Shennong Daojun

Chapter 172 Natural disaster strikes! Zhao Xing's response strategy!

Yuncheng, agricultural supervisor.

After the discussion was over and Yuncheng's prevention and control plan was confirmed, he returned and immediately led people to start the work.

The first is to set up checkpoints at the tributary mouths of the Canglan River basin and into Yuncheng.

It's not a level in the ordinary sense, but a magic circle.

Before anyone could make up for it, Zhao Xing asked Ling Yuan to build a batch of magic formations called 'Shui Qing Yuan Formation'.

At this time, Ling Yuan was leading his men to disembark at the entrance of the ‘Mei River’.

Zhao Xing asked Xia Jing for a group of warriors. At this time, the warriors were helping to lift the formation base from the flying boat.

The base of the array is mainly made of the fifth-level material 'Silk Green Crystal Mother', supplemented by third- and fourth-level materials. It looks like a huge black box.

Each one weighs 10,000 tons, and the craftsman's special dragon boat can only transport twenty formation bases at a time.

"Sir, the triple dragon boat crane has hoisted forty-five formation bases. The formation at the entrance of the Mei River is expected to be completed tomorrow." Ling Yuan ran over and said to Zhao Xing. "With the help of the warriors, the progress is much faster than expected."

Zhao Xing glanced at the river and said to Ling Yuan: "Thank you for your hard get off work, brothers, we will work overtime. It will be completed today."

"Sir, they haven't slept for three days, right?"

"I sent warriors here to help, just to complete the work as soon as possible." Zhao Xing said, "The wizards of the Southern Barbarians will definitely start in April. It is better to work overtime and suffer a little pain at this time than to be dismissed from office or even die later."

"Please Sir Ling, please explain these truths clearly to the brothers. You must not cut corners or be lazy. As long as you don't leave, no one will say anything. You have worked hard for this time, and your team can have a day off tomorrow."

"Yes, I will definitely stick to this place." Although Ling Yuan was also very tired, Zhao Xing had given the order, so he had no choice but to comply.

Although he didn't agree with Zhao Xing's high-profile approach, Zhao Xing didn't need his approval. He just followed orders and was done.

After looking here, Zhao Xing ran to the next location.

"What is your formation defending against?" Long Xiao asked curiously. "I'll make a note of it, maybe I'll need it later."

Following Zhao Xing, he also became eager to learn.

"How much do you know about the shamans of the Southern Barbarians?" Zhao Xing asked.

"The horizontal one at the top represents the sky, the other horizontally at the bottom represents the earth, and the vertical one in the middle represents the sacred mountain. Some people also say that this vertical one is the sacred tree."

"Divided according to levels, there are celestial witches, earth witches, and human witches."

"Those at the Heavenly Witch level live in the sacred mountains deep in the Southern Wilderness. Generally, the patriarchs or kings of foreign tribes are also at the Heavenly Witch level."

"The Southern Barbarian Sacred Mountain orders all tribes, kingdoms, and sects outside the country to hide in it."

"According to types, there are many, including the five elements, wind and thunder, there are seven types. There are also blood witches, insect witches, beast witches, etc. The most common one is the force witch, which is similar to us warriors, but there are also many ways to fight. Diverse.”

"It's much more troublesome to classify based on position. The customs of various places in the Southern Barbarians are different. For example, in some places, a witch can do things like sacrifice, and even witches can also perform sacrifices. But some tribes only have certain kinds of sacrifices. Only a wizard can do it.”

"I can remember the fighting styles of twenty-seven large tribes, as well as the wizard's specialties."

Zhao Xing gave a thumbs up: "Knowing this, it is more than enough for the imperial court to grant you the title of Marquis Wu."

Long Xiao smiled and said: "Don't praise me, I haven't said what formation you asked Tiangongfang to play."

Zhao Xingdao: "When the Southern Barbarian tribes fight, they must first send out witches to use the Canglan River Basin to cast spells. Have you ever heard of the Ten Disasters of Heavenly Witches?"

"I've heard of a legendary magic that turns sand into lice, grains disappear, water turns into blood, beasts turn into madness, ice knives in the world, rivers of blood surge into the sky, terrifying parasitism, evil gods eat souls, darkness descends into the world, and it destroys the world. Pass."

"It is said that even the Heavenly Witch cannot perform it to the last step."

Zhao Xing nodded: "The legend you are telling is about the Heavenly Witch and the Ten Divine Disasters. If it is executed to the last step, everyone will perish together, and the area of ​​the world where the spell is cast will also become a forbidden area. It will not be possible until the war of genocide. It won’t be used.”

"We won't go that far. What I'm guarding against is a plague of ten insects at the level of human witches."

"Ten insect plague?" Long Xiao touched his chin, "I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

Zhao Xingdao: "A seventh-level insect witch can cast ten insect plagues. The specific insect has different names."

"If it's a normal natural disaster, I'm not afraid. If everyone touches it, whoever will win might win."

"But the insect witch is very troublesome. He occupies an advantageous location. He only needs to stand upstream to raise the magic insects and make the aquatic insect eggs flow down the river, and then he can secretly enter the territory of Yuncheng."

"If it is a prefecture-level insect witch, a single female insect can kill all the people and animals in Yuncheng, and even military doctors cannot save it."

"Even if I can use the climatic transformation method to kill these female insects, its reproductive ability is too strong and it will be very troublesome to deal with. If it really comes in, the agricultural supervisor and the medical department will not have to do anything else, so we must prevent it. "

"The fifth-level clear water Qingyuan Formation is the best way to prevent insect witches."

"Ling Yuan doesn't understand because he thinks this magic circle is too unpopular and there is no need to create such a high-level one."

"Insect witches are difficult to cultivate, and they don't appear much on the battlefield."

"But be prepared for any emergencies. Fucheng has replenished so many materials for Yuncheng. I will definitely not let them get moldy."

"I'll give you a book. Read it carefully. It's all about insect witches."

Long Xiao nodded: "I have indeed seen less insect witches, but you are an expert, so you have the final say. Water Clear Qingyuan Formation? I have written it down, and I will take a look when I get back."

Zhao Xing told Long Xiao so much not just to clear up his doubts, but because he knew that insect witches, which had rarely appeared in the previous two hundred years, would appear in large numbers in this war!

The Great Zhou is making progress, and so are the Southern Barbarian aliens. The pressure on the Southern Barbarian aliens is even greater. In order to be on guard against the behemoth of the Great Zhou, they have really racked their brains to develop various secret techniques.

The insect witch also burst out with astonishing energy in this plain-barbarian battle, inflicting heavy losses on the plain-barbarian army.

Long Xiao would definitely have the opportunity to go deep into the Southern Wilderness, and so would Lao Chen. Zhao Xing didn't want anything to go wrong with these two people, so he took this opportunity to give Long Xiao a warning.

In fact, we still have to hope that Lao Chen will read this book. There are not many solutions that Long Xiao, the warrior, can think of. Lao Chen is the master.

Since all the five divisions in Yuncheng were unified on the front, the chief officials of each division strongly supported the actions of the agricultural supervisor.

Zhao Xing started to get things done and the progress was quite fast.

Even if he used this unpopular magic circle and used luxurious materials to order the mechanics to make the layout, no one would dare to say anything.

He does not need the understanding of the people below him, he only needs the support of the chief officials of each department.

To what extent did each department support Zhao Xing?

"The soul is back!"

At Yinshi, Zhang Yi stood at the head of a bridge, holding a soul-inducing lamp and ringing a bell.

There was an altar in front of him, and there were many celebrants following him in the same sitting and repeating movements.

The yellow paper burned fiercely in the copper furnace.

Shen Mingyu, the chief official of the temple, was willing to sit next to Zhang Yi and assist him in casting spells.

The firelight illuminated the dark night, and soon the light turned green.

Zhao Xing and Xia Jing stood behind Zhang Yi.

Both of them had very high powers of bright eyes, and they could see that the surrounding area was full of ghosts. Although it still looked like an empty space, it was actually an army of ghosts.

If ordinary people stayed in this open space, they would soon be eroded by the excessive Yin Qi, leading to exhaustion of Qi and blood in the physical body.

After a while, the practice was completed.

Zhang Yi walked down from the altar, "Why are you here?"

"I see you're about to finish work, come and take a look." Xia Jing smiled, "It's very efficient, Brother Zhang. You can dig through a hundred-meter-high mountain in ten days."

Zhang Yi said helplessly: "Zhao Xing wants to dig? I never thought that one day I would use ghosts to move bricks."

"If they knew that I would do this kind of thing after graduating from Yuanyin Temple, my classmates in the Taoist Temple would laugh me to death."

Zhao Xing patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder. He knew that this man entered the army after graduating from the Taoist Academy. As soon as he entered the army, he came to Shiyang Cave for training. He was still a little unaccustomed to this kind of thing.

"It's not shameful to be an official. Brother Zhang, if you return to your hometown rich and powerful, and visit the Taoist temple, who will dare to say anything about you? The beauties of the past will definitely look at you differently. Those who laugh at you will eventually bow to you. Under my Dengyun boots, I respectfully call you Mr. Zhang!" Zhao Xing habitually described the bright future to Zhang Yi.

Shen Mingyu, who was standing next to him, looked at Zhang Yi's agitated look and called him an expert. He, the nominal chief officer, wanted to follow Zhao Xing.

"By the way, how long can these ghost warriors last?" Zhao Xing asked, "Can it be completed tomorrow?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi said, "But there are not many incense mediums left in the temple. We can support these ghost warriors for half a month at most."

"Half a month." Zhao Xing groped his chin, "Can these ghost warriors do anything else? For example, fight."

"No." Zhang Yi shook his head and said, "The rules of these ghost warriors are only to use money to do things, not to sacrifice their lives."

"If you don't give me money, it won't be considered a sale."

Xia Jing: "..."

Zhang Yi: "???"

Zhao Xing looked at Shen Mingyu and said, "You can ask Mr. Shen to see if it works."

Shen Mingyu nodded helplessly: "Theoretically, it is possible. If these ghost warriors dissipate due to accidents, there is no need to consume incense media to send them back..."

Shen Mingyu's words shocked Zhang Yi. Can he really play like this? He felt that his way of worship had opened the door to a new world.

Xia Jing also looked at Zhao Xing in surprise. Even though he was used to Zhao Xing's unrestrained imagination, he was often surprised by Zhao Xing's thoughts: "Brother Zhao, why are you so skilled?"

Zhao Xing said casually: "I also read it from books. There are many libraries in Shiyang Dongtian. You can find out when you go back and browse."

What miscellaneous book would teach this? Although Xia Jing was suspicious, he didn't ask any more questions. After all, he had gradually gotten used to it.

"Ahem." Shen Mingyu said, "Master Zhao, after all, this method is against the harmony of heaven."

Zhao Xing cupped his hands and said, "I didn't say I wouldn't give it. Don't we have to use it sparingly? Reduce the amount of incense. Can half a month be extended longer?"

Xia Jing was also led astray: "That's right, it really doesn't work. Let's wait until the incense supply arrives and give it to you next time."

Shen Mingyu was speechless. He always felt that his thinking was incompatible with this group of young people, especially Zhao Xing, who couldn't keep up with his rhythm at all.

He even has to save ghost money, that’s great, okay!

What is happening to this world? Have times changed so quickly?

Am I too pedantic, or is Zhao Xing too perverted?

Zhao Xing did not continue to say more. People change step by step. Zhang Yi is not able to accept it now, but he will gradually get used to it in the future.

"Brother Zhang, Master Shen, thank you for your contribution to Yuncheng. After digging through the mountain, I will give a banquet to reward the temple masters. Please be sure to appreciate it."

"Lord Zhao, your words are too serious. This is what we should do." Shen Mingyu was very polite. He was also implicated in the last Shao Wanjie case. He could not escape the blame for negligence and dereliction of duty. However, he was also decisive and chose to stay and work with this group of young people.

He had no objection to giving up the position of chief officer. The temple was actually under the control of Zhang Yi now. How could he dare to put on airs?


Zhao Xing and Xia Jing took the flying boat to the next location for inspection.

After the functions of the government agencies were restored, the energy they exerted was very terrifying.

Now they need people, and they have people, and they are elites!

They need materials, and they have materials, which made up for the lack of ten years.

Moreover, all departments in Yuncheng worked together, and soon the defense of Yuncheng, which was leaking like a sieve, was quickly restored.

In the midst of Yuncheng's prevention and restoration, time soon came to April of the seventeenth year of Jingxinli.

On the first day of April, Zhao Qi was leading ten human witches from the Hana tribe to patrol the riverside.

He has been at the upper reaches of the Canglan River for ten days.

"Young Patriarch, this place is only a hundred miles away from Yuncheng. We can't go any further. If we go any further, we may be discovered or even encounter the soldiers of the Great Zhou."

"Yes." Zhao Qi nodded, "Although it is not the best route to cast spells, let's choose this place."

"Young Patriarch, Yuncheng is just a mess. It will collapse if it is touched. Why do we cast the Ten Locust Plagues?" An elderly witch asked.

"As long as the queen insect is not dead, it can lurk in Yuncheng. If we can reach Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion in the future, we can cast spells at any time." Zhao Qi said.

"Hit Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion?" The elderly witch disagreed with this statement in his heart, thinking that it was wishful thinking. He didn't know whether it was good or bad for their Hana tribe to have such an ambitious young master, but he had questioned it twice, so it was not easy to say anything more, just patting his chest and agreeing.

"Put the queen worm in the magic ship." Zhao Qi said, "Cast the spell according to the pre-planned route and let it enter the territory of Yuncheng."


Ten witches immediately dug out boxes from the ground. In these boxes, there were queen worms.


Fifty queen worms were then thrown into the magic ship and drifted down the river.

There are also rules for placing queen worms. Zhao Qi led people to cover up their appearance with magic. The queen worms were placed on a piece of dead wood, a piece of wood fragment, or a fish...

After placing them, Zhao Qi and others stood still, attached their minds to the magic ship, carrying fifty queen worms, and flowed towards Yuncheng according to the planned route.

Two guaranteed updates are here. I won't pay back the owed updates today. It's too late. I was normal for a few days a while ago, but now it's upside down again.

I still owe 14 updates, which I will pay back slowly this month.

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