Shennong Daojun

Chapter 156 The Tiger Dragon Army is here to snatch people? I can’t sit still!

Third-class uncles can live in the city, and the elite ten battalions can be selected. This is the winning condition offered by the Lieyang Army.

However, Zhao Xing refused without any hesitation.

"I have received the favor of the Divine Power Army. Lord Helian, please come back."

Helianlie immediately understood Zhao Xing's determination and stood up to leave without any further persuasion.

"How is it?" asked a ritual cultivator outside the Eighteen Locust Trees Courtyard.

Helianlie shook his head slightly.

"He only said, 'I am favored by the Divine Majesty Army.' He didn't even want to explain it. Obviously, there was no need to talk about it."

Li Xiu said: "You should let me go in and talk."

Helian Lie shook his head again: "Impossible. Li Xiu is very eloquent. This is recruiting talents and not fighting between ourselves and the enemy. How could the Supervisor of Agriculture allow you to enter?"

"Let me come and set the conditions straightforwardly. If it works, it will be done. If it doesn't, there is nothing you can do."

"What a pity." Li Xiu, whose surname was Lei, was the one who was with Helian Lie at the beginning. He sighed at this time, "He is much better than Zhuo Yue, and ordinary army farmers are incomparable to him. "

"It's a pity." He Lianlie remembered the information he had read at the Si Agricultural Supervisor, which recorded Zhao Xing's performance from March of the sixteenth year of Jingxinli to February of the seventeenth year of Jingxinli.

"Getting him is better than getting Shiyong."

"Let's go, go back and ask the Marquis to see if you can add more price." Li Xiu said with a smile, "Zhao Xing can bear the weight of a hundred Zhuo Oaks. I think I can still work hard and see if there is anything." It can impress him.”

"Don't let Zhuo Yue hear this." Helian Lie said lightly, "That's what it is, don't say it."

"I still don't understand? I just want to tell you."

The two of them talked and gradually walked away.

There are eighteen locust trees in the courtyard.

Zhao Xing smiled softly.

"There is no sincerity at all."

Ten elite battalions of the Burning Sun? After completing his training, he would definitely join the elite camp of the Divine Power Army.

Third-class Bo Shiyi? This is indeed good. The minimum standard for a third-class uncle's food is one county. Of course, it is usually a lower or middle-class county.

A high-class county like Gu County with Lingshan Mountain would be difficult for a first-class Earl. Mainly because of the existence of Lingshan Mountain and Linghu Lake, it would benefit a lot. Generally, it would not be granted to the earl as a food fief.

The standard food of a third-class uncle was also relatively rare during the reign of Emperor Jing.

Marquis Yangwu of Lieyang Army only had fifty counties in his fiefdom.

Giving Zhao Xing the food of a county alone is indeed a big bet, so why do you say that Marquis Yangwu is not sincere.

Because this place is not in Yangwuhou’s fiefdom.

Marquis Yangwu's fiefdom is in Cuiyue County in Qingling Prefecture, which is a prosperous place in the interior and is basically a top-grade county. Of course, the size of the fiefdom only occupies a very small area of ​​Cuiyue County, about one-tenth.

If you give yourself a county in Cuiyue County as a food town, you can indeed eat with your mouth watering.

However, Marquis Yangwu was talking about the ‘Nine Heavens Yingyuan Mansion’.

Where is Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion?

That's an enclave!

From the period of Emperor Wen to Emperor Jing, the southern border of the Zhou Dynasty had been repeatedly pulled along the Canglan River.

Although the two emperors did not have many major battles, they continued to have small battles in the east and south.

The main reason is that the source of this river is in the land of Nanman, and at the same time, the east of Pinghai Prefecture was originally part of Canghai, so it was necessary to station a large army here to suppress the Hai tribe and the barbarians.

Anyone who has worked as a farmer will know what the source of the river means in the hands of the barbarians.

People have manipulated the Canglan River at its source, so agricultural officials south of Pinghai Prefecture have to work hard to control various natural disasters.

Then why not call directly?

Or for historical reasons.

Taizu pacified the Nineteen States and fought thousands of miles south of the Canglan River, but finally retreated to the north of the Canglan River. He used this as the boundary and agreed to a truce with the barbarian countries.

Because he needs to concentrate on taking care of the Hai Clan, the troubles in the sea are even worse than those of the Southern Barbarians.

What the founding emperor failed to do, it would be difficult for subsequent emperors to do.

Emperor Wen mainly focused on recuperating and recuperating, basically no big battles, and very few small battles.

During the period of Emperor Jing, after Emperor Wen recuperated and endured Cheng'an and Yong'an for hundreds of years, Emperor Jing realized that his country was strong and his luck was improving, so he began to make a fuss about the peace of Haizhou, and he continued to have small battles with the Southern Barbarians.

Until the new year of Ding Dynasty, a piece of territory was finally captured, which was the 'Nine Heavens Yingyuan Mansion'.

However, Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion has been open for nearly two hundred years and has not been able to stabilize because the Southern Barbarian tribes have been resisting fiercely. If the territory opened up by Emperor Jing is allowed to develop, it can become a bridgehead for attacks, and a steady stream of troops can be sent to threaten the hinterland of the Southern Barbarians.

Therefore, the Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion has been in constant war for two hundred years, and the territories of various counties have been occupied by the Great Zhou in the past ten years, and will be occupied by a certain barbarian tribe in the next ten years.

Emperor Jing was generous in granting a fiefdom in Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion, but it was just a piece of raw land. Although it was big enough, what was the use of it if it could not be developed?

When Marquis Yangwu gave Zhao Xing such a piece of land, Zhao Xing certainly felt that it was not sincere. Of course, in Marquis Yangwu's view, giving Zhao Xing a county was already extremely important.

The interior of Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion is relatively stable, and the area is large. To give a ninth-grade official (Zhao Xing has not been officially promoted, but his realm is higher than ninth-grade.) and a county as a food town, this kind of poaching treatment is already More than 'market price'.

However, Zhao Xing knew all of these, and it was absolutely impossible for Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion to be a fiefdom, and it was almost impossible to become a food town.

Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion was also the main reason why Emperor Jing was said to be stingy.

The title of marquis and land grant, a small part of which was granted to such garbage land, was too unpleasant. Although it was land, it was not stable after all.

How could you be happy if you always had to worry about the Nanman stealing your home?

Emperor Jing was also unhappy, so after squeezing the noble families almost to the point of exhaustion, he ended the Dingxin era and named himself Jingxin, which was brewing a war to pacify the barbarians.

He wanted to complete what his grandfather had not done, and completely incorporate the important water vein of Canglan River into the territory of Da Zhou.

The early stage was still smooth and fruitful.

But when they went deep into foreign countries to fight, the battle line was extended, and they began to suffer continuous setbacks.

Even many elite legions were defeated.

When they suffered setbacks abroad, the noble families made a comeback, and during this period, there were even such heart-wrenching things as the title of king and the alliance of sects and the rebellion of the Nanman.

Emperor Jing could only order the Pingman Corps to retreat to the north of Canglan River, so as not to ruin the previous achievements in this battle, but in the end, they still lost more than half of Jiutian Yingyuan Mansion.

This means that after two hundred years of efforts, only less than half of the results were retained.

Although this did not prevent the later generations from giving high evaluations to Emperor Jing, it still made Emperor Jing feel frustrated at the time.

So the Jingxin calendar only lasted for thirty-seven years before it ended in a hurry.

The subsequent Dazhi and Yongzhi were just beautiful wishes. During the two reigns, Emperor Jing did not launch a decent war, and concentrated on making people and preparing to pass on the throne.

There was no such thing as a prince for hundreds of years.

Because the emperor of the Qiyun Dynasty had a lifespan of one thousand years, and would only make people and pass on the throne at the end of his life.

The princes born were not based on quantity, but on quality. This kind of thing was completely controllable for the emperor of the Qiyun Dynasty.

Generally speaking, an emperor would only give birth to nine princes at most in the later period of his life, and there would be no number of princesses and county ladies.

Just after Zhao Xing rejected the lobbyists of the Lieyang Army, the Sinong Supervisor, Tianshiyuan.

A school lieutenant accompanied a middle-aged scholar into the Xuesong Qishanyuan.

"What do you mean? Let me and Old Cheng be lobbyists for your Xuanjia Army?" Ge Jinsong's cheek twitched, "Are you here to humiliate me?"

In Ge Jinsong's mind, he immediately reviewed Zhao Xing's performance from March last year to February this year.

In March, he reported to the test and ranked 29th.

In April, he trained in the branch academy and ranked among the top many times... It's better not to mention it. He finally entered the Dili Academy.

In May, he was unable to train and showed his talent as a commander.

In June, he trained in the supply training and ranked second, which made Xia Jing and others convinced.

In July, he started the selection training, the Nine-Section Dojo, realized the solar term order, broke through the fourth turn of the knowledge realm, and defeated Feng Qiu, a disciple of Cheng Qingming.

In Liu Tianning's Straw Man Method training class, after six levels of testing, the Straw Man Method stood out from the crowd and defeated a group of geniuses from Taicang Academy and took the lead.

After that, his growth became more and more unstoppable.

In August, September, and October.

In the flood control training of Pinghuai Academy, Zhao Xing's experience in flood control was so great that he even surpassed some agricultural teachers. Although Shi Yong, Zhuang Ziqing and others were better than Zhao Xing in individual spells, this test was not about individual spells, but a comprehensive test, a combination of theory and practice.

Zhao Xing, first!

The natural disaster course of Tianshi Academy was hosted by Mei Zhiru, assisted by Ge Jinsong and Cheng Qingming. This was another comprehensive training, with forty-seven insect disasters, sky fire meteors, and earth veins erupting. During this period, warriors had to be fed, because the "enemy" had begun to appear in this training, and began to simulate real combat.

Zhao Xing was impeccable in both specific governance and overall view, and he actually broke through to the fourth turn of the knowledge realm with two solar terms orders. In the end, even Ge Jinsong and Cheng Qingming had to admit that they had made a mistake. Zhao Xing was first again that time!

The intensity of the training was constantly increasing, and many geniuses complained bitterly, and some could not keep up with the progress, but Zhao Xing seemed to have no upper limit and continued to grow rapidly!

This is certainly related to Zhao Xing's large number of points in the selection and training, but his talent has also refreshed Ge Jinsong's cognition time and time again.

By the way, selection and training!

Thinking of this, Ge Jinsong couldn't help but sigh in his heart again.

Li Xiu's spiritual training, intelligence reduction method, provocation method, Zhao Xing won the first place several times, and those who didn't get the first place were all in the top three.

The witchcraft training of the various tribes of the Southern Barbarians is mainly about some unique methods and equipment knowledge learning of the Southern Barbarians. Most of them are theoretical courses, and a small part is practical training. Going out to fight in foreign lands will inevitably use the enemy's weapons, but in this completely unfamiliar system, he is still better than others.

Physician training, pharmacist test, ghost identification, summoning training class... Even the application training of industrial equipment and magic weapons, this kid even got the first place in flying a flying boat!

Is there still justice? Is there still the law? !

I have been whipped so many times, you two bastards, you still want me to be a lobbyist for you, jump in my face, right?

I finally managed to hold on to this old face until he finished the last large-scale joint training, and I plan to pick it up again when he goes to work in the field.

You want to push me to the ground again? !

"How can you humiliate me like this! Get out!" Ge Jinsong was full of grief and indignation. Didn't I just make a mistake once? Why is it so?

"Brother Ge, please don't misunderstand!" Li Xiu saw that Ge Jinsong was so excited, and hurriedly cast a spell to appease him, "This time we came here to relieve Brother Ge's worries."

"If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it!"

"Humph!" Ge Jinsong was not affected, and sneered: "The mouth of the counselor is a lie, you are used to using this trick. I won't listen, you can go back!"

Li Xiu bowed and stood up: "If Brother Ge doesn't want to know why Brother Cheng agreed and insisted that we go, we will go. There are many middlemen."

Hmm? Cheng Qingming agreed? How dare he agree?

Ge Jinsong was stunned. Seeing that Li Xiu and the soldiers were about to leave, he immediately shouted: "Wait!"

"You just said that Cheng Qingming has agreed to be a lobbyist for the Xuanjia Army?"

Li Xiu smiled, and finally restrained himself, turned around and sat down. This speed was so fast that even the general next to him couldn't react and still stood there stupidly: "That's right, Brother Ge, please listen to me."

"Things in the world are unpredictable, and reversals are only a matter of thought."

"This year, you two have indeed been misunderstood too much."

"But if you two recommend Zhao Xing was promoted from the weak Shenwei Army to the strong Xuanjia Army. "

"The more outstanding he is in the future, the more your names will be mentioned in the commendation documents of the Xuanjia Army."

"As time goes by, who will remember the previous branch? After all, it only takes up a small part of the time. Even if they remember, it is a good story. After all, it was you who brought him into the Xuanjia Army. This is the wisdom of identifying talents."

"The time in the future is the most important!"

Li Xiu's words successfully persuaded Ge Jinsong. Yes, what was the little thing before? If Zhao Xing was recommended by himself to join the Xuanjia Army.

In the future, it will be publicized by the Xuanjia Army. Isn't it a "small setback" on the road of wisdom of identifying talents? It may not be a good story!

"Okay, I'll try." Ge Jinsong nodded.

Ge Jinsong and Cheng Qingming have not yet arrived at the Eighteen Locust Trees Courtyard.

Many people came to Yangcheng Sinongjian to be lobbyists.

The Shenwei Army's garrison in Yangcheng.

Huang Chengzhi, the ninth lieutenant, was squatting on the ground, burning paper for a row of statues.

What he was burning was a letter to Xi'er County.

"Report! Commander! Urgent report!"

A soldier suddenly rushed in from outside.

"Tell me!" Huang Chengzhi said, "What happened?"

"Three more groups of people went to the Eighteen Locust Trees Courtyard! Among them was a captain of the Tiger Dragon Army!"

"What?" Huang Chengzhi stood up anxiously, "Damn, even the Tiger Dragon Army came to rob people? You go down and keep an eye on it first! Report immediately if you have any news!"


Then Huang Chengzhi squatted down again to burn paper for the statue.

"Asshole, stop burning!" The statue of the God of Travel Dai Zong suddenly opened his eyes, "You have burned the urgent march order four times today!"

"The letter has arrived in Xi'er County, don't burn it for me again!"

After that, the statue closed its eyes, and the candles in front of the row of statues below were all extinguished, and even the letter paper was spit out.

Huang Chengzhi bowed to the statue, his face showing joy, muttering to himself: "Already here? That's good, that's good."

"Lao Chen, Long Xiao, you have to hurry up, the lobbyists are getting higher and higher, the pressure is getting greater, I can't handle it alone."

This chapter is a review, there is no need to write too much about those training courses, because the internship will show it in the next six months, and I think it is more appropriate to put it in actual combat.

There will definitely be a second and third update today. As for the specific time, the author writes more than 10,000 words a day, and it is impossible to be detailed to a specific time. I can only say that I am working hard on typing.

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