Shennong Daojun

Chapter 188 Don’t hit Brother Zhao, we are one family!

Entering the Fire Dragon Pass, the precautions are much looser.

The reason is also very simple. If a male pass in front cannot block it, no matter how strict the back is, it will be useless, because it is impossible to compare with the defense level of a male pass.

Especially not long ago, Liao Rulong's and Wen Shaoyang's troops feigned a wave of attacks. Not only did they not achieve any success, but they killed and injured dozens of people. They withdrew thousands of miles back to Zhiyou City, and the defenders became more lax.

Of course, this is also relative.

Now that it is wartime, compared with the usual precautions, it is still a few levels higher.

The four of them, Zhao Xing, Chen Shijie, Yu Ziqi, and Long Xiao, faced the commander's face and passed through five levels without incident.

In particular, Zhao Xing used the soul-binding straw man to collect the life souls of the four commanders and read the memories of the past few days. Even if he encountered interrogation, he could easily handle it.

Until the last level, how to enter the ground fire lotus planting area made Zhao Xing and the four people in trouble.

"Loba, Xuba, Howe, and Lach are all the commanders of the underground defense zone in the outer city."

"The cultivation area is a completely different system from theirs. We can't go any further or get through."

In a ruins, Zhao Xing and four others were discussing.

"Now the only way is to kill four more people, and they must be people who can enter the ground fire lotus planting area, and go in instead of them."

"Then what are you waiting for? Kill." Long Xiao waved his fist.

"The problem is that we don't know who to kill." Zhao Xing said, "None of these people know the people in the Earth Fire Lotus Planting Area in their memories. They are completely from two systems."

"So we have to wait here for people inside to come out, or for new people to come in."

Chen Shijie said: "Is there no better way?"

Zhao Xing shook his head. At this point, he didn't have any good ideas. According to his previous life experience, he had to use his life to seduce the people inside and fish in troubled waters.

Now that you only have one life, of course you have to use it sparingly.

As long as they get the things, retreating is easy. They can run to the hinterland of the Fire Demon Clan.

After escaping the pursuit, you can take a detour to climb the Flame Mountain without having to go back the same way.

"Wait, don't rush, we still have time." Zhao Xing said, the straw man staying in the underground level can also delay some time.

The tauren Ye Chongxian was walking towards the planting area with two fire demons, Xia Jing and Guan Junyang.

"Your Majesty, don't say anything for a while. I will handle everything."

Xia Jing nodded slightly: "I know."

The three of them were walking on the road, while Xia Jing and Guan Junyang lowered their heads slightly and remained silent.

The ground fire lotus planting area is also one of Xia Jing's goals this time.

Ye Chongxian is a warrior commander who has been lurking here for many years and has become the commander of Huolong Pass in charge of personnel transfer.

The three of them walked towards the ground fire lotus planting area. When passing through a ruins, Xia Jing stopped and tilted his head slightly.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chongxian asked.

"It's okay." Xia Jing thought, "Maybe I'm too nervous. I feel a hint of murderous intent."

Ye Chongxian also scanned the surroundings and found nothing unusual: "The ruins here used to be a residential area, but the ground fire broke out and destroyed them."

"Maybe it's the resentment of the dead souls left behind in the past."

"Yeah." Xia Jing nodded, "Let's keep walking."

Soon Xia Jing, Guan Junyang and Ye Chongxian walked to the entrance.

It was a tunnel exposed on the ground. It was dug very wide. The entrance of the hole was diagonally downward, and it was more than ten meters wide.

"Pabo, hey, my good brother." Ye Chongxian walked over with a smile and greeted the leader of the Fire Demon Tribe who was guarding the gate.

"Yaliduo, these are the two illegitimate children you want to arrange?" Pabo crossed his arms on his chest and asked slightly teasingly: "They don't look like you. Are their bloodlines pure?"

Faced with the other party's teasing, Ye Chongxian kept smiling: "I am from the Bull Demon Clan, but their mother is from the Fire Demon Clan, like his mother, but not like me."

Pabo said lazily: "They look a little weak. Can they withstand the fire below? Don't delay my business."

Pabo kept talking but refused to let him go.

Obviously, the benefits given before were not enough, and he suddenly changed his mind and wanted to add more money.

Ye Chongxian scolded him in his heart, but fortunately he had already made preparations. He took out a bag from his arms and handed it over: "Please take care of me, Pabo."

After weighing the bag, Pabo smiled happily: "Have you taught them all the rules?"

"I've taught you a lot. They are all honest children and will never cause trouble to you, Pabo."

"Okay, let's go in."

Outside the Earth Fire Lotus Cave, in the ruins.

"Why didn't you let me do it just now?" Yu Ziqi asked. Zhao Xing's Soul-Jining Grass Man can read the memory. Even if there are only three people, as long as they deal with these three people, they can know more information.

"Can't beat him." Zhao Xing shook his head, "The tauren is weak, but the fire demon behind him seems to be only at level eight, but it's actually not that simple."

"I was just observing with my bright eyes, and he seemed to be aware of it."

"How can you tell?"


Zhao Xingdao: "This may be the son of some important person who went in to inspect the Earth Fire Lotus, or he has treasures on him. In short, he is very likely to see through our disguise."

Chen Shijie nodded slightly: "I feel the same way."

"The son of a big shot?" Long Xiao licked his lips: "That's just right. We can chop him down when we leave."

"You only know how to chop." Yu Ziqi said sarcastically: "Can you use your brain?"

This time, Zhao Xing shook his head and said: "This person is a bit dangerous. If we don't run into him, it's fine. If we run into him and find something unusual, we must chop him first, otherwise we will be easily exposed."

"Okay." The others nodded.

After waiting for nearly two hours, Zhao Xing and his four companions finally found an opportunity.

A plain-dressed Fire Demon passed by the ruins of a house.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed behind him, covered his mouth, and dragged him to the shadows.


This Fire Demon was an eighth-grade, but he was quickly dragged to the dark.


Before he could react, his throat was cut.

The last scene he saw was someone undressing him.

And there were three familiar figures standing next to him, they were his brothers.

"Why did my brother want to kill me?"

With doubts, the consciousness of this Fire Demon disappeared.

"It's done. This guy named Sang Ma is also the caretaker of the Earth Fire Lotus."

"He and Ji Sang, Sang Mu, and Sang Er are all from the same mother."

Zhao Xing clapped his hands and detained the soul.

"The Fire Demon Clan is really fertile. They can have eight babies in one pregnancy." Long Xiao curled his lips, "Barbarians are indeed barbarians."

"They are more like animals than humans. It is not advisable to assimilate these barbarians." Yu Ziqi said so.

Zhao Xing did not express his opinion. Each era has its own policies. During the Taizu period, people did not have much opinion on these barbarians. During the Wendi period, they were even closer.

But during the Jingdi period, the propaganda trend became a foreign race again.

The road to naturalizing barbarians has always been difficult - with a cow's head or a horse's body, it is too difficult for the people of the Great Zhou to recognize them as their own people.


Zhao Xing shook his head and changed, and immediately became Sang Ma's appearance.

"When we go in, try not to talk. I'll handle everything." Zhao Xing said.

"If you meet someone you know, act according to circumstances and try not to fight."


Entering the lava cave is a long tunnel.

Even though there is a barrier in the tunnel, it still emits a wave of heat.

Zhao Xing and his four companions were thirsty as soon as they entered.

"The Flame Mountain Range is indeed a natural barrier. It's really uncomfortable." Long Xiao exhaled sullenly.

Their realms are not low, but now they are all disguised as eighth-grade, so they must show the strength of the eighth-grade.

The eighth-grade generals of the Great Zhou Dynasty can't stand entering the cave.

That is, the people of the Fire Demon Clan grew up in this environment, and their body structure and skin are very heat-resistant.

"If the seventh-grade is not protected, it can't cross the Flame Mountain." Chen Shijie looked around. He also came to evaluate the environmental conditions of the Flame Mountain Range.

The conclusion is that without protective gear, it is impossible to cross the Flame Mountain.

"What is that?" Yu Ziqi pointed his mouth at the wall of the cave in front of the left.

"The flame crystals in the lava cave are valuable, 1 kilogram is worth 10 points." Zhao Xing introduced, "Fire magicians have a great demand for this. But here are some fragments, not a real mining area, and it is difficult to mine."

As soon as they stepped into the lava cave.

The four people felt the temperature around them gradually rise.

The further down they went, the worse it got.

The cave was empty, not dark, but bright.

On the rock wall, there were crystals with mixed colors, embedded in the wall, shining.

Those were flame crystals with very low concentrations.

After walking forward for about half an hour.

The ground became flat, and a magma river appeared in front!

"We're there!" Long Xiao and Yu Ziqi were a little excited. Isn't this the magma river?

"It's still early." Zhao Xing shook his head and said, "This is just a low-temperature area."

"Look at that sign, it says on it."

"As a fifth-level treasure, the Earth Fire Lotus must be in the high-temperature area. We can get there by following the sign."

Zhao Xing and the other four continued to walk down.

"Gulong~" "Gulong~"

Bubbles popped up from the lava river from time to time.

There were many eighth-grade miners from the Fire Demon Clan along the way.

They collected flame crystals and transported them to a certain place.

"This is the mining area." Zhao Xing whispered, "Some are used to make weapons, and some are piled in the soil to make fire plants grow quickly."


The sounds of mining came one after another.

Zhao Xing and his four companions walked quickly through the mining area.

Suddenly, there was a bright light in front of them.

The cave above their heads was filled with stars, twinkling.

That was the rock layer above their heads with a high concentration of flame crystals embedded in it.

"Earth Fire Peiyuan Array."

"We're here!"

Zhao Xing was also a little excited.

The last time I came here was in my previous life, and now it can be regarded as another kind of 'revisiting the old place'.

"Look, that's the Earth Fire Lotus!"

Zhao Xing pointed to the lava river in front.

The river was flowing back in front of it, and the area with a faster flow rate originally accumulated into an underground lava lake in this area.

In the lake, red lotus flowers were blooming.

"This is the Earth Fire Spirit Lake, which was transformed by an artificial magic array."

"But the Earth Fire Lotus bred here is only level three."

Yu Ziqi asked, "Are level three seeds enough?"

Chen Shijie looked at Zhao Xing. He had no way to make the plants break the growth limit.

"Be on the safe side and pick fourth-level lotus seeds." Zhao Xing said, "Pick some of third-level and fifth-level lotus seeds as well."

The environment for cultivating the Earth Fire Lotus is harsh. Although the [Snapshot Original] has advanced to level six, it is not safe.

Of course, I want to get a little bit of everything I come here.

"Lao Chen and I can just steal, and you go move the things." Zhao Xing waved his hand.

The four of them dispersed, and Long Xiao and Yu Ziqi went to move the boxes.

It is their job to carry the box containing the flame crystal, then pass it through the suspension bridge and dump it into a certain lotus area.


Long Xiao and Yu Ziqi began to pant and fuss.

Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie were also working, but the wind picked up secretly and picked seeds in the lotus area.

There are many people in the third-level Earth Fire Lotus area, but they are basically coolies.

No one could detect the actions of Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie.

After a while, the two gathered hundreds of seeds and put them into a box.

"Is it okay to leave it like this?"

"No problem, the seeds of the Earth Fire Lotus are very tolerant. This box is made of flame crystals, so it's just right to put it in here."

"It's not eye-catching for us to carry this kind of boxes. This is what we do in the first place." Zhao Xing said.

"It's time to go to the fourth level area."

"Well, be careful."

Zhao Xing and the others continued down, and soon saw the warning sign:

[Ahead is the fourth-level Fire Spirit Lake area. People from the Fire Demon Clan who have not reached the late stage of Spirit Bridge should enter with caution. 】

The four people ignored it and immediately crossed the warning sign.

"Fourth level spiritual lake."

Zhao Xing entered the Linghu area, still pretending to be working, and then stole seeds with Chen Shijie.

Linghu Lake is relatively large and the people are relatively scattered. In this sultry environment, few people notice the two guys stealing seeds.

Chen Shijie and Zhao Xing both stole one here and one there, just like taking a grain of rice from a rice vat, which was inconspicuous at all.

"That's enough for the fourth level. Let's go to the fifth level area." Zhao Xing said.


Things went smoothly, but unexpectedly, as soon as they entered the fifth-level area, they encountered a problem.

A leader of the Fire Demon Clan suddenly stopped Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie: "Stop, who is your subordinate? Why have I never seen you before?"

"We were sent by Lord Yuehai," Zhao Xing said, "We were recently promoted to the Earthly Evil Realm and were ordered to come to the fifth-level Spiritual Lake to do some work."

"Oh?" The commander stared at Zhao Xing suspiciously, but didn't see any clues. He waved his hand, motioning for them to come over.

He muttered: "Why are there so many more commanders today...wait a minute!"

Just as Zhao Xing and the others passed by them, he suddenly said: "You said you were following Lord Yuehai's order. Where is the order?"

Chen Shijie narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhao Xing said calmly: "I came in a hurry and didn't bring the warrant with me."

The commander said vigilantly: "If there is no warrant, there is always a password. What is the password?!"


Any password?

Zhao Xing was also stunned.

After all calculations, I didn’t expect to miss this link.

The few people he has captured are not qualified to know the fifth-level Huoling Lake area, and they need passwords to pass.

Zhao Xing didn't know there was such a thing as a password in his previous life.

Could it be that the practices were different in different periods?


Seeing Zhao Xing's hesitation, the commander immediately wanted to take something from him.

Yu Ziqi and Long Xiao were both veterans. Seeing Zhao Xing stunned and the commander making another move, they immediately attacked decisively.

Two swords, one pierced his chest and the other pierced his forehead.


He clutched his neck and was about to collapse.

Zhao Xing reacted and immediately kicked him into the lava river.


The river of magma quickly swallowed up the unlucky guy, melting until no residue was left.

"Hasn't it been discovered?" Zhao Xing's heart was beating fast.

"Probably not." Chen Shijie scanned his surroundings, "This place is a corner."

"We have to act quickly. We don't have a password. Sooner or later there will be problems." Long Xiao said.

"Yes." Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie set off immediately and walked quickly to Linghu Lotus District.

As a result, just after turning the corner, I met two commanders again.

Moreover, Zhao Xing and the others have met these two people.

It was the tauren who led him in.

But aren’t they eighth grade?

Why can Grade 8 enter here?

"Stop, there's a warrant!"

Zhao Xing immediately took the lead in issuing the order.

It's better for me to ask you than for you to ask me.

Xia Jing and Guan Junyang were stunned.

They were holding a box and had passed the customs smoothly. Unexpectedly, they were interrogated as they were about to leave Huoling Lake on the fifth level.

Where do Xia Jing and Guan Junyang have any warrants?

However, their methods are exactly the same as Zhao Xing.

Xia Jing said: "Sir, we have just been promoted. We came in a hurry and didn't bring the warrant with us."

Zhao Xing frowned: "Since there is no warrant, then there must be a password, right?"

Xia Jing was stunned.

Any password?

He narrowed his eyes slightly and casually took a few steps closer: "Sir, please listen to me..."

When Zhao Xing saw him gathering momentum, his heart suddenly pounded. A sense of crisis surged into his heart, and he quickly retreated.


The moment he just retreated.

One sword light and one sword light lit up.

The sword is Long Xiao's sword, and the sword is Xia Jing's sword.


The swords crossed each other, and Long Xiao's flying sword was knocked back.

Xia Jing was shocked, and the box tied behind his back also fell down.

His blood was boiling, and he felt terrible.

There was such a strong seventh-grade sword cultivator among the barbarians? !

"Hit him!" Zhao Xing was furious.

Damn it, he just tricked someone, but he didn't expect to be tricked by someone else.

He was almost hit just now. If it weren't for the warning from his soul, he would have been seriously injured if not dead.

"Kill that sword cultivator first!" Xia Jing also spoke to Guan Junyang.

Xia Jing and Guan Junyang, who were confident of their martial arts, didn't even think about running.

The two completely ignored Chen Shijie, Zhao Xing and Yu Ziqi, and immediately rushed towards Long Xiao.

"Chi Chi Chi~" Guan Junyang immediately launched the strongest killing move, and Long Xiao's palm suddenly grew thick green hair.

The sword-controlling style immediately became unstable, deviated from the trajectory, and shot into the magma lake.

At the same time, Zhao Xing also took action, and his Teng Snake Transformation immediately greeted Xia Jing.

Yu Ziqi was the last to arrive, and his four flying swords stabbed at Xia Jing and Guan Junyang respectively.

Lao Chen had a fiery red chain spreading from the ground, instantly tying up Guan Junyang.

Both sides wanted to get rid of the other side as quickly as possible and with the least noise.


Xia Jing was in a bad mood, because the seemingly inconspicuous Yu Ziqi actually controlled four flying swords.

Another sword cultivator? !

And the two inconspicuous people next to him, how come the casting speed and power are so fast? !

"Wait, what is this move?!"

Xia Jing pointed his finger at Yu Ziqi's four flying swords, and the Azure Dragon Breaking Yuan Finger turned into a residual image, pushing all four flying swords away.

But his heart suddenly became uncontrollable, and scales actually grew on his neck.

All five internal organs seemed to be moving.

This is the power of the Teng Snake Transformation!

"Don't hit Brother Zhao, he's one of us!"

Xia Jing immediately shouted.

"Hmm? Stop!" Zhao Xing called out suspiciously, and the Thunder Finger also withdrew its strength, only hitting Xia Jing's ankle.

There is one more update.

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