Shennong Daojun

Chapter 211 In the spring of the eighteenth year of the Jingxin calendar, the reward has arrived! (6

King Luohou was at a loss after the Soul Sacrifice Pass was taken down.

Because the bet between him and King Lingde started on November 10, when Liu Tianning had just arrived in the war zone for a few days.

He and King Lingde bet that Zhao Xing could solve the problem within 40 days and the Soul Sacrifice Pass would be taken down.

As a result, the Soul Sacrifice Pass was not taken down until the end of December.

"Hahaha, Luohou, I will gladly accept these two seventh-level magic weapons of yours!" King Lingde smiled happily. "Thank you."

King Luohou's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

Zhao Xing's performance was in line with his expectations.

But the speed of taking down the Soul Sacrifice Pass was still a few days slower.

"If you bet for two months, Lingde will definitely lose." King Tianyan shook his head and said, "It's a pity that there are only a few days difference."

"A few days difference is still a difference, I am willing to accept the loss." King Luohou said, "The resistance of the Soul Sacrifice Pass this time is still slightly beyond my expectations."

"Look at the intelligence submitted by Yingyuan Prefecture. If it weren't for Zhao Xing's amazing performance, it might take until next year to take down the Soul Sacrifice Pass."

King Tianyan and King Lingde saw something special.

The military supplies provided by Zhao Xing far exceeded expectations.

That's why the Six Armies Alliance was able to continue to attack in the last month, especially the Hunyuan warships in the second half of the month, the attack almost never stopped.

If it weren't for the logistics supply, the Soul Sacrifice Pass would really be fought until next year as King Luohou said.

"But why did the Shenwei Army stop fighting?" King Lingde asked in confusion.

"Commander Liao Rulong had a conflict with Yi Yue." King Luohou said in a deep voice, "Liao Rulong missed the opportunity to fight and stopped chasing halfway. Yi Yue had a big quarrel with him, and Qi Yuanjun and Nangong Ye also parted ways with them."

"It may not be a good thing for a partner to be too strong. They will separate sooner or later." King Tianyan said, "But Liao Rulong is lucky. Maybe a truce will be coming soon. If we chase him at this time, we won't have much merit. The danger is greater than the opportunity."

"Truefight?" King Lingde and King Luohou both looked at King Tianyan, "Why don't I know?"

King Tianyan pondered and said, "I am also guessing. There is no definite news yet."

King Luohou said, "If a truce is really coming soon, it is a safe strategy to stop chasing at this time."

If a high-level war is really going to start, there must be high-level strongmen who come to the front line to prepare.

At that time, there must be a period of chaos, and both sides will no longer strictly abide by the rule that "high-level people cannot attack low-level people."

If they are not careful, they may bump into the area where high-quality soldiers appear. At that time, not only will they not have any military merits, but they will also lose soldiers and generals.

Even if they don't encounter them, they have to retreat after receiving an order, which means they still fight in vain.

"Luo Hou, I may lose to you." King Tianyan was somewhat helpless. If there is a truce, Xia Jing and Zhao Xing have not yet reached the level of being conferred the second-class marquis.

It can only be said that Emperor Jing is more impatient than expected. He wants to start a real war before training for a long time.

Sacrifice Soul Pass, a separate courtyard.

"Inner Five Elements Heaven and Earth, Heaven's Destiny is my destiny, Heaven's Fortune is my fortune, and Heaven's Longevity is my longevity."

"Yin and Yang are my own self, Five Elements Heaven and Earth, and in the end, the self-faction is the kingly way." Zhao Xing sighed in his heart.

Now it is the first month of the eighteenth year of Jingxin calendar. Since the victory of the Sacrifice Soul Pass, the Shenwei Army, the Xuanjia Army, and the Zhenhai Army have rested on the spot.

He had nothing to do in Tonghuo City, so he came to the Sacrifice Soul Pass to practice.

The area of ​​100 miles around the Soul Sacrifice Pass has been transformed.

Its damage is not as serious as that of the Fire Dragon Pass. The Yin Five Elements Array of the Xuantian Sect is still in operation. Only the barrier in the southern section cannot be restored.

In the Yin Five Elements Heaven and Earth Array, Zhao Xing's understanding of the Yin and Yang Self Sutra and the Five Fingers of Destiny has become more profound.

Because Liu Tianning taught him the high-level soul-confusing array, which involves the deep Yin and Yang Five Elements.

Secondly, he learned the Self Straw Man, the Five Methods in One, which is actually the shallow "Five Ways in One".

It is also the Five Elements.

Now, he came to this array arranged by the Xuantian Sect again, and felt the rare Yin Five Elements Array, and he had a deeper understanding.

"The Five Fingers of Destiny uses the inner five elements of heaven and earth to combine the five elements of heaven and earth."

"To deduce the fate of the inner heaven and earth is to deduce my own fate."

"I can even vaguely feel how long I can live." Zhao Xing said secretly.

His extra life span reached 150 years, which was obtained by taking various spiritual and luck-enhancing methods.

How long can he live as a seventh-grade earthly evil realm? Less than 150 years.

Shouldn't the more you practice, the longer you should live?

Actually, this is not the case.

Low-grade realms cannot effectively prolong life.

Compared with the shackles of heaven and earth, this realm is simply insignificant.

"In the Yuanqi era, the shackles of destiny are the most difficult to shake among the rules of heaven and earth. There is a rule that determines how long the creatures of all races should live. This is the so-called predetermined fate."

"Practitioners can become very strong, but it is difficult to break the shackles of destiny. Even the emperor of the Qiyun Dynasty can only live for a thousand years."

"After the recovery of spiritual energy, the world changed dramatically and entered the spiritual energy era. The upper limit of the shackles of destiny became higher, and the lifespan of creatures of all races also increased."

"In ancient times, Xuanhuang Continent also had a spiritual energy era. Giants were rampant on the land. Whether animals or plants, they were extremely large. Even a small grass could live for a long time. The rare treasures now can be seen everywhere at that time."

"After the era of natural disasters, the status of heaven and earth was reduced to the 'vitality level', and everything shrank accordingly, and the upper limit of life span was also reduced accordingly."

Every time Zhao Xing was promoted, he could see the 'giants' in the court in the illusion, especially Emperor Jing, who was even larger in size, which also meant that his 'destiny' was stronger than others and he could live longer.

Zhao Xing began to calculate how long he had to live before he could wait for the hope of immortality.

"There are still nineteen years in the Jingxin calendar. After thirty-seven years in the Jingxin calendar, it will be the Dazhi and Yongzhi years. The two periods add up to 158 years, and Emperor Jing will die."

"That means there are still 177 years in the Jingdi period."

"The Emperor Wu who came after him lived for 1,020 years. He broke the shackles of the emperor's life span in the Qiyun Dynasty, but he still didn't go any further."

"After Emperor Wu, there was Emperor Yuan. From here on, the Great Zhou Dynasty began to experience internal and external troubles and natural disasters, and its luck began to decline. There were a total of fifteen emperors, with an average lifespan of more than a hundred years. Roughly speaking, it's 1,700 years."

"The spiritual energy will revive after that, which means I have to live for nearly three thousand years." Zhao Xing said secretly. "The road to immortality is long."

"We have to take it step by step, and first achieve the goal of the fifth rank during the reign of Emperor Jing."

"Now my military merits have reached 1.6 million, ranking 45th on the seventh rank military merit list."

"Not counting the temporary promotion of the Shenwei Army, my current official rank is the lower seventh rank."

"Currently I am in the Shenwei Army, following Liao Rulong's troops, and I have never been defeated."

"With my military merits, if I am rewarded, I will definitely be promoted three levels, so I should be able to reach the sixth rank."

"Old Chen and Long Xiao have a higher starting point than me, they should be able to reach the sixth rank."

"With 1.6 million military merits, the title will not be upgraded and will remain the third-class marquis. Although this is not a military marquis, but just an idle marquis, he can also have 160,000 acres of low-grade good land and 1,600 households of food."

"The title of a casual official should be the fifth-level county council doctor, who can participate in important decision-making discussions in the county city and have some say at the prefecture level and can make suggestions."

"The honorary rank should be able to reach the sixth level. As long as he is in office, in addition to the salary, the additional bonus should be 300,000 points per year."

The bonus for the honorary rank is calculated based on the points of the military world, because the bonus for the honorary rank is issued by the military world.

After the Great Zhou expanded its territory, its territory would generate a lot of income, and part of the tax revenue from this income would be used to pay the soldiers who won the honorary rank.

The military class must be the richest class in the Great Zhou!

Therefore, the soldiers of the Great Zhou were also keen on expanding their territory. Because even after retirement, the bonus brought by the honorary rank is still one-third to one-half of that when they were in office.

Zhao Xing's official title and honors were not high, because his previous million military merits were used to exchange for Yin God quotas.

"If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a truce in February, and the entire Pingman battlefield will begin to withdraw troops, and the rewards will be completed in March."

"Then there will be a change in the Ten Yang Cave Heaven, and a large number of heaven and earth spirits will begin to appear." Zhao Xing sorted out the future direction.

"The explosive appearance of the spirit of heaven and earth lasted for half a year. In September, the two levels reversed, and the ten suns were in the sky, and a disaster that destroyed the world appeared."

"In October of the same year, Emperor Jing reopened the low- and medium-level battlefields and continued to train military strategies."

"After that, it continued to fight until the 28th year of the Jingxin calendar, and gradually invested in medium-level combat power, with the highest being the fourth level. From the 29th to the 35th year, the war continued to escalate, and the third to the first level successively died."

"In the 35th year, the war failed, and King Liang colluded with the sects and the Nanman forces to rebel. In the 37th year, the rebellion was suppressed and the war ended completely. After that, it was the Dazhi calendar, and Emperor Jing began to make people and breed offspring. In the Yongzhi calendar, the successor was determined..."

"The window period of the Nanman battlefield will last for a period after the Shiyang Cave Heaven, but I must grasp the degree, otherwise I will not be able to get away at that time." Zhao Xing said secretly.

If the official is promoted to a high position, it is impossible to get away whenever you want. After all, the army is not a place where you can come and go freely.

You are given an official position to do things, and there are only a few moments to get out of it.

Once you miss it, Zhao Xing will have to continue fighting and participate in the middle and high-end battlefields, and he will be cannon fodder.

The Great Zhou is now full of talents, Liu Tianning, Fan Zhaoli, Lu Bang, Tan Taiming... These old-fashioned fifth- and fourth-rank officials have lived for one or two hundred years, or even three or four hundred years.

It is not Zhao Xing's turn to take the position. Lv Yuanwei, the son of luck, also lost in the battlefield later, and finally just barely maintained an official position below the fifth rank.

If he is like this, others are even more dangerous.

"Enjoy the blessings you should enjoy, and avoid the disasters you should avoid." Zhao Xing said, "I am not strong now, and my status is too low. I must put an end to greed and don't try to affect the situation of the battlefield."

Practicing the Five Fingers Destiny also sounded a warning to Zhao Xing. He calculated the fate of the Soul Sacrifice Pass and Lao Chen, and they were all backfired, not to mention that he was involved in the entire Pingman War?

Yan San's luck is indeed good, but in the later stages of the war, there are many people who are stronger than Zhao Xing.

Take Lv Yuanwei for example, Zhao Xing estimated that his luck has reached at least Yan Liu!

Because he was born in Lvliang Prefecture, this Lv is another king of a different surname. Lv Yuanwei is the direct descendant of the king, and he has great luck!

Comparing him, we can see the danger of the mid-to-high-end battlefield.

"The goal during the Jing Emperor period was to develop. Now, no matter my connections, strength, or luck, I have not yet gained momentum, and Jing Emperor does not have that destiny. This period is not the time for me to rise to the top and perform."

After sorting out his thoughts and determining his future plans, Zhao Xing closed his eyes and stored his memories in the depths of his soul with the Great Dream Spring and Autumn Technique.

He would not think of them at ordinary times, and they would only be triggered at critical moments. Of course, he could also take the initiative to recall them at certain safe moments.

In the Yuanqi era, there were very few methods of searching the soul. For example, the almost forbidden method of the Soul-binding Grass Man could only obtain memory fragments of the past few days. But Zhao Xing was still cautious to prevent any accidents.

In the following time, Zhao Xing practiced magic in the Sacrifice Soul Pass.

In a short period of time, he put his energy on the [Self Grass Man], because this magic is infinitely useful, and practicing it is equivalent to practicing many kinds of magic.

On January 4, the 18th year of the Jingxin calendar, the transfer ship arrived at the Sacrifice Soul Pass.

Lu Tingzhi planned to find Zhao Xing to "chat about common interests", but heard that Zhao Xing was in seclusion, so he had to give up.

Long Xiao and Chen Shijie exchanged millions of military merits for the quota of Yin Gods and completed the procedure of Tianhun living in the temple.

Xia Jing didn't do this because he didn't need to. His father had already made great contributions and blessed his descendants. As the prince, Xia Jing already had such treatment.

Wen Shaoyang didn't choose the Yin God quota. The rest of the people, Jiang Ming and Li Que, were not qualified because their performance was not outstanding, and their military exploits in the Sacrifice Soul Pass were not as many as those in the Fire Dragon Pass.

On January 12 of the Jingxin calendar, Qi Yuanjun, Yi Yue, and Nangong Ye's attack was unfavorable. The 'Minghun' and 'Longyang Taoist' who retreated to Linggui City seized the opportunity to counterattack, and the three armies lost thousands of people.

Greedy for merit and reckless, and without logistical supplies, the three main generals realized that the people in the Holy Spirit Royal Court were not pure losers. Most of them had Zhao Xing's assistance before, which caused such an illusion.

But because of this incident, the relationship between the three and Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang dropped to the freezing point.

They believed that if Liao Rulong continued to follow up, with Zhao Xing leading 100,000 logistics troops, they would not be defeated in Linggui City.

Especially Yi Yue, after retreating, reported the battle situation to the main force on the northern line.

He actually publicly denounced Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang as fools.

But when it comes to Zhao Xing, he thinks Zhao Xing is a talent, and Liao Rulong is not worthy of having a logistics general like Zhao Xing.

Qi Yuanjun and Nangong Ye, although not as extreme as Yi Yue, also lowered their evaluation of Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang when reporting the battle situation.

However, their statements are relatively objective.

The Shenwei Army can be regarded as a strong army. For example, Long Xiao, Chen Shijie, and Zhao Xing all have a good reputation in their mouths.

It is the main generals Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang who are indecisive and unable to seize the opportunity.

Qi Yuanjun, Yi Yue, and Nangong Ye are the top three strong generals on the seventh-grade battle merit list.

They have a wide network of contacts and have broken through the soul sacrifice pass. Naturally, what they say has a great impact.

The reputation of Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang has been greatly reduced, while Zhao Xing's reputation has risen sharply.

"Yi Yue has a bad temper. He scolded the main general Liao Rulong so much, but he praised Zhao Xing quite a lot. It seems that Zhao Xing has done a good job."

Wei Hong in the Tiger Dragon Army couldn't help but smile when he saw the letter. He and Yi Yue were good friends.

Yi Yue's attack was frustrated. The hundreds of thousands of military merits he had accumulated before were reduced by 120,000 or 130,000. Naturally, he complained to his friends at the first time.

"If it is really what Lao Yi said, then Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang really don't deserve the great praise before." Wei Hong said to himself.

The most famous people who took down Huolong Pass were not Zhao Xing, but Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang.

Most of Zhao Xing's fame came from "killing Qian Shougang".

Because those two were the main generals, they praised Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang at the beginning.

But after the spread of the three powerful armies, the reputation of Liao Rulong and Wen Shaoyang also declined a lot.

"Asshole! Yi Yue, this asshole! How dare he say that to me!" At the Soul Sacrifice Pass, the City Lord's Mansion, Liao Rulong was furious, "When have I ever been a coward? Fuck your ancestors!"

Liao Rulong was so angry at this moment that he took the letter in his hand and tore it to pieces.

Because in the public battle report that Yi Yue gave to the commander of the Yuanhua Army, he directly said that he, Liao Rulong, was a coward and a fool, who delayed the opportunity to fight and was not worthy of being a general. Yes, these words were used.

The letter written to a friend was even more unbearable!

It is conceivable how angry Liao Rulong was after he found out.

"Fuck his mother, I am a sixth-rank captain, and he is only a seventh-rank captain. He actually commented on me like a superior. I can't stand with this person!" Liao Rulong roared.

Pu Zhong was very calm. After Liao Rulong had finished venting, he said, "Yi Yue is a simple person. At least he scolded you publicly, not the kind of person who secretly did bad things."

"You are still speaking for him?" Liao Rulong snorted, but he didn't continue to get angry.

It is not uncommon for the two armies to fall apart when they cooperate, especially when they are strong and weak.

He agreed with Pu Zhong's words, and he understood that Yi Yue was angry.

But understanding is understanding, but he still can't stand this bird's anger!

"Just don't cooperate in the future." Pu Zhong comforted, "You also said that you are a sixth-rank official, so you should be more magnanimous than him."

"You don't say anything, and you don't have to explain to others, which can show your magnanimity."

Zhao Xing also learned the news that Yi Yue, Qi Yuanjun and others failed in the attack, and also learned that Yi Yue scolded Liao Rulong.

"This hot-tempered old man really scolded the wrong person." Zhao Xing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It was me who persuaded Lao Chen, Long Xiao, and Xia Jing. These three people have a lot of say, so Liao Rulong decided not to continue the attack."

"If he wanted to scold someone, he should have scolded me, but he praised me instead."

However, as the commander-in-chief, Liao Rulong has to bear the praise and the blame.

Zhao Xing is just a commander, no one can scold him.

On January 20, rumors of a truce spread among the army.

On January 21, Yang An and Jia Pu issued formal orders to Liao Rulong's and Wen Shaoyang's troops, prohibiting them from continuing to attack.

January 21st to 24th.

There are strong men above level six appearing in every line of the Fire Demon Clan's territory, some from the enemy and some from our own side.

On this day, Zhao Xing also came out of the underground. He sent a straw man on a flying boat to patrol east of the Soul Sacrifice Pass, and at the same time activated the Heavenly Eye Technique.

Four hundred miles east of the Soul Sacrifice Pass, many large cities appeared. The gloomy air in the city was overwhelming, and the dark clouds were thick and lingering.

A thousand-meter-tall ghost giant appeared in front of him, holding a giant ax and staring eagerly.

Zhao Xing glanced at it from a distance. He almost collapsed and had to retreat quickly.

There are also strong men on our side.

Yang An, a fourth-rank general, came to the Soul Sacrifice Pass in person, accompanied by Jia Pu, a counselor of the fourth rank, and eight former generals of the fifth rank.

Experts from the Xuanjia Army also came. Mingwei Hou Xiang Kui sent his deputy general ‘Zhang Jue’, a fourth-grade military general.

There is also a fourth-grade military sergeant named Li Yuanzhen.

There are also seven fifth-level people, including priests, counselors, warriors, and sorcerers.

Although the Xuanjia Army only has more than 10,000 people, Xia Jing has a special status, so the people sent by Xiang Kui are also very strong.

In addition, Liu Tianning and Fan Zhaoli were also present in person.

Among them, Liu Tianning came on his own initiative, while Fan Zhaoli came at Tian Yan's request.

The most eye-catching ones are 'Liu Tianning' from the Supervision Department and Li Yuanzhen from the Xuanjia Army.

On the way back, Zhao Xing's straw man saw Liu Tianning arriving on the clouds. He directly rolled up all his scouts and boats, including Zhao Xing, and threw them back.

"Hoo~" In just an instant, this strong wind blew thousands of people on our side fifty miles away.

At the same time, Liu Tianning pointed forward, and his voice spread across the sky with the strong wind: "The boundary of the truce will be determined from now on. If you dare to take a step forward, you will be killed without mercy!"


The ground surged like waves, and a shadow enveloped dozens of miles of front, and then the shadow glowed faintly.

Towering trees rise from the ground, each one over 500 meters tall!

They shone brightly on the battlefield, with some big trees flashing with thunder, and some big trees spewing flames... As a strong man of the Self Sect, Liu Tianning's move directly shocked everyone.

"They are all seventh-level plant soldiers!" Zhao Xing frowned, "Isn't Lao Liu only a fifth-level official? His strength is definitely more than fifth-level."

It is simply astonishing that pure Yuan projection can be cast so far and can support so many seventh-level plant soldiers.

Li Yuanzhen took the Yunyulou boat and followed closely behind. He reached out and pointed to the sky. The clouds dispersed and the sun shone brightly.

A light green solar terms were suspended in the air, driving away the dark clouds in the distance.

"At the beginning of the Spring Festival, he has changed the weather and time of this thousand-mile radius. The realm of Yin and Five Elements has become balanced between Yin and Yang. He must have reached the 'settled state'."

Far away, Zhao Xing could feel the vitality of spring, and a touch of green appeared on the earth. It was originally a barren land that was eroded by the Yin Qi and was barren of grass.

Now he is changed by Li Yuanzhen!

Zhao Xing looked at Li Yuanzhen and Liu Tianning, "Lao Liu is really fierce. Li Yuanzhen is a fourth-grade man, and there are men who can reach the second-grade position behind him. Now, at a glance, Lao Liu is even more powerful than Li Yuanzhen."

"As soon as they arrived, there was a real truce. It seems that this time point has not changed."

In February of the eighteenth year of the Jingxin calendar, all major war zones on the Pingman battlefield entered a state of truce.

In the four royal courts and the five caves, all legions ceased fighting one after another, delineating the boundaries of their defense zones and leaving buffer zones.

A large number of mid-to-high-level strong men took over the battlefield and formed a confrontation.

As for the medium and low-quality products, they began to slowly withdraw from the battlefield.

Zhao Xing also boarded a building boat, crossed the Canglan River, and returned to Shiyang Cave in the military world on February 14.

On February 16, a Tianxin Palace appeared in each of the five caves.

Emperor Jing's reward also started on February 16th.

The merits of soldiers of different ranks in the war will be honored at this moment and will last until March.

Shiyang Cave Heaven, Yangcheng, where the Shenwei Army is stationed.

Zhao Xing, Chen Shijie, Long Xiao, Yu Ziqi and others were all staying at the station.

Suddenly, a column of golden light descended from the golden palace in the sky. The column of light was surrounded by dragons and enveloped the four people.

"Here we come." The four of them looked at each other and quickly walked into the golden light of the cylinder. They were then led by a powerful force and flew towards the palace in the sky.

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