Shennong Daojun

Chapter 175 Five Great Caves, Four Great Royal Courts, Zhao Xing is Conferred the Title (Two Chapter

When Zhao Xing left Shiyang Cave Heaven, he was at the rank of ‘upper rank of the eighth rank’, which was marked as unpromotionable.

That was because he was a ninth rank selected officer at the time, and actually had no official position in Shiyang Cave Heaven, so he could only be promoted to the rank of upper rank of the eighth rank at most.

According to the rules, only after the completion of the nine-ring mission, he would be assigned to the rank of the seventh rank, but now he had only completed the third ring, so how could he be removed from the temporary position below the seventh rank?

After carefully looking at the nine-ring military affairs in the ground mirror, Zhao Xing suddenly realized it after a moment.

"It turns out that after getting an A in the third ring, a formal official position will be granted."

"For the nine-ring mission I took, if the first three rings are A, I can be promoted to the lower seventh rank."

"If the middle three rings are A, I can be promoted to the upper seventh rank."

"If the last three rings are A, I can be promoted to the lower seventh rank."

"I thought I had to complete the ninth ring before I could be conferred a title. So that's how it is."

It's not Zhao Xing's fault that he didn't understand it, because he didn't have such a high starting point in his previous life. Only the original A-level geniuses in Shiyang Dongtian are qualified to take the nine-ring mission. Among the military ministers, only 75 people are qualified.

Of course, if the number of people in all professions is counted, there are more geniuses in Shiyang Dongtian who can take the nine-ring mission, which should be around a thousand people. After all, the number of ministers who are trained is not the largest, and the evaluation of A in other professions is not as harsh as that of military ministers.

"Now I just need to go to the temple to receive the gift, and I can become a formal seventh-grade Du Shui Ling, no longer temporary."

"In this way, the luck of the country will enter my body, and the eighth and seventh grades will be together."

I had received luck in Gucheng before.

But that was the ninth grade.

"I have to break through first, otherwise the luck of the country will have to disperse some of its power to improve my realm."

Zhao Xing can break through the seventh grade by himself, but he cannot be promoted because of the restrictions of the luck dynasty system of the Great Zhou.

In fact, his understanding of Tao has reached the level of the seventh grade.

Mastering multiple high-level methods proves that it is enough to break through.

"The dripping method is high-level, the self-created thunder method, the thunder breaking delusion finger is high-level, and the divine protection is also high-level."

"I have three solar terms orders that are the fourth level of the knowledge realm, and there is no need to waste the luck of the country to help me improve my realm."

Of course, don't waste the luck of the country on things that you can do yourself. This is what Zhao Xing has planned long ago.

He wants the power of the court to be injected and all added to the luck and extra life.

In this way, even if he is demoted in the future, the loss he suffers will be much smaller than that of those who rely entirely on the court for promotion.

"Engineer Wang." Zhao Xing opened the window and stuck his head out, "Land the flying boat, I need to make some arrangements in this area."

"Got it." Wang Ji immediately operated the flying boat to descend.

"Have you discovered other barbarians?" Xia Jing's eyes lit up immediately and he ran over to ask.

"Well, there are some suspicious places." Zhao Xing said, "Go down later, and take people to search around to see if there are any barbarians hiding. Some earth witches can escape underground and like to dig tunnels and caves."

"Okay." Xia Jing was most afraid of having no work to do, because many warriors in other places have already started fighting with barbarians, but there are not many barbarians here.

Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion is very large, and it is hard to say where the barbarians will come from.


The flying boat landed on a mountain.

The priest cast a spell to summon souls to see if there are any alien souls nearby, the Minister of Agriculture cast a spell to raise the wind and explore the surroundings, and the warriors went into the forest and caves, and everyone performed their duties.

Zhao Xing used the escape technique and went underground.


The divine guardian formed an octagonal cage, which wrapped Zhao Xing and kept falling.

To break through the seventh level of the earthly evil realm, the eighth level of the spiritual bridge realm needs to draw the evil spirit into the body.

To break through this level, magic professions do not need to spend money, because they can escape and draw the earthly evil spirit.

For warriors, they can only buy evil spirit beads, or find natural treasures, or use the craftsman's magic array to absorb the earthly evil power.


The further down you go, the greater the resistance. In the southern barbarian land, the earth veins are chaotic and the five elements are not obvious. It is mainly the interference of the earthly evil power.

There is nothing else here, so it is still very convenient to draw the earthly evil power to break through.


Zhao Xing stopped sinking and stopped at 3,000 meters underground.

Then he sat cross-legged in the octagonal cage.


The earthly evil power in the ground hit and squeezed the octagonal cage.

But they were all blocked by the divine underground palace.

After adjusting his state to the peak, Zhao Xing pointed with his hand.


The Spiritual Bridge of Heaven and Earth emerged and stretched out from the octagonal cage.

"Chi Chi Chi~"

The power of the Earth Demon seemed to have found an outlet and drilled in along the Spiritual Bridge of Heaven and Earth.

"Such a strong power of the Earth Demon."

Zhao Xing controlled the absorption speed.

Usually, it was very comfortable to absorb the vitality with the Spiritual Bridge of Heaven and Earth in Yangcheng, because the environment in Yangcheng was suitable, and the vitality was mild and rich.

But at this time, there was very little vitality, all of it was the power of the Earth Demon.

"Chi Chi Chi~"

Zhao Xing's body began to smoke, and every inch of his skin began to become hot, as if he had entered a frying pan.


Pain, leading the Earth Demon into the body, it was really like walking in a frying pan. He felt that every inch of muscle and bone was being pulled by this violent force, and the meridians and acupuncture points were forcibly expanded.

In this process, Zhao Xing had to constantly repair with vitality, resist the quenching of the Earth Demon, and not let the body collapse.

"No wonder everyone wants to be promoted. The country's luck enters the body, and a breakthrough occurs in an instant. It goes from the eighth rank to the seventh rank comfortably, without feeling much pain at all."

Practicing on your own, this kind of transformation is more painful, and there is a chance of failure in breakthrough.

But joining the Qiyun Dynasty system, as long as you are granted an official position and luck, it is a 100% painless breakthrough.

There is no difference in combat power between natural breakthrough and national fortune promotion breakthrough.

The seven souls of the physical body are equally strong.

"But those who break through the realm by themselves must have stronger willpower, and there is no need to worry about a sharp drop in realm after being demoted."

"The ancient method of practicing is more challenging for people's qualifications and minds."

Zhao Xing carefully felt the impact of the power of the earth on his body, and at the same time, he operated the "Yin Yang Ben I Sutra" to observe the changes in his body and constantly adjusted.

The pain in his body also allowed Zhao Xing to have a holistic review of his own practice.

This is also a process of enlightenment.

"Introducing the power of the Earth Evil into the body, tempering oneself, the five elements of the world within the body undergo drastic changes, isn't this a human transformation?"

"This transformation is more drastic than when at the ninth level. It's just not the same level as the hundred-year and thousand-year transformations."

"Starting from the seventh level, there is a risk of going crazy."

"The so-called going crazy can be seen as a terrible natural disaster in the world within the body."

Zhao Xing thought of some theories of the Self School on human body transformation. At this time, he actually saw a stream of five elements, like silk threads, swimming throughout the body.

"Hmm? This is, I have broken through the second level of the Yin-Yang Self Sutra?"

Yin-Yang Self Sutra, first level, internal observation of the five elements.

Second level, internal observation of the five elements, its air is like silk threads.

Third level, internal observation of the five elements, visible five elements particles.

"Although only a trace is seen, this is a qualitative transformation."

Zhao Xing was very excited.

If he can internally observe the silk-like five elements, he can control it at a deeper level and make more perfect adjustments to his body.

"All spells of the I-school will have extra power because of this."


The Earthly Evil entered the body and has completed the initial changes to the seven souls of the body.

The pain faded like a tide, replaced by the strong beating of the heart, and the numbness completely disappeared.

Zhao Xing felt an unprecedented sense of strength.

"I actually felt that I was so strong that I could punch through the sky." Zhao Xing smiled.

At this time, the silver bones in his body were born, his blood was like mercury, and his body was as strong as those genius eighth-grade warriors.

Of course, the most important thing is that the total amount and quality of Yuan Qi have been improved, reaching the thirty-first level of Ju Yuan.

"The Earthly Evil tempered the seven souls of the body, which made me more deeply sensitive to the five elements of heaven and earth and the principles of yin and yang."

"The seventh-grade realm is to continue to temper with the power of the Earthly Evil. When this transformation reaches its limit, it will reach the seventh-grade perfection."

The speed of the breakthrough was very fast, and it was completed in just one hour.

The main reason is that the efficacy of Dao Embryo Pill has been fully exerted. With strong qualifications and sufficient understanding of Dao, there is no possibility of failure in self-breakthrough.

"Go up."

Zhao Xing controlled the octagonal cage underground palace to rise.

Compared with when he came down, his speed was more than twice as fast.

"What did you find?"

As soon as Zhao Xing floated up from the ground, Xia Jing ran over to ask.

"No, what about you?"

Xia Jing shook his head: "We found some traces, but it's been a long time. After all, this place is too close to the boundary monument of Yingyuan Prefecture. Even if there are spies coming, they won't stay for too long."

"Then let's withdraw the team. Let's pry open the mouth of the man from Hana tribe first. One Hana tribe is enough for us to eat."

"That's right." Xia Jing waved his hand, and the roar spread around: "Withdraw the team!"

As soon as he entered the cabin, he saw Cao Shuang walking over happily.

"Hahaha, Brother Zhao, thanks to you, my third round of mission is completed!"

"You are disrespectful." Han Bing said expressionlessly: "You have to call me Lord Zhao!"

"Yes, yes, thank you Lord Zhao!" Cao Shuang bowed with a smile.

"Thank you Lord Zhao." There were many Si Nong behind Cao Shuang, and they all bowed.

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "No need to be polite, Yuncheng's prevention and control is not just my contribution, you all have a share."

Che Shihai said: "That's different, if you hadn't come earlier and fixed Yuncheng's stall, how could we be officially promoted now?"

"Hehe, I am now an eighth-rank agricultural supervisor, it's so fast."

Zhao Xing was not the only one who completed the third round of missions. As long as they were Si Nong in Yuncheng, their third round of missions were completed at this time.

Because their mission directions were the same, and some were even easier than Zhao Xing's.

Many temporary positions of ninth-rank and eighth-rank Si Nong were changed to formal positions.

"I am from the eighth rank. This temporary appointment has been invalidated. You can get the official appointment when you return to the temple."

"I think so too, hahaha."

Because Yuncheng's prevention and control standards have reached extremely high standards at this time, and the Nanhuang aliens are only training low-rank soldiers at this time, there is an upper limit to the natural disaster attack.

According to the results deduced by the Fortune Plate, Yuncheng is unlikely to suffer large-scale damage again, so the third ring task is naturally settled for Yuncheng's Si Nong.

"Envy." The people from the Wusi joined in the fun. Their third ring task has not yet ended.

It is mainly related to the local conditions. Jiutian Yingyuanfu Wangnan County is close to Canglan River, so the Nanman started with natural disasters, so naturally Si Nong completed the task first.

Some places are far away from the river basin, and the situation is different.

If facing a tribe that is good at controlling ghosts, the priest will complete the third ring task first.

For some tribes that focus on melee combat, warriors will complete the third ring mission faster.

As for mechanics, doctors, and ritual cultivators, the speed at which these three professions complete the third-level tasks is only related to their own abilities, and is not greatly affected by the region.

The enemy situation is different, and the speed at which officials and soldiers in various places complete their tasks is also different.

This can't be said to be good or bad. Some people died in the third ring mission. How can they be reasoned with?

"Thanks to being in Yuncheng, my third ring mission was the fastest and smoothest. I'm just a little tired." Che Shihai sighed, "I have a friend in Jiangbei County. He has died in The third ring mission is in progress.”

"Yes, I have a friend in Fancheng. His third-level mission has also ended, but it ended in failure. He is an eighth-level spiritual bridge realm, but he only became a ninth-level official."

"Fan City? Tsk tsk, it's good that your friend is still alive. I heard that Fancheng was attacked by geniuses under the Purple Dragon King's command. There were three thousand warriors and two hundred army farmers in Fancheng. Seventy percent of the warriors died, and the army and farmers were killed. Half of them died, and it was only a hundred-man alien team that defeated them."

"What? So exaggerated?"

"It's no exaggeration. The Southern Barbarians also have geniuses. The geniuses trained under the Purple Dragon Royal Court have great combat capabilities that should not be underestimated."

A group of people were discussing.

When staying in Yuncheng, everyone is also paying attention to the situation in other areas. Whether it is through military intelligence reports, contact with ground mirrors, or the death list published above, they can see the situation in the outside world.

Not everyone went so smoothly, but those who stayed in Cloud City successfully completed the third ring mission and received promotions!

In other places, in the attack on the southern barbarians, they also suffered losses from each other.

"My third-level mission is over, and there are no more definite missions in the future. If I want to be promoted next, I have to achieve military merit." A ninth-level agricultural officer said, "It will be even harder to get promoted."

"It's difficult." Another Sinong said, "The serial missions in the military world are a continuation of the training in Shiyang Cave Heaven. It is less difficult than the normal promotion. Without this mission, it will be the same as the Pingman Legion. Everybody competed.”

"You make it seem like it's easier for us." Cao Shuang sneered, "We also have to kill enemies in the fourth ring mission."

"That's right, that's not what they said." Che Shihai said, "The mission of a Grade A genius is very directional, but the difficulty itself is not low."

"Brother Cao, what Brother Che said is wrong." An eighth-grade Sinong said, "Without the mission of the military world, our promotion must go through the statistics and summary of the Yingyuan Mansion Military Department in Jiutian. Who knows whether there will be any changes in this. , and those with ring-level tasks can be promoted immediately, and the military world is absolutely fair. "

Cao Shuang and Che Shihai fell silent. It is true that Class A geniuses have better treatment.

Their official positions are given directly by the military community, and if they lose the serial tasks, the statistical credit of the Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion Military Department will be attributed. The process is more troublesome, and it is very likely that there will be competition for credit.

Xia Jing heard this and said, "Don't worry, everyone. This time's actions are very different from the past. It is no longer a small fight."

"The imperial court will soon open the Pingman Battle Merit List!"

"Once it is turned on, no matter whether you are in a strong or weak army, or what your background is, as long as you have military exploits, there will never be any corruption or distortion of right and wrong."

"Pingman Battle Merit List?" Chen Fang asked in surprise, "Really or not, you are opening the Pingman Battle Merit List so soon?"

"Yes." Xia Jing nodded, "I guess it will be soon. The court's determination this time cannot be underestimated."

"What the young marquis said makes sense. I heard that small-scale battles have already occurred in many places. This time it is another time to reorganize the border troops, and it is also a large-scale deployment of military reserves. The standards of military training are different from those in the past hundred years. "

"Hey, is there really a big battle?!"

"I don't have high demands. It's enough to earn a full eight-level title before the big legion comes to an end."

"You're worthless. You've just stepped down from the eighth level. No matter what, you have to go to the seventh level."

"Who knows how the war situation will develop. I am lucky enough to be assigned the chief officer Zhao Xing, and I will be led by the young Marquis."

"No matter how powerful I am, how big an official I can be, even if I am assigned to the seventh rank, I can't immediately display the combat effectiveness of the seventh rank. I haven't even mastered a high-level method."

"That's right..."

On the way back, many people were talking about the recent military intelligence reports and the court's determination to quell the barbarians this time.

As time goes by, even the people below gradually feel that the imperial court is likely to make a big move against Pingman this time.

It was no longer a small fight before, because more powerful tribes also appeared on the southern barbarian side.

If there were small-scale military training in the past, even if only lower-level third-level soldiers were sent to train, they were all ordinary lower-level third-level soldiers.

Where could it be as large as it is now?

Although Zhao Xing knew that Da Zhou was determined to defeat the barbarians this time, he could not remember when he started the list of merits for the fight against the barbarians.

In order to avoid errors in his information, he immediately searched for various information after returning, including Zhuang Ziqing, the direct grandson of Menghou.

In the marching hall of Du Shui Supervisor, a shadow was projected in front of Zhao Xing, it was Zhuang Ziqing.

"This time, the military community sent five caves and a total of forty-nine armies to train. The southern barbarians also sent four royal courts and one hundred and eight tribes to deal with it."

"The five major caves, in addition to Shiyang Cave, the other four caves are Huanyou Cave, Danxia Cave, Zhaoshi Cave, and Yuanhua Cave."

"The four great courts of the Southern Barbarians are the Golden Feather Court, the Purple Dragon Court, the Holy Spirit Court, and the Flame Light Court."

Zhuang Ziqing said, "The four great courts of the Southern Barbarians have also sent many geniuses. I almost suffered a great loss these days."

"It will probably take some time for me to complete this third ring mission."

"Shi Yong and I both suffered a great loss, but fortunately the Insect Wizard didn't succeed. Be careful and don't be too careless."

Zhao Xing nodded and said, "You too."


The phantom disappeared.

After a while, Chen Shijie's phantom appeared in the hall.

"Zhao Xing, the letter has been sent. It is the list of casualties in Jiutian Yingyuan Prefecture, as well as the list of casualties in the military towns along the lines of Datong Prefecture and Anping Prefecture in March and April. Some are statistics from the military community, and some are statistics from various prefectures, so there may be slight differences."

"I received it." Zhao Xing raised the official document in his hand, "When will you cross the river?"

"I will come over when the Pingman War Merit List is opened." Chen Shijie said. "You have to be careful."

"Don't worry." Zhao Xing smiled, "I won't be reckless."

After talking to Chen Shijie.

Zhao Xing looked at the list in his hand, which was the list of casualties after entering April.

It only listed the situation in Shiyang Cave Heaven.

But more than 3,000 people have died.

It doesn't seem like much, but this only counts the Shiyang Cave Heaven, and there are also the standing army and county-level officials who were originally in Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion.

"It's just the beginning now, and the casualties are considered small."

"When the Great Zhou's Pingman War Merit List is announced and the Nanman opens the Shenting Golden List, both sides will go crazy for merit." Zhao Xing said secretly.

Normal promotion is too difficult. If you slowly accumulate political achievements, you may not be able to reach the first rank even after decades or even hundreds of years.

When a war breaks out, it will be much faster.

But opportunities are linked to dangers.

"At the end of April, the battle merit list will be released. The first batch of five caves and 49 armies will fight for a while. When most of them are dead and some of the old, weak, sick and disabled are eliminated, another batch will be replaced."

The Pingman War lasted until the 35th year of Jingxinli. In the previous few years, the Great Zhou Army and the Southern Barbarian King Court had always sent low-rank soldiers to fight.

The purpose is to eliminate the opponent's basic talents as much as possible, so that the opponent is short of successors. This is also a kind of internal self-elimination and selection.

During this period, the fifth-rank strongmen rarely went to the field, until one side felt that it was almost done and sent out a large number of fifth-rank strongmen, that is, when the result was really going to be achieved.

"Go to Tianxin Hall to receive the title first."

Zhao Xing gathered his thoughts and came to the temple early the next morning.

The process was the same as when he was at the ninth rank. He still entered the Tianxin Hall, worshipped the statues of Taizu and Emperor Wen, and then worshipped Emperor Jing.

The two statues and the tablets all emitted a little golden light, which soon filled the entire Tianxin Hall.

It was so dazzling that Zhao Xing couldn't open his eyes.

When Zhao Xing opened his eyes again, he saw a huge gate to heaven.

Last time, he was outside the gate, flew through it, and entered the palace.

This time, he was already inside the palace, surrounded by civil and military officials, so there was no such process.

A golden giant sat on a huge throne, overlooking the world.

When Zhao Xing looked over, the giant pointed lightly.


The golden light entered his body, and Zhao Xing felt a magnificent and majestic power entering his body.

Zhao Xing felt that a layer of obstacles disappeared. His original perception of the five elements magic seemed to be covered by a vague shadow, but now it was clear.

Then the soul of life was touched, and he couldn't help but close his eyes and looked inside to see the existence of the soul of life.

Under the feet of the soul of life, there was originally a thin golden light.

But now there are two more layers.

They are the eighth and seventh grades respectively.

"The soul of life spreads golden light under the feet of the soul to forge the foundation of the palace of life."

"This time, only a very small part of it is scattered in the realm." Zhao Xing said secretly.

He himself had cultivated to the seventh rank, and his foundation was solid, so most of the two layers of golden light were absorbed by the soul itself.

Part of it increased lifespan, and part of it increased luck.

This process ended quickly, and Zhao Xing knelt forward.

"Your servant Zhao Xing, thank my emperor!"

"May my emperor live forever!"

"Stand up." The voice of Emperor Jing echoed in the Heavenly Palace. As the voice sounded, Zhao Xing found that his body had become taller.

"Thank you, my emperor!"

Zhao Xing glanced back, and there were many short officials behind him.

That was the endless ninth and eighth ranks of the Great Zhou.

Ranked from the seventh rank, he had already surpassed many people!

After the worship was over, the illusion in front of him disappeared, and Zhao Xing bowed again according to the process. After walking out of the temple, he checked his own changes through the panel.

[Name: Zhao Xing]

[Realm: Lower 7th rank]

[Profession: Si Nong]

[Luck: Yan San]

[Ju Yuan: 31st rank]

[Life Soul: Early 7th rank]

[Extra Lifespan: 140 years]

"When the Life Soul reaches the Early 7th rank, the extra lifespan increases by 60 years."

"Emperor Jing is really generous this time. I can actually add 60 years to my lower 7th rank?"

But after thinking about it carefully, Zhao Xing was relieved.

This will be a war!

And it will be a war in a foreign land. Many soldiers will pray to the gods. In a foreign land, the cost of praying to the gods is very high and will consume lifespan.

It is impossible to be generous. All the gifts from Emperor Jing have already been marked with a price.

"The luck has not changed. It is still Yan San."

"It is estimated that there may be changes when it reaches the sixth rank."

The level of luck is the most difficult to upgrade. Zhao Xing was originally a third-level official. If he wants to climb to the fourth-level, the eighth and seventh-level stages are still not enough.

It should be noted that many fifth-level officials are only third-level luck.

Of course, others cannot see these, and fifth-level officials do not know how strong their luck is, and do not know whether Emperor Jing is stingy.

"From the lower seventh-level, from the upper seventh-level, the lower seventh-level, and the upper seventh-level, there are still three levels to cross. Each level you cross can increase your life and luck, but you will only enter the Tianxin Hall to meet the emperor when you are promoted."

"There is no need to be so troublesome afterwards."

As for magic, there is no change. The court just opened up the channel for promotion, and the perception of Tao will not be greatly improved.

Of course, if the perception of Tao was very slow before and the aptitude was particularly poor, it will return to normal after the promotion.

But for Zhao Xing, he did not need it, so he did not disperse his strength when he was conferred, and basically added all the extra life and luck, and a small part of it was improved in the level of "life soul".

After leaving the temple, Zhao Xing went to Yuncheng County Office.

After a night, he estimated that Zhao Qi should have been dug up thoroughly.

After arriving at the county office, Zhao Xing went straight to the prison.

There were many Sikou standing around, which were branches of the warrior profession, and were called the three martial arts offices together with the patrol inspection office and the martial arts office.

However, in Zhao Xing's opinion, Sikou was actually a mixture of warriors + etiquette, because they were actually better at mental attacks. Sikou was the best at interrogating prisoners.

When he arrived at the prison, Zhao Xing saw Xia Jing and Duan Ren.

After bowing and going through the etiquette process, Zhao Xing looked at Xia Jing.

"How is it?"

"I found out." Xia Jing said, "We are doing the third comparison."

"It's almost done." Zhao Xing took the interrogation materials and looked at them. "We have to act quickly. Now a day has passed. If the young leader Zhao Qi doesn't go back, the Hana tribe may move."

"Even if it's just a horizontal migration, it will be difficult for us to find it in the vast Fengming Mountain."

"You make sense." Xia Jing said, "Let's go now."

"Leave this guy to me." Zhao Xing pointed to Zhao Qi in the prison. "Call Yuan Yang over."

"What are you going to do?" Xia Jing asked in surprise. "If you loosen the restrictions a little, he will commit suicide. He can't be a guide."

"I don't want him alive." Zhao Xing pulled Yuan Yang aside, "I want his skin, it should be more intact, is that okay?"

"No problem." Yuan Yang nodded, "I'll peel it off for you, you wait here."

"No, I'll go with you." Zhao Xing said, "This man is full of treasures, I have other uses."

Xia Jing heard the conversation between the two, but he didn't react.

Duan Ren was a man of etiquette, and couldn't stand hearing such things. When Zhao Xing said the first sentence, he closed his hearing and walked out.

Zhao Xing carried the bamboo box and entered the cell with Yuan Yang.

Chen Fang and the others went out.


Yuan Yang's needle sank into Zhao Qi's heart, killing him instantly.

"Get up!"

Zhao Xing rolled out a pile of materials from the bamboo box, and immediately got up a straw man with black and white stripes.

[Soul Binding Grass Man]


A gust of cold wind blew by, and a faint shadow suddenly appeared on Zhao Qi's body.

Seeing this, Yuan Yang's hands trembled. The Bright Eyes spell is a universal spell that everyone can learn. He saw Zhao Qi's soul.

"Why are you shaking? This is an officially certified soul-binding grass man." Zhao Xing said. "Don't panic."

"I'm not panicking." Yuan Yang said, but he looked at Zhao Xing with a little more fear. The soul-binding grass man's method is very similar to the evil method of the demon outsiders.

It's not that you can stop panicking just by saying it, because Yuan Yang, standing next to him, felt his soul being pulled.

Although Zhao Xing said that it was an officially certified soul-binding grass man, he also knew that Zhao Xing was one of his own, but he was still afraid.


Yuan Yang quickly took off Zhao Qi's skin.

"It's hard work." Zhao Xing rolled up the human skin and went to another cell. Then he boiled water in a pot, put the human skin in and squeezed it dry, and poured some bits and pieces from the bamboo box and threw them into the pot.

Chen Fang and Yuan Yang outside couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Why didn't I know that the military minister of agriculture had such an operation?" Chen Fang's voice became smaller, "Brother Zhao doesn't have any perverted hobbies, right?"

"He said that these are the soul-binding grass men and shape-shifting grass men approved by the court." Yuan Yang whispered, "I haven't seen them either."

Of course they haven't seen them, they learned them from Liu Tianning.

The soul-binding grass man and the shape-shifting grass man are the best match.

After a while, Zhao Xing walked out of the cell, followed by a naked man.

Chen Fang got goose bumps when he saw it.

Because this man looked exactly like Zhao Qi, even the aura was the same.

"Where are his clothes and accessories?" Zhao Xing asked.

"There, I'll get it." Chen Fang immediately ran over and took all of Zhao Qi's things.


A strong wind blew, and Zhao Qi immediately put on his clothes, which was almost the same as before he was caught.

"Chen Fang!"

Zhao Qi suddenly spoke.

"What do you think of this young master's disguise?"

Chen Fang forced a smile and subconsciously took a step back: "Okay, um, very good."

Zhao Xing was speechless: "Chen Fang, aren't you usually very brave? Why are you so scared now?"

"Listen carefully to see how this straw man speaks the common language of the Southern Barbarians."

Chen Fang thought about it carefully and said, "It still has a bit of Zhou's accent."

"I can only practice slowly." Zhao Xing said, "I'm not very good at this."

Xia Jing was waiting at the door as he walked out with the transformed Soul-Restraining Grass Man.

When he saw Zhao Yu coming out, he was stunned: "Why haven't you killed him yet?"

Seeing Zhao Xing smiling and saying nothing, Xia Jing looked at it carefully again, and then his face changed slightly: "Is this the soul-binding grass man method? Is this why you want his skin?"

"Yeah." Zhao Xing nodded.

Priest Shen Mingyu, who had just come to gather, changed his expression: "Master Zhao, this method... will harm Tianhe."

Zhao Xing smiled and said: "After defeating the Hana tribe, this young master is not allowed to take his tribe members to defect to other tribes?"

"Insect witches are rare. If you say he wants to join him, will anyone else want him?"

"If we follow the clues and kill a large number of people, that will be a great achievement!"

"Master Shen will not only be able to make up for the previous oversight, but he will also be promoted. Do you still feel that it is hurting Tianhe now?"

Shen Mingyu thought for a while and said: "There is no good or evil in the law, and it is righteous when used correctly! Master Zhao makes sense."

What does it mean to have a great scholar argue for me... Zhao Xing smiled and got on the boat.

April eleven.

Zhao Xing, Xia Jing, Zhang Yi, Yuan Yang, and Wang Ji, a total of 1,800 people from the five divisions, entered the Fengming Mountains in two flying boats.

Three hours later, Hanabu's hiding place was discovered.

"Ready to fight!"

The two guaranteed updates are combined into one and sent out together. There will be no update today and I will continue to adjust my schedule. I will definitely pay back the 14 debts I owe this month.

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