Shennong Daojun

Chapter 136 Gambling Dog Tactics Make a Merit

Xia Jing became mute but could still move his body.

After recovering for a while, he wiped his tears, stood up and bowed to Zhao Xing in the sky.

Although he didn't say anything, his attitude was clear: I'm convinced!

Xia Jing was really made to lose his temper.

First, there is the third-level Ma Yuguo, and then there is the fourth-level Fire Lazuli.

Numb, fishy and spicy...the sourness is too much to resist.

Chen Fang, Hu Bing, and Zhang Jie are right, there are still twenty-seven days of mandatory training! If he continues like this, even if he can withstand it physically, it will leave a shadow on his mind.

Even if others didn't say anything, Xia Jing didn't intend to continue to be harsh.

Zhao Xing finally felt relieved when he saw the proud prince of the Hou family lowering his head.

He cupped his hands and said, "Brothers, you are ridiculous. Zhao Xing's talent is shallow and his selection in the past three days has been unsatisfactory. From now on, I should choose carefully and do my best for your gluttonous food training."

By saying this, he didn't intend to continue to embarrass them, and it was considered as exposing the matter of Xia Jing.

Originally, it wasn't a big deal.

Zhang Jie, Chen Fang, Hu Bing and others looked happy and held their hands in succession: "Thank you, Brother Zhao!"

How to practice gluttony without practicing?

If Zhao Xing, the military commander, chooses carefully, they can not only practice gluttonous eating, but also suffer less torture.

That is to say, the smell of dead fish attached to this ma fish fruit has no exercise effect at all and is purely unpleasant.

Zhao Xing can choose another kind of supply for them, and the training effect will be the same.

Hearing this, Xia Jing was also relieved.

To be honest, he would rather have a life-and-death battle with Fu Ying than smell the smell of dead fish again.

As for the matter of surrendering to Zhao Xing, when the prince of the Hou family thought about it now, it was actually not shameful.

One of them is a farmer, and the other is a warrior. They are not the same profession at all, so what is there to compete with?

Zhao Xing made three kinds of them in three days. Not only was the output amazing, but the quality was also high. Xia Jing was really impressed.

When I think about it like this, my thoughts become clearer.

"I won't disturb your training. I'll take my leave."

As soon as Zhao Xing left, Liu Yongli continued to arrange training.

Zhou Ming watched happily for a while and then ran back.

High in the sky, there are clouds and rain on the building.

Lupine watched this scene with a ground mirror and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahahaha, this Xia Jing finally gave in."

"I thought he was going to continue to be tough."

Zuo Zizhi put down his mirror and smiled: "If he continues to be tough, Zhao Xing will definitely not let him go."

"Zhao Xing was very careful and discovered that Xia Jing doesn't like things with strong taste. If he keeps being so picky, sooner or later he will be tricked into a psychological shadow. It's better to take it as soon as possible."

"It's still not early enough." Lu Bang said, "If you were smart, you would have accepted it when you eat the ma fish fruit, instead of competing for everything."

"He is the eldest son of the Hou family." Zuo Zizhi said with a smile, "Xiahou has so many sons, how can he be chosen as the eldest son if he is not competitive?"

"Yes." Lu Bang nodded: "Taking this into consideration, he can be said to be able to take it up and let it go, and he has a good temperament."

"The third day is about to pass. Sinong Fourth Hospital, has the ranking of each genius been released?"

"You can almost tell." Zuo Zizhi looked at the ground mirror and said, "Among the top twenty-one, seventeen seats are occupied by top-level geniuses."

"There are four people, temporarily overtaken by the people below."

"The Shenwei Army, Han Bing and Feng Qiu, these two who were originally rated as medium-A, are coming to kill them."

"The other two people, one is your student Cai Jin. The other is not from the four major branches, but Li Feng."

There is actually not a big gap between the A-level rating and the A-level rating. In the past two months of the branch, some people have exploded in talent, and some people have discovered new methods, which may surpass those above.

"Cai Jin, he is sincerely learning the spells of the Idol sect. The environment in the first three days was not very harsh, and he did not have high requirements for the right time, place, and laws. It is not surprising that he came to kill him." Lu Bang commented on his student .

"Li Feng, joined the Wanchun Academy. He also found a good teacher in the Wanchun Academy. His strength was already good among the Tiger Jiao Army, but now he has returned to the normal level."

"The gap in the front is also relatively small, and only the top three have a slightly wider gap." Zuo Zizhi said, "Shi Yong's score is still ranked first, 220 points higher than the second-placed Zhuang Ziqing."

"Zhuang Ziqing is one hundred and eighty points ahead of Zhao Xing, who is one hundred and twenty points ahead of Fengqiu, who is in fourth place." Zuo Zizhi said, "The difference in scores among the others is within a hundred points. No matter how powerful Shi Yong is, there is no How much more, for now, there is no obvious difference.”

A few hundred points, the difference is really not that big. A thousand catties of second-level supplies are just one hundred percent.

"The environment in the first three days, the upper limit is Shi Yong." Lu Bang nodded. "This is not his fault, it is the upper limit of the environment. He has already condensed twenty-four solar terms orders, but he just doesn't know what the level is."

"No matter what level he is, if he wants to widen the gap, it will take these ten days in between." Zuo Zizhi said with a smile. "He can't open the back, it's the same."

"Yes." Lu Bang nodded, "It is relatively simple to condense the twenty-four solar terms. Normally, it takes one year."

"Before entering Shiyang Cave, most people have practiced the "Solar Terms Order". However, these little guys will know later that the power of their "Solar Terms Order" can only be used outside and cannot shake Shiyang at all. The time of day in the cave.”

"For the next ten days, I'll probably just stare at it, hahaha."


On the third day, it was almost midnight.

Liu Yongli and the middle-aged doctor brought ten warriors to the flying boat, preparing to go to the next location.

All ten warriors entered the cabin.

As for Liu Yongli and the military doctor, they came out again after a while.

"Why don't you sit inside? It will take a while." Zhou Ming said.

"Why do you say?" The military doctor covered his nose. "Use a wind magic on me."

"Okay." Zhou Ming glanced at Zhao Xing, smiled and cast a gust of wind to filter the military doctor.

The military doctor took a long breath.

As for Zhao Xing, he used the wind method to form a cyclone duct before the warriors boarded the flying boat, and drew fresh air from outside into his body within half a meter.

It was like putting a protective shield on himself.

There was no way, the ten warriors smelled like dead fish.

They couldn't stand it when they got close.

"What about me, Brother Zhou, don't forget me." Liu Yongli was anxious, he was holding his breath all the way.

"Forget it, don't bother me. I'll seal the hatch." Zhou Ming simply cast a wind wall to block the hatch.

"Much more comfortable." Liu Yongli greedily breathed in the fresh air.

After the Liuyun flying boat had flown for half an hour, Zhao Xing felt that the air suddenly became cooler.

He saw three bright moons hanging in the sky in the distance.

"I don't know where they have gone." Zhao Xing said secretly.

"We're there." Zhou Ming shouted and controlled the flying boat to land.

"Click~" Zhao Xing jumped off the flying boat, and there was a friction sound under his feet. He looked down and saw that it was snow.

He took out the almanac and saw that it showed [Minor Cold].

The second training environment was a piece of frozen soil.

"Everyone get off the boat!" Liu Yongli shouted towards the hatch.

Ten warriors came out one after another.

"Ice and snow environment?"

At this moment, it was windy outside. After getting off the boat, a chill came over them, and the ten warriors rubbed their shoulders subconsciously.

They were wearing thin clothes, unlike Zhao Xing who had a raincoat for protection.

"This place is close to Songxue Lake." Zhou Ming introduced, "The cold level is three, your vitality consumption will double, and the training will be more tiring."

Then he looked at Zhao Xing again: "Your planting area is within a radius of five miles, but there is no boundary marker in the south. You can get water from the frozen Songxue Lake as long as you can get it. You can check the specific environment yourself."

"Yes." Zhao Xing nodded and immediately flew into the sky to check.

As they rose to high altitude, the wind and snow became stronger, the surroundings were foggy, the bright eye spell was greatly reduced, and the visibility was very low.

It took an hour just to explore the environment within a radius of five miles.


Zhao Xing flew back to the flying boat.

He wanted to check the situation of the ground veins.

But it was not easy to perform the Xuantu method at this time.

Because of the ice layer blocking, he had to remove the ice first.


A tornado appeared, and the strong wind was like a drill, drilling through the ice layer under his feet and blowing it away.

"Dig one foot of ice before seeing the ground?"

"The training is starting to get intense." Zhao Xing said secretly.

"Xuan Tu Guardian!"

Xuan Tu Guardian reaches the seventh turn or above, and can sneak in the seven earth veins of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

Zhao Xing's Shenxing Guardian reached the eighth turn, and Xuan Tu Guardian also reached the eighth turn.

"The sneak speed is a little slower than normal, because this is frozen soil, and the water power in the earth veins has become heavier as 'ice and frost power'."

"If it is lower than the seventh turn, I can't even escape." Zhao Xing said secretly.

If it is the ground method, Si Nong who has not learned the Xuan Tu method, it is difficult to see the situation of the veins clearly in this situation.

After learning the Xuan Tu method, the level must be raised to the seventh turn, so that the five elements of wind and thunder can all be escaped, in order to resist the interference of abnormal environment.

After sneaking in the earth veins for half an hour, Zhao Xing appeared on the surface.

"The fire power in the earth veins is deep, the water power is strong, and it has mutated."

"The metal and earth are lower than normal, and the wood power is much lower than normal."

"This is much worse than the environment of the gravel slope." Zhao Xing said secretly.

After determining the environment, he began to select seeds in the bamboo box.

"In a place where the water power is strong, aquatic species are preferred."

"But it is very cold here, and there are not many things that can be grown."

Zhao Xing chose and chose, but he didn't find any suitable targets.

It is difficult to grow third- and fourth-level supplies here.

"You must change the environment."

"Otherwise, even if you can survive, the number will not rise."

Zhao Xing visualized the twenty-four solar terms map.

At this time, there were six solar terms in his dantian.

Before the second mandatory training, he spent four hours every day to go to Tianshiyuan to comprehend the solar terms monument.

In half a month, he condensed six solar terms!

Normally, it takes a year from the beginning of learning "Solar Order" to the condensation of all 24 solar order orders.

Zhao Xing condensed six in half a month. One is the effect of the transformation of Dao Embryo Pill, and the other is that his comprehension is already good. In addition, he comprehended the solar order monument of Tianshi Academy, so the speed is naturally much faster than normal.

Now the six solar order phantoms in Dantian are [Beginning of Spring] [Beginning of Summer] [Beginning of Autumn] [Beginning of Winter] [Rain Water] [Qingming].

"Each solar order is above the 'first turn of the knowledge realm'."

"Beginning of Spring and Beginning of Summer have reached the second turn of the knowledge realm."

"In the current situation, it is too difficult to jump to [Beginning of Summer] all at once. Let's see if we can establish 'Spring' first."

"Tianshi Imperial Order, appear!"

Zhao Xing pointed his finger, and the [Lichun] solar term order in his dantian trembled slightly. Golden light emerged from his fingertips, forming a small, pointed, wide and thin token.

A closer look revealed a vague miniature pattern inside the token, with some tender green branches emerging, depicting an early spring scene.

The golden order rose to high altitude, then spread and merged into the void.

But it only lasted for a quarter of an hour before it began to tremble.

Zhao Xing gritted his teeth and persisted, but after two quarters of an hour, the golden order still collapsed.

"It can't stand up."

"The power of the celestial phenomena is too strong. In the outside world, it can be done easily, but this is in the Ten Yang Cave Heaven Small World." Zhao Xing shook his head.

If the [Lichun] solar term doesn't work, then the rest will be even worse, because the span of change is larger and the difficulty is naturally greater.

Zhou Ming looked at Zhao Xing shaking his head and couldn't help but smile slightly. If the Si Nong could easily take advantage of the weather, then this training would have no effect.

"You need to practice more on the Tianshi method." Zhou Ming lit the stove and began to warm the wine.

Zhao Xing was not discouraged at this time.

Since the Tianshi method didn't work, let's try something else.

"I can only try the Dili method."

"Even if I use Dizang Guiyuan now, the effect is not ideal. I can only use the gambler method."

Zhao Xing thought about it and decided on the next spell to be cast - the Five Elements Split Earth method.

"Now the water element is flourishing, the fire element is hidden, and gold, earth and wood are all unusable. Then use the gambler method to reshuffle the cards here."

"No matter how chaotic it is, it won't be worse than it is now. As long as it is better than it is now, I will use Dizang Guiyuan to regulate the earth veins."

Zhao Xing rode the strong wind and took off.

"Five Elements Split Earth! Open!"


Golden light sank into the ground.

Zhao Xing began to bombard the ground frantically.

The effect of the Five Elements Earth-Splitting Technique is unknown and random. He is like a gambler who is losing money and smashing the gambling table crazily.

"Crack, crack, crack~" Zhou Ming looked at the cracked ice in front of the flying boat and couldn't help wondering: "Is this the Water Earth-Splitting Technique?"

"No... Wood Earth-Splitting Technique?" Zhou Ming saw a young sprout emerging from the ground and changed his mind.

"Boom, boom, boom~"

The flying boat began to shake, and a crack appeared in the ground.

Caught off guard, Zhou Ming almost lost his balance and even spilled the wine jug he had just warmed.

"Huh? Is this the Five Elements Earth-Splitting Technique?!"

Zhou Ming saw that the flying boat was about to fall into the crack, and immediately pulled the flying boat up.

"Crack, crack, crack~"

The cracks in the ice began to spread from this crack to the surroundings. Soon the cracks became larger and larger, and there was even an earthquake around.

"Fuck, how can this kid's Five Elements Earth-Splitting Technique be so strong?!" Zhou Ming was sprinkled all over, and looked at the ground with wide eyes.

I was woken up by a centipede bite at 5:30 in the morning.

I posted a single chapter at 6 o'clock. It hurt for half an hour. I wiped it with medicinal wine and thought it was nothing serious, so I deleted it.

As a result, I didn't sleep well during the day. My feet kept hurting and my head was dizzy.

Only one chapter has been published so far.

I'm sorry everyone.

I won't stop updating today, but the update will be late, so you don't have to wait.

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