Shennong Daojun

Chapter 178: Zhao Xing, the governor of the state of equalization, encounters a fat sheep in the 92n

"Is it out?" Long Xiao looked at the light blue vortex with joy, and saw a tall figure slowly flying out of it.

"Zhao Xing!" Long Xiao waved and shouted.

Zhao Xing nodded to Long Xiao, and then bowed to Lu Bang: "Thank you Master Lu for your guidance."

"No need to be polite, it's all your own hard work." Lu Bang smiled slightly, and then pointed at Long Xiao: "This kid is waiting anxiously, go."

Zhao Xing arched his hands and quickly flew out of Taicangyuan with Long Xiao.

"Zhao Xing, you seem different." Long Xiao looked at Zhao Xing's appearance. Although he looked the same, his temperament was completely different from when he was in Yuncheng. Before in Yuncheng, Zhao Xing's temperament was fierce and sharp, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, and he was also full of murderous aura.

But now he has a feeling of being out of the world, and his aura is completely restrained. If he senses it carefully, Long Xiao can feel the amazing vitality, like a volcano ready to erupt.

"There are some changes." Zhao Xing nodded, and he knew it very well. Because he had just entered the Earthly Evil Realm, neither the seven spirits of his physical body nor his primordial energy had been able to completely melt away the evil spirit, which naturally gave him a very fierce and sharp feeling.

However, after more than a month of training and enlightenment, especially after coming out of the Original Dojo, he has been able to completely control the evil spirit and achieve perfect fusion.

The hidden danger of upgrading too quickly was finally solved by him.

"Lupin said you were enlightened, what did you realize? It took you so long." Long Xiao asked curiously.

"The high-level spell of the Self School, the Momentary Primordial."

"Why haven't I heard of it."

"It belongs to the high-level Yuan-Analysis Technique, and few people know it." Zhao Xing explained. "It can make plant life break through the shackles of growth."

Long Xiao nodded, not quite understanding: "I hope your magic is really powerful. You have wasted a lot of time for it. The Pingman War Merit List has been open for more than half a month!"

"No hurry." Zhao Xing smiled, "Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. How far can it advance in half a month?"

The war below the fifth rank has been fought for several years. Lack of this half a month will not hinder anything at all.

"How far can it advance? Ha, you really underestimated the strength of the Great Zhou."

"The border line of 50,000 miles has been fully advanced. The battle line has advanced 10,000 miles in half a month. The section closer to the border line has also advanced 4,000 miles." Long Xiao said, "South of the Canglan River, in addition to Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture, more than 3,000 cities have been newly built!"

"In terms of territory alone, the land of five Yingyuan Prefectures has been conquered!"

Long Xiao thought he would be anxious after hearing this, but Zhao Xing did not react.

Ten thousand miles away was indeed very far when he just entered the ninth rank, but now Zhao Xing's mobility has greatly increased, and he naturally knows that this ten thousand miles is not a very far distance.

In addition, more than 3,000 cities are purely "Jingdi-style reports".

The report cannot be said to be exaggerated, and the numbers are definitely true.

The construction of cities is fast, but Zhao Xing estimates that most of these more than 3,000 cities are used for food supply cities, baggage cities, or cities under the command of the Nanman King's Court.

This result can only be said to help the Pingman War.

It's not time for Zhao Xing to worry.

If there are large-scale casualties among the sixth and seventh ranks, then Zhao Xing should really be anxious, because that means the window period for making merit is about to pass.

"Where was I assigned?" Zhao Xing asked, "What is the new appointment?"

"You are in seclusion, how can I assign you?" Long Xiao said, "The Marquis didn't let anyone disturb you, wait until you come out."

"Now the battle sequence of each camp has been assigned. There are not many people who meet your seventh-rank official position. The ninth-level commander is already full. I guess you don't have much chance to fight."

"You don't have to be a ninth-level commander to make merit." Zhao Xing is open-minded. There is no shortage of opportunities to make merit in this Pingman war.

Taking Aotian Miao, Zhao Xing and Long Xiao took the arrowfish flying boat and rushed to Xi'er City, the headquarters of the Shenwei Army.

Now Zhao Xing belongs to the Shenwei Army, and now he is here to pay a visit to Yang An.

Six hours later, the two landed in Xi'er City.

Yang An lives in a mansion in Xi'er City, named Boping Mansion.

Boping Mansion is heavily guarded, with long spears like a forest. The two came to the Military Affairs Hall, which is where the commander usually handles military affairs.

Outside the palace was the training ground, surrounded by densely packed swords, spears, and halberds. Every soldier was wearing armor, battle robes, iron helmets, and serious faces.

On the steps outside the palace, Jia Pu held a sword with gemstones inlaid on the hilt, emitting a faint light in the sun.

He was motionless, like a statue. When the passing soldiers looked at him, they couldn't help but look at the door.

They knew that the military advisor was waiting for a Si Nong official named Zhao Xing, and had been waiting for three hours in advance.

They didn't know what Zhao Xing was capable of, and he was treated so well.

"Here we are." Jia Pu suddenly looked up, and the figures of Long Xiao and Zhao Xing appeared at the door.

He immediately walked down the steps.

When Zhao Xing and Long Xiao approached, Jia Pu just came to the bottom of the steps.

"Meet General Shenwei." Zhao Xing bowed his hands after seeing Jia Pu. Since Yang An had demoted himself to a small soldier, the person in front of him was now temporarily taking over the position of the commander of the Shenwei Army.

"Zhao Xing." Jia Pu smiled and gave him a false support. "No need to be polite. You have been in seclusion for many days. Have you gained anything?"

"General, I have made some progress."

"That's good." Jia Pu said, "The Marquis is not in Xi'er County now, so I will issue your appointment on your behalf. Is there any place you want to go?"

"But it depends on the general's orders." Zhao Xing said. "The general lets his subordinates go wherever they go."

"The Marquis specially told me that Zhao Xing is an all-round talent in Shiyang Cave. He can fight and farm. I must listen to your thoughts first." Jia Pu took out a mirage bead from his arms. "This contains the records of the camps of our Shenwei Army in the Southern Wasteland. You can choose whatever you want."

Optional? Long Xiao muttered, obviously the battle sequence is full, should we set up an additional battalion for Zhao Xing?

When Zhao Xing saw this, he was no longer polite and looked at it seriously.

The Shenwei Army now has many sixth-grade soldiers fighting on the front lines, and they also use Southern Wasteland Forge City as a supply and resting place.

The fastest player now is a captain named "Liao Rulong". He commands eight battalions including the Five Elements, Shenji, and Jiujie, totaling 12,000 people. Chen Shijie, including Long Xiao, is under Liao Rulong. work.

Now, Liao Rulong is resting in a place called "Ma Chang City". He has penetrated more than 6,000 miles into the Southern Wilderness and is fighting with the "Wolf God" tribe under the command of Jinyu Wangting, because Ma Chang City was originally the territory of the Wolf God Tribe. .

"General, I want to go to the command of Captain Liao Rulong." Zhao Xing gave the answer. He wanted to go, of course, to a stronger team. It happened that Lao Chen and Long Xiao were both there. Of course, it was better to have acquaintances than to go to a complete stranger. The team is much better.

"Of the seventh-grade military generals under Liao Rulong, only Junsu Ling is left. The rest of the captains still have the position of nine-section commander." Jia Pu said, "If you want to take charge of a battalion by yourself, I can also arrange for you to be the commander of the ninth rank." "General."

Zhao Xing shook his head: "My subordinates are not very talented, so it is appropriate to familiarize themselves with the environment first."

Lao Chen and the others have dug too deep. Although Jun Si Nong can grow food, it is only for temporary consumption. There is a lot of supplies, but there is still no way to grow it quickly in the harsh environment.

That's why the military community is in the Southern Wilderness Casting City. Jun Shuling's duty is to cast key treasures such as 'medicinal materials', 'artisan equipment and materials', and 'recovery supplements' needed by the army, and organize manpower to send them to the location of the army.

This position is very important. Nanhuang retreated significantly just to extend the front line and consume Da Zhou.

There are too many opportunities to make meritorious deeds in losing orders, even more than in the previous battles, because the Southern Wilderness ministries will sneak attack on the supply city from time to time.

Furthermore, Zhao Xing went to support Chen Shijie because he wanted to prevent this man from dying in the Southern Wilderness.

"In that case, come with me!"

Jia Pu took Zhao Xing into the temple, where a statue of a god stood.

"Zhao Xing obeys the order!"

"My subordinate is here!"

"By the order of the military world, I grant you the title of Liao Rulong of the Divine Power Army. You are in charge of the 92nd Food City of the Divine Power Army! You are responsible for the supply of food and grass for the army, effective immediately!" Jia Pu reached out and made a move from the stove under the statue. A golden document appeared, and then Jia Pu stamped it with the seal of the Chief of the Shenwei Army.

"Yes!" Zhao Xing knelt down to worship the statue and respectfully took the document.

The military needs to consult the military community for the transfer of seventh-grade officers. If the transfer order is too outrageous, such as letting a seventh-grade general go to the camp of the Golden Feather King's Court, then there will be ghosts in the military community questioning the reasonableness of the transfer order. sex.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the military community will not interfere.

After the process was completed, Jia Pu said seriously:

"Zhao Xing, Long Xiao, when you go to the Southern Wilderness, don't lose the reputation of the Divine Power Army."


On June 20th, he came to Xi'er County to accept the appointment. On the same day, Zhao Xing and Long Xiao crossed the river with the appointment.

"Now Yuncheng has become the hinterland of Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion."

The swordfish flying boat shuttled high in the sky, and Zhao Xing looked down.

He was in seclusion for one month and twenty days, and the plain barbarian battle merit list was opened for eighteen days. The changes were indeed not small.

Originally, Yuncheng was a border town of Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion.

But at this time, one hundred and twenty new mountain cities had been opened in the south of Yuncheng, and strong men had changed the surrounding weather.

It seems that they plan to turn this piece of land into mature land.

"To the south of Yuncheng, six counties have been circled. And it's not just a small matter. The boundary markers have been moved there and the county-level temple has been built."

The great Zhou Dynasty opened up territory, whether it was raw land or mature land, it depends on whether a temple was built!

If there is no temple erected, or the temple erected is not of high standard, it proves that it is raw land, which means that the land may be prone to repeated situations, or it may be easily conquered, or the environment may be found to be bad, and it may be abandoned in the future. .

"There are more than 3,000 cities, with three mature areas, and they are still being developed rapidly." Zhao Xing secretly said, "Southern Wilderness wanted to lure the enemy deeper and extend the front line, so the Great Zhou Dynasty built cities step by step to devour the territory and shorten the supply line. No one is stupid."

"Look at the battle merit list."

Zhao Xing took out the ground mirror and opened the battle merit list.

[Zhao Xing of the Divine Power Army: Lower than the seventh grade]

[Combat merit: 0]

[Ranking: 5518712]

The battle merit list jumped in real time, and in the next second, Zhao Xing dropped hundreds of positions.

"I'm at the bottom without making any achievements." Zhao Xing said secretly, "Even a small soldier ranks higher than me, but as long as I go to No. 92 Liangcheng, I will be able to rise quickly."

His starting point was to lose orders at all seventh ranks. As long as he started to carry out "daily military affairs", he could easily rise hundreds of thousands of ranks in a day.

"Let's see who is number one on the list."

Zhao Xing flipped to the front.

[First in the battle merit list: Lu Yuanwei of the Divine Thunder Army; in the sixth rank; battle merit: 1041015]

"Already have a million battle achievements?" Zhao Xing secretly exclaimed, so fast. "The name Lu Yuanwei seems a bit familiar. Divine Thunder Army...a prince's son from Luliang Prefecture?"

"Long Xiao." Zhao Xing pointed to the first on the list of military merits, "Do you know who this Lv Yuanwei is?"

"Isn't it written here? He is from the Shenlei Army."


I really listen to your words.

"Is he from Lvliang Prefecture?"

"How should I know? I don't pay attention to these things." Long Xiao shook his head, "It should be. The Shenlei Army ranked 116th in the last military performance. It's not easy to be a captain in such a strong army."

"Okay, go play with cats." Zhao Xing knew that it was useless to ask, so he looked at it himself.

He skipped the sixth rank and looked directly at the classification list of seventh rank generals.

The promotion of officials ultimately follows the list of the best.

So as long as Zhao Xing can rank among the top in the seventh rank, he can be promoted to the sixth rank in the phased reward.

The same is true for the other ranks.

In addition, military merits also involve rewards for various honorary titles such as land, titles, and ranks.

For seventh rank and above, if the military merits are outstanding, even the family will be rewarded together.

For example, if Zhao Xing could get the first place in the seventh-rank list, his wife or mother, according to the level of "Mingfu", could be named "Seventh-rank Wuhua Ruren".

Such imperial titles can also increase lifespan, luck, the right to practice, and even help improve the Juyuan rank.

The fighting power of the first to fifth-rank imperial wives is also very strong, because the rank follows the husband's position.

"There are so many unfamiliar names in the seventh-rank?"

"Xia Jing is actually ranked outside the top 2,000."

Zhao Xing was a little surprised.

Xia Jing is now also a lower seventh-rank, but his position on the battle merit list is more than 2,800.

However, Xia Jing's rise is very fast. In the blink of an eye, he rose three places.

"The competition is huge."

"The new generation of seventh-rank and the old seventh-rank are competing together."

Zhao Xing saw Long Xiao and immediately understood.

Because Long Xiao's ranking is 500 higher than Xia Jing, he is a brave captain on the seventh-rank.

Furthermore, combat effectiveness and the battle merit list are not completely the same thing. You may be unlucky and be assigned a difficult task, and it is possible that you will not achieve any merit for more than ten days.

In addition, battle merit does not only increase but never decrease.

If you lose the battle or suffer heavy losses, your battle merit will be deducted.

"The military community stipulates that in the war, if more than half of the casualties occur, the battle merit will not be increased, and the battle merit will be reduced depending on the situation, except for special circumstances."

Zhao Xing looked at the top ten of the seventh-grade list again.

Beyond the 50th place, the ranking changes frequently.

But the top 20, the ranking is relatively stable, and it may not change for several days.

[Battle Merit List (Seventh Rank):]

[One: Zhaoyuan Army ‘Qi Yuan Army’, Seventh Rank, 272142 Battle Merit]

[Two: Yuanhua Army ‘Yi Yue’, Seventh Rank, 250145 Battle Merit]

[Three: Huanyou Army ‘Nangong Ye’, Seventh Rank, 242514 Battle Merit]

[Four: Zhaoyuan Army ‘Pang Zheng’, Seventh Rank, 240211 Battle Merit]

[Five: Yuanhua Army…]

[Ten: Hujiao Army Wei Hong, Seventh Rank, 215475 Battle Merit]

[Twenty: Lieyang Army Helian Lie, Seventh Rank, 172451 Battle Merit]

It was not until the tenth place that Zhao Xing saw a familiar name.

"Wei Hong is Wei Yuan's fourth son, and he is also in the Tiger Dragon Army."

"Helian Lie and Wei Yuan have both come to recruit me before."

Zhao Xing remembered these two people. Wei Yuan and his teacher Tian Yan were old friends, so he naturally knew Wei Yuan. Wei Hong was Wei Yuan's fourth son.

His first three sons died in battle when they were developing Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion in the early years.

"The rankings of the armies in the other four caves are higher than the eight armies in Shiyang Cave. Only the Tiger Dragon Army can be on par with the other four strong armies in the caves. The Xuanjia Army, Lieyang Army, and Zhenhai Army are ranked lower."

"Shi Yong and Zhuang Ziqing are also doing well in the Tiger Dragon Army, and they are almost in the top 10,000 of the seventh-grade list." Zhao Xing said secretly.

"Compared with the sixth-grade, the number of seventh-grade people is more, and being in the top 10,000 is already good."

As for the sixth-grade, based on the total number of sixth-grade people participating in the war in the five major caves, the total number of sixth-grade regulars is about 50,000.

The main reason is that there are more sixth-rank officers in strong armies. If they are placed in weak armies, sixth-rank officers can take charge of the power of the main general this time. However, in strong armies, there have even been cases where sixth-rank officers have been commanders. For example, in the Shenwei Army, eighth-rank officers are generally commanders.

After flying across the river, the Swordfish Flying Boat still maintained a very fast speed.

Because the Pingman Army was advancing in an all-round way, the military community was not impatient, and the battle lines were all pushed forward together.

From Yuncheng to the south for four thousand miles, it is basically safe.

The slightly dangerous area is the area four thousand miles away.

The progress of each army is different. It is very likely that the four major royal courts of the Southern Barbarians will bypass the strong army and break through the defense line of the weak army.

About four hours later, Zhao Xing had crossed the safety line of "four thousand miles".

The weather began to change unpredictably.

Long Xiao also walked out of the cabin: "Is there any situation?"

"Nothing has been found for the time being."

Zhao Xing shook his head.

"Stop if there's any situation." Long Xiao said, "I wasted several days to find you. If you run into a young enemy, don't let him go. He's a real merit."

"Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him." Zhao Xing smiled.

The combination of him and Long Xiao, even if they encounter a team full of seventh-level players, as long as there are no more than 500 people, they will basically be a fool.

Of course, if there is a genius on the other side, then let's talk about it separately.

However, it is unlikely to appear on the front line of 4,000 miles to 8,000 miles.

Because the main policy of Southern Wilderness at this time is to retreat while fighting, it is unlikely that the four royal courts will send out the kind of genius who is one in a million. If they are damaged, it will be very painful.

And flew across the thousand miles without incident.

At this time, Zhao Xing had already dropped the swordfish flying boat to a low altitude of three thousand meters.

Because above three thousand meters, there are strong winds raging from time to time, and it is difficult to fight in this environment in the seventh-level earth evil realm.

The harsh environment in the Southern Wilderness is not all due to innate reasons. There are also witches in the Southern Wilderness who actively cast spells to deliberately destroy the weather and use it as a protective belt to hinder the progress of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The Swordfish Flying Boat is a fifth-level low-grade warship. When flying in the strong wind, the speed will decrease, and the core driving materials of the warship will be consumed faster.

Half an hour later, Zhao Xing dropped to a height of one thousand meters.

At this time, we have reached the front line of more than 5,500 miles.

Originally, Zhao Xing could see many cities of Dazhou during the flight.

But now the number of cities has become smaller. If you follow the map, it will take a long time to see one.

Just when Zhao Xing thought he was about to arrive at No. 92 Liangcheng without incident.


Zhao Xing suddenly felt something in his heart and looked at the sky ahead.

"Long Xiao, come out quickly!"


Long Xiao rushed out immediately.

"Is there a situation?"


Zhao Xing pointed in a certain direction.

"Looking southeast, a hundred meters higher, there are traces of the enemy."

Long Xiao looked up and saw Loneliness.

Because he didn't see the enemy at all.

Zhao Xing did not explain, and immediately turned the direction of the flying boat, and quickly advanced ten miles to the southeast, and flew a hundred meters high, reaching the 'Gangfeng Layer'.


Zhao Xing used his cloud technique to form a long and narrow cloud path, which was stuck somewhere in the sky.


Zhao Xing made the cloud method turn blood red - this is the 'blood cloud mimicry' in the cloud swallowing method.

"Did you see that?"

Long Xiao became excited: "I saw it, it was the wake of the Mingyan warship."

"That's right." Zhao Xing nodded: "The craftsmanship of Nanhuang's Dark Flame Warship is completely modeled on the Great Zhou Dynasty's 'Splitting Flame Warship'. Its Yang Sail, Fire Cloud Sail, and Five Elements Flag can cover up the traces of the spacecraft, even if Even in the strong wind, you can stay hidden.”

"But the material used in Nanhuang is Hades Rock. It has a flaw, which is that it will leave a shallow cloud and fog at the rear of the spacecraft. Just like a ship sailing in the water, the water at the rear will be pushed outward, making a lot of noise. "

"Although Nanhuang has made many improvements, the traces have been well disguised. Now it is only a twenty-meter-wide track, but it can still be detected within an hour."

"If it exceeds this hour, I won't be able to detect the abnormality of this Gangfeng layer, because it will be blown away by the Gangfeng soon."

Long Xiao was also a man who had fought many battles with Chen Shijie. As soon as Zhao Xing said it, he understood: "In other words, an alien warship just flew over, less than an hour ago?"

Zhao Xing looked at the long track and muttered: "Looking at the width and concentration of the clouds and mist, it should have been just half an hour."

Long Xiao immediately pulled out the map and slid his fingertips on the map: "There is a military city supply within three hundred miles to the southeast, which is to suppress the navy."

"Eight hundred miles ahead, there are three supply cities, respectively for Zhen Haijun and Xuan Jia Army."

"Good guys, these supply cities are of high level. We have encountered a big deal!"

Zhao Xing nodded and said: "Yes, if they dare to attack these three cities, they must have a seventh-level leader. The Dark Flame Warship is a fifth-level high-level one. It can hold three thousand-man battalions and carry giant city-breaking magic weapons... Long Xiao, do you want to do it?”

Long Xiao smiled and said: "Your boat is flying so fast, and you still ask me if you want to do it? Of course I do! But can we catch up?"

Zhao Xingdao: "The Swordfish flying boat is a lightweight model and its strength is speed. In order to hide its traces, the Dark Flame warship must not run too fast. In half an hour, I can probably catch up with them when they arrive at Zhenhai's city."

Long Aotian on the side looked up to the sky and roared: "Meow~"

Long Xiao took off the big sword on his back: "Hahaha, look, Aotian has let us rush, do it quickly, do it quickly, don't save money at this time, destroying it is a great achievement! Hurry, give the warship Full speed!”

There are many things during the holidays and I am too busy during the day. This chapter only has 6,000 words, so tomorrow’s update will have 10,000 words.

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