Shennong Daojun

Chapter 153: Unexpected defeat, Shi Yong lost!

Li Feng was defeated so quickly that everyone's jaws were shocked.

You must know that Li Feng is not very weak. In the fourth and fifth levels, he was ranked seventh!

But now, he is defeated so quickly?

"In terms of straw man law, the gap is getting wider and wider."

"Zhao Xing's straw man method is probably unique. It's like the Jiujie Dojo. Shi Yong beats people with one move."

"How far has Zhao Xing's straw man method reached?"

The spectators watched this scene and whispered.

Because Li Feng was defeated so quickly, he didn't even give others a chance to watch the battle.

The straw man method used by Zhao Xing was combined with the 'invisible straw man method', and it would automatically disperse after the fight, making it completely invisible to others.

"In the second game, Cai Jin and Fang Yi."

Liu Tianning soon announced the second game.

Zhao Xing retreated from the square.

Now, in his intermediate-level straw man method, flying to the sky and dying to the sky are perfect.

Nine turns of bravery, nine turns of giant shield, nine turns of invisibility, and eight turns of transformation.

The Dharma Protector and Soul Binding are the lowest, only at the third level.

After completing the perfect combination of Feitian and Death Explosion, Zhao Xing's combination of other spells became smoother.

There are already two spells that are perfectly matched, and when the other spells are matched, there will naturally be experience.

Therefore, Zhao Xing can now maintain a very high level when combining any two spells, such as the combination of bravery and invisibility. Combining the two spells into one can still maintain the ninth level of each characteristic.

The combination of the three methods and the third method are all for the pursuit of actual combat, and the results are naturally terrifying.

Even Liu Tianning concluded that Zhao Xing's talent for straw man magic was superior to anyone else, so it would be easy for him to defeat Li Feng.

"If it were any other person, Li Feng would have been in the top ten, but when he met Zhao Xing, I can only say that he was unlucky." Lu Bang shook his head.

"There's no luck, I arranged it deliberately." Liu Tianning said calmly.

"What?" Lu Bang was stunned.

"When this person was training next to the rockery, he kept talking about wanting to fight Zhao Xing." Liu Tianning said, "I was reading next to him, and he was so noisy that I just did as he wished."


Lu Bang couldn't help but was speechless. Li Feng's proper request was hammered down.

In the second game, Cai Jin beat Fang Yi, and Cai Jin won.

In the third game, Zhuang Zi Qing defeated He Yuan. Zhuang Zi Qing won.

In the fourth game, Feng Qi defeated Chao Yun, and Feng Qi won.

In the first four games, the gap between the two sides was relatively large. Among them, Fang Yi was the 20th in the last round and passed the test.

Cai Jin has always been in second place, and He Yuan is in eighteenth place.

Feng Qi beat Chao Yun for the same reason.

The winner wins the game with absolute advantage.

But starting from the fifth game, the duels were upset one after another!

In the fifth game, Guan Junyang defeated Qian Hong, and Qian Hong won.

In the sixth game, Cao Shuang beat Che Shihai and Che Shihai won.

In the seventh game, Jiang Tianming defeated Wei Chen, and Wei Chen won.

In the eighth game, Han Bing beat Wu Yue, and Wu Yue won.

The geniuses who were originally ranked in the top ten in the fifth level were defeated by the weaker ones one after another!

Even top-level geniuses like Cao Shuang and Guan Junyang, who have reached the fourth level of knowledge, still lost!

There was an uproar in the square, and more and more people came to the third level to watch the duels.

But what is unexpected is that so many top-level geniuses who were originally promising have failed.

There are even some who obviously have a higher level of straw man method and seem to have an advantage, but in actual duel, they fail to win.

"What's going on?" Lu Bang also looked at this scene in surprise. He didn't know much about the straw man method, so it was quite strange to see this scene.

"This is the difference between theory and actual combat." Liu Tianning said, "The straw man method is different from other spells. It is an 'incarnation outside the body'. Although their straw man methods are not as controllable as the 'self-made straw man' Sex, but the manipulation is still there.”

"To command the straw man and give instructions to the straw man, there is a slight connection between the mind and the straw man. The stronger the straw man is, the stronger this connection will be."

"If it is a straw man, then the straw man is equivalent to another body! One head has to control multiple bodies, which is more difficult. Therefore, the straw man who plays Wanfa is called the ultimate straw man. Law."

"I know a little bit about strawman skills, why don't I feel this way?" Lu Bang asked humbly.

"You are in the fifth level, and your mind is strong. These influences are naturally nothing to you. Moreover, you have not studied deeply, and you have only scratched the surface."

Liu Tianning said that Lu Bang only had superficial knowledge, but Lu Bang had no idea of ​​refuting because he was indeed qualified to say this.

Liu Tianning explained: "The connection between the straw man and the deity has an influence on the deity."

"Using the straw man method in actual combat will have a much greater impact than suddenly growing a third hand or a third foot on your body."

"It would be okay if we only give relatively simple instructions, such as forward, backward, offensive and defensive vague instructions."

"It's like you have a third hand or a third foot growing on your body, but you don't use it. Although there is some discomfort, the impact is not too strong."

"But once actual combat and detailed control are carried out, the impact on these little guys will be obvious."

"That's why I said before that actual combat experience determines success or failure."

"The people who are winning now are more adaptable to this 'external incarnation' spell."

"Just like some people's sense of spatial direction and image are innately stronger than others."

"In the straw man method, the person who wins now has greater talent."

Off the court, Cao Shuang, Han Bing, and Jiang Tianming, who were standing next to Zhao Xing and Zhuang Ziqing, had some confusion in their eyes.

Until now, these three people don't seem to believe that they have lost.

"How can I lose?" Cao Shuang looked at his hands, "Che Shihai is obviously weaker than me. Let's not talk about the realization first. It is this straw man method. He uses four eight-turn mysterious weapons straw man + holy The shield grass man killed all six of my nine-turn grass men?"

"Is it because of the combination of spells? Or is it not functioning properly?" Jiang Tianming also concluded that the situation he encountered was similar.

"It's impossible. In terms of spell compatibility, Brother Cao, me, and Brother Jiang's spell fusion is stronger than the opponent's. Although it's not much stronger, it's at least strong. It's absolutely impossible to be weak in this aspect and lose." Han Bing He rarely spoke for a long time, and there was obvious confusion on his paralyzed face.

"Then why? Is it really our fault? Can't stand the pressure and perform abnormally?"

"Brother Zhao, can you see any tricks?" Cao Shuang looked at Zhao Xing. After all, Zhao Xing's straw man method was the strongest in the previous level.

Zhao Xing thought for a moment and said: "It's not that you have poor mental quality and can't withstand the pressure and perform abnormally, nor is it that your spells are weak."

"It's that you can draft people, but you are not good at using them."

"The straw man method is different from other magics. Have you ever seen a warrior practicing a sword?"

"Just because you're good with a single sword doesn't mean you're good with two swords. If you can carry multiple knives on your body at the same time, and you're not a swordsman for display, then you're even stronger."

Zhao Xing talked eloquently: "Sword cultivators among warriors are strong, but why are there so few sword cultivators? It's just that they can't do it. The burden of controlling each sword is greater, and the straw man method is also inferior to the control method." point."

"When many people practice single-method straw men, they can practice it to the ninth level in one go without any problem, but every additional straw man in battle puts a greater burden on themselves."

"Some people are naturally more suited to this type of magic, and some people are not."

"The emergence of magic combination is actually to solve this shortcoming. One straw man can be used in multiple ways, so the burden is relatively small. However, to achieve the integration of multiple spells into one, it is no less difficult than controlling multiple single-law straw men at the same time."

After all, it is still a question of talent.

Han Bing, Cao Shuang, and Jiang Tianming immediately understood that it would be difficult for them to continue on the road of straw man law.

As for Zhao Xing? Looking at him like this, he is probably a 'straw man'.

The ninth scene in the chat ended with Yu Hao beating Li Jian.

Yu Hao won, and Yu Hao was also among the top ten in the last test.

In the tenth game, Shi Yong defeated Yin Yang.

Zhao Xing also watched Shi Yong's battle.

In the final result, Shi Yong still won, and he won quickly.

"His two straw man techniques have reached the ninth rank, and the two methods are combined into one. After the appearance of the brave giant shield straw man, the single effect is very close to the ninth rank." Zhao Xing secretly said. "I don't know if this is his full strength."

Shi Yong also walked down the square at this time. Throughout the battle, he frowned and didn't know what he was thinking.

The first round was soon over, and the ten losers were awarded the fifth level of 5,000 points.

Including the previous basic attainment points, these ten people can get a total of more than 6,000 points, which is not a small amount.

The remaining ten people are Zhao Xing, Cai Jin, Zhuang Ziqing, Feng Qi, Wei Chen, Qian Kuang, Wu Yue, Che Shihai, Yu Hao and Shi Yong. The second round draw will continue.

Win or lose is still decided in one round.


The lottery flew out, and the remaining nine people quickly finished their selections.

Zhao Xing slowly waited for the last token to fly into his hand.

"This kid." Lu Bang couldn't help but smile when he saw this, "The others want to know who their opponent is as soon as possible, but Zhao Xing is not in a hurry."

"He is confident enough and naturally has a sense of relaxation in his body. This is what he wants when facing a hostile battle." Liu Tianning admired Zhao Xing more and more, "This son can be the commander-in-chief of an army. No wonder Fang Wu commented like that."

The lot number Zhao Xing got was still No. 1.

When he got it, a young man with prominent cheekbones and very light eyebrow lines next to the square couldn't help but sigh.

His name is Qian Huang, and he also holds the number one.

"It seems that only five to ten ranking points can be awarded."

Qian Hong defeated Guan Junyang in the last round, but Guan Junyang's straw man method was not ridiculously strong in Qian Hong's opinion.

Although Guan Junyang is very powerful in the Jiujie Dojo, and even one of the Jiejie Orders has reached the fourth level of the Knowledge Realm, this competition is based on the straw man method of the Self School.

Qian Guang is quite talented in this field, and he is also very good at controlling six straw men in actual combat. Therefore, in the actual battle, he defeated Guan Junyang. Although the straw men were weaker in level, his straw man control was stronger and he finally won the game.

However, facing Zhao Xing this round, the confidence he had just built up became bottomless again.

Let’s see how Zhao Xing performed in the fourth and fifth levels?

Single method straw man competition, eighteen straw men, ranked first!

Combining multiple methods to compete, the perfect dual-method straw man ranked first!

Watching him beat Li Feng again, one knew that this man must be an old man using straw men.

The actual operation of law control will not be weak.

"Anyway, I can already get 8,000 points."

"Forget success or failure, just practice."

Faced with the pressure of Zhao Xing's past performance, Qian Hong closed his eyes and quickly regained his composure.

"The first match, Zhao Xing versus Qian Kuang, begins!"


The barrier rose, and at the beginning, both of them pointed at the material next to them and began to cast spells.

Material is disappearing, but no straw man appears.

It is obvious that both of them are preparing straw puppets based on invisible straw men.

Qian Guang has been staring at Zhao Xing. He must always pay attention to Zhao Xing's movements to prevent the enemy from releasing straw men without knowing it.

When the first straw man was formed, Qian Guang felt a little more confident because it was an 'invisible giant shield straw man'.

The vast body of the giant shield straw man gave Qian Guang some sense of security.

But when he looked at Zhao Xing again, Qian Guang's heart skipped a beat because the materials next to Zhao Xing disappeared too quickly.

The materials disappeared twice as fast as him!

This proves that the other party's drafting speed is faster, and maybe two straw men have already been formed!

"Invisible straw man, go!"

After the first straw man, Qian Guang couldn't wait to raise the second single-method invisible straw man and ordered the straw man to start attacking.

In actual combat, it is not necessary to win legally. He is quite talented in invisible straw men and has the fastest formation speed.

He changed his previous strategy of holding back numbers and began to sneak attack.

Because he knew that it was difficult to beat Zhao Xing in terms of quantity and quality.

Ten steps, twenty steps, thirty steps... There was only a hundred steps between the two.

The invisible straw man crept towards Zhao Xing, but Zhao Xing seemed to be unaware and continued to stare at the materials in front of him.

"Is he just a showpiece?"

Qian Guang's heart was pounding because the invisible straw man had appeared in front of Zhao Xing.


The group of invisible straw men blasted Zhao Xing away and fell directly outside the square.


Qian Guang showed a happy expression, but the next moment he realized that it was not good, because 'Zhao Xing' collapsed after falling out of the square.

"Oh no, it's a phantom straw man!"

"When did he start the phantom straw man?!"

Qian Guang suddenly felt something was wrong and subconsciously wanted to leave his original position.

But at this moment, a pair of hands embraced Qian Guang, holding him tightly, and began to get hot.

"Fuck, give up! I give up!"

Qian Guang screamed immediately.

It's no wonder that Qian Guang was panicking. This is a perfect-level straw man. Being held by a straw man would be scary for anyone!

With Si Nong's body, if he was blown up, he would be dead. Of course, Liu Tianning's duel field has a protection mechanism, and it won't kill people, but why should I suffer this?

"Zhao Xingsheng." Liu Tianning's voice sounded, and then the red light automatically dissipated and disintegrated into a pile of materials scattered next to Qian Guang.

"Pah pah pah~" The firecracker materials fell to the ground, crackling, and Qian Guang, who was still frightened, immediately shuddered and jumped down from the square quickly.

Qian Guang's funny escape immediately attracted a burst of laughter, but the other people who were competing could not laugh.

Qian Guang, who defeated Guan Junyang, was completely powerless in front of Zhao Xing and could not even walk a round. Who could stop him?


In the second game, Cai Jin played against Wu Yue, and Cai Jin won quickly.

In the third game, Zhuang Ziqing played against Che Shihai, and Zhuang Ziqing won quickly.

In the fourth game, Yu Hao played against Wei Chen, and the game was deadlocked for two quarters of an hour, and Yu Hao won.

Judging from the duel list, it was said to be random, but in fact, that Lord Liu still made a secret operation, and did not let the strong fight against each other, but the strong against the weak.

After all, this is about the points reward. If the weak get high points because of luck, it would be a bit unfair.

Just when everyone was thinking this way, the fifth game between Shi Yong and Feng Qi was far beyond everyone's expectations.

Shi Yong played against Feng Qi, and the final result was that Feng Qi won!

It seems that some experts have guessed the ending. Book friends are full of talents.

The plot will be accelerated next, and the next chapter will be half a year later.

In addition, the new book monthly ticket list is very close to the third place. In view of the author's hard work in updating, please give me a wave of monthly tickets!

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