jing and others pass by here, they may not be able to catch the big treasure, and they may only pick up a few small treasures.

"At seven quarters, right? Then I'll be waiting." Xia Jing looked at Dongfang expectantly.

At the same time, Ji Zixuan and Murong Xue were also taken to Lingxiu Hot Spring.

Because Zhao Xing and the others left Lingxiu Hot Spring and their absorption reached the upper limit, only Long Xiao and Aotian Miao were left to soak in the hot spring here.

In this case, it might as well give these two people some benefits.

Otherwise, it would be easy for Lao Liu to handle it, but Princess You Ruo would not be able to explain it to her.

For the sake of the sixth-order Dragon Soul Jade, Zhao Xing took the two of them to Lingxiu Hot Spring.

"Junior sister, Miss Murong."

"There are many beautiful hot springs in the valley below." Zhao Xing pointed downward and said: "The fire in the water will actively penetrate your body. If you soak in it, it can enhance the five elements of fire luck."

"The year of Wugui is dominated by fire luck. If your fire luck increases, you can have good luck in these two years, months and days."

Zhao Xing was afraid that the two girls didn't understand, so he explained it to them.

However, he obviously underestimated them. Both Ji Zixuan and Murong Xue knew something about the way of luck and understood it at once.

"Thank you, senior brother!" Ji Zixuan was overjoyed. This time her smile was from the heart.

"Thank you, Lord Zhao." Murong Xue's voice was still cold, but her emotions fluctuated a little.

Although Ji Zixuan was born in the royal family, she had never seen the world.

Murong Xue had seen the world, but she had never seen such a scene.

The spiritual beauty here is so rich that you can take a bath!

"The fire in the water will penetrate, which will make you have lustful hallucinations. You can set up magic arrays and isolation means by yourself beside the hot spring."

"There are two hot springs in the southeast of the valley. My friends are there, but don't worry, I will isolate all investigations."

After Ji Zixuan chose a hot spring, she smiled brightly at Zhao Xing: "Thank you, senior brother. If you can't find another hot spring, you can also come here to bathe together."

"Despicable!" Murong Xue cursed in her heart.

As expected of the old witch's disciple... Zhao Xing said expressionlessly: "Thank you for your kindness, Junior Sister. I've finished my bath."

Then he took Murong Xue to another place: "Miss Murong, you can stay here."

"Thank you." Murong Xue saluted.

Zhao Xing nodded, flew into the sky, and came to a cliff in the valley to meditate.

"Hua La~"

Not long after, sounds came from the two hot springs, and it was obvious that the two had entered the water.

For the next two quarters of an hour, there was no movement from Murong Qing's side.

But from Ji Zixuan's side, there was a faint hum.

Zhao Xing shook his head and blocked his hearing directly.

Ji Zixuan was really bold. She didn't take any precautions at all, and didn't even set up a soundproof magic circle.

However, Ji Zixuan's behavior reminded Zhao Xing of something:

"In my previous life, I never heard that the old witch had any disciples, but she had a group of assassins under her command. Could it be that Ji Zixuan was the Phantom Assassin?"

Speaking of which, Zhao Xing was killed by this Phantom Assassin.

Because he accepted the old witch's task, but failed to successfully assassinate Liu Tianning's capable generals.

So the old witch sent "Phantom" to kill all the players who did these tasks.

Otherwise, how could they say that the two people have the same illness.

The old witch also loves to chop people at every turn.

"Forget it, I won't care about the things in my previous life." Zhao Xing thought, "The old witch was also miserable in her previous life."

Princess Youruo did not marry Liu Tianning in her previous life. During the Dazhi period, she married to the Nanman.

Emperor Jing was defeated in the Pingman War, and the two sides signed a peace treaty. The Yanguang Royal Court proposed to marry a princess to show the goodwill between the two countries.

Princess Youruo married to the Yanguang Royal Court, which was the Babok tribe that controlled the sandworms.

"Emperor Jing originally planned to pick a princess to deal with, but he didn't expect Princess Youruo to take the initiative to ask for marriage." Zhao Xing thought, "Could it be because of a quarrel with Old Liu?"

He thought it was very likely.

Zhao Xing was puzzled by Emperor Jing's marriage to Princess Youruo.

Because even if Emperor Jing was defeated, he only lost half of Yingyuan Prefecture, and the Great Zhou was still strong, so there was no need to use his beloved daughter to marry.

"Because Old Liu broke his heart, so he decided to marry far away to the Nanman?"

"Her marriage caused me to fight a hard battle in the Yanguang Royal Court for nine years." Zhao Xing sighed.

Why did Mr. Zhao sigh so much? Because Emperor Wu was brought up by Princess Youruo during his youth.

Including the later [Prince Trial], Princess Youruo also helped Emperor Wu a lot.

Later, this relative who was like a mother and a sister was married to the Southern Barbarians. Princess Youruo often wrote letters to Emperor Wu to complain.

Before Emperor Wu ascended the throne, he vowed to destroy the Yanguang Royal Court and bring his sister back.

So Emperor Wu’s first goal in pacifying the Barbarians was to destroy the Yanguang Royal Court.

In his previous life, Master Zhao fought in the Yanguang Royal Court for nine years in tears just to bring back the old witch.

"Alas, it turns out that it is the bad fate between you two that makes the players miserable." Zhao Xing finally understood now.


Time passed, and an hour later.

In the Lingxiu Hot Spring, Ji Zixuan pushed away the clouds and looked up in a certain direction.

Zhao Xing was sitting on the hill with his back to this side.

"What a gentleman." Ji Zixuan's face flushed, and she licked her lips, "For so long, you didn't even peek at me."

Ji Zixuan walked out of the hot spring, she looked at the reflection in the hot spring, the beauty inside had creamy skin and a perfect figure, and looked extremely attractive in the hot spring mist.

Ji Zixuan stroked her face: "The teacher asked me to get close to him, but he was not moved at all."

Ji Zixuan had no resistance to Princess Youruo's arrangement. Although Ji Zixuan was born in the royal family, she was of low status and her mother's family was not strong. She had worked hard to get a place in the Taoist Academy.

Being in the palace, she could not escape the fate of marriage in the future.

After reading Zhao Xing's resume, she felt that this person was a good match.

However... Ji Zixuan was good at observing people's expressions, and she could see that Zhao Xing was not interested in her for the time being.

"Not interested for the time being does not mean that I will never be interested." Ji Zixuan smiled lightly and quickly took out a set of clothes from the box next to her.

She changed into a simple and elegant outfit, not as gaudy as before.

Then she practiced the technique, and her temperament changed greatly, no longer showing any seductiveness, and her face became more heroic.

After a little tidying up, Ji Zixuan flew towards Zhao Xing: "Thank you, senior brother, for taking care of me. I have absorbed the spiritual spring here to its limit."

"Yeah." Zhao Xing didn't even raise his head.

This time it's not that I'm pretending to be offline, but I really can't find the energy.

Because the Mao hour was here, his thoughts were all on the Thirty-six Qimen Peak in the Sea of ​​Clouds.

They found the place at the third quarter of the Yin hour, and then Zhao Xing, Xia Jing, Chen Shijie, and Ji Zijun waited until the seventh quarter of the Mao hour.


At this time, thirty-six peaks suddenly appeared in the vast sea of ​​white clouds.

The green and verdant mountain peaks are like the natural foundation of the formation, moving according to a certain trajectory in the sea of ​​clouds.


The sea of ​​clouds surged, and bursts of glow emanated from the mountain peaks. After being refracted by the sea of ​​clouds, a golden portal was formed in the sky.

There is a secret pattern emerging on the golden door, exuding a dense atmosphere.

By the time the portal was completely stabilized, it was already a quarter of an hour later.

Xia Jing, Chen Shijie, and Ji Ziyun witnessed all this happening and couldn't help but be stunned.

"A heavenly gate actually appeared."

"Oh my God, my heart is almost beating out of my chest!"

Ji Zijun covered her chest.

This is because the feeling of the beauty of heaven and earth is too strong and it is too close.

It couldn't be considered a whim, the four people were trembling all over.

"Zhao Zhao Zhao...fuck!" Xia Jing started to use his skills, and then he regained control of his body and stopped shaking.

"What now?"

Zhao Xing was equally excited. He smiled and said, "Have you ever heard of the story of the fish leaping over the dragon's gate?"

"I've heard of it!" Xia Jing said: "It is rumored that there was an ancient Dragon Court on the coast of the East China Sea. The Dragon Court had a magical weapon. Every once in a while, the Dragon Court would open a portal and attract dragon sons and grandsons."

"If you can jump over the dragon gate, no matter you are a small fish, a big fish, a shrimp, a soldier or a crab, you can transform into a dragon in one day!"

"Not bad." Zhao Xing pointed to the Heavenly Gate, "What we have to do now is to jump over that Heavenly Gate!"

"The gate of the Tao naturally formed by the cave contains all the dharma of heaven and earth. If you and I jump over it, our realm of Tao and dharma will skyrocket."

"Huh?" Xia Jing was stunned, "I heard the word fish, but I didn't react?!"

"Hahaha!" Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie couldn't help laughing together.

Faced with such a great opportunity, Xia Jing, a man who naturally hates eating fish, actually stopped vomiting.

"Three brothers, follow me and charge forward! Cross the Heavenly Gate!"

Zhao Xing took the lead in Soaring Cloud and rushed towards the huge portal in the sky.

Over the primeval forest, a black dragon warship flew from north to east.

Liang Ruohai, Ji Dan, Xie Kuiguang and others were discussing on the warship.

"Although I have joined the top exploration team, the advanced tasks in the military world are also very arduous. Every few days, a certain number of treasures must be handed in." Ji Dan thought.

"Xie Kuiguang, go downstairs to find Mr. Ding. After arriving at Daofeng Mountain, follow Mr. Liang's instructions and go to these areas to collect treasures."

"Yes, sir." General Xie Kuiguang immediately responded and walked away.

After giving instructions to his subordinates, Ji Dan walked to the viewing platform.

At this time, Liang Ruohai was holding a pair of simple black and white disks and placed a few crystal-clear jade bones on it.

"Teacher, is there any result?" Ji Dan walked over and stared at the black and white disk.

Liang Ruohai looked at the cracked jade bones and thought hard.

Ji Dan saw that he was silent and didn't bother him. He just waited quietly.

After a moment, Liang Ruohai raised his head:

"The jade bone is cracked by one inch, which is two inches shorter than the previous calculation. The blessed bone is upside down and there are signs of collapse."

"What do you mean, teacher?"

"For some reason, the young master's opportunity came to an abrupt end." Liang Ruohai stared at the bones on the black and white disk, "It's as if someone had interrupted him."

Ji Dan frowned and said in a low voice: "Being interrupted? What does the teacher mean, is someone plotting against me?"

Liang Ruohai thoughtfully said: "It may not be aimed at the young master, but the divination results do seem like someone took the lead and got the opportunity that should have belonged to the young master."

"Maybe it's a coincidence."

Ji Dan raised his eyebrows and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "Teacher, how can there be so many coincidences in the world?"

"Someone must be plotting against me!"

Liang Ruohai remained silent.

Ji Dan said: "Teacher, Brother Nineteen and Brother Fifteen have both come to Yangcheng. Do you think this is a coincidence?"

"Teacher, please help me!"

Liang Ruohai nodded: "Please sir, go get the black dragon essence and blood, dragon blood and bone marrow."

"I will figure out who stole your opportunity."

Ji Dan gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, if the result is calculated, teacher, please don't hide it and tell me as soon as possible! No matter who it is, I will not let him have an easy time!"

Tianmen is a naturally formed avenue portal in the cave sky, which contains the revealed principles of the upgrading and evolution of the world.

If understanding the Tao in the outside world is like using a small reed stick to absorb water, then jumping over the Tianmen is equivalent to pouring water directly into the stomach.

But the process of climbing to Tianmen is not easy.

The portal formed by thirty-six strange peaks carries the pressure of heaven and earth.

It was obviously only a hundred meters high, but when Zhao Xing flew over, he felt as if he had flown a hundred thousand meters.

It feels like it was the way of Zhenjun Lihuo back then.

If Zhao Xing hadn't reached the Tiangang realm now, he might not have been able to pass through the Tianmen.


Finally, Zhao Xingfei arrived in front of Tianmen.

One step forward and the world spins.

Xia Jing, Chen Shijie and Ji Ziyun behind him were blurred.

A distorted, colorful starry sky appeared around him.

Countless insights of the Tao flashed in front of Zhao Xing.

Some of the flashing lights even gave Zhao Xing an illusion: after touching it, he could become an immortal and achieve immortality.

Other Taos exuded an extremely powerful light, as if learning them could destroy the world.

But Zhao Xing knew that most of the "Tao" were false.

It was an illusion.

"After crossing the Tianmen, the Tao you see is only real."

Zhao Xing closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.

He did not pursue the Tao he had not learned, but began to use the Tao he knew.

"Crossing the Tianmen, a sixth-grade spell cannot be mastered by a top-level spell. I must resist the temptation."

"Among the high-level spells I have learned, the most worthy of breakthrough are undoubtedly the Great Derivation Sutra, the Divination Method, the Turtle Coin Gua Method, and the Five Fingers of Destiny."

The rest of the methods can find ways to help improve.

But it is very difficult to make a breakthrough in the fate spells during the Great Zhou period.

If there is no chance, it would take Zhao Xing many years to break through to a higher level.

This is not a question of talent, but the great ambition of Taizu to establish the Tao. Except for the [Fate Officials] of the court, no one else can successfully cultivate to a higher level.

Now is a great opportunity!

"Break through the Five Fingers of Destiny first."

Zhao Xing made a decision quickly. Because the Turtle Money Divination Method requires a turtle.

He was so excited just now that he forgot to take the turtle shell on the boat.

"Break through this spell first."

Even at this time, there are still many temptations.

For example, a starlight floated in front of Zhao Xing, and there seemed to be a top-notch destiny deduction method in that light.

However, Zhao Xing had experienced many trials in the Heart-Searching Platform, and his Tao heart was very firm, so he ignored these temptations.

"Five Fingers of Destiny."

Zhao Xing pinched his fingers and began to deduce what would happen to him in the future.


The whole starry sky began to flicker.

Zhao Xing's thoughts seemed to be infinitely magnified!

The full picture of the Ten Yang Cave Heaven appeared in his body!

"At this moment, Shiyang Cave Heaven is my inner five elements world, and the deduction effect of the five fingers of destiny has been infinitely magnified." Zhao Xing understood in his heart.

Destiny is my destiny!

At this moment, Shiyang Cave Heaven briefly served as Zhao Xing's 'inner five elements world', the foundation of deduction.

Any price will be borne by the cave heaven, and will not act on Zhao Xing.


Zhao Xing was in the Inverted Peak Mountains, but he saw Yangcheng.

With a thought, he even saw the Eighteen Trees of Sophora japonica Courtyard.

All the furnishings inside appeared completely clearly in his mind.

"My will has briefly become the will of Shiyang Cave Heaven. This is the real power of heaven and earth."

"Destiny professions are really terribly strong at this point."

Zhao Xing said secretly.

Not only Yangcheng, but also maps such as the Midnight Sea and the Crimson Lake all appeared in front of Zhao Xing.

He could see any place he wanted to see.

However, when his eyes fell on a high tower above Yangcheng, he immediately looked away.

The tower was suspended in the void, completely unaffected by the sudden changes in the cave, as if it existed independently of the cave world.

The reason why Zhao Xing quickly looked away was because there were three terrifying auras in it.

"That should be where the three kings are."

Zhao Xing only took a look and quickly looked away, even extinguishing his thoughts, pretending that he had not seen this scene.

At the same time, in the Hundred Soldiers Tower.

King Tianyan, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction in confusion.

King Luohou opened his eyes immediately afterwards and also felt something vaguely.

King Lingde, he only felt the abnormality of the two kings.

"What's wrong with you two?"

King Lingde felt that the two were in a state of combat in an instant.

"It seems..." King Tianyan frowned, "Something looked at me."

"You also felt it?" King Luohou said, "It seems that someone is calculating me."

The two are of very high grade, Yuanhun Realm, not only the life soul, but also the cause and effect soul has become extremely powerful.

If someone calculates, the Yuanhun Realm strong will feel it.

Moreover, they are more sensitive with the blessing in the Hundred Soldiers Tower.

"What happened? Who dares to spy on you?" King Lingde asked.

"It may not be spying." King Tianyan's pupils turned, and then returned to normal after a moment. "Perhaps it is the deduction of the Fortune Plate, which involves me and Luohou."

"Yes." King Luohou nodded and agreed: "Your Majesty is going to invade the Nanman on a large scale. Maybe Tianyan and I will have to go to the battlefield."

"It is normal that Tianyan and I are involved in the crazy deduction of the Fortune Plate at this time."

Neither of them thought about it elsewhere.

Because they were in the Hundred Soldiers Tower, they were the highest level in the military world!

The Great Zhou Taizu cut another knife to the destiny profession.

Enemy calculation?


The only explanation is that the court's fate official, or the Fortune Plate, conducted a large-scale deduction, involving them.

"Okay." King Lingde heard this and said, "It seems that my strength is low and I am not qualified to make calculations on the upper plate."

"Haha." King Tianyan and King Luohou both laughed.

After Zhao Xing avoided the Hundred Soldiers Tower, he immediately scanned the other directions.

He saw many portals in the Ten Yang Cave Heaven.

For example, the 'Blue Lake Entrance', the mountain portal standing on Wupan Mountain, and the 'Golden Dragon Portal' inside Dayuan Mansion...

"There are nine portals in total. This is the same as what I know. Wait...what is that?"

Zhao Xing suddenly focused his eyes.

It fell on a mountain range in the south. Under the mountain range, there was a quaint palace looming.

The breath from outside was faintly filtered through, and Zhao Xing could tell at this time that the boundary wall of this palace was very weak and met the conditions of the 'cave heaven portal'.

But there seems to be a difference.

"This...why is there a portal in Shiyang Cave?" Zhao Xing was surprised and confused.

The mysterious palace is suspected to be the tenth portal. This is so surprising!

Zhao Xing had never heard of it in his previous life.

But he couldn't see through the mysterious palace.

"This palace still feels vaguely familiar."

Many doubts arose in Zhao Xing's heart.

However, he couldn't see through the palace at this time, and it disappeared from the "calculation field of view" for just a moment.

Zhao Xing then continued to calculate, and the results always led to other directions.

The mysterious palace seemed to block the deduction of heavenly secrets.

"Time is running out."

Zhao Xing just wrote down the location, and then began to deduce whether there would be any danger or abnormality in the future.

As for the treasure in the cave? No need to calculate this, Mr. Zhao knows it himself.

Counting with fingers, countless figures of 'himself' appeared in various parts of Shiyang Cave soon.

These figures are either digging mountains, diving, flying in the air, or sitting in high-rise boats.

Countless figures are doing different things.

Zhao Xing ignored those non-combat scenes and only watched his own fighting scenes.


Zhao Xing looked at one of the scenes, and suddenly his heart beat wildly. "What? Why did I get into a fight with Lord Blood Spirit?"

Who is the Blood Spirit Venerable? Zhao Xing once encountered the split soul body of Xuantian Sect in Gucheng. He was also the one who planned the arrest.

"It's impossible. How could Lord Blood Spirit appear in Shiyang Cave? There's no reason for him to come in..."

"Is it that palace?"

Xuantian Sect, Lord Blood Spirit... After calculating, Zhao Xing suddenly thought of a possibility and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

"Could it be said that the ten days in the sky in the previous life did not occur naturally, but were man-made?"

"The one who started the figurines is the Xuantian Sect?"

Thanks to the Silver Alliance of ‘Death or Destruction’, this is the first time in my life!

Thank you, boss!

I'm a little stuck today, so I'll update 10,000 words first.

There will definitely be more updates! Don’t worry, boss!

In addition, I recommended a book to a friend who needs to follow up and test the water. Please help me click on it. Thank you.

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