Shennong Daojun

Chapter 192 What? How much did you say he planted? (5K)

"This magic array should not use the Zhaoyang Earth Fire Array, but the Chongguang Earth Fire Array. The array base should not use the 'Earth Copper Soil', but the 'Bawang Gold Sand'."

"Time is tight, and the craftsmen of your Shenwei Army are not very proficient in this, so they can barely be used, but it is best to replace it later."

"How can this fourth-level earth fire lotus be cultivated with the strong base method? Don't you know that the analysis of origin method is the best?"

"Qianwei set up the Yaoguang Return to Origin Array, and the earth vein fire was not fully utilized... Who set up the return to origin array base here?"

Dong He pointed at the planting area around Dongsang Volcano, and Zhao Xing and Wang Ji accompanied him.

Seeing Dong He asking questions, Wang Ji said in a muffled voice: "Reply to the adults, it was done by the subordinate."

Dong He said lightly, "It is understandable that young people are careless. Fortunately, it is only the cultivation of the third and fourth levels. The fifth-level array cannot be messed up. It must be more meticulous."

Wang Ji opened his mouth, and finally just bowed his hands and said yes.

As soon as Dong He came over, he started to point out his work. The problem was that Dong He didn't know anything about it, which made Wang Ji very frustrated.

"Master Zhao." Dong He looked at Zhao Xing again, "I heard that you know a high-level Yuan-Analysis Technique?"

"Yes, it's called..." Zhao Xing was about to speak, but Dong He turned his head away and pointed to a lotus area in front: "You can stand in the Kun position of the fourth-level Earth Fire Yuan-cultivation Array to cast a spell to assist me."

"I will ask the people of the Xuanjia Army to debug the array later. In addition, I will arrange for the Si Nong brought by the Xuanjia Army to help you. In your area, as long as the survival rate exceeds 30%, it will be very good..."

Zhao Xing was a little helpless when he looked at the endless Dong He.

Dong He seemed to be used to giving orders, and he completely regarded himself as his adjutant.

And this man was very decisive, which was due to his extreme confidence in his own knowledge.

After all, in the Xuanjia Army, Dong He was also the master of all the battalions in the army.

In just one hour, the people brought by Zhao Xing were instructed by Dong He.

This guy is really something, what he said is all right, but he is too "fatherly".

No wonder Xia Jingdu has a headache with him.

"Master Dong, should we discuss it again?" Zhao Xing said, "You just arrived in Dongsang City, I see everyone..."

Dong He waved his hand to interrupt Zhao Xing: "Master Zhao, there is no need to discuss it, the matter is urgent..."


A mechanism suddenly sounded from Wang Ji's waist.

A track behind him turned, and a row of crossbow holes appeared behind his shoulder. The mechanism was loaded, and a cold light flashed and aimed at Dong He.

Dong He's words were interrupted, and he looked at Wang Ji in surprise like the people around him.

Wang Ji looked at Dong He and said loudly: "Master Dong has a sharp eye. Please look at this crossbow arrow. Is it useful?"

Dong He glanced at the pocket crossbow arrow on Wang Ji's shoulder and nodded: "Yes."

Wang Ji sneered: "The material used for this thing is the fifth-level Qijin wood planted by Master Zhao."

"Why don't you listen to Master Zhao's opinion?!"

Dong He was silent. He understood why Wang Ji suddenly exploded.

Looking at Wang Ji's eyes, Dong He had no doubt that if he dared to despise Zhao Xing again, this young man would really shoot an arrow at him.

Zhao Xing was interrupted by Dong He again and again. He was angry. At this time, he just kept silent and pretended not to see Wang Ji's rude behavior.

Damn, he really can't tell the difference between the big and small Wang!

Dong He was silent for a moment and nodded: "Please continue what you just said, Lord Zhao."

Seeing this, Zhao Xing glanced at the side and said: "Wang Ji, the brothers of the Xuanjia Army are here to help. You are a little out of control. Go to Han Bing to get punished!"

Wang Ji went to Han Bing to get punished. But those who don't know, after hearing what Zhao Xing said, thought Han Bing was a judicial officer.

It was purely Master Zhao's trick to give Dong He a way out.

"Yes." Wang Ji snorted and left.

"Master Dong." Zhao Xing bowed his hands and said lightly, "What you said just now is not without reason."

"However, it was my order to use the Zhaoyang Earth Fire Array instead of the Chongguang Earth Fire Array. It was also my order to use the Earth Copper Soil instead of the Overlord Gold Sand as the array base."

"The things you said are good, but the price is twice as expensive. My Shenwei Army can't afford such extravagance and waste."

When it comes to professional issues, Dong He is competitive again: "Without these aids, wouldn't the success rate drop? Isn't this another waste?"

Zhao Xing was too lazy to argue with Dong He.

Everyone has different training concepts.

Dong He is used to fighting a rich war. As a sixth-rank military minister, he is equipped with the best in the Xuanjia Army.

But Zhao Xing is used to careful calculations. As long as the configuration can just meet the requirements, it's fine.

Take the Earth Fire Lotus as an example. There is not much difference between the robes made of the fifth-grade inferior and the fifth-grade middle-grade robes when crossing the Flame Mountain.

The two are good at different spells.

Dong He is good at high-level foundation strengthening methods, and he needs these auxiliary methods to strengthen his foundation, but Zhao Xing knows the essence analysis method, which does not require such harsh conditions.

Zhao Xing directly stated his distribution plan: "Master Dong, you and I will each bring people to cultivate the earth fire lotus."

"You need manpower and materials. The Shenwei Army has them, and we will give priority to you."

Give priority to me? Dong He looked at Zhao Xing in confusion.

Why did he feel that Zhao Xing's words had some other meaning.

As if his spells were stronger?

"As for the effect on my side, Master Dong doesn't have to worry about it." Zhao Xing said.

"Well." Dong He nodded: "It's more convenient to do things this way."

After flying back to Dongsang City from the Flame Mountain, Chen Shijie asked, "I heard that you and Dong He don't get along very happily?"

"It spread so quickly?" Zhao Xing said, he had just come back.

"What kind of punishment did you ask Wang Ji to ask Han Bing for? He doesn't care about this."

"Han Bing was so confused that he brought Wang Ji to see me again," Chen Shijie said. "I knew what was going on as soon as I asked."

"He looks down on people a bit." Zhao Xing said, "Wang Ji directly loaded the fifth-level shoulder crossbow in order to let him listen to me quietly."

"Can I make Wang Ji really punished? Just say it casually. By the way, where are the others?"

"Wang Ji is a bit serious. He actually went to the judicial officer and gave him twenty military sticks." Chen Shijie said, "Now Han Bing is applying medicine to his butt."

"..." Zhao Xing couldn't help but was speechless. The machine master couldn't tolerate any sand in his eyes, and Wang Ji even accepted death.

"Hey, they are all stubborn people."

"Why are you going?"

"Go to the military doctor to heal his butt. I'm still waiting for him to start working."

The Earth Fire Lotus seeds were stolen back on August 24th.

The volcano was activated on August 28th.

On September 1st, the number of Earth Fire Lotuses expanded to 150,000.

Since September 1st, Zhao Xing and Dong He have been working together, leading a group of farmers to start cultivating fifth-level earth fire lotus.

One person starts casting the spell from the south of the volcano, and the other starts from the north of the volcano.

Zhao Xing did not break his promise. He handed over most of the elite Zhenhai Army, Shenwei Army, and Xuanjia Army to Dong He for help.

Most of the precious materials prepared for planting were given priority to Dong He.

Others thought it was Dong He who was taking the lead in planting the ground fire lotus.

Chen Shijie and Xia Jing came over to confirm and found that Zhao Xing was not angry, but did not need Dong He's assistance, so they left with peace of mind.

Dongsang volcano, south.

Zhao Xing stepped on the clouds and came to the sky above a magma lake.

"It's Zhao Xing!" He Yu looked at Zhao Xing's figure excitedly. "He's coming."

"Boss, why are you so excited?" someone asked in confusion.

"Hey, high-level magic. How can you not be excited when someone performs a high-level magic in front of you?" He Yu said.

"You don't know, but he and I are quite destined. In the Yunyuguan test of the branch, Zhao Xing and I were in the same group." He Yu said proudly.

"Why don't you tell me about the time you were tricked by Zhao Xing in front of Wanli Lei Pond?" Ouyang Song said with a smile. "This is also fate."

"..." He Yu glared at Ouyang Song, saying, "I don't want to pick up any pot. You kid is about to die of thirst in the Earth Fire Plain."

Zhao Xing glanced down and his voice spread with the wind.

"Everyone, please return to your positions. When I give the order, I will activate the Ksitigarbha Return Formation!"

Wang Ji immediately issued an order, and the workers from the Engineering Department immediately started operating the mechanism.

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Each of the formation bases suspended five meters in the air suddenly fell down.

"Swish, brush, brush, brush~"

The 500 Si Nong below are all of the eighth grade and above, with the highest being the seventh grade.

At present, many magic formations have been arranged in this magma lake, the largest of which is the classic of the Dili Sect, the Ksitigarbha Guiyuan Formation.

Wang Ji led fifty people as the main control team of the mechanism array, while the remaining five hundred agricultural workers stood at various positions to provide vitality for the array and share the pressure on Zhao Xing.

In this place, there are tens of thousands of fire lotuses on the fourth level.

Casting spells one by one is not only slow, but also a waste of Zhao Xing's energy.

Therefore, a large-scale planting auxiliary array is a must.

The current magic circle is just a child's play, not big in scale.

At that time, Caoxi erected the Guiyuan waterwheel in Gucheng and repaired the thirteen Huai canals. The thirteen canals were the foundation of the formation.

It enveloped the entire Gucheng and even cultivated an East Lake Spiritual Mountain.

That range was much larger than it is now.

"One group is in place!"

"The second team is in place!"

"Three groups are in place!"

"Team ten is in place!"

Reports came from everywhere. Ouyang Song and He Yu were the leaders of the Sinong Group.

At this time, his heart was surging and he was shouting at the top of his lungs.

They are only in the eighth grade, but they can participate in the performance of large-scale high-level magic. What an honor it is?

Of course, whether it can be successful or not depends on Zhao Xing!

When everyone was in place, Ouyang Song, He Yu, Han Bing, Wang Ji... hundreds of people looked at Zhao Xing in the sky with fiery eyes.


Zhao Xing gave the order.

The Ksitigarbha Returning Formation was the first to operate, and the vitality of the five hundred Sinongs was injected into the ground.

Zhao Xing felt that the fourth-level fire lotus pond at this moment was filled with infinite vitality!

In terms of geographical conditions, it can’t be better!

Zhao Xing stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, and a solar terms command flew out from Dantian and climbed high into the sky.

There is a sudden change between heaven and earth.

It was as if a blazing sun rose from Zhao Xing's body, and the surroundings suddenly became dull and hot.

The weather and solar terms dictate, Beginning of Summer!


The solar terms fly high, directly breaking through the strong wind layer and hovering at an altitude of two thousand meters.

The solar term order of the fourth realm of knowledge can break through the Gangfeng layer of 4,000 meters, but I want to maximize its power.

Just stop at two thousand meters and that's about it.


Then the second solar term order and the third solar term order appeared.

They flew to 800 meters and stopped.

It is the two solar terms of [Small Heat] and [Great Heat].

Earth Fire Lotus likes the heat, but it is not pure heat, but humid and sultry heat.

So Zhao Xing stood up again.

It quickly enveloped the south of the volcano.

"Pitter patter~"

A light rain fell and fell in the lava lake.

Soon, the weather conditions reached their maximum.

There is a spaceship standing on the south side of the cloud, and Chen Shijie is watching Zhao Xing cast a spell.

He did not participate in the planting of the fourth level, because the Jiujie Camp he led would next cultivate the fifth level earth fire lotus seeds.

"I never thought that the young man who was brought out of Gucheng at that time has become so powerful now." Chen Shijie looked at this scene and remembered the first time he met Zhao Xing during Xiaoshu's assessment.

At that time, Zhao Xing faced the small "grain-eating bird natural disaster" assessment, and the only method he knew was to drive it away.

Even a pile of dead grass has to be competed with other officials.

How many years have passed now?

Then he can change the world in this desolate land of the Southern Barbarians, and take the lead in cultivating the fifth-level Earth Fire Lotus.

"The Beginning of Summer increases minor heat, minor heat and then merges into major heat."

"The fusion of solar terms makes the power of the Three Volts fully come into play."

Chen Shijie was extremely emotional.

Xia Jing and Guan Junyang were also on the boat. Instead of running over to watch Dong He farm, he came to cheer Zhao Xing.

"It's amazing." Guan Junyang sighed, "His Heavenly Time method is completely different from Shiyang Cave Heavenly Time. I'm afraid even Shi Yong can't compare with him."

Shi Yong was the number one genius in Tianshi Academy back then, but now Guan Junyang felt that Zhao Xing was enough to surpass Shi Yong.

In fact, the spells of the Self Sect do not require such good weather and geographical conditions.

But the Earth Fire Lotus is special.

To say it is delicate, it grows in magma.

Would you say it's durable? If the surrounding conditions are slightly worse, it will die for you.

In addition, this time he was going to cast spells on a large scale, so Zhao Xing had to take good care of the Earth Fire Lotus.

"Setsuna Primordial!"

Zhao Xing waved his hand, and stars appeared and fell towards the lotus pond.

The five hundred farmers who had learned the [Five Elements Observation] identification method all looked at this scene with wide eyes.

Because in their microscopic vision, there was a meteor shower in the sky.

Countless meteors hit the lotus pond area.

But most people can only see the outer appearance. After the meteor enters the interior of the Earth Fire Lotus, it is difficult for them to detect it.

There were only a few seventh-grade Sinongs who had practiced the "Yin-Yang Self Sutra" and sixth-grade Sinongs like Chen Shijie, who could be observed.

"The method of the self is as mysterious as it is mysterious." Chen Shijie looked at it for a while and then gave up because he couldn't see anything useful at all.

Even if you use a few fifth-level preaching paintings to learn the high-level spells of the Idol sect, you may not be able to learn them.

As we all know, the threshold for entry into the Self Sect is to start at the fifth level.

In other words, the mainstream view is that only by cultivating to the fifth level and then studying the spells of the ego sect can one become famous.

Among the millions of seventh-level farmers in the five caves, there are only thirty or fifty people who know the high-level spells of the Self Sect.

Counting the sixth-grade Sinong, the number would not exceed two hundred.

In the eyes of Chen Shijie and Guan Junyang, the mature earth fire lotus in the fourth-level lotus pond suddenly started to grow again for some reason.

Experts know the way, but now they, the experts, can't see the way of the Self Sect.

All we know is that in this lotus pond, there are many fourth-level fire lotuses that are beginning to break the shackles of growth, grow again, and transform into the fifth level.

After the first stick of incense passed, fifty fifth-level fire lotus plants appeared and produced fifth-level lotus seeds.

But at this time, Zhao Xing felt that his vitality was declining.

Many lotus flowers are withering in the lotus pond. This is because there are too many earth fire lotus flowers to survive at the same time.


Upon seeing this, Wang Ji immediately organized the mechanics of the Engineering Department to control the second formation base to float up.

Thousands of black cylinders emerged from the ground. This was the foundation of the town they had just laid down.

Wang Ji started two types of guidance formations: Earth Fire and Earth Element.

Its principle is like the water pump used to pump well water in ordinary people's homes, except that this magic circle guides the energy of the earth's veins.

Following Wang Ji's operation, Zhao Xing felt vitality pouring into his body. The number of fourth-level fire lotuses below withered and decreased, while the number of fifth-level fire lotuses increased again.

After taking a short rest, Zhao Xing cast the spell again.


After the fourth stick of incense passed, the number of fifth-level fire lotus plants had exceeded 500!

The fiery red lotus bloomed, and the lotus pod in the center was like a flame. In the flame, some darker crystal red light flickered.

That is the lotus seed of the fifth-level earth fire lotus.

"It's done!" Guan Junyang clenched his fist excitedly, "The fifth-level earth fire lotus, its lotus leaves can be used to make fire-proofing robes."

"These lotus seeds are enough to grow to the fifth level. If they are given to others to replant, the fifth level earth fire lotus will soon grow exponentially."

"It's not that simple." Chen Shijie said, "The regular number of replantings will lower the level after three times. The Earth Fire Lotus is more demanding. If you cultivate it carefully, it will be downgraded after two replantings."

The descendants of plant life are always weakening towards lower levels. In ancient times, towering trees could be seen everywhere, but now they are rare.

"Even so, it won't be long before we can equip the entire army with fifth-level fire-proofing robes." Xia Jing rubbed his hands excitedly.

"Master Chen, there is nothing wrong with Zhao Xing. I'm going to check on Dong He."

"Your Majesty, please." Chen Shi nodded.

Xia Jing excitedly drove the flying boat to the north of the volcano. At this time, Dong He was also casting spells.

However, he used the Strengthening Base Method, which was completely different from Zhao Xing's.

Dong He wore a fifth-grade fire-proof robe, and the whole person was floating in the magma river.

At this time, many earth fire lotuses were floating around Dong He. As Dong He cast a spell, the lotus pond in the lake began to rotate.

While the lotus was revolving around Dong He, a series of self-rotating vortices formed under itself.

Countless vitality gathered in the fourth-grade lotus. As Dong He breathed, the whole lotus pond seemed to be breathing.

Xia Jing pressed the flying boat and quietly asked Dong He's adjutant 'Jin Ming': "Master Jin, how many plants are there?"

Adjutant Jin Ming was also a seventh-grade Si Nong. Seeing Xia Jing asking questions, he proudly said: "Replying to the prince, Master Dong has cultivated 100 fifth-grade earth fire lotuses!"

Xia Jing nodded and smiled. This speed was not slow.

Seeing that Xia Jing only smiled and didn't praise his boss, Jin Ming immediately asked: "I wonder how the prince's good brother is progressing now?"

"I'm not being nosy. We didn't come to the Shenwei Army to help the poor. If they can't keep up with the progress, it will delay our Xuanjia Army."

"Prince should rely more on our own talents."

The implication is that Xia Jing valued Zhao Xing too much in this cooperation, and should rely more on their own Sinong Camp.

Xia Jing showed a mouthful of white teeth and stretched out his palm: "My brother didn't plant many, just 500 plants."

"Not bad." Jin Ming nodded, then turned back in surprise: "What? How many did you say he planted?"

There is another chapter 5K

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