Shennong Daojun

Chapter 169 This guy is so skilled, I really don't know where he learned it from

The middle-aged scribe who came to deliver the post was stunned when he heard Zhao Xing's answer, and could not recover for a long time.

Until he realized what Zhao Xing said, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "In that case, I will go back and explain the reason, and I will bring Zhao Sinong's words exactly!"

After that, he planned to leave.

Zhao Xing waved his hand, and the strong wind instantly trapped the middle-aged scribe: "Did I tell you to let you go?"

The middle-aged scribe was stunned: "I am the Shao County Magistrate, what are you going to do!"

"You are a dog-headed master who has neither an official position nor a lordship. How dare you shout in front of me?" Zhao Xing stared at this person: "Do you really think of yourself as an official? Kneel down!"


The middle-aged scribe was suddenly pressed by a huge force and knelt straight down.


At this moment, his legs were useless and his knees were completely shattered.

He is not a high-ranking official at all, and he is used to following Shao Wanjie to show off his power. Even eighth-rank officials have to treat him as a guest.

When he met Zhao Xing today, he realized that the authority of the official was as powerful as prison, and he instantly recognized the reality.

"Lord Zhao, spare your life, haha~ I, I know I was wrong." The middle-aged scribe had a broken bone, his face was pale, and he immediately begged for mercy.

The man in front of me is completely out of line with common sense. What is the most fearful thing for counselors? He is a fool and a madman!

Because there is no way to guess what the other person is thinking.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Zhao Xing smiled and said, "Come and write down Shao Wanjie's crimes carefully. You should know a lot."

The middle-aged scribe opened his mouth and immediately wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself.

How could Zhao Xing let him get what he wanted? A strong wind immediately hit his lower jaw and directly removed his jaw bone.

"It doesn't matter whether you write or not. Shao Wanjie has so many things to write about, and it's very easy to collect evidence. Shao Wanjie will undoubtedly die when the imperial court reorganizes the border troops this time."

"I heard someone say that you have a wife and children here, and I guess it's in his hands. If your wife and children are not deeply involved, and you make a confession, I can guarantee that they will survive, and they can be taken care of within two hours. They rescued them."

"Of course, if you don't believe it and you have to sink with Shao Wanjie's ship, just move your neck three inches forward. My strong wind can fulfill your foolish loyalty."

The middle-aged scribe's heart trembled. He never thought that sending a banquet gift would go so far.

But everything in front of him showed that Zhao Xing was telling the truth.

He had no enmity against me, so why did he kill me?

Isn't it just that he is determined to deal with Shao Wanjie?

If someone from the lower level of the seventh rank dares to move to the upper level of the seventh rank, either Zhao Xing has a frightening background, or it is true as he said, the court needs to rectify the situation, otherwise nothing will make sense.

After getting over the impulsiveness just now and using his brain, he no longer wanted to die.

Although he could not speak, his hands could still write, so he immediately wrote on the ground with his fingers: Let them live.

Zhao Xing nodded, and then Long Xiao took the middle-aged scribe to the side hall to write a testimony.

He picked up the official document he had written and walked towards another side hall of the Capital Water Prison.

Because the standards are high enough, there is a row of statues enshrined inside the Capital Water Prison.

However, these statues are very small, like fireplaces.

The outfit that Zhao Xing brought from Fucheng included incense and a stack of special Yin Qian paper.

He lit three sticks and immediately burned them in front of the statue of Shenxing Dai Zong.

This is a medium for inviting gods, and the price is incense and money paper.


The incense burner in front of the statue of Dai Zong suddenly burned, and Dai Zongxiang opened his eyes.

"Zhao Xing, the capital water commander of Yuncheng, why did you call me?"

"An urgent official document should be sent to the Capital Water Supervisor of Fucheng."

"Emergency movement orders need to designate the first recipient."

"Master Tantai Ming, the Water Supervisor of the capital city."


Zhao Xing burned the document.

Chi chi chi ~ Three sticks of incense and a piece of money paper burned out quickly.

At the same time, the capital of the capital was under water supervision.

In Tantai Ming's public house, there were three rows of statues on the fireplace, which were constantly spitting out official documents. After these official documents flew out, they were automatically stacked and soon became a small pile.


Tantai Ming was sitting in front of the case. There were hundreds of official documents spread out in front of him, and a bird-feather order slip quickly passed over the official documents.

It keeps opening, closing, and flying into the fireplace.

In just an instant, he completed the approval of hundreds of official documents. Even so, there were still a lot of official documents waiting to be signed in front of him.

Because the entire Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion has too many things to deal with, especially the combat readiness state, which is even busier.


At this moment, seven official documents fell directly into Tantai Ming's arms.

You can jump in line for urgent travel documents, but this is not the main reason. After all, there are many urgent travel documents now.

The main reason why it can be processed with priority is that Tantai Ming has set up this mechanism in advance.

Which official documents should be read first are all set in advance.

Tantai Ming was a little slow in reading the urgent official documents, but he also responded quickly to the seven official documents, which only took a minute.

Although Tantai Ming was from the fourth level, with the help of a three-flowered gold-topped gemstone crown, his brain was comparable to the processing speed of a small earth mirror.

Zhao Xing originally planned to leave, because Tantai Ming could not see it immediately. There were countless messages sent to him every day in the huge Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion, and it would take time to read them all.

But before he could walk out of the door, Shenxing Dai Zongxiang opened his eyes again, the stove burned again, and an official document flew out and went straight into Zhao Xing's arms.

"Huh? So fast?"

Zhao Xing was stunned. He hadn't even crossed the threshold yet, and Tantai Ming had already replied?

Open it and take a look.

There are only eight simple words in the official document approval: wait and see what happens, and don’t review it if you can.

Zhao Xing thought for a moment and found that Tantai Ming gave him two choices.

First, don’t do anything, just wait for the higher-ups to go through the process and send someone over.

The second is to arrest Shao Wanjie first, but do not interrogate him.

Both options make sense. Zhao Xing is Du Shui Ling and has no obligation to arrest people. He only needs to wait for the results.

Zhao Xing is not an ordinary Du Shui Ling. He is also a military sergeant and is performing military tasks. As a military commander with strong combat capabilities, he can prevent Shao Wanjie from running away according to the instructions from above.

Jun Sinong has this obligation. After all, Jun Sinong can fight. Just like Lao Chen, he was the main force when he dealt with the Xuantian Sect in Gucheng.

But interrogation is not Zhao Xing's business.

Tantai Ming deliberately wrote the word "no trial", not only to remind Zhao Xing, but also to protect him.

"Shao Wanjie is involved with the fifth-grade Prime Minister Liu Junliang, and there are even more people who know too much and are not good for me, so I am not allowed to interrogate him."

"I won't interrogate. I will only help prevent and arrest people according to Tantai Ming's instructions. Then there will be no trouble."

"In addition, Tantai Ming may also be hinting to me that the higher-ups may only intend to kill Shao Wanjie and not further escalate the situation. At least it is impossible to bring down Liu Junliang through my report. Even if it is done, I should not do it. ”

Zhao Xing thought for a while and walked out of the hall with the official document: "Under normal circumstances, I would have finished the report and waited. But now I have to buy time. The sooner Shao Wanjie solves it, the better. It will take ten days and a half. It’s very detrimental to my future development.”

"Besides, by arresting Shao Wanjie and locking him up, I can also protect Yuncheng's assets."

Once Shao Wanjie falls, he will become the biggest official. Aren't Yuncheng's assets equivalent to Mr. Zhao's money?

How can we develop without money?

"Catch! Catch hard! It is my duty, Zhao, to fight crime!"

Zhao Xing found Long Xiao immediately.

At this time, he had just finished interrogating the master.

"Get ready and go to the banquet."

"Ah?" Long Xiao was stunned, "We just detained his people, are you going to the banquet again now?"

"He doesn't know." Zhao Xing said, "I'm not only going to the banquet this time, but I also want to arrest Shao Wanjie."

"Just like what Lao Chen did in Gucheng last time?"

"That's right." Zhao Xing said, "Can you fight? Shao Wanjie is a bitch who is both civilized and martial. He is a seventh-grade man. He has both the martial arts of a warrior and the use of etiquette."

"Is he a sword cultivator?" Long Xiao asked.


"Then he has a hundred seventh-level protection?"

"Are you holding it like that?" Zhao Xing asked in surprise. "Can I hit a hundred?"

"Are you insulting me?" Long Xiao sneered: "You are talking as if you are the only genius in the world. How many can you fight against those non-four-level military commanders in Shiyang Cave?"

Zhao Xing muttered: "One hundred seems to be no problem."

Long Xiao slapped his sword and said proudly: "Then it's over? Among the more than 87,000 people in the Shenwei Army, excluding Lord Marquis, there are only five sword cultivators, and I am one of them. You ask me if I can fight?" What's not insulting me?"

"I'm sorry, it's just a low-ranking officer who looks down on others. Please forgive me, brave captain."

"That's pretty much it." Long Xiao raised his belt, "But do you think I can take action? I am your protector, and this test is yours, not mine. You want to speed up the rectification of Yuncheng's internal affairs, don't you? It’s up to you to do it? I won’t lower your opinion if I do it, right?”

Zhao Xing thought: "No, the main task of the third ring is to control floods. I didn't ask you to help when controlling floods. We are obliged to help arrest people. Do we have to lower my evaluation? Even if it will affect, this The impact is not big. Weighing the pros and cons and getting rid of this cancer as soon as possible is the most important thing for me to get on the right track as soon as possible. "

"Okay, you have the final say."

Shao Wanjie's mansion was very luxurious and was as big as ten cities in Yuncheng.

People were not allowed to live next to him, and all the land was given to his cronies.

When Zhao Xing walked around the Shao Mansion, he couldn't help but sigh that Shao Wanjie really had a way of killing himself.

Since he also held the position of county captain, Shao Wanjie also sent two teams of guards to patrol around Shao Mansion, and also had government soldiers come to stand guard at his own private residence.

When Zhao Xing and Long Xiao arrived in front of the Shao Mansion in a purple-horned carriage, they actually saw two groups of barbarians!

"A group of lion-headed soldiers, a group of bull-headed soldiers? How dare he, a little viscount, raise barbarian soldiers?" Long Xiao's eyes widened.

It's not that you can't raise barbarian soldiers. Conformed barbarian soldiers are not uncommon in Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion. However, it is stipulated that only the Marquis's personal guard can recruit barbarian soldiers for his own use.

In addition, only if you serve as a military attaché in the barbarian soldier system, you can order the barbarian soldiers, but they are official troops, not private troops.

Shao Wanjie made a big mistake by assigning lion-headed soldiers and bull-headed soldiers to guard the gate.

"This man is simply lawless. His mansion exceeds the regulations, he raises barbarian soldiers, he deceives his superiors and deceives his subordinates, he is corrupt, and he arbitrarily selects officials from the fourth department as his servants..." Long Xiao looked at the two groups of barbarian soldiers, his hands unconscious. Just hold it on the sword.

"After being a native emperor for a long time, it is easy to think of yourself as the real emperor." Zhao Xing shook his head, "After a while, these barbarians will kill them directly. No mercy, but the whole body must be left."

"I know."

Da da da~ The purple-horned carriage entered the gate two miles away and was stopped by barbarian soldiers who set up a blockade.

"Zhao Xing, the water commander of Yuncheng, came to the banquet at the invitation of Lord Shao."

Zhao Xing, dressed in official uniform, opened the carriage and showed his official seal.

"It turns out he is the Shangguan of the Celestial Dynasty." The bull-headed soldier who blocked the road to ask questions had two horns on his head and a cow's nose. In other aspects, he still looked like a human.

After seeing Zhao Xing, his attitude suddenly became respectful.

"Let, let go quickly!"

The barbarians were fierce, but the subdued barbarians behaved like dogs when they saw the imperial officials of the Zhou Dynasty.

Because in their eyes, the Great Zhou Dynasty is a great country in the Celestial Dynasty, the ruler of China, and an unrivaled symbol!

The officials of the Zhou Dynasty had cultivated to a very high level and still maintained their human appearance, but they could not. They worshiped the Zhou Dynasty in every aspect.

The surrendered barbarian soldiers were all willing to be dogs for Da Zhou.

They felt very inferior in front of Zhou officials.

In turn, they looked down upon the Southern Barbarian tribes very much.

It is an honor for them to be Da Zhou's dog.

Ordinary barbarians can’t become one even if they want to!

The most ruthless ones who killed the foreign tribes of the Southern Barbarians were this group of subdued barbarians.

"Sir, I'm here to lead the horse for you." The Minotaur nodded and walked in front. After holding the horse's rope, he suddenly became energetic. As he walked, he shouted: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't scare the lord!" "

Inside the mansion, there is a hot spring.

Shao Wanjie was lying in the arms of a pair of twins, a girl with cat ears. He was showing off his chest, eating grapes and drinking wine, and put his palms into the girl's skirt, causing the girl to laugh shyly.

Seeing the appearance of the twins, Shao Wanjie's bestiality grew stronger. He was about to take the next step when he heard his servants coming to take revenge.

"Sir, Zhao Xing, the new Du Shui Ling of the Agricultural Supervisor, has arrived outside the mansion."

"Oh?" Shao Wanjie raised his head from the girl's arms. He had a flat nose, narrowed eyes, and a bald patch on his forehead. "You came quite early. Where is Fang Wen?"

"Master Fang hasn't come back yet."

"Huh, this guy is getting more and more ignorant. He didn't even come back to report after posting, and he went to play with women again." Shao Wanjie cursed, never thinking that the master had surrendered to the enemy.

"Take Zhao Xing to the side hall to entertain him, and send him a few boxes of treasures. Let's see the reaction first, and report back in a quarter of an hour. Remember, after a quarter of an hour."

After Shao Wanjie finished speaking, he rushed towards the twin girls with a lustful look on his face: "Beauty, here I come."

In an exquisite side hall of Shao Mansion, Long Xiao looked at several boxes of treasures brought in by his servants with an unkind look in his eyes, while Zhao Xing closed his eyes to rest.

"Mr. Zhao, this is a meeting gift from my master to congratulate Mr. Zhao on his new appointment."

Zhao Xing opened his eyes, but did not look at the butler who was speaking. With a flick of his finger, a burst of flame burned the man to ashes.

"We found someone, but that guy is still working. Should we wait until he is exhausted before we go over?" Zhao Xing closed his eyes just now. He was using his soul of life to merge with the two souls of heaven and earth, sensing Shao Wanjie's existence and the presence of the whole house. Master.

Cooperating with the clouds in the sky and the wind in the sky, he immediately located Shao Wanjie's position.

"This place is full of smoke and smoke. I can't wait for a moment, so I caught the trouble quickly."

"Okay." Zhao Xing grabbed Long Xiao, escaped underground, crossed the rockery and verandah, and immediately came to the bottom of a hot spring.

"Beauty~" Shao Wanjie was still doing things and didn't notice anything unusual at all.

"Phew~" Zhao Xing and Long Xiao came up from the ground and flicked the back of Shao Wanjie's head with their fingers. An invisible insect immediately flew into Shao Wanjie's body.

"Uh..." Shao Wanjie seemed to have accumulated sleepiness for several years and immediately fell asleep.

The two twins with cat ears were puzzled, but before they could raise their heads, Zhao Xing struck again, knocking them unconscious.

"It seems that I don't need to take action at all." Long Xiao sneered, "This guy has been corrupting in the hotbed of nephrite for ten years and has completely collapsed... What should I do next?"

"Open the box." Zhao Xing said, "There are materials for the phantom straw man in the asparagus box."

"Oh." Long Xiao immediately put down the box.

"Get up!" Zhao Xing reached out and pointed, and a morphing straw man appeared and transformed into Shao Wanjie.

"You follow the straw man here to adapt to the situation and stabilize the others." Zhao Xing said, "I will send the real owner to the temple to be locked up."

"How about I send him to the temple? I'm not very good at pretending." Long Xiao felt that this was difficult to do. He was good at killing people, but it was a bit difficult to impersonate other people. "Besides, you are very good at controlling the Elephant Grass Man. If you are far away, you will easily reveal your flaws."

When Zhao Xing thought about it, he took out his seal and threw it to Long Xiao: "Go back quickly. Remember, you must hand the person over to Shen Mingyu, the priest of Yuncheng Temple, and personally watch him complete the work in front of the Judicial Yin God. You must plead guilty and be imprisoned before you can come back.”

"Remember, I'll be back soon." Long Xiao, a seventh-level evil master, was able to fly the evil spirit for a short distance and immediately picked up Shao Wanjie and flew out.

Zhao Xing looked at the sleeping twin alien girls, and a gust of evil wind blew into their minds, which would make them lose consciousness for a short period of time and forget what happened just now.

Then he ordered the transformed straw man to lie down on a chair next to the hot spring, and then picked up the alien girl and placed it on both sides of the straw man.

He quietly escaped underground again, returned to the living room, and transformed into a butler again.

"Done." Zhao Xing clapped his hands and walked towards the direction of 'Shao Wanjie' together with the 'housekeeper'.

In the military world, under a sunny boundary, towers hundreds of meters high stand.

Each tower is rotating according to a unique trajectory.

One of the military towers with ten suns carved on the outside is filled with countless mechanism arrays. There are many mechanism masters busy on each floor. In the space of the highest floor, there are three five-meter-high towers. The shadow is staring into a ground mirror.

There are many pictures separated on the ground mirror, which are the overlooking scenes from all over Cloud City.

In the center of the picture, a close-up view is shown, which reflects Shao Wanjie's mansion.

"Shao Wanjie can be defeated with just one straw man's trick. According to the progress of the creation disk, he will be much smoother than others." One of the phantoms spoke with a loud voice: "The third ring we set for Zhao Xing Isn’t the task too easy? He hasn’t made any mistakes so far.”

"Li Daitao is stiff, changing the sky and changing the day. It's easier said than done." The purple light on the other shadow flickered, "It's not that the task we set is not difficult, it's that he is smart and capable. He has been tested in governance enough, no need to Give him strength in that aspect.”

"I just think this guy's technique is too skilled, as if he's accustomed to it. Shiyang Dongtian didn't teach you these, I really don't know where he learned it."

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