Shennong Daojun

Chapter 108 Three Yangs in the sky, Zhao Xing causing trouble, Five Elements Earth-Splitting Techniq

Zhao Xing also looked over and saw two men and one woman on the flying boat of the Lieyang Army. One of them was a young man wearing a raincoat and a bamboo hat.

As for the other man and woman, their attires are different. The man is wearing armor and carrying a sword on his back, while the woman is wearing a cassock and carrying a brocade bag.

"It seems that these three people are the farmer, the warrior, and the Weaver Girl."

When participating in training, you cannot do anything special. Before this report, the equipment distributed was all standard equipment of the same grade.

Of course, you can still choose styles, such as the eighteen weapons of warriors, you can choose according to the weapons you are good at.

The selection range of mechanics is even wider.

It's just that the grades distributed are the same for everyone, and no one will be given any special treatment.

"Boy, if you encounter Si Nong from the Lieyang Army after entering, beat him up!" Long Xiao was very vindictive. "As long as you can't be beaten to death, I'll beat him to death."

"Why are you asking him to help you vent your anger?" Chen Shijie said, "Teach yourself well and go back to the Lieyang Army to challenge him."

"Zhao Xing, don't pay attention to him. After entering, look for the position of the agricultural supervisor as soon as possible."

"The higher you rank, the more points you will be given. If you can get 10,000 points, your subsequent training will be one step ahead."

"If you have enough points, you can even ask Colonel Sinong and Captain Sinong to give you one-on-one guidance."

Training in the military world naturally involves the strong training the weak.

The guidance of the strong is also a resource, and points can also be used to purchase times.

"I know." Zhao Xing and Chen Shijie are both extremely pragmatic.

A fight without any benefit? With this time to compete, I might as well plant some trees.

Helianlie and Lei Huan were also exhorting the people in Feizhou.

"Today at Youshi, the Army Sinong Reserves will report. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow it will be the turn of the other military branches."

"Zhuo Yue, after you enter, find your location immediately and rush to the Agriculture Supervisor."

"Everyone who ranks in the top 100 will be rewarded with points, but I hope you can get a better ranking."

Helianlie looked at the young man wearing a raincoat, Zhuo Yue, who was a young man he picked out from the local army.

In fact, many of the reserve army officers present had experience in serving in the military.

Many people were selected from positions such as Auxiliary Army, Taicang, Junshu, Tianling, etc. in the sub-level legion.

It's just that the Shiyang Cave Heaven armies have higher standards for military commanders.

Of course, many are assigned from well-known academies and Taoist schools.

As for those who were selected through the official assessment system? That's very little.

"I will do my best." Zhuo Yue nodded.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it came to Youshi.


The melodious bell rang, instantly spreading throughout the camp.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Countless figures jumped from the air to the lake.

The large lake below is one of the entrances to Shiyang Cave.

"So many people jumped into the lake. Those who dared to jump in were at least two to three thousand people." Zhao Xing looked at the dumpling-like scene below and couldn't help but sigh, it was really spectacular.

Whoosh~ whoosh~

At this time, he also jumped down and fell from a height of 100 meters.

The reason for jumping down from mid-air is to save time.

Although the boundary wall of the cave world is very thin at the entrance, if you swim like this by the lake, it will take a lot of time to cross the boundary wall.

But if you jump from the air, you can quickly cross. This is a special feature of the entrance to the lake.

If you choose this way to enter, you will suffer a strong impact when entering the boundary wall, so those who dare to jump down in the air are all confident in their own strength.

"Swish swish~"

Zhao Xing felt that the lake in front of him was getting closer and closer.

Long Xiao, who was standing on the boat and watching, couldn't help but admire: "He is so confident. His falling speed is already fast, and he wants to use the wind to speed up his falling speed."

"It's my first time to do this. I'm really not afraid at all."

Chen Shijie said: "You can only be confident if you have the ability."

Long Xiao watched Zhao Xing fall into the lake: "It's a pity that we have to go on our way and can't wait here... I really want to know for the first time which number he went to report. I hope he can give us a surprise."

"Watching it in the morning and evening is the same."

When Chen Shijie saw that Zhao Xing had disappeared on the lake, he raised his head and said, "Let's go to Xi'er County to see the Marquis."


The moment you enter the lake, your head is down, and the impact is not great, because this is not real water. The lake is actually the external representation of the cave-heaven boundary wall.

But when the whole body is submerged, there is an invisible repulsive force surrounding it, preventing it from falling.

The vitality rippled on the surface of his body and was also injected into the Cloud-Stepping Boots. Zhao Xing continued to swim downstream.

Keep descending quickly for about a quarter of an hour.


The repulsion reversed and turned into a powerful attraction!

"We have entered the scope of the cave world, and the repulsive force has turned into an attraction. This is to prevent the loss of cave material." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

At this point, he no longer had to use the Cloud Boots to accelerate, he just continued to fall according to the pull.

"Swish swish~"

The falling speed was getting faster and faster. Zhao Xing felt that he had dropped twenty or thirty meters in just one breath, and the speed was still increasing.

"The blue boundary wall is getting lighter and lighter, and it is about to pass through the boundary wall."

Zhao Xing was mentally prepared.


At some point, the light blue suddenly disappears from view and is replaced by grey-green.

Zhao Xing felt his whole body lighten, as if he had been detached from something.

But he fell even faster, and he also felt a burning sensation.

Because he appeared in the air.

In the sky of Shiyang Cave Heaven.

"Raise the wind!"

Zhao Xing had been unable to cast spells when he crossed the boundary wall before, but now he could.


The intermediate-level wind-raising spell did not achieve the expected effect. Zhao Xing felt the wind force, which was only half as powerful as the outside world.

Zhao Xing manipulated the wind force to reverse his body.

When he came in, he was head down, but now he was feet down.

"Step on the clouds!"

The floating power provided by the cloud-stepping boots appeared again.

But Zhao Xing found that he was still very fast. If he continued like this, it would still be very dangerous to hit the ground.

"The power of the earth veins is so strong. Shiyang Cave Heaven is equivalent to casting the underground palace method on everyone who comes in."

Swish, swish, swish!

Zhao Xing's fingertips emitted golden light, which hit the ground at a very fast speed.

Since the power of the earth veins in Shiyang Cave Heaven is strong enough, it is easier to perform the underground palace method.

[Boundless Underground Palace] can collect all external objects, and this collection power is naturally controlled by Zhao Xing. Naturally, it can also be used to offset the downward force.


A underground palace quickly formed on the shallow surface, reflecting the airspace where Zhao Xing was.


Zhao Xing cast the wind spell again, and this time the power of the spell returned to normal.

A strong wind supported Zhao Xing, and Zhao Xing's figure stabilized 20 meters above the ground.


The dead branches under his feet were crushed, and Zhao Xing fell to the ground.


Zhao Xing took a deep breath, but felt his chest burning, and he exhaled quickly.

"The air is a bit hot, how many days is it now?"

Zhao Xing looked up and found a total of three luminous bodies in the southeast, southwest, and north.

Among them, the luminous body in the north was the brightest, like the scorching sun at noon.

The light in the southeast and southwest is weaker, and ordinary people can also see it directly with their eyes.

"Three suns in the sky, the power is not particularly great." Zhao Xing narrowed his eyes slightly.

The Ten Suns Cave is named after these luminous bodies.

"The scene of Ten Suns in the sky is the least. In the five or six years since the cave was discovered, it has only appeared once, but once it appears, it is a disaster. Except for staying in the building covered by the magic circle, the fifth-grade strongman can't hold on for long. Below the fifth grade, they will die in a very short time."

"A single sun in the sky, rising in the east and setting in the west, is also rare. The probability is about the same as the ten suns in the sky, but once it appears, it represents a strong vitality, all things are revived, and many treasures will be born, just like the spiritual mountain."

"Under normal circumstances, there are three to five suns in the Ten Suns Cave, and not all suns are so powerful." Zhao Xing recalled the information in his mind.

Some of them were just seen in the armory, and some were learned in the previous life.

"Three Suns are flying in the sky now, and the positions are in the southeast, southwest, and due north. It's not too hot yet. It must be in the right position for the power of Three Suns to be complete." Zhao Xing thought to himself.

Now it is equivalent to two suns appearing in the sky at the same time. Although it is very hot for ordinary people, it is not very influential for Zhao Xing.

"The time on the evil-avoiding almanac is completely disordered." Zhao Xing took out the evil-avoiding almanac in his arms.

It is said that the process of entering the almanac is only about two quarters of an hour, but now the evil-avoiding almanac shows three quarters of an hour at noon.

Less than ten seconds later, it became one quarter of an hour at Xu.

"It was affected by the chaotic time in the Ten Yang Cave Heaven." Zhao Xing's eyes flashed with thought, "There is a way to calibrate it so that the time on the evil-avoiding almanac always follows the sun in the right position."

In the previous life, after exploring more than half of the Ten Yang Cave Heaven, the Minister of Agriculture summarized the Ten Yang Positioning Method.

The Ten Yang Positioning Method is very complicated, but the Three Yang Positioning Method is relatively simple.

"You just need to use the cloud method to block the rest of the sun's rays, open a window in the clouds, and point the evil-avoiding almanac to the sun in the right direction, and the time on the evil-avoiding almanac will return to normal."

"When the time function returns to normal, the direction function will also return to normal."

Zhao Xing planned to give it a try, because he now believed that southeast, southwest, and due north were judged by his own direction and light intensity.

But this judgment is not accurate. In different positions in the Ten Sun Cave Heaven and at different times, the intensity of the light body will cause errors in the current judgment.

If you want to make the direction accurate, you must rely on the almanac, a third-level top-grade treasure.

"Moving clouds!"

Zhao Xing was about to prop up the clouds above his head, but he didn't expect that a voice sounded two miles away, and golden light burst into the sky.

But someone else was also performing the cloud method.


Zhao Xing looked in that direction, and his bright eyes reflected a red square face.

"Is he also trying to calibrate the almanac?"

"Yes, although the ten-sun positioning method was only developed later, it is not surprising that someone knows the three-sun positioning method now."

He thought that the other party would remove the cloud after calibrating the almanac.

But he didn't expect that the other party kept holding the cloud, and didn't even look at the almanac, just walked in a certain direction.

The square-faced Si Nong himself didn't know how to calibrate the almanac, but he didn't want others to confirm the direction through the sun.

"He doesn't know how to calibrate the almanac, and he holds up the clouds just to block the three suns in the sky? He's so good at it, but he brings others to the same starting line... Well, this is very sinong."

Zhao Xing no longer hesitated when he saw this.


Golden light flashed straight into the sky.

Xingyun, which normally costs one piece of energy to cast, now costs twice as much, and the effect is greatly reduced.

However, Zhao Xing's clouds rolled nine layers in mid-air, forming a black vortex.

"Swallow the clouds!"

The overbearing cloud swallowing method begins to swallow other people's cloud energy and reduce one's own consumption.

Clouds quickly spread across the sky.

He forcefully tore apart and swallowed up Yunfa, who had a Chinese-character face, Si Nong.


The Chinese-character face was shocked.

He didn't expect that he would be knocked over by someone who came after him.

You must know that his cloud method is at the seventh level of the intermediate level, and he practices military cloud method. He is already among the masters in the reserve force.

Through induction, Guozixian soon saw Zhao Xing's presence.

"How come I have never seen such a domineering Yunfa that can actually tear apart the cloud energy that swallows me?"

"Which army do you belong to? My name is Ouyang Song. I was born in the Wupan Army in Lishui County, Pinghai Prefecture. Now I am about to join the Zhenhai Navy. Can you make a friend and let's..."

Ouyang Songzheng wanted to make friends with Zhao Xing and go to the Agriculture Supervision Bureau together to report.

But before he finished speaking, the clouds in the sky disappeared.

"Huh?" Ouyang Song looked at the sky in surprise. Didn't the clouds just hold up? Why did they remove them again?

Looking back, Zhao Xing also disappeared.

"There are so many masters." Ouyang Song looked at the direction in which Zhao Xing disappeared, and the pride in his heart disappeared. "I am a genius in the Wupan Army, but who is not a genius here?"

"Local geniuses are just the threshold for participating in training here. I'd better keep a low profile..."

Ouyang Song no longer supported the clouds, found a certain direction and walked honestly.

Tens of thousands of people entered Shiyang Cave, but Zhao Xing found that not many people landed around him.

Except for the young man with a Chinese character face whom he saw just now, after walking for a quarter of an hour, no one else was seen, and no movement of magic was found.

"It seems that I broke through the boundary wall relatively early, so as not to waste time fighting."

Zhao Xing looked at the map. Now he has come to a broken rock area. There is no grass around it, or it is very fine gravel, and it is dark red.

"Plain of Earth Fire, according to the mark on the map, I am on the east side of Plain of Earth Fire and the direction of the Agricultural Supervisor is on the west side of Plain of Earth Fire."

"I can take a detour, but it will take eight times the distance."

"But if you go to the Earth Fire Plain, it will be more dangerous. The fire of the earth veins floats on the surface. Even if you have a golden raincoat, you will be easily injured. Moreover, there are some high-quality exotic beasts blocking you in the Earth Fire Plain."

Taking a detour is not necessarily slower, because according to the information map given by Lao Chen, if you take a detour, the risk is less, and even if there are ferocious beasts, they will not be good.

If you want to pass quickly without detours, it depends on your ability.

"The Earth Fire Plain is an area where geniuses and mediocre people are screened. This terrain is enough to screen out 70% to 80% of the trainees." Zhao Xing did not hesitate and stepped directly into the Earth Fire Plain.

He is still somewhat confident in his own strength. He has practiced so many spells to perfection, which is enough to cope with many complex environments.

"The power of the earth's fire is raging, and there is no grass around. Otherwise, we can make up a few straw men to explore the way."

"Five Elements Earth Splitting Technique!"

After Zhao Xing quickly passed through a broken piece of earth fire rock with his cloud-stepping boots, he suddenly cast a spell towards the back.


The ground suddenly cracked, and a crack that spread seven or eight kilometers appeared behind Zhao Xing.

The dark red geofire rocks were exposed, and the geofire violently spurted out and soon spread out, forming a small river of magma.


The ground fire spurted out and formed a pillar, like a red ribbon. From the sky, it formed an isolation belt.

Good luck and success!

Zhao Xing showed a smile.

The same idea as Ouyang Song.

While you are on your way, you should also make it difficult for others to get on your way.

It happened that Zhao Xing discovered that the power of the earth veins here was abnormal, so it was best to use the Five Elements Earth Splitting Technique.

So Zhao Xing used it without hesitation.

"The Five Elements Earth Splitting Technique guides out the fire of the earth veins below. The Cloud-Stepping Boots can only make a short low-altitude leap. Even if the people behind want to fly over, they must consider whether they will be sprayed by the earth fire."

Zhao Xing looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction, and then continued on his way.

Shiyang Cave, Taicang Courtyard.

Taicangyuan is part of the Si Nong Supervisory Unit, and it is also the place where the military Sinong Reserves came to report this time.

At this time, in a palace in Taicang Yuan, two agricultural officers were sitting in front of the case.

In front of them, there were dozens of mirrors more than ten meters high.

What is reflected in the mirror is the main areas from the entrance to the Great Lake to the Taicang Courtyard of the Sinong Supervisor.

"The reservists participating in the training this time are average, and there are only a few who stand out." One of the middle-aged officials wearing Qilin Wolin uniform was drinking and flipping through a roster.

"Brother Lu, you say this every year." Another man wearing armor with seven auspicious clouds on his chest said with a smile: "Every year, these recruits are said to be the worst class. The year before last, Zhen Haijun and Lieyang Army were not the best. Are there just a few good ones? He was promoted to the commander level in two years."

"Zizhi, I said that their poor performance during training has nothing to do with their promotion later." Lupin looked at Zuo Zizhi, "What's more, the few you mentioned all relied on their family background to some extent, so they were promoted quickly."

"That's true. I hope there will be some good seedlings this year that can catch Brother Lu's eye." Zuo Zizhi said.

"Whether they are worthy of my attention or not, I have to train them. Who asked me to take this job?" Lupin threw the roster aside, "I just hope it won't be too boring. I'll take a nap first. Brother Zuo, please help keep an eye on it..."

"Buzz~~" Suddenly, one of the mirrors marking the Earth Fire Plain shook, and there were seven beads next to the mirror, representing gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind and thunder.

When the mirror shook, the red beads next to it also lit up, indicating that there was an abnormality in the area.

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