Shennong Daojun

Update status for June and plans for July

First, let me talk about the situation of the overdue updates:

At the beginning of June, the minimum update plan was set to update 8,000 words per day.

At that time, 16 updates were owed, which is 64,000 words calculated based on 4,000 words per update.

In June, 300,000 words were updated! As shown in the figure below:

So the overall situation is that 15 updates of 60,000 words were paid back. There is only one update left in May.

However, there were two leaders in June, and the monthly votes were increased to 50,000 by the brothers and sisters.

So, the alliance leader + the monthly votes, a total of 14 updates + plus the one update that was not paid back last month, the captain still owed 15 updates.

In general, it was a lonely payment.

What's more annoying is that these monthly tickets were voted on 28/29/30, and more than 20,000 votes were added in three days. It didn't expose much to the book, and it also increased a lot of update burden.

But once the rules are set, they must be recognized, so I plan to grit my teeth in July and pay off the debt with a burst of updates!

The update plan is still 8,000 guaranteed, 4,000 monthly tickets + one update, plus one update for the leader.

Now my schedule has been adjusted to the mortal world, and I will strive to update 12,000 a day. If I work hard, I will update 18,000 a day.

In addition, everyone, please vote for the guaranteed monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. Don't just vote later, the list at the beginning of the month is the most important!

Please vote for the guaranteed monthly tickets! Please vote for the guaranteed monthly tickets! Please vote for the guaranteed monthly tickets!

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