Shennong Daojun

Chapter 122 Training Teacher A-level resources are obtained!

Zhao Xing saw not only himself, but also other officials coming out of the attic, waving to Zhuang Ziqing, Shi Yong and others.

"I don't know what to say."

After walking up to the second-floor attic, Lu Bang and Zuo Zizhi took Zhao Xing to a secluded private room.

"I've met Mr. Zuo and Mr. Lu."

"Sit down." Zuo Zizhi smiled brightly, "No need to be restrained."

Zhao Xing took his seat.

"I wonder if the two adults came to see me. What orders do you have?"

Zuo Zizhi said: "I don't have any instructions. I just want to have a brief chat in private and ask what you think."

"Si Nong's sect can be divided into three major sects. Each type has thousands of spells, and human energy is limited, so it is best to major in one and minor in the second."

"In addition, the majoring faction of the reserve army is also related to your future position in the army."

"Do you have any plans in mind?"

Hearing Zuo Zizhi's question, Zhao Xing also started thinking.

He had already thought about which sect to cultivate at what period.

However, specific issues must be analyzed in detail.

For example, here in Shiyang Cave, why are there four courtyards instead of three?

Tianshiyuan and Diliyuan are easy to understand.

Taicangyuan corresponds to the ego sect.

Pinghuaiyuan is not divided according to factions, but serves the military.

The main reason why it was separated into a separate hospital was that Zhao Xing was located in Pinghai Prefecture.

Part of Pinghai Prefecture was originally Canghai.

Later, the sea was artificially interfered with, driving the water tribe into the depths, and turned into land.

However, Pinghai Prefecture is still rich in water resources, and there are many rivers in its inland area. The most famous ones are the Canglan River, Yuanjiang River, Xuantian River, and Fenghe River.

These four water veins are related to the stability of Pinghai Prefecture and the livelihood of hundreds of millions of people.

Therefore, in Pinghai Prefecture, for any city near the sea or on an island, the standards of agricultural supervisors must be one level higher. This is also the reason why Pinghuai Academy in the military world was singled out.

Even the official positions include Pinghuai commander, Pinghuai school captain, and Pinghuai captain.

If Zhao Xing's future plans include water control, or if the Shenwei Army's future plans include attacking foreigners who are good at water, then you can consider entering Pinghuaiyuan.

In addition, certain positions also have very obvious factionalism.

For example, Ji Tian Ling and Ping Di Lieutenant, these military agricultural officers were responsible for improving the geographical environment. Their main duties were to farm fields where the army was stationed and to provide training materials for the army.

Captain Jiujie, who specializes in fighting, needs to be with the army at all times.

The captains of the millet management, the captain of the evolution, etc. are the majors of the Self sect, searching for strange plants and trees in the world, carefully cultivating them, and finding the "derivative species" suitable for human consumption.

Of course, no matter which position you hold, the right time, right location, and true self are all indispensable.

The popular Tianshi sect does not exclude other sects, it just says that there are masters and subordinates.

These distinctions between master and subordinate are more obvious in certain positions.

"I personally think that Tianshiyuan, Diliyuan, Pinghuaiyuan and Taicangyuan are all important."

"The Shenwei Army has not made any arrangements for me yet, but I usually practice the Heavenly Time Sect and the Geographical Sect spells, which is easier."

Zhao Xing first expressed his opinion. He felt that all four courtyards were important and no one should be offended.

Secondly, let’s present the facts and say that in my daily practice, the spells of the right time and the right place are faster.

This means that he can enter any branch.

In fact, Zhao Xing really thinks so. Both the Timing Sect and the Geographical Sect can achieve results now.

As for the ego sect, Zhao Xing plans to spend more energy on cultivation after the fifth level.

Only when you reach the fiftieth level of Juyuan and practice the Self Sect can you truly enter the Tao.

Before this, it was all a small matter, you could minor in it, but you wouldn’t spend too much energy on it.

"Yes." Zuo Zizhi nodded slightly. Zhao Xing's answer was not beyond his expectation, and it was also in line with what most people think now.

"What geological spells have you practiced?" Lu Bang asked.

"Xuantu method, underground palace method, Ksitigarbha method, and earth-splitting method are all practiced." Zhao Xing muttered, "One door of Xuantu has seven turns of magic. There are two gates of underground palace, one is seven turns and the other is eight turns. "

"One Ksitigarbha method, with six turns of spells, one with the earth-splitting method, with seven turns of spells."

He did not mention the specific name of the spell, mainly because Ksitigarbha is a bit taboo.

However, Lu Bang doesn't need to know in detail. He only needs to know the realm of spells and the amount he has practiced.

After listening to Zhao Xing's words, Lu Bang also revealed the real intention of asking him to come in to talk: "Since you said that you are good at the right time and place, I won't beat around the bush."

Lu Bang continued: "You must rate A-level talents. No matter if you enter the Tianshi Academy, the Dili Academy, the Taicang Academy, or the Pinghuai Academy, the treasures of enlightenment and cherished resources in the other three academies will not be missing from you."

"Which hospital you enter depends on the teacher you study under. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhao Xing nodded: "Understood."

He must now get Class A training resources. As long as he is Class A, no matter which branch he goes to, he will also have priority in enjoying the precious resources of other branches.

Of course, if you are in the second class, there will be some differences. Some resources still have to be queued, or even not available.

Lu Bang said: "Since you understand, then I will tell you directly."

"Tian Hou of Diliyuan asked me to pay attention to some good seedlings."

"After listening to what you said about the Dili sect spells that you are good at, I also think that you are suitable to go to Diliyuan."

"Marquis Tian is willing to take you personally. As long as what you said just now is not a lie, you will definitely get the top resources if you enter the Dili Academy."

Zhao Xing listened quietly. This is the Dili Academy's plan to intercept at the fourth level.

No wonder he didn't go down after the exam and still stayed in the sky.

The Tianshi Academy is probably also on guard.

"Of course." Lu Bang smiled and said, "If you are willing to enter the Taicang Academy, I am also willing to spend extra time to train you personally, but since you have already expressed your thoughts, I will not embarrass you. Just come and participate in my selection and training in the future."

Marquis Tian? Zhao Xing couldn't hear anything from the name of this marquis. Marquis Tian could be a third-class marquis or a second-class marquis. It mainly depends on merit and strength.

Zuo Zizhi seemed to see what Zhao Xing was thinking, and immediately said: "Marquis Tian's name is Tian Yan, and his marquisate is inherited. Tian Taigong was granted the title of founding county duke during the reign of Emperor Taizu, and his fiefdom was in Guliu County. He completed the inheritance and descent once during the reign of Emperor Taizu and Emperor Wen. Now he has become a marquis, but he is still a second-class marquis."

Zhao Xing knew that there were only five titles that were hereditary in the Great Zhou Dynasty, namely, prince, county prince, successor prince, duke, and titles specially approved by the imperial edict. The last one could be big or small, and there were even hereditary viscounts.

For the rest, their titles would be reduced by one level each time they were inherited.

Lu Bang added several advantages of Tian Yan: "Marquis Tian is a fifth-rank official, has a lot of family wealth, and is also very kind and generous."

Zhao Xing originally thought it was nothing, but the words "quite wealthy" and "kind and generous" immediately made him a little moved.

"You don't have to reply in a hurry. You can also see if Tianshi Academy has sent you a notice."

"If other teachers are interested, you can weigh the pros and cons yourself."

Lu Bang said very bluntly.

It's a two-way selection, so naturally you go to the best place.

"Thank you, Lord Lu and Lord Zuo for your advice." Zhao Xing took out the ground mirror and took a look.

As expected, there was a notice on it.

It was sent by Tianshi Academy.

It probably means that Zhao Xing performed well in the fourth level and can enter Tianshi Academy for training.

Zhao Xing skipped the previous nonsense and looked directly at the last training resource.

[If you want to enter Tianshi Academy, you will get the 'A-level' training resources, and the Tianshi Academy agricultural teacher 'Ge Jinsong' will be responsible for training. 】

"Only A-level?" Zhao Xing frowned slightly. "No A-level, is it because I can't do wind magic?"

The first level was a tip-off, and there was no ranking, so I couldn't see anything.

Only the third level of thunder hunting, when I jumped down, tested the wind magic.

"The wind method I used at that time was weak, and the Xiaojiu Tiangang Wind was only at the third level."

As for the ninth level of Yin Feng method, for the strict Tianshi School, Yin Feng is not considered as Tianshi method in their eyes. Even if Zhao Xing said that he had the ninth level of Yin Feng, he might not be recognized.

"Forget it, it's better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix."

"Tianshi Academy looks down on me and only gives me the first place, so I will go to Dili Academy." Zhao Xing made a choice in his heart. He quickly raised his head and said to Lu Bang: "I am willing to enter Dili Academy and receive training under Tian Hou."

Lu Bang facilitated a deal and smiled and said: "Okay, I will take you to see Tian Hou after landing."

Before the Yunyu Tower ship landed, the two hundred challengers had to make a choice.

Tianshi Academy was the mainstream thought, and there were still many people who signed up.

But in the end, Tianshi Academy only selected 50 excellent people.

There were only 12 places for those who sent the notice in person.

"Zhuang Ziqing refused." In the attic, the four leaders of Tianshi Academy were chatting, "He wants to join Dili Academy."

"It's a pity, Zhuang Ziqing is a good seedling." One of them felt a little regretful, because he wanted to accept Zhuang Ziqing as a student and gave him the treatment of A-level, but he didn't come.

"Zhao Xing also refused." Ge Jinsong put down the ground mirror in his hand, expressionless, "The training resources of A-level still didn't impress him."

"I said he should be given A-level." An old man laughed, "What does it matter if he has no military experience?"

"But his Gangfeng is too bad, only at the third level." Another person said, "And he has no experience. If I were to say, according to the rules, he can only be given A-level. Lord Ge is willing to accept him and give him A-level training resources, but he is not satisfied?"

One person said A-level, one person said B-level, and one person did not express an opinion, so Ge ​​Jinsong compromised.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Xing was still not impressed.

In fact, it was not that the people of Tianshi Academy looked down on Zhao Xing. Jiazhong was already a second-class training resource, and Ge Jinsong was also a fifth-grade expert.

If Tian Hou hadn't intervened, Zhao Xing might have agreed. After all, there was a chance to upgrade his treatment after entering.

But with a better choice, he naturally refused.

"Forget it." Ge Jinsong shook his head and said, "If it's not fate, there's no need to force it. Maybe he didn't want to major in Tianshi."

After the Yunyu Tower ship shuttled for two quarters of an hour, it suddenly entered a strong wind.

When it came out again, there were only two suns in the sky.

The surrounding clouds were floating and green.

Yangcheng was also in sight.

After getting off the boat, everyone was divided into two waves.

One wave was the fifty people who had already chosen Tianshi Academy and Tianshi Academy agreed to accept them. Their test was over and they returned directly to Yangcheng Sinongjian.

The remaining 150 people continued to take the test.

The fifth and sixth levels were the tests of Dili Academy.

The seventh and eighth levels are the tests of Pinghuai and Taicangyuan.

But they are relatively simple.

Because the Tianshi Fa can be cultivated to a higher level, the other two spells will not be too bad, otherwise they will not be able to serve as military ministers in the secondary legion.

Now these 150 people can all enter the other three courtyards, just looking at the training treatment.

"Shi Yong and Feng Qiu went to Tianshi Courtyard, but Zhuang Ziqing stayed, Guan Junyang, Hua Zhilin, and Han Bing also stayed." Zhao Xing looked at the people around him.

"It is said that Tianshi Courtyard gave Zhuang Ziqing the treatment of the first class, but he still didn't go." Zhao Xing shook his head. Those who want to go can't go, and those who don't want to go are given high treatment. Things in the world are so unpredictable.

The test of Dili Courtyard is to cast spells in a hard rock area.

The challenger can show his own Dili spell.

After Zhao Xing showed the Five Elements Split Earth and the Infinite Underground Palace in the fifth level, he received a notice in the ground mirror.

It was equivalent to symbolically going through the process and being taken away.

Zhuang Ziqing, Han Bing, a total of ten people were also taken away.

Zhao Xing estimated that this was all discussed on the boat.

Riding on the Liuyun flying boat, they arrived at the Diliyuan.

Then Lubang sent Zhao Xing to a wide manor.

In front of the manor, rows of fruit trees were planted, full of rare and precious fruits, some of which Zhao Xing could not recognize.

But it can be seen that the quality is definitely not low.

"This is Tian Hou's Fuchun Garden."

Lubang pointed.

"Tian Hou is also one of the agricultural officials of the Diliyuan."

Agricultural chief, agricultural chief, and agricultural teacher are the three levels in the Diliyuan. Above them is the great agricultural chief, who is the top leader, equivalent to the dean of the entire Diliyuan.

When Zhao Xing and Lubang landed, Tian Yan was also waiting at the door.

It was not for any other reason, but mainly because Zhao Xing could not enter without an invitation.

"Tian Hou, I brought the person to you." Lubang smiled, "He is Zhao Xing."

Tian Yan's hair and beard were a little gray, but his face was ruddy and without any wrinkles.

He had a lot of flesh on his face, and his hands and feet were white and tender, with that kind of plump feeling.

When seeing Lu Bang and Zhao Xing coming, Tian Yan greeted them with a smile. When he smiled, his eyebrows and eyes curved, he looked very friendly.

"Thank you for your hard work, Lu Bang, come in and sit for a while?"

Lu Bang shook his head and said, "I won't come in to disturb Tian Hou. There are people waiting for me in Taicangyuan. I'll take my leave first."

After Lu Bang left, Zhao Xing bowed and said, "Student Zhao Xing, meet the teacher."

"Okay, okay, come in." Tian Yan smiled, "From today on, you are my student, Tian Yan."

After entering the door, Zhao Xing felt that the climate inside was as warm as spring and very comfortable.

There are mountains and waters in Fuchun Garden, fruit trees are in forests, flowers are in full bloom, and there are countless rare and exotic plants.

Following Tian Yan's walk, I saw many pavilions, towers, rockery and streams along the way.

The layout is very exquisite, which is in line with the way of Feng Shui. Just looking at the place where he lives, you can tell that this teacher is a person who knows how to enjoy life.

"Zhao Xing, sit down." Tian Yan took Zhao Xing to the main hall.

"Thank you, teacher, for the seat." Zhao Xing was unsure of Tian Yan's temper, so he was still very polite.

"Don't be too reserved. I chose you." Tian Yan said, "You can relax a little."


"Since you have entered the Geo-Profit Academy and have taken me as your teacher, I will be responsible for your training for the next year." Tian Yan said, "Except for the training you must go to. I will help you with the selection and personal practice."

"You are a Class A training resource. You can enter the three treasures of the Geo-Profit Academy, Xuantian Prison, Seventy-two Underground Palaces, and Earth Vein Hall, to comprehend."

"You have three free opportunities. You have to fight for the extra opportunities in the subsequent training."

Zhao Xing listened quietly. The place he had comprehended before was an open and free place. In Xuantian Prison, Zhao Xing could only observe the lower-level beasts. The Seventy-two Underground Palaces could only be viewed from a distance. The murals of the earth veins in the Earth Vein Hall also had different levels.

"In addition, you can also go to Tianshiyuan's 108 solar terms inscriptions, Taicangyuan's original dojo, and Pinghuaiyuan's 36 waterways for free twice."

"A superior resource, your monthly initial points will be increased from 100 to 5,000 points!"

"You can buy the original treasures produced in Shiyang Cave Heaven at a 20% discount, and you can buy them first, but you can only use them yourself. Once you are found to be purchasing them on behalf of others or selling them outside the cave heaven, the punishment will be very severe."

"Yes, the student knows." Zhao Xing nodded. Military supplies, trafficking is a felony, he will not be stupid.

"In addition, I will give you a personal gift worth 50,000 points." Tian Yan waved his hand, and a large box floated over and appeared in front of Zhao Xing.

"There will be a mandatory training in a month, and these 50,000 points are prepared for your mandatory training in a month."

Worth 50,000 points? Zhao Xing was secretly amazed. This teacher was really generous. The gift was worth 50,000 points.

"Thank you for the reward, teacher." Zhao Xing said hurriedly.

"The mandatory training in a month will be very hard and difficult. You are now highly expected. Your performance is not only related to the reputation of the Shenwei Army, but also to my reputation." Tian Yan said seriously, "Your entry into the Dili Academy is just the beginning. If you take so many resources and don't perform accordingly, you will also be downgraded."

"Now there are 21 A-levels in the four major academies, and your competitors are only another 20 people."

"If you can maintain the A-level and complete the training, you may even be directly promoted to a seventh-rank official!"

"But because of this, the selection is very strict!"

"If you rank in the bottom five for three consecutive times, it proves that you are not worthy of this resource and will be demoted to the top five, and so on... and this ranking will be done every month."

"So you can't slack off at all, understand?" Tian Yan said seriously.

"Yes, I will remember this. I will never let you down." Zhao Xing expressed his attitude.

"Okay, go ahead." Tian Yan smiled, "Come to me every three days, and I will arrange additional training according to your progress."

"Remember, your opponents are only the other twenty people, and it will be useless even if you surpass the other nine thousand nine hundred people."

"Yes, I'll take my leave."

Rolling the box back to the Eighteen Trees and Willows Courtyard, Zhao Xing saw the ground mirror reminding him on the way that 5,000 points were credited to his account.

He couldn't wait to open the gift from Tian Yan.

Fixed a bug. Zhao Xing was at the fifteenth level before entering the cave, and the ancient method of Juyuan was in the late stage, but the second volume was always recorded as the fourteenth level. Correct it now!

In addition, the third update will probably be very late, mainly because of some contextual errors.

The author does not play games or go out all day long. Except for eating and sleeping, he writes. He is really not lazy, nor is he delaying intentionally.

That's all!

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