Shennong Daojun

Chapter 13 A-1

"The assessment of the Lesser Heat has ended. The content is the "grain-eating bird disaster". The results of this assessment will depend on the damage to the farmland that the clerks are responsible for."

"Those with less than 10% damage to the original rice will be rated as Grade A."

"Those with less than 20% damage will be rated as Grade B."

"Those with less than half damage will be rated as Grade C."

"If more than half damage is caused, there will be no score in this assessment, and the clerk will be punished to replant and use cultivation techniques to accelerate growth. If he can make up for it again, he can be rated as Grade C."

"The scores of the Lesser Heat assessment have been posted for public viewing. Please check them yourself. No matter what the results are, you should work hard and avoid arrogance and impatience."

After Chen Shijie finished speaking, the clerk in the Feizhou office waved his hand, and a piece of yellow paper floated in the air and was accurately posted on the nine notice boards of the public fields and grasslands.

The clerks bowed to the Feizhou, and when the Liuyun Feizhou flew away, they gathered around with a clamor.

"What? There are only 30 people on the A list, and only five people on the A list?!"

"It's over, it's over. There are only 214 people on the list. Doesn't this mean that half of the officials are unqualified?"

"Brother in front, please help me see if my name is on the C list?"

"Yes, ninth on the C list, C list, congratulations, brother Liang."

"Alas, only on the C list? Last time, they all made it to the B list..."

"The Xiaoshu assessment is so difficult, what about the Qiuyue assessment? There will only be a few people who can be accepted as officials in the spring of next year, and you still want to make up for them! Let's go and have a drink!"

"Oh, that's right, at worst I'll quit!"

The Xiaoshu assessment is much more difficult than the previous ones, so the list is full of gloom.

There are very few people who are happy, and they all feel that they have done poorly in the exam.

Among them, a small number of people don't care.

Because only three or five people are accepted as officials in a year, the difficulty of the assessment will only increase as time goes on, and those petty officials who are not diligent and unqualified will be screened out.

If you don't have the chance, why are you in a hurry? Just start, and don't even plan to make up for the exam.

What? You said you were fired? Just fire me, anyway, the salary is not much, and in a peaceful world, if you don't work as a petty official, you can't starve to death?

Of course, most people still care, otherwise why would they choose this path in the first place? Besides, they have worked hard for so long, and the sunk costs are here, so of course they still have hope.

Chen Ziyu and Qian Dong are also desperately squeezing forward.

Soon, they squeezed out again in despair.

The two of them got a C-level, which is just barely qualified.

As soon as he got out of the crowd, Chen Ziyu slapped his head: "Yes, Qian Dong, how are your brother's grades? Did you help check just now?"

Qian Dong raised his drooping head and hesitated: "I didn't see my brother's name on the C list just now, could it be..."

"What's the hard part? Are you saying that my brother failed the exam? He didn't even make the C list? My brother worked so hard before, how could he not make the C list? How sad would he be? No wonder he disappeared, could he be upset?"

Qian Dong shook his head hurriedly: "No, not really, my brother is so free and easy at ordinary times, how could he be upset because of this... But I'm afraid he can't help being sad."

Chen Ziyu said worriedly: "I'll go to the list again, Qian Dong, you go around to look for my brother's traces, and meet at the triangle field later."

A quarter of an hour later, at the triangle field.

Qian Dong saw the distraught Chen Ziyu. Seeing his look, he thought something had gone wrong. Why did his face become more gloomy than before?

"I haven't found my elder brother yet, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Ziyu looked up blankly: "Brother's name is not on the C list."

"If it's not on the list, then it's not on the list. It's not surprising to fail the list..."

Qian Dong couldn't help but stop talking: "On the B list?"

Seeing that Chen Ziyu didn't answer, Qian Dong's mouth gradually opened: "Could it be..."

"Yes, brother is on the A list, and ranked above A. Tied with Wen Nanxing, Li Chengfeng, Zong Shichang, and Xiao Ze."


Qian Dong's expression became the same as Chen Ziyu's.

Not far from the A list, Li Chengfeng was surrounded by people and was enjoying the cool on a stone.

Of course, he didn't need to go to see it in person, and he was confident enough that he was on the list.

What he enjoyed was not the moment of the announcement of the list, but the flattery of everyone at this time.

"Congratulations, Brother Li, you are once again ranked in the top of the list, and you are rated as the top one!"

"Brother Li is indeed a man of outstanding talent. How many times has this been ranked in the top one?"

"The sixth time!"

"Next spring, I'm afraid you will have to call me Lord Li."

Li Chengfeng smiled and bowed to the people around him: "Don't joke, everyone. What's the difference between Lord and Lord? We are all brothers. Besides, I am not the only one who is rated as the top one. I am far inferior to Brother Zong... Brother Zong, Brother Zong! What are you looking at?"

The burly young man next to him, Zong Shichang, heard Li Chengfeng calling him, and came back to his senses with a little curiosity: "I'm looking at the list, Brother Li, there are five people on the top one. Except for you, me, Wen Nanxing, and Xiao Ze, I have never heard of this fifth person."

"Oh?" Li Chengfeng couldn't help but step forward to take a look. When he saw the unfamiliar name Zhao Xing, he frowned: "I really haven't heard of it. I know most of the people in the Seventh Court of the Agricultural Supervision. Where did this person come from?"

"Could he be under the command of the old Minister of Agriculture?" Zong Shichang said.

"Don't think too much, you'll know after a visit someday." Li Chengfeng narrowed his eyes.

At the same time, Wen Nanxing, Xiao Ze, and the others on the A list also noticed the name Zhao Xing.

The Sinongjian only has three or five vacancies for officials every year. Forget about the other lists, but everyone on the A list is a competitor.

If others are on the list, I can't, and he may become my boss, how can I not pay attention?

But Zhao Xing is usually too low-key and inconspicuous. When asking friends, almost no one has heard of this person. At most, they only know that he is a minor official under the old Si Nong, which makes people more curious.

Zhao Xing didn't know that he had been noticed by many officials. He didn't even look at the list.

Because after Chen Shijie announced the rules, he immediately knew that he must be on the list. Why bother to squeeze in the sweat and smell in the hot weather? It's better to go home early to take a shower, change clothes and have a meal.

If you go back late, Mrs. Cai might hide the meat. She is really capable of doing this.

"This year's assessment has six times, including the Lesser Heat. According to convention, there are six more small tests that follow the solar terms."

"In my previous five tests, I got one B-level, two C-levels, and two C-levels. It's quite mediocre."

"But it doesn't matter. Rapid progress is also a kind of excellence. Such small tests are not entirely based on grades. If you have good potential, you will have the opportunity to be recommended."

"If I can get into the A list every time before the winter assessment, I will definitely be noticed by the higher-ups, that is, the old Minister of Agriculture. I don't know how much help he can give me then." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

"The old Minister of Agriculture, Xue Wenzhong, is a well-known good man. He doesn't fight or compete, and he is very honest. He never accepts things from others. If I am not much different from others by then, it depends on whether my superiors will fight for me at the critical moment."

"Squeak~" The smell of meat suddenly entered Zhao Xing's nose, interrupting his train of thought. It turned out that he had already arrived home, and the smell of meat was wafting out of the kitchen.

"Hmm? It seems that I am cooking ginseng and black chicken soup... Hey, it's better to come at the right time than to come early!"

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