Shennong Daojun

Chapter 131 The second mandatory training lesson: I will plant seeds for you to eat!

"Fourth, scoring standard, produce 1,000 kilograms of [second-level supplies] every day, and you can get a basic 100 points. The higher the supply level and the greater the quantity, the more extra points you will get."

"Five, the Sinong can get normal food, but cannot take pills or use treasures other than the standard ones."

"Six, [Supply training] lasts for one month, and the ranking is calculated based on the final points."

When the new compulsory training course was announced, the people in Sinong were a little agitated.

Many people have had this kind of [supply training] in the original army, but it is obviously more difficult here.

"To grow a thousand kilograms of second-level supplies in one day? That means you must have second-level plants. Isn't that too difficult?!"

"The factors of time and location have a huge impact. The environment is random. Who knows what harsh environment you will encounter?"

"It shouldn't be too harsh. If it's like the five suns in the sky, the earth fire is strong, and there is no water, who can grow it?"

"No food for half a month, directly eliminated? Yes, if you don't give food for half a month, the warriors will probably be starving to the point of being skin and bones. What combat effectiveness do they have?"

Zhao Xing was not surprised when he heard the content of the second compulsory training course.

"I grow and you eat", this is the classic training course of the military minister.

Farming is the job of the military minister.

The military minister not only needs to know how to farm, but also has very strict standards.

With the vast territory of the Great Zhou, if it relies on transporting food from the rear, it will not be enough.

Who can withstand hundreds of thousands of kilometers of food transportation lines?

Moreover, the appetite of the warriors who have entered the rank is amazing. If they cannot eat on the spot, they cannot survive by transporting.

Equipping the army with a military minister is equivalent to equipping the army with batches of mobile granaries!

The gains from fighting are secondary, and solving the problem of eating is the key!

"As long as the military minister carries a bamboo box, as long as the environment is suitable, a military minister can feed an army."

"But the environment cannot always be suitable. Supply training is to test the grain production level of the military minister in various environments." Zhao Xing thought. "This supply training is probably an all-round training."

Since the time and location are mentioned, the influence factors of these two must be significant.

"In half a month, I must master a solar term order as soon as possible, the location spell, and the plant version of Ksitigarbha Guiyuan."

During the period of [unable to train], Zhao Xing has been comprehending the three secret books. The progress is not slow, but not fast, after all, his energy is limited.

When the Minister of Agriculture announced the required training content.

There were also people shouting at the military department.

"The second compulsory training course is called [Environmental Training]!"

"You will be thrown into various environments, including high-temperature areas, miasma areas, and icy areas... In different environments, you must maintain high-intensity physical training."

"During this process, you must also focus on practicing the "Gluttony Method."

"Because there will be fast food training during this period, your food will be provided by the Minister of Agriculture."

"I can tell you clearly that most of the food grown by the Minister of Agriculture this time is very unpalatable, and even poisonous, but this is also the training for you. "The Gluttonous Food Method"!"

"You don't have much time to eat on the battlefield. Sometimes you have to eat some poisonous food to survive, but you can also recover your physical strength and vitality. The faster an army recovers, the different the results of the battle. Even if there are some poisoning and sequelae, they can be completely compensated by doctors and pharmacists afterwards!"

"So you must finish eating the food produced by the Si Nong within a limited time. Who eats more, eats faster, and who can resist longer is the scoring standard for fast-eating training!"

The warriors below suddenly turned into bitter faces.

Training in a harsh environment is nothing, but even eating requires training?

Although I have practiced the "Gluttonous Food Method" and can eat food with a little poison, this process must be very painful.

"God will take his place, and no one will be spared."

"We just beat up Si Nong for a month, and now it's Si Nong's turn to torture us."

One of the short warriors changed his face: "Damn, I'm only at the first level of the gluttony method, I won't be poisoned to death? By the way, the tests at the Si Nong Supervisor all provide poisonous and indigestible food? Aren't there any normal ones?"

"Wu Zheng has made it very clear, you still don't understand?"

"Only at the first level, brother, you're done."

"Brother, don't do anything for the next half month, hurry up and practice the gluttony method, if you have points, buy treasures to quickly upgrade, if you don't have points, borrow some from brothers in the army, otherwise... you will be miserable."

The people around him cast sympathetic eyes.

The short warrior said with a bitter face: "Now our Great Zhou is no longer the same as the Taizu period. The material resources are gradually abundant, and the gluttony method is no longer included in the necessary methods of the local army. Who would have thought... Hey, what level are you?"

"I'm at level two, but I'm at level two, which is more than you can handle." The tall warrior said, "At level two, the digestion and detoxification abilities are greatly improved, and the efficiency of absorbing the vitality in food is also improved a lot."

"I'm at level four, which is considered a first-class level in our reserve. I also entered the Xuanwu Wusi with this method." Another bald warrior with prominent cheekbones said.

The others immediately cast envious eyes.

But the bald warrior smiled bitterly and said: "Don't envy me, do you know how much I suffered to practice to the fourth level?"

"The gluttony method is notoriously difficult to practice. In order to join the Tiger Dragon Army, I was determined to attack the fourth level at the risk of my life."

"I almost died at that time. When our general broke the door and sent me to the doctor, my intestines were rotten, my teeth fell out, and I was bleeding from all seven orifices..."

"It was because I slightly made a mistake in the dosage of a certain medicinal material when using the supplementary food materials, which led to serious problems in my practice."

"Although there were no major problems later, and I accidentally entered the fourth level, this hair will never grow again, and there are still a few scars on it. I think it will be difficult to recover unless it reaches the sixth level."

The bald warrior recalled the past and couldn't help sighing.

"Chao, buddy, you are really cruel. You even practiced to the point of rotting your intestines. I am convinced that you can enter the Xuanwu Division." Others gave him a thumbs up in admiration.

"Carrying the Black Tortoise Shield on the outside and practicing the gluttony method on the inside, if you are not invincible, who is invincible?"

"Damn it, I, I will go back to practice now!" The short warrior gritted his teeth and ran away in a hurry.

Xi'er County, Shenwei Army Camp.

In the marching hall.

"Hu~" The flames rose, and a letter came out of the fireplace.

A sturdy big hand picked up the letter, and Long Xiao shouted inside: "Old Chen, there is a letter."

"Why don't you open it and read it, what are you yelling about." Chen Shijie's voice came.

"Wow!" Long Xiao opened the secret letter and screamed, "Zhao Xing has made rapid progress. He has already built the spiritual bridge between heaven and earth and entered the eighth rank."

"Huh? He has also practiced three sonic martial arts, among which Kui Niu's Thunder Roar has reached the seventh turn?!"

"Eliminated the genius Fu Ying of the martial arts department once?! Good, good, good fight!"

"Let me see." Chen Shijie heard Long Xiao's muttering and came over. After taking the letter, he saw that it was about some content about Zhao Xing's training in April.

However, this letter was not written by Zhao Xing, but by a lieutenant of the Shenwei Army stationed in Dongtian.

"Sonic martial arts, Kui Niu's Thunder Roar? It has reached the seventh turn. Where does this kid get so many points to practice." Chen Shijie said, "The superior resources of the A-level can't afford so many auxiliary materials."

Kui Niu's Thunder Roar, the gluttonous method, both require precious materials to practice, otherwise blind practice will cause big problems.

"He worships Tian Hou, who is famous for his wealth." Long Xiao said, "You don't care about this?"

"That's right." Chen Shijie suddenly realized, "It seems that Tian Hou gave some help."

"You have to work hard." Long Xiao smiled, "This kid is more talented than you, don't let him surpass you when he is trained."

"He surpassed me, I can't wait to be happy." Chen Shijie smiled. "Add another general to the Marquis."

"By the way, Captain Huang said that Zhao Xing wants us to find out about a man named 'Mi Fu'." Long Xiao said, "Who is Mi Fu? Do you know him?"

"Mi Fu?" Chen Shijie frowned and took another close look at the letter. "I don't know him. He didn't say where he was from or what his official position was. How can I find him?"

"Didn't he say that Mi Fu was good at Ninghua Fa? He knew about this man when he bought magic books."

"That's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Let's keep an eye on him."

Fuchun Garden, Zhao Xing came to Tian Yan's Fuchun Garden on the day he finished the first compulsory training.

"You performed well last month. Many people, whether from the Ministry of Agriculture or the Ministry of Military Affairs, praised you."

"I am also very satisfied with your performance. I didn't expect you to make such great progress in a short period of time. There are only five Hundred Beast Throat Pills and Earth Demon Lung Training Pills in total, and you have practiced Kuiniu Leihou to the seventh level."

Tian Yan smiled and praised Zhao Xing for a rare time.

Although Tian Yan is kind and generous, he is also very strict with his disciples. In the past month, Zhao Xing has come to receive guidance from time to time.

It is rare to hear praise from him. Now that he said so, it proves that Tian Yan is really satisfied.

[Unable to train] In one month, Zhao Xing practiced the sound wave martial arts to a high level, and also caught the eyes of the senior officials, and was mentioned many times.

As a teacher, Tian Yan naturally felt proud.

"Teacher, you are too kind. In fact, I also spent a lot of points and relied on external forces to practice Kuiniu Leihou to the seventh level." Zhao Xing said modestly.

"I know." Tian Yan nodded, "You spent points, don't others spend points? The resources of the A superiors are similar. I will give you a gift, and other teachers will also give it."

"But you chose Kuiniu Leihou to practice, which proves that you are not afraid of hardship and have a high level of understanding."

Zhao Xing listened quietly.

"Good performance is good performance, and there is no need to be overly modest." Tian Hou said, "In the next [Supply Training], are you sure you can keep the top 21?"

"Just barely sure." Zhao Xing said.

He didn't know what he would encounter this time, and he didn't dare to guarantee it.

The time and location are completely random. He hasn't mastered the solar term order yet, and the Ksitigarbha method still lacks plant cultivation.

Among the 21 A-level geniuses, he is the youngest, has no local experience, and doesn't have much time to learn the three secret books.

"Don't force it, I'll give you something worth 30,000 points." Tian Yan smiled.

"Teacher, this won't..." Zhao Xing was a little surprised. He didn't know whether Tian Yan's doing this was good or bad for him. Wouldn't he be criticized?

"Your situation is special." Tian Yan said, "I have discussed this with several adults in the Institute of Geology, and found Fan Zhaoli to apply for it, and I gave you a special approval."

"You were transferred as soon as you became a regular official. Even though your foundation is weak, you still passed the fourth level."

"Ge Jinsong and Cheng Qingming of Tianshiyuan are blind, but I am not blind."

"I'll give you another 30,000 points as a subsidy, it's nothing."

When Zhao Xing heard this, he immediately thanked him: "Thank you, teacher, for your cultivation."

Tian Yan said: "It's because you have maintained your performance as a superior that I will give you this extra help. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to explain to my superiors."

"Remember, you must remain in the top twenty-one ranks among the more than ten thousand reserves."

"You can't relax. There are many people behind you who are eyeing the first twenty-one spots, trying to squeeze you out."

"If you fall, not only will your treatment be reduced, but it will also be difficult for me to take care of you privately in the future."

"Student understands." Zhao Xing nodded.

"Go ahead and prepare for supply training."

"Yes, students are resigning."

June 7th, eighteen locust trees in the courtyard.

"Da da da~"

Gao Ming came galloping on a bamboo horse.


He said with a loud voice, and then walked away.

Zhao Xing heard the sound, opened the courtyard door and walked out.

All I saw was the dust raised by the bamboo horse.

"This clever guy is really getting lazy." Zhao Xing muttered.

At the beginning, when Gao Ming delivered the goods to his door, he would shout: ‘Zhao Xing, your goods have arrived, and they have been left at the door for you! ’

Slowly it becomes:

‘The goods have arrived, at the door. ’

‘The door. ’

To this day, the only thing left is ‘ah’.

"He is not afraid of negative reviews from others. Oh, I forgot, there are no negative reviews."

Zhao Xing carried the box and walked in.

He didn't buy this, Tian Yan bought it for him.

The treasure worth 30,000 points is a special fund, mainly to make up for Zhao Xing's shortcomings.

The first kind of treasure, Tian Yan bought is a treasure related to the weather - [Gangfeng Stone]

The ores excavated from the Gangfeng Mountains in Shiyang Cave Sky.

Zhao Xing's Yangfeng method has always been a weak point. Among the four methods of Tianshi, Xiaojiutiangangfeng has only turned three times.

"Yin wind and yang wind, yin and yang thunder, and the mastery of solar term orders involves the intersection of yin and yang of the five elements. If I want to master the solar term orders, I have to be proficient in all four methods."

Tian Yan bought 8 fourth-level Gangfeng Stones, which were relatively cheap, each worth 2,000 points.

“Except for clouds, there is no yin and yang, and there is also rain.”

"My icy rain can turn droplets of water into ice and make people's blood condense into frost. It can also be regarded as a Yin rain method."

Rain nourishes all things, but Zhao Xing's ice rain is aimed at killing people. He now has too many attack methods and fewer auxiliary methods.

"However, I am quite talented in the way of water. Last month I realized an intermediate [drizzle] method from the rain chart. Although I have never had time to practice it, I have reached the intermediate level six with casual practice."

"In conjunction with the second gift from the teacher, it is worth 10,000 points, which should help me make a breakthrough."

The second treasure sent by Tian Yan is also about the rain method. It is called the "Spring Rain Spirit". It is the fourth-level top quality and is kept in a crystal box.

The third treasure is a fourth-grade high-grade preaching painting, which is also the plant version of "Ksitigarbha's Return to the Origin". Worth four thousand points.

With three treasures, Zhao Xing's spell progress improved quickly.

On June 8th, the [Ksitigarbha's Return to Origin·Plant] spell reached its seventh turn.

The botanical version and the humane version of Ksitigarbha's return to origin are similar in the use of earth veins.

Zhao Xing also has the basic foundation of [Earth Meridian Comprehensive Element]. With the help of the preaching paintings, once he understands it, he will reach the seventh-level realm.

The eighth-level realm mainly improves the breadth of spells. Similar spells can basically be used all at once.

With the help of treasures, it is naturally easy to learn.

On June 9th, Zhao Xing used the 'Spring Rain Spirit', and a steady drizzle fell from above his head. A sunny rain washed over Zhao Xing, which lasted for twelve hours.

Zhao Xing felt the mystery of Yangyu method wholeheartedly.

【Drizzle】Fa also breaks through from level six to level nine.

Starting from June 10th, Zhao Xing made detailed plans for his cultivation.

"Starting from today, in conjunction with the Gangfeng Stone, practice the "Little Nine Heavens Gangfeng" method for an hour every day."

"One Hour of [Ksitigarbha's Return to Origin]"

"Two hours of [Wasteland Condensation Technique]."

"At four o'clock, go to Tianshiyuan to study the solar terms monument."

"With the remaining two hours, practice other spells."

Ten hours are spent practicing.

Of the remaining two hours, one hour is used to review and sort out the problems in the cultivation process. If the progress on the panel does not improve after practicing, Zhao Xing can easily sense that this cultivation direction is wrong.

Therefore, it is also important to review and summarize afterwards.

As for rest? Combined with the [Sleepworm] spell, one hour is barely enough.

Immersed in cultivation, time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

June 22, Mao hour.


The familiar drum beat sounded.

Zhao Xing woke up from his sleep.

The second required training course has begun.

But this time, there was no need to rush, but to gather directly at Diliyuan.

Fifty floating cloud flying boats were parked in the square inside the Dili Courtyard.

The cabin of every spaceship seemed to be filled with people.

Zhao Xing used the Five Elements Observation Object to sense it. All the people above were strong and powerful, and they were obviously the warriors in each group.

"The fifty people in Dili Yuan will randomly select the flying boat. After being selected, they will go to the training location." Fan Zhaoli said, "Get on the boat quickly!"

Zhao Xing casually jumped onto a flying boat numbered 1 and then entered the cabin.


As soon as he entered, Zhao Xing saw ten warriors in the cabin.

There were several familiar faces inside.

"Chen Fang, Hu Bing, Zhang Jie... Hmm?"

His eyes fell on the face of the last person. He had a handsome face, and his slightly raised eyebrows revealed confidence and calmness, and a deep look in his eyes.

Zhao Xing was really familiar with this person. It was Xia Jing who knocked him down many times during the last training.

"Brother Xia, it's you." Zhao Xing grinned and showed a smile.

"Yes, it's me." Xia Jing couldn't help but smile bitterly after seeing Si Nong of his group.

There is also the third update, one o'clock ago.

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