Shennong Daojun

Chapter 183 The Origin of the Moment, Blood Element Fruit and Heartworm Grass! (6K)

King Lingde had a reason to raise such a question.

There are two main tasks assigned to the military ministers by the military world. One is the basic task, also known as the main task.

The other is the general task, also known as the advanced task.

There is an upper limit for the basic task, which is calculated on a monthly basis.

It is already difficult to complete the basic task.

Because it is divided into two levels.

The first level is the main job.

It is necessary to provide the food and vitality required by the army for the month.

The court gives officials of the eighth and ninth grades, and they have monthly salaries, so they have to do so much work.

If you do it well, it is your main job. If you don’t do it well, you will be fined and demoted.

This is the first level, which is the main job. There is basically not much military merit to speak of. Of course, if the front line wins a battle, you can also mix in the military merit brought by the team.

Do you think it’s difficult? If you don’t do it, there are many people rushing to do it!

Taking the seventh-grade officials as an example, in the basic task, completing the first level and settling it monthly, at most there are 10,000 military merits.

Because it only requires you to meet the basic food and drink problems of the army.

If you can't do this, what's the point of being a military minister?

Go back to the grassroots level in the rear to hone your skills.

The second level of basic tasks, in addition to meeting the army's "food", must also meet the following conditions:

Planting medicinal materials for doctors; Equipment manufacturing materials for the Engineering Department, vestments weaving materials for the Weaving Department, and incense materials for priests.

The requirements are relatively comprehensive, and the basic share is doubled.

For example, the third-level supply required by the Shenwei Army that month is 100,000 stones, which belongs to the first level of the basic. The second level is 200,000 stones.

This kind of job task also has an upper limit, three or five times, and no additional military merit will be added.

Normally, a seventh-rank minister of agriculture can only barely meet the needs of the above departments.

It is already difficult to complete the basic tasks.

Because the court is not doing charity, the salary and benefits can be increased a little, and military merits must be granted land and titles. If military merits are given too much, it will be detrimental to the country.

In addition, the style of Emperor Jingdi is very high in terms of the standard for obtaining military merits.

In addition, the battlefield changes rapidly, and no one knows whether there will be any accidents.

We also need to consider the enemy's sneak attack, weather, and geographical advantages.

Zhao Xing stored part of the spoils in the inner treasury in case of emergency, which is to ensure that the basic tasks of the entire City No. 92 can be completed.

Therefore, if you can complete the basic military merit tasks, you are already the best among the agricultural officials!

Advanced tasks are even more difficult.

The basic tasks supply the military supplies of the "camp", which is not a "difficult problem".

Because what the army will eat and which line to fight are actually planned several years in advance, and the seeds and seedlings are also complete.

Advanced tasks involve the military supplies of the entire Pingman Corps.

Naturally, more military merits are given.

Because advanced tasks are meant to make those outstanding talents stand out.

Under such difficulty, Zhao Xing submitted an advanced task in two hours and obtained 10,000 military merits in four hours.

This speed naturally surprised King Lingde.

An ordinary seventh-grade warrior like Chen Lu has only accumulated more than 30,000 points of military merit since the start of the Pingman War.

Class A geniuses like Wang Ji and Han Bing have worked hard for more than 20 days and have only accumulated 50,000 or 60,000 military merits.

King Lingde thinks this speed is too exaggerated.

Even the Si Nong from the sixth grade down may not be so efficient!

"That kid spent the longest time in the original Taoist temple. Could he have made a breakthrough in the spell of the Benwo Sect?" King Tianyan guessed, "The high-level spell of the Benwo Sect is extremely rare among the seventh-grade warriors."

The law of time and the law of location, the cultivation of high-level spells at the seventh grade, are nothing in the eyes of the three kings.

Like Guan Junyang and Cao Shuang, they all realized the high-level spells after the fourth transformation of the realm a year ago.

But up to now, none of the geniuses of Shiyang Dongtian have realized the high-level spells.

"Looking at the five great caves, among the nearly 200,000 seventh-grade Si Nong, there are no more than 50 people who master the advanced methods of the Self Sect, and most of them are old and have mastered them after long-term research." King Lingde said, "If this is true, then Zhao Xing, this kid, has a bright future."

The magic of the Self Sect is too difficult to practice, and the so-called fifth grade is the threshold for entering the Tao.

"We don't have to guess here." King Luohou said, "Call Lubang to ask and we will know."

Lubang is one of the Si Zheng of Taichu Academy, and Lubang must know about this.

King Luohou took out the ground mirror and threw it into the sky.

"Om~" The ground mirror rotated a few times, emitting a light blue light, and projected a three-dimensional image, which was Lubang.

"Greetings to King Luohou, King Lingde, and King Tianyan." Lubang saluted the three kings.

"Lord Lu, there is no need to be polite." King Lingde said.

Lubang is a fifth-rank official with real power and position, and he is still young and a promising junior.

"I wonder what King Luohou wants to talk to me about?" Lubang asked in confusion. He knew that these three kings were detached from the world, and the fifteen supervisors of the training of the barbarians were all at the level of kings.

"Lubang." King Luohou asked, "Do you know about Zhao Xing's situation in the original dojo? Has he comprehended the advanced law of the self-faction?"

Ask Zhao Xing? Lubang was stunned.


Lubang nodded.

"The reason why he went to the battlefield 20 days later was because he comprehended it in the original dojo."

"However, I can only be sure that he has mastered the advanced law, and I don't know what the specific spell is."

"I see, it's okay." King Luohou nodded, "You go down."

"Yes." Lu Bang bowed again and cut off the communication.

King Tianyan smiled and said: "Luo Hu, I think you can give me the seventh-level magic weapon in advance."

King Lingde also laughed. He was just a spectator and did not participate in the gambling.

But Zhao Xing's high-level spells, as long as he doesn't die prematurely due to any accidents, with this high-level spell alone, the first batch of second-class princes will definitely have no problem.

"Tian Yan, it's too early to tell now." King Luohu snorted, "Zhao Xing alone is not enough, Xia Jing also has to be in the first batch."

"Furthermore, the Shenwei Army is about to attack the territory of the Fire Demon Clan. The environment there is harsh, and the logistics troops have to move forward. Zhao Xing may not be able to maintain such a fast speed of power improvement."

"Hahaha, Luo Hu." King Tianyan knew that he had a character that refused to admit defeat, "What you said makes sense, but don't imitate Cheng Qingming and Ge Jinsong from Shi Yang Cave Heaven. Their analysis at that time was also very reasonable. of."

King Luohu: "..."

In Taicang Courtyard, Lu Bang was chatting with Zuo Zizhi, Tian Yan and Liu Tianning.

Lu Bang's sudden departure just now also made the three of them very confused.

"Brother Lu, why does King Luohu want you?" Zuo Zizhi asked, "Why is he still friends with him?"

"King Luohu has always been unkind and notoriously cold." Tian Yan said with a smile, "I can't see that Brother Lu still has such a relationship with you."

Liu Tianning drank silently and kept looking into the distance, as if he didn't listen to what the three of them were saying.

Lu Bang shook his head: "I have a strange relationship with King Luohu. I haven't seen him once in more than ten years. This time he suddenly came to me and scared me."

"I'm afraid that this person will find out if I make any mistakes."

"Hahaha, you have a guilty conscience." Zuo Zizhi laughed.

Lu Bang sat down and took the wine bottle from Liu Tianning: "Except for drinking while working, I have nothing wrong with him. King Rahu will not even care about such a trivial matter."

"He called me this time because of Zhao Xing."

"Huh?" Tian Yan's face changed slightly, "What happened to him? He actually attracted the attention of King Rahu."

Liu Tianning also withdrew his gaze at this time and looked at Lu Bang.

"I don't know." Lu Bang said, "King Luohu just asked Zhao Xing if he had understood the high-level method. I guess he didn't make any mistakes to attract attention. I don't know the specific reason."

"He rose to power too quickly." Liu Tianning suddenly said, "Look at the mirror, Zhao Xing's rank in the seventh level is already 4,321."

"If I were King Rahu, I would also pay attention to such abnormal situations."

"But you don't need to worry, Zhao Xing's military exploits can withstand investigation."

Tian Yan was immediately relieved, but when he looked at Liu Tianning, he was also a little surprised. His mind was spinning too fast.

Moreover, why are you paying so much attention to Zhao Xing?

Those are my students!

City No. 92, Gongtian.

"The transport spaceship is ready to depart to deliver supplies to the front line. Liao Rulong has led his troops from Ma Chang City to advance southeast."

"This time, City No. 92 has cleared out 70% of June's supply inventory, leaving only 30% in reserve."

Han Bing stood on the ridge of the field and reported to Zhao Xing.


Zhao Xing was squatting in front of a pile of grass seedlings. Listening to Han Bing's words, he immediately opened the map.

"The Wolf God Tribe retreats, and Ma Chang City goes to the southeast. After breaking through two more lines of defense, we have to face the territory of the 'Fire Demon Clan' under the command of the Golden Feather King."

"Liao Rulong doesn't necessarily know how to fight against the Fire Demon Clan, right?" Han Bing asked.

"It's hard to say." Zhao Xing shook his head, "Let's put this question aside for now. Where does Liao Rulong ask the transport ships to meet?"

"Naoyu Castle."

"Oh." Zhao Xing has no impression of this name, which means the level of danger is not high. "With Long Xiao on board, there won't be any problems in the past. When they come back, let them go to the Gangfeng layer all the way."

Foreigners generally won't rob Dao in the Gangfeng layer. The requirements are too high. It's not that easy to fight in the Gangfeng layer if you don't reach the sixth grade Tiangang realm.

Returning from the Gangfeng layer will cost you more core materials to drive the magic circle.

But now Liao Rulong's troops have advanced six thousand miles to the southern wilderness, and Zhiyou City has deviated from its original safe route.

Safety first, Zhao Xing still let the transport team fly to the Gangfeng layer.

Han Bing nodded and continued to report: "According to your request, the agricultural supervisor has adjusted the planting direction of crops, mainly planting the Acanthaceae 'Exotic Beast Mint', the herbaceous 'Tian Xin Cao', and the Xylophyceae 'Xue'. Yuanguo' tree."

"There are a total of 149 types of crops in these three categories, all of which are third and fourth level."

"The original inventory contains these seeds and seedlings. It is easy to scale up at the third level, but it is a bit more difficult at the fourth level. It mainly relies on the seventh grade of the agricultural supervisor."

Zhao Xingdao: "Activate the Houtu Guiyuan Formation and let the ninth-grade Sinong also participate."

Han Bing was a little embarrassed: "What you mentioned is currently not among the missions of the military world. We used to have spare energy to plant other things, but now you have drastically changed the direction and planted other things, and you have to activate the post-earth return element formation. "

To be honest, if it weren't for Zhao Xing, Han Bing would have just slapped him away.

Because this is purely a blind command.

"Are you worried that I might get scolded?"

Han Bing said: "It's not possible, it's certain."

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "Then let them curse a few words, but things must be done. This is the army, not the chamber of commerce."

Han Bing thought for a while and said: "Forget it, let them scold me. I just said it was my suggestion."

Zhao Xing waved his hand and said, "There is no need for this. We will have to expand the city in the future. I will definitely follow the main force. You may have to stay in City No. 92."

"Besides, if you scold me now, you may be grateful to me in the future."

"Okay, I'll do it."

As soon as Han Bing flew away on the clouds, the priest Song Fang flew over.

"Lord Zhao."

Song Fang is a seventh-rank priest and the main temple priest of City No. 92. He is already sixty years old and has a long history in the army. However, facing Zhao Xing, Song Fang did not dare to show off and performed the ceremony respectfully.

"Lord Song." Zhao Xing returned the greeting. "In recent days, you have been fully cooperating with the work of the Sinong Supervisor. All priests who can invite the Sinong God will be transferred to the Sinong Supervisor to work."

"The rest will be sent to summon souls to help Wang Ji's engineering department repair and expand the outer city."

The priests are in the supply city and do logistics work.

Of course, if people or ghosts come to attack, the priests are also responsible for defense and guarding the city.

There is another advantage of being a priest, that is, even if he lies down and does nothing, as long as the city is not broken for a day, he will have the merit of guarding.

The priesthood is not something that ordinary people can do, but those who can do it are treated very well.

Today the city was not broken, and 800 military merits were credited with a ding.

Song Fang bowed and said, "Sir, do you want to take back the ghost guards who patrol outside the city day and night?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "Yes."

"If so, I am afraid that if the enemy comes, it will be unnoticed."

Zhao Xing said lightly: "With this official here, you can rest assured to do it."

"Yes." Song Fang said hurriedly.

He didn't know Zhao Xing before, nor had he heard of him.

But as soon as Zhao Xing took office, he was full of style.

The effect brought by the Nether Flame warship was too shocking.

If you can grab such a trophy, you are not a simple master, and you will probably be promoted to the sixth rank soon in the future.

Zhao Xing now has great military achievements and strong strength. In addition, Wang Ji and Han Bing, the two chief officers, are both convinced. Wang Ji even praises Zhao Xing whenever he meets someone.

Therefore, although Song Fang has never seen or heard of Zhao Xing's ability, he dare not oppose any of Zhao Xing's opinions.

Let alone the chief officer of the military department, 'Gao Li'.

This man used to be a subordinate of Long Xiao. Long Xiao treated Zhao Xing as a brother. How could Gao Li dare not be dissatisfied with Zhao Xing.

There is also a counselor named Yang Da in the city, but in the logistics supply city, Yang Da has no say at all, because there are only five ritual repairs in the 92nd city.

Counselors can only start when there is a war. They are useless in the usual logistics work.

How can they get military merits? They can only get some merits for defending the city, which is a few dozen points a day. Of course, they don't have much work to do.

"Now I am only the commander of a city, with only 5,000 people under my command, so there are not many things to do..."

"In the future, I will be in charge of a million troops, and there will be more to consider."

"I have to master the self-grass man as soon as possible when I have time." Zhao Xing said secretly.

When he came, all the departments cooperated very well, but it may not be so smooth in the future.

And there is only one city. If there are three or ten cities.

The self-grass man will be of great use at that time.

"But the self-grass man is a high-level spell, involving the theory of the five elements, yin and yang, and the five methods of the grass man must be unified. Mastering it is probably more difficult than comprehending the moment of origin." Zhao Xing looked down at the grass.

The moment of origin is a high-level spell realized in the original dojo.

It belongs to the high-level 'Analysis of Yuan', which can break the shackles of life's growth.

It is precisely because of this spell that he can submit an advanced task so quickly.

Zhao Xing is now planting the fourth-level plant [Heartworm Grass] on the field on the left, which is the main ingredient of the 'Heart Protection Pill'.

On the right is a bush called [Blood Essence Tree], which can produce the fourth-level [Blood Essence Fruit], which can quickly exchange blood for warriors.

"The reason why Heartworm Grass and Blood Essence Fruit appear in the advanced tasks of the military world."

"I'm afraid it's because the Pingman Corps has encountered more insect witches and blood witches."

Zhao Xing squatted down and looked at these seedlings and young trees.

"However, with the foundation of the Great Zhou, once this kind of task is released, I'm afraid there will be countless Si Nong geniuses who will come to plant these two treasures."

"Under saturated planting, the tasks related to these two plants will probably be reduced in price or cancelled soon."

"Hurry up and get more military merits."

Zhao Xing began to cast a spell on this piece of grass.

Advanced tasks are time-limited, and there will be no such shop after this village.

Maybe in a month, or even shorter, the military merits given by the two advanced tasks will be reduced, or even completely canceled.


Zhao Xing stretched out his hand and pointed, and the golden light of the spell fell on the heartworm grass.

"Heartworm grass is a fourth-grade medicinal material, but it is very difficult to grow it to a fourth-grade medium-grade one."

"General Si Nong, even if cultivated, is only a fourth-grade low-grade one."

"The advanced tasks issued by the military this time require fourth-grade upper-grade and fourth-grade top-grade heartworm grass."

"The same is true for blood essence fruit. A tree produces fifty or sixty blood essence fruits, but perhaps none of them can reach the fourth-grade medium-grade one."

Zhao Xing stared at the heartworm grass with the five elements.

From a microscopic perspective, the heartworm grass is growing rapidly. After two hours, the heartworm grass has entered the mature stage and can be harvested.

"I have changed the weather of this field, and cultivated it with Dizang Guiyuan, Savage Growth, Nine Dragons Folding, and Wasteland Condensation."

"But in this grassland, only one percent of the heartworm grass has reached the fourth-grade medium-grade one."

"The shackles of life are so unbreakable that they can only be cultivated in the blessed land of the cave, but in this case, the cost will be even higher."

If the military world grows these things on a large scale in the blessed land of the cave in the rear, the cost of cultivation will increase, the cost of transportation will increase, and the meaning of training will be lost.

Seeing that the time of harvest is approaching, Zhao Xing can only cast high-level spells.

In the microscopic world inside the heartworm grass, there are many misty gray gases.

These gray gases twisted into a chain, as if locking the life structure of the heartworm grass.

If it weren't for the second level of the "Yin Yang Original Self Sutra", Zhao Xing would not have discovered it.

"Instantaneous Origin!"

A little golden light emerged from the fingertips and then fell on these heartworm grasses.


The little starlight seen from the outside world entered the heartworm grass, but it was like a comet, dragging a long golden tail flame, and crashed into the inner world of the heartworm grass!


A golden comet smashed one of the gray chains.

Every time it smashed a chain formed by gray gas, the golden light just disappeared.

But gray gas immediately filled it up and formed a new chain.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The golden light comets kept hitting.

It seemed that a decisive battle had taken place in the microscopic world.

When hundreds of millions of gray gas chains were smashed.



A huge energy burst out from the heartworm grass and thrived in the gaps of the gray chain.

It absorbed nutrients again and entered the growth period again!

And this time the momentum was more fierce, as unstoppable as the beginning of the world.


Zhao Xing ended the exploration of the five elements and looked at the heartworm grass with his naked eyes again.

At this time, a large area of ​​heartworm grass jumped from the fourth-level low-grade to the fourth-level middle-grade!

"50% of the fourth-level middle-grade, 30% of the fourth-level high-grade, and 10% of the fourth-level top-grade."

"Less than 10% of the fourth-level low-grade."

Zhao Xing smiled with satisfaction.

The original moment makes the mature plants return to the 'growth stage' in an instant.

Absorb nutrients for the second time!

This is the effect of the Element Analysis Technique.

Of course, the effect of the intermediate Element Analysis Technique is not so strong.

Because the Heartworm Grass is not lacking in nutrients.

Under Zhao Xing's spell, the nutrients in this land are more than enough.

It is the upper limit of life growth and it is difficult to reach the fourth-level top grade.

When it grows to the fourth-level lower grade, the Heartworm Grass can no longer absorb nutrients and touches the growth shackles of the creatures between heaven and earth.

The original moment breaks this shackle in a very short moment, so that the Heartworm Grass can continue to grow.

"The Element Analysis Technique is one of the most profound spells in the Self School."

"It's a pity that it can only work on plants at present."

"If it can work on people... I don't know where Mi Fu is now."

Zhao Xing has always been thinking about Mi Fu, the genius of the Self School.

By mistake, he created the "Xuanhuang Xiyuan Technique", which has a general effect on plants, but is extremely effective on people.

It can even make people condense "pure Yuan soil" in advance.

"I sent people to ask around, but they didn't find Mi Fu's existence."

"If Mi Fu was in Pinghai Prefecture, I would have found him long ago."

"Unless he is not a fifth-rank now, or he is a fifth-rank, but he went to some secret cave worlds." Zhao Xing said secretly.

Some cave worlds in the Great Zhou are relatively secretive and will not be made public. They are confidential.

The effects of the caves and everything inside are confidential, and even the people who enter will be turned into confidential files.

This kind of thing is generally only for fifth-rank people.

But fifth-rank people can't use the Forget Worry Method to make them forget some things, so they can only strengthen confidentiality.

"Forget it, I can at least get a fifth-rank during the Jingdi period. Mi Fu will definitely appear during the Liangzhi period. It won't be too late for me to find him then."

Zhao Xing used the wind method to harvest the heartworm grass, and then planted another batch.

Then he ran to the side of the Blood Essence Tree.

The Blood Essence Tree at this time had just entered the mature stage and produced red "Blood Essence Fruit".

He cast "Momentary Primordial" again.

The Blood Essence Fruits also grew again.

"The number of the fourth-level medium-quality Blood Essence Fruits is not as much as that of the Heartworm Grass."

"There is still a difference between herbaceous plants and woody plants, and their internal world is more complex and mysterious."

"Momentary Primordial is also more difficult to shake the shackles in the dark." Zhao Xing said secretly.

"However, my magic has also improved. Now it is only the high-level second turn."

"If it reaches the efficiency of the high-level fourth-turn Momentary Primordial, it can go to the next level."

"Go submit the task and see how many military merits there are."

After harvesting the finished product, Zhao Xing flew towards the temple.

There is also 6K in the second chapter, which is relatively late. I am not sure how late it will be, so as not to have brothers waiting at that time. Let's watch it tomorrow.

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